Saturday, September 24, 2022

More On The Real Threat

I want to continue with thoughts of who represents the greatest threat to the nation.  Moronic President Joe Biden would have us believe it's the domestic terrorism of the mysterious white supremacists, or the dreaded "MAGA Republicans".   It's quite clear from all I presented in the previous post just how idiotic those possibilities are.'s not to say there exists no threats of any kind from either camp.  The possibility there might be some wackjob among either group is a matter of statistical possibility.  But "the greatest"???  Not by a long shot.

To carry on with this theme, I'm going to offer up a one or two (or more) items to further render that trope as the ridiculous bullshit it is.  To that end, I begin with the following from Wintery Knight:

Regardless whence came the authorization to pad the stats as described by whistleblower, FBI Special Agent Steve Friend, it represents a true threat to the republic that such a thing should be happening within a department of law enforcement created to enforce the law on behalf of we the people.  As we've seen in the case of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and allegations regarding incitement of Trump-supporters at the Capitol on Jan 6 of 2021, it seems clear there are no limits to what the FBI, and thus by the United State Department of Justice, will do in dealing with political enemies.  And make no mistake...this is all being perpetrated against "enemies" of the leftists in our government who are currently in power.  Said another way, not only are "MAGA Republicans" and "white supremacists" not a true threat to "our democracy", the actual true threat is lying in order to make it appear a threat is coming from those groups.  

Here's another way the threat has manifested and puts us at risk:  

Back during the Bill Clinton years, not long after the break up of the Soviet Union, there were nations within that Union in which the commies had nuclear weapons based.  One of these was Ukraine.  At that time, the Ruskies wanted what they claimed was their property...their nukes.  A deal was cut between them, the UK (as I recall reading), the Ukraine and the USA to return those weapons to the Ruskies.  In return, Russia "promised" to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and the rest of us "promised" to support Ukraine from aggression by a now more powerful Russia.  Pardon me for the simplistic explanation of the situation, and any problems with what few details I provided.  But that was the deal in a nutshell.  At this point hindsight exposes the stupidity of making such a deal with a former adversary who shouldn't have been given such trust.  It now seems extremely stupid of Ukraine to agree to such a deal and thus rely on another nation when retaining those nukes would have been all the security they needed.

Fast forward to today and the stupidity is more clear...stupidity perpetrated by a leftist of our own, to say nothing of the treacherous nature of the Russian leftists themselves.  Now, for the mere crime of seeking entry into the NATO club, the Russians felt aggrieved and worried about another NATO nation at their border.  As it turns out, a few months before war broke out between Putin of Russia and Zelenskyy of Ukraine, they had an actual agreement to their mutual satisfaction which would have prevented this war from proceeding.  And who do you suppose put an end to that possibility?  Leftists.  Specifically, OUR leftists.  Tucker Carlson spoke of this a couple of nights ago:

Now, even if Carlson is wrong in what he reported, one thing that is certain is that from the beginning, all we heard out of this administration were threats.  Tough talk.  Biden trying to assert his power as if he actually scares anybody.  I don't recall hearing anything that suggested diplomacy and that which took place between Russia and Ukraine back in April.  

There's so much more I could add which supports the premise...the reality...that the left is the true threat to our safety in so many ways.  I may add to this post or begin a third on the subject.  But it is indeed the reality.  It's not "MAGA Republicans".  It's not "white supremacists".  It's the left.  They endanger us on every level constantly and have been for quite some time.  It is happening with far more boldness and with far less concern for which of us and how many of us suffer.  This trend was compounded by the rejection of Donald Trump, and hopefully a reversal can begin with the midterm elections in November and then with a GOP president in 2024, be it Trump or another.  Until then, and likely for some time after, we have to assume we're each on our own. 

Some will say we're in God's hands.  Some will say we must suffer in order to really turn to Him as we should.  Some will say suffering is inevitable before Christ returns.  There is nothing which compels us to bring about suffering for that purpose.  Indeed, we must do whatever we can to reduce, if not eliminate, suffering.  That requires preventing the left from running the show and persuading leftist voters to wake the hell up...for their own sake as well as for our own.  To that end, delve more deeply into all I've put forth in this and the previous post and challenge leftist family and friends to counter it.  They won't be able to do so. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Real Threat

It's been said that the greatest threat to "our democracy" is "white supremacy", "MAGA Republicans" or some combination of the two depending on who's talking at any given moment.  Recently, an FBI whistleblower has come forward accusing his superiors of acting to inflate the numbers of those who can be legitimately regarded as "domestic terrorists"...another term bandied about by Democrats (like Biden and useful idiots among the populace) order to further support Democratic attempts to impede GOP/conservative advancement in the political arena.

