Thursday, February 15, 2024

I Don't Get These People

Some years ago, Dan had some dude who was in many ways allied with him, at least in his wacky leftist outlook about Christianity, with whom I attempted to engage in dialogue over the homosexual in the church issue.  Naturally, being like Dan in this regard, he sought to defend abomination and those who engage in it and eventually banned me from his blog on the laughable excuse that I was "monopolizing" the discussion, as if that's even possible on a forum in which people engage via the written word.  No one was obliged to read a word I had written, but the dude couldn't really cope with my many questions and critiques of his stance, very much the way Dan is lacking in that regard.  (Can't really blame them as there is no defense they could possibly muster.)

Anyway, this same dude...and I'll have to do some research to get the name of his blog, if not his name as well (not sure I care enough to make that effort, but will if I need to do so)...did a piece about washing people's feet during Sunday service, something his church instituted on at least one occasion.  The dude was really smitten by this engaging in this act and somehow felt holier as a result.  

I thought about this dude when coming across this PSA during the SuperBowl, and it's garnered much attention by knowledgeable Christians who basically saw it and thought something along the lines of "Wha....?"  Here's Matt Walsh commenting on it:

Walsh's commentary pretty much covers all the bases, but the most worrisome aspect of the spot is how it wastes the opportunity on something so vapid and empty.   

This isn't the only "Jesus Gets Us" spot we've seen, but it is arguably the most ludicrous.  And I agree with Walsh that it is likely put forth by those lacking true Christian knowledge and understanding, or worse, they're leftist "Christians" like Dan and his ilk.  Their point of view is a mockery of  Christ, His Message and the reason He came to exist among humanity.  

Given the attention this particular spot has drawn, I'd be surprised to see many more of them.  At least I would hope there would be no more of them.  The nation needs real Christianity.  Not this crap.

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