Saturday, February 10, 2024

Craig's Pro Trump Posts--Chapter One

 I don't usually do posts about one is as much allied with my way of thinking than Craig.  I like Craig.  A lot.  So much so I don't hold his support of the Kansas City Chiefs against him (Go 9ers!).  But in a recent and somewhat ongoing conversation with Craig, I suggested I might go through his archives to find all those places wherein he claimed to give Trump credit for good things he's done.  I did this in kinship with my claim that he focuses only on things Trump didn't do well enough in his mind, and in doing so ignored all the good things he did, as my position is that in the aggregate, Trump's good stuff far outweighs the bad.  Craig said, "Feel free."  So here it is.  This is the first of it, covering 2016.  I was going to begin in 2015, and if there's anything good Craig said about him in that year, well, he'll have to provide it. I've been doing this off and on all day and now it's 02:34 and I gotta throw back the rest of this Port and hit the rack.  So, without further ado:

2/5/2015  A post about candidates insisting they're not "establishment"

I'll just point out that he's admitted giving contributions to politicians on both sides of the aisle to get them do do what he wants them to do, as well as his love of eminent domain.   Oh, and anyone who can say, "Well I just got a 1 million dollar loan from my dad...".   Enough said.
February 27, 2016

You mention Trump in this post about character, by suggesting his lack of it.
February 19, 2016

The first post I found about Trump, entitled "Trump".  The best you've said about him is that there are some things he said with which you agreed.  You go on to mention he made promises you didn't think he'd be able to accomplish without listing any of them.  Many thought he'd fail to accomplish a number of things he intended to od, and yet he did.  
March 2, 2016

"LIberals Are Idiots"

Not exactly high praise for Trump here, suspecting the libs would be best trying to promote Trump to better result in a Hillary win, or a better GOP candidate.
July 24, 2016

"The Choice We Have For President"

The best one can say here is that Craig seems to regard Trump as less vile than Hillary. Not really glowing support for Trump, but the election hasn't happened yet at this point.  He had a commenter named "Alec" or "Alex" who posted something from another person who basicially gave the same reasons for not voting for either Hillary or Trump.  The problem is that what he said don't match what Trump would eventually do.  That's OK.  I had similar concerns at the time.
July 29, 2016
"First impressions "

This is the first one I've seen which actually seems to defend Trump, but in a very peripheral manner.

 October 31, 2016
"Election stuff"

Sorta defending Trump, but by attacking what's said about him.  Ironic given how often my "support" for Trump is no more than criticizing that which is said about him.
October 27, 2016

Another post which mentions Trump quite a bit, while not actually being about Trump.  I just thought I'd add it since he is mentioned.

October 8, 2016
"NEWS FLASH !!!!!!!!!!!!"

This post is mostly about the Billy Bush tape and what it means prior to the election.  It took a while to find any comments of my own, but I'm feeling good about how consistent my position has been between then and now.  Craig doesn't really speak well of Trump here, though he gives Dan crap for the leftist perspective of overhyping the seriousness of the tape, even though he regarded it seriously himself, as I did as well.   Not having compared it to Dan's blog of the same period, it still stands as one of the first instances of Dan exploiting this tape in the typical dishonest manner intending to demonize Trump beyond reality.  Sadly, at the end, we can see the possibility that Craig with withhold his vote on "character" grounds, thereby allowing the greater of two evils to succeed.  He contends his focus is better spent on down ballot voting to rationalize his unforunate choice.  
October 6, 2016

This one is supportive of Trump in the sense that Craig defends Trump against charges related to his legal use of the codified tax code.   But again, it's more of a slight against Trump's accusers.
November 10, 2016
"Anybody recall..."

To a degree, somewhat favorable toward Trump.
 November 9, 2016
"Post election fallout "

OK!  Craig's point four actually is laudatory.  He's giving Trump a degree of props here!

Yeah, I know I started with a post from Feb of 2015, but it was shortly thereafter I decided to 86 that year and get closer to the time Trump would actually have done something for which anyone would commend him.  I probably should have started from Jan 2017 when he was actually president, but now that I've gathered it all, I'm freaking posting it. 

I would note that in one of the final posts, Craig speaks of not voting for Trump and instead focusing on down ballots given his blue state being as freaking blue as it is.  At the time, I was still an Illinois resident and had absolutely no GOP reps in either the House or the Senate  and no freaking chance of that changing simply because I don't vote for assholes.  It doesn't freakin' matter how blue one's state is.  Vote for the least leftist person running for any office, including and most importantly the presidency. 

(As far as most important, it's really one's local school board.  One really needs to pay attention there and be sure to vote to make sure sexual deviates don't win.)

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