Of course this is all bullshit.  Bullshit is an important tool of the left, as truth, facts and evidence so routinely confound their intentions.  With that in mind, I need to put forth one caveat before I continue:  I am not seeking to imply there are never any acts of violence perpetrated by right-leaning individuals.   Not in the least.  But it's clear they are the least threatening of Americans.  They are far more likely to do their fighting in the voting booth or the debate stage.  Conservatives don't even hardly ever protest or march.  To suggest they are lying in wait for some opportunity to lash out is absurd and is something for which there is no real evidence...certainly not on any grand scale.

But leftists are a whole 'nuther story.  A recent example is the case of the dude who killed a young man because of some perception the young man is conservative.  And of course we all remember Steve Scalise almost dying because of the murderous intentions of a leftist.  

Not all of it is overtly political...that is, politics as motivation.  But I think an easy argument can be made that the political leanings of the most violent are to port.  The question is how many of the most violent actually vote.  I have no idea, but where they do, it's not likely they're voting for law and order...a conservative plank.

The recent passing of Colin Flaherty removed from us one who unabashedly reported on the phenomenon of black violence in America.  While I've not read or watched all of what he had produced in his life, I can say with confidence his effort was not a racially motivated one, but rather to highlight how racially motivated the suppressive nature of media response to black violence has been...a media largely run and ruled by leftists.  He had a standing reward for anyone who could document the type of incidents he reported, but by white people or even other non-black people.  No such example had been produced while he yet lived.  We see so many examples today of violence and looting perpetrated by black groups of people and what's most alarming is how little we hear from black people about it.  Sure, we hear from those like Candace Owens and a few others.  But more often we hear excuses and rationalizations from the more race-hustling representatives of the black community.  How can this be?  If there were routine incidents of criminality perpetrated by handsome Polish-Americans, I'd be out front railing against such behavior as it clearly makes people distrustful (at the very least) of those like me.  But it wouldn't help to focus on the response of those not handsome and Polish toward perpetrators.  I wouldn't be doing any good with such a response.  I would have to speak to the perpetrators and insist they understand just how damaging their behavior is to how the rest of society regards us.

But then, I'm not a leftist.  I put the blame where it belongs and I'm of the mind that we must clean our own houses.  And what does the left do?  Just the opposite.  The issue here, again, isn't race, but the fact that the left enables this behavior for whatever reason.  Leftist race-hustlers welcome it to a great extent, by their policies and proposals.  A group of Chicago survivors of violence protested to moron Kim Foxx regarding her lax response to crime, her choice of whom to prosecute or not and the consequences of her abject stupidity and racism.  Most of these survivors were related to victims of homicides perpetrated by those who should have been in a cell instead of out on the street.  The aforementioned asshat who ran over the conservative kid is out on a $50,000 bond (he was white, so...) instead of in jail.  It's what the left's been doing...making us victims of the worst of our kind under the bullshit premise of "equity".   Laws have been changed, punishments lessened because the people being jailed for violent crimes were black people and there were allegedly more of them than non-blacks jailed, as if their freakin' race matters.  Hey, black lives of criminals don't matter more than any of their victims regardless of the race of the victim.  I couldn't care less if a victim is black, white, striped or paisley, nor do I give a flying rat's ass about the race of the perpetrator.  I want the criminal punished and punished hard.  And what do the leftist politicians want?  They want the law-abiding to be unarmed and unprotected.

Again, I've no doubt there are non-black murderers, thieves and rapists.  That's not the point.  The point is why any of them would be walking freely to murder, steal and rape again.  Who is allowing that?  Leftist politicians and those who so stupidly voted for them.

And it gets worse.  Biden trashed what was a fairly effective (trying to be objective here) border policy and what has been the result?  Millions of invaders bringing drugs and crime.  Indeed, the demise of so many of the non-violent and non-criminal of these very people is the fault of Biden and those who allowed him to become president.  Dead are washed up on the banks of Texas rivers, stinking up trailers and rotting in the desert.  Women and girls are raped while trying to enter the country illegally and for all of that, the most evil of criminals...the cartels...are raking in huge sums, enabled by Biden's moronic, Trump-hating policies.  How many times must we hear of Americans and even illegals killed by illegals, by MS-13 assholes and by the fentanyl so easily brought in through a border with no obstruction to prevent it?

