Saturday, April 08, 2023

An Example Of True GOP Shamefulness

What follows is a response to a response to a message from me to my member of Congress, Nancy Mace.  I moved here just in time to vote for her.  I never will again.


I recently responded to a most recent email from you entitled, "Springtime In The Lowcountry", in which you proudly announced the introduction of "a bill called The Women’s Healthcare Anti-Death Penalty Construction Act to categorize the death penalty for women who seek an abortion as “cruel and unusual punishment,”" after which you said, "No woman should be sentenced to death for seeking an abortion, that’s just crazy."  In reply to my response, you emailed me the following:

"Rep. Mace believes it is outrageous to give more rights to rapists than women who've been raped. It's, quite frankly, an extreme and disgusting position to take. And you know what, the bill in SC that was proposed is worse than the Taliban. If you have an abortion you get 7 years in jail with the Taliban, but to the extreme lawmakers who proposed the SC bill that would execute women who have abortions, that's far far worse. It's abhorrent."

Before I respond to this response, I want to point out a major problem with the email, a linked story from a local NBC affiliate news site and first, a quote from the first paragraph:  "No woman should be sentenced to death for seeking an abortion, that’s just crazy."  I don't know that there is any jurisdiction who sentences anyone to death for seeking to murder someone.  What is at issue regards those women who actually went through with an abortion.  Is this a slip of the tongue, or an intentional distortion to more effectively demonize those who defend innocent life?  I don't believe anyone ever got the death penalty for trying to hire a hit man, or conspiring to murder, so why would you say that? 

Next, from the article to which you linked:

"It is part of the right against cruel and unusual punishment..." 

Capital punishment for murder is not considered cruel and unusual punishment in 27 states (though there's a moratorium in three of them).  That it is ostensibly considered cruel and unusual punishment in the other 23 states is absurd given it is no worse than the crime of murder itself, and the fact that the sentence is not hidden from public knowledge and thus, one who murders knows up front the punishment if found guilty, yet murdered anyway.  What's more, what punishment better fits the unjust taking of life if not CP?  How does one demonstrate compassion for the life of the innocent but by promising death to any who murders?  "We revere life to such a great extent that justice demands the life of one who murders."  That's not cruel and unusual.  It's justice for the dead and the dead's survivors.

Among the worst of murderers are those who murder children.  Even most who oppose CP have a harder time opposing CP for those who murder children.  And when that murderer is a parent of the child or children murdered, most people are more righteously outraged to an even far greater degree.  But when it comes to abortion, we're to ignore the FACT that what is being terminated by the pregnant woman is her own child and pretend that's not murder at all?  THAT is just crazy, not executing a woman who murders her own child.   Indeed, it is in no way "a manifest miscarriage of justice".  It IS justice.

And who else most qualifies for CP?  The hitman.  To take money to murder another will almost guarantee a death penalty sentence.  And your bill would remove that incentive to not murder for the hitmen involved in abortions...the "doctors" who perform this most heinous of human acts.  
It is a stain on the character of this nation, and more so on any of its people, who argues there's any difference between a person born versus one soon to be, to the extent they are willing to dispense with logic, science, truth and absolute compassion for life in order to rationalize the unjust termination of the most innocent and defenseless of our kind.  No one who presumes to identify as a "Constitutionalist" would dare attempt to argue against life in such a convoluted way.  Indeed, such a person is a liar of the worst kind.

" Such right is clearly established at law..."

Again, those who claim to be "Constitutionalists" cannot pretend this "established law" was established based on any known Constitutional principle, as the Dobbs decision clearly reminds us.  And then to rely on this sham of an argument further confirms the dishonesty of one who puts such forth.

  "“Executing a woman who chooses not to carry her rapist’s child to term is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment,”"

Actually, it's not even close to the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment.  Here's a much more accurate example of cruel and unusual punishment (Scroll down to section "E".):

The "mother" who aborts and is sentenced to CP would not be subjected to any of these forms of cruel and unusual punishment to which she agrees to submit her child.  And for what is her child being punished?  For the "crime" of having been conceived.

"Life is sacred and should be valued. Executing women goes directly against that belief. We should, for the American people, reject extremism on both sides of the aisle."

A more egregious example of straight up lying and deception would be hard to find.  If you regard life as sacred and to be valued, then how can you allow the unjust murder of the unborn while never punishing those who murdered the child?  We execute murderers as a demonstration of our regard for life, as we insist that to murder demands that the murderer must also die.  One doesn't demonstrate regard for life while at the same time granting regard for the murderer who took it. 

As to "extremism", please explain how true regard for innocent life is in any way "extreme".  One needn't be an actual person of religious faith to understand how the defense of innocent life is pretty basic stuff for anyone who wishes to be regarded as a decent human being.  But you only want to consider the life of people who unjustly take innocent life...preferring to somehow still describe them as "innocent" or "victims of extremism"? 

(The following was not added to the message to Mace, but should have been, since it addresses the "pro-life=religious" canard:

To further prove your contemptible dishonesty, you pretend it matters that a woman seeking an abortion may have been raped.  The hyperlink to H.R. 2430 does not provide the text for public viewing.  But nowhere in your email or the article to which it links makes any mention of rape in the bill, nor any reference to how a woman might become pregnant before having the child murdered by an abortionist on her behalf.  But as you seem to suggest that's the sole impetus for your concern in introducing a vile bill such as this, you might want to talk to any of the many people conceived during a rape for their input on the matter.  You can also find any number of women who's child was the result of their having been raped, yet like true women of honor, they didn't hold it against the children so conceived.  Sure, there are women who are so traumatized they can't get past the resemblance of the child's face to that of her attacker.  Others who feign such trauma.  They can all be aided in finding good psychological help in learning how to cope and to separate the child from the father.  They can also give the child up for adoption.  

Now, for my response to your response.

Who, aside from George Soros supported D.A.s and prosecutors, give rapists any rights at all, much less more rights than their victims?  Name these people.  No one who defends the innocent and defenseless unborn do.  If any were to have murdered their victim after raping her, he would without question be a dead man walking.  What kind of crap is that?

 But this issue concerns those who murder the unborn...not anyone who simply partook in its conception, unless of course the father was active in aiding and abetting in the abortion.  So NO ONE is suggesting such "an extreme and disgusting position" but you.  And I don't give a flying rat's ass what the Taliban does or what any other country does.  We're talking about the corrupt character of THIS country, a corrupt character of which I see no evidence of your efforts to improve.  We are not a "good people" when we abuse children and less so when we murder them at any age or at any stage of their development.  We are scum.  And by "we", I mean you and those like you.  It's abhorrent and outrageous to give more rights to women who've murdered their children than to the children they murdered in the womb.

You need to do a 180 on this crap sandwich.  It won't win you back my vote.  That's long gone now.  But a reversal by you expressing the facts, logic and truths your bill ignores might result in the lives of thousands of children saved.  It may also lead to women (and their men) being more mature and responsible.  But those who murder children must be punished severely.  OH!!!  That brings up one more point:  If you oppose executing these murderers, just what punishment do you suggest instead?  ANYTHING AT ALL?