Oh, but that's not all.  While our worst enemy, China, increases its ability to become the foremost world power, our Commander-In-Chief has appointed a complete asshat to oversee our military, making it "diverse" instead of deadly, filled with perverts and the disordered rather than the most effective soldiers possible for our defense.  And do we have enough to defend against attack from more than one direction...even one freakin' direction?  I don't want to find out the hard way.  Not while this asshole is in office and this party in the majority.  

There is really no angle from which one could stand and not see the reality as regards the real threat to the nation.  It is not a few white racists.  It is not "MAGA Republicans".  It is not the right at all.  It is the left, the Democratic Party and all who vote for them.  They are the true threat to our existence and I've only scratched the surface here.  Black or white, young or old, born or about to be, there is no greater threat to our lives than the left.  There's no denying it.  There's no argument which can be made to debunk this reality.  I challenge anyone to try.

Addendum:  A timely example of what I was talking about:

Just So There's No Confusion....

...I still would love to be educated on just how allowing Biden to win the election results in a clear conscience.  There was no doubt the nation would suffer under the "leadership" of a guy who's never accomplished anything during almost 50 years in politics.  As shocked as I was how well Trump did as president, my shock at how badly this asshole is harming the nation is far greater, and I'm under no delusion we've seen the worst of it.  

Now, it's one thing for some dumbass from Louisville to go on in his stupidity about how we'll be better off than another four years of Trump.  Such abject idiocy is a given.  The sad thing is finding out how many were foolish enough to presume it wouldn't be noticeably worse than even the Obama years, and that's without needing to know how bad it actually has been.  When even Obama was said to have expressed words to the effect that one shouldn't under estimate Biden's ability to f**k things up, it would seem that those who insist they are keen on doing God's will would not move in a manner which allows such great harm to befall their fellow citizens.   How is letting such a moron win the presidency be a manifestation of serving God?   I'm no genius, but few things seemed more likely than that this schmuck would muck things up royally, and he's surpassed my greatest fears.  No doubt the best is yet to come, particularly if we can't take either, if not both, Houses of Congress.

One fellow seems to think I'm criticizing those who didn't vote as I did, as if that's the point.  It isn't.  The point is that if we are truly to serve our fellow man as Christians, that can't include allowing someone like Joe Biden to be president just because Trump isn't a freakin' Apostle of Christ.  It's absurd and a clear conflict if one wishes to strut as following one's Christian conscience.  While our duty is first to God...obviously...that duty includes our service to others.  And while Trump's first try might have come with more justification for rejecting him, his second followed four years in which he proved himself as not only capable of being president, but of being a good one.  

Then there are others who almost seem to look for reasons not to vote for Trump if he manages to be the GOP candidate for 2024.  Too much baggage....too old...too likely to have another four years of constant conflict and obstruction...yada, yada, yada.  It's all bullshit.  All we need to know is that he did good and that means he's likely....not guaranteed, as there can be no such do well again and damn it if we don't need a proven commodity at this stage of the game.

So at the point, I am under no compulsion to act nice to those who make no sense about something which has had such weight.  The suffering of so many are at the feet of ALL who chose not to vote for Trump in 2020.  Each such person is complicit in increasing speed at which we are descending.  And when I think of all the many ways things have devolved into absolute shit, I am most disappointed with those who stand on empty piety and sanctimony...empty for the harm which has resulted, despite the intentions.  This is no freakin' game.  This is serious shit.  We are all in greater jeopardy because Biden won the election and one doesn't serve God by pretending rejecting an imperfect man does the trick when so much is on the line.

You know, when I voted for Trump, I wasn't voting for adultery, crass talk or any of the other unimportant possibilities which never manifested anyway.  I was voting for things like lower taxes and fewer crippling regulations, a strong border with improved enforcement of immigration law, a strong military, a growing economy, more Constitution loving judges and justices on the courts, safer streets and things like that.  I've been told that there's no one who can make the nation more Christian and yet because Trump wasn't a decent example of a Christian, all those other things which are within the duties of a president are apparently worthless and unimportant in choosing between candidates most likely to be elected. 

I guess those who have made their choice must stand firmly behind the poorly explained reasons why they made it.   Fine.  Just don't try to tell me God is in any way pleased with that choice given all the data available before making it.  It just doesn't wash.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Liberal/Progressive/Democrat/Socialist (same things) Hypocrisy

So I'm back from my trip to Illinois to celebrate my daughter's wedding.  A great time was had by all.  The old man was all verklempt.  Then joyous and celebratory and a bit pasted. 

Now it's back to the routine we are creating in our new home and here, a post about the real threat to our republic (not democracy, since we're the former, not the latter).

And this is about the illegal immigration problem and the leftist lies and hypocrisy regarding this issue. 

We begin with the failure to re-elect Donald Trump through fraud, deceit and and other election irregularities, as well as too many not voting at all, and too many pretending they were smart or virtuous  in not voting for Trump (they were neither).  Soon after his inauguration, Biden reversed much of...if not all of...Trump's border policies.  The materials for the border wall were left to rust.  The Remain in Mexico policy was discarded.  Swarms of illegals saw this moron's position as an invitation to ignore the sovereignty of our border and the rule of law and enter in any manner they believe most beneficial to do so.  The results have been catastrophic.  As millions have entered, our border states have been overwhelmed.  Drugs and thugs have poured in along with them and many have died in the attempt to enter...drowning in river crossings, dying packed in trailers, murdered and raped by assholes among them.  Biden believed it wise to fly these people all over the country in the dead of night with little to no consent by those running the towns/states to which they were transported. 

As this was happening, fentanyl killed an ungodly amount of Americans.  Crime was multiplied by the addition of foreign thugs and Americans and other illegals were their victims.  

Why was this?  It was because Trump and the GOP are falsely labeled as racists and haters of "brown people".  Protecting our border and enforcing our laws and thinking about our nation and it's people before foreigners is somehow a mortal sin in the immoral minds of the leftists.  This blatant lie led to various Dem run cities to declare themselves "sanctuary cities", where illegals can feel safe and protected from the evil white racists right-wingers who would see them deported.  We had been seeing this bullshit attitude for a long time, as social justice warriors...long before the term was even coined...railed against ICE raids on businesses as an oppressive horror.

Then an idea was born!  Governors of border states, forced to deal with the constant influx of who knows who illegally crossing our borders and all that goes with it, decided to transport by bus or plane these people to sanctuary cities!  It was a brilliant plan of immense logic.  As Ron DeSantis recently stated, these places were made for them!  These places were led by those who have more compassion than Republicans!  Thus, these sad unfortunates would surely be better off among those who are such better people, than to be constantly threatened by the evil, racist GOP.  

But it turned out the left is not so compassionate after all, if it means using their resources to accommodate these people.  Mayors in DC. Chicago and NYC all complained about what a horrible thing it was to send these people to their cities, even though the migrants consented to being transported.  One moron even whined about now being a "border state", as if only actual border states must accommodate the influx without their consent.  Now, having a few hundred sent to them was a burden.  Never mind that the border states are dealing with ten times that amount on a regular basis every month and have been since Biden was sworn in.

It got worse.  Ron DeSantis decided to send about fifty of them from his state to Martha's Vinyard.  But the people there don't want Venezuelans, and they decided to ship them to Cape Cod, whining that they don't have the ability to deal with these illegals.  Barack Obama alone could accommodate fifty extra people on his sprawling property there.  There are so many empty rooms after the summers season, they could house far more than fifty for at least the winter, and given the many extremely rich leftists who live there...all of whom either supported a Dem or a socialist like Bernie Sanders and regard themselves are morally superiors...they could easily feed and house hundreds on their properties alone.  

Unfortunately, the reality is just as we always knew it to be.  The left has no problem pushing policies that are stupid, dangerous, expensive and problematic so long as they don't have to live with the repercussions.  It's how they roll.  It's how they've always rolled.  Token efforts to care for the less fortunate go only so far, but real work is to much effort.  The real point is to be regarded as caring, not to really care in a way that makes a real difference in the lives of those they champion.  

Then they have the gall to assert these various GOP governors are exploiting the illegals as political pawns.  I heard well known vermin "Pencil" Dick Durbin say this, as well as some local political hack on Martha's Vinyard say it, too.  It's now a common theme among the left as they've found another meme on which to latch.  Homophobe Joy "someone hacked by twitter account" Reid dared mock conservatives as fake Christians for shipping illegals to the towns of fake human beings like her.

Of course, the left doesn't just pretend to care about illegals.  They pretend to care about the black community while it continues to deteriorate.  And they show no regard for the people of Martha's Vinyard who are not rich leftist assholes who've commandeered the island for their own elitist selfishness:

These are the people who dare tell us how to live, what to regard as sacred, who we should be supporting while they crap on our beliefs, and who mock what this nation was meant to be.  They are liars and hypocrites of the worst kind, and this whole episode has exposed their hypocrisy in ways that should shame them completely, but no way in hell ever will. 

Friday, September 09, 2022

It Never Ends With These People!

The above link is to an article describing another leftist moron and his perverse corruption of Scripture.  Like so many "progressives" who pretend to be Christian, as well as those who don't, they pretend that because Jesus doesn't actually say something specific to an issue they support or defend, then, by golly, we who truly revere the Risen Lord are wrong to suggest what a proper Christian is obligated to believe.  

We know that God has prohibited murder.  We know that He regards all human beings as having been created in His image and likeness and by virtue of that fact, we are prohibited from murdering each other.  We also know that from the moment of conception, one is a person endowed by Him with the unalienable right to life.  We know this because science affirms that we are all living people from that moment, that at that moment, we are the product of the very act designed to bring about new human life.  There is absolutely no way to "reason" around what is so blatantly true with regard to this issue.  

But so devoted are these monsters to the "right" to get laid, that they have convinced themselves...or pretend to have...that a person is not a person so long as that person needs to be eliminated and any obligation to that person along with it.  They mask this reality with lamentations about women who in reality simply don't wish to step up and deal with the consequences of their actions, or simply the consequences of living life.  They are scum for their abject disregard for the lives and welfare of the most innocent and defenseless of our kind, pretending that whatever the "mother" is going through is somehow more important than the life brought about by their action or the actions of others imposed upon them.  

The truth is that nothing done to any woman justifies a response to it like the willful murder of her own child.  She may not have wanted to conceive, but having conceived she has a moral duty to the child now growing within her.  This in no way relieves the man involved of any responsibility.  But the man doesn't carry the child.  The woman does and ultimately no one else bears the fullest responsibility for the care and welfare of the conceived.  

Rather than pretend Jesus said nothing about abortion specifically, I challenge these immoral degenerates to provide any evidence that Jesus would not care.  Until any of these fake Christians can do that, then their condescension is as empty as that spot where a soul is supposed to be.  They disgust me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

More About The Truly Conned


The above video is twelve minutes of people repeating lies about stolen elections.  All these Trump supporters are conned by Trump into believing...hey!...wait a minute! 

...And One Not Conned At All

The above video contains a black voice of the type for which leftists have no concern.  He is also "MAGA" and by his words indicts leftists who for no reason of reason feel free to demonize better people.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Like Baby Kangaroos!

Along with the "conman/conned" nonsense discussed in my previous post, another common bit of leftist lie suggests the GOP is in the pocket of the National Rifle Association.  But the very notion is patently absurd, and always has been.

I even found a lefty who at least understands ragging against "the gun lobby" is bullshit politics:

The NRA and the gun industry simply doesn't have the kind of control of right-wing politicians the lying left wants stupid lefty voters to believe. 

The following link compares donations from the North Carolina Association of Educators over a three year period to that which was donated by the NRA:

Given the low regard lefties have of the better people on the right, it seems incongruous to believe any GOP politician would be "in the pocket" of the NRA or "gun lobby" for what amounts to chump change.  At the same time, it's crystal clear state and federal Education Associations and teacher unions favor the Democratic Party, and by this last link, it should be clear they dwarf donations by the NRA.  

The following provides donation lists broken down in several ways.

We can clearly see labor and teachers unions are massive donors to the Dems.  Thus, by the logic of those criticizing "the gun lobby", Dems are in the pockets of teacher and labor unions.  Why is it we don't typically hear them characterized as dictating Dem policy as we hear from lefties how the NRA dictates GOP policy? 

While I see a lot of "gay" people on FoxNews these days, I think it's a safe bet that the Dem party is in the purses of the LGBT community and likely gets a greater portion of "LGBT money" than does the GOP.  I haven't been able to confirm this, and I've seen some articles purporting less support for Dems by those least in the coming cycle.  We'll see.  Historically, I think it's clear who gets that lobby's support.

Then there those in entertainment.  I saw a list of donations from those in the industry and it leads one to believe the Dems are in their pockets as well.  

The bottom line here is the nonsense insistence the GOP doesn't make a move...particularly on guns and 2nd Amendment issues...without the NRA telling them what to do...that GOP politicians await marching orders from the NRA.  It's absurd.  The Constitution is clear on the issue of gun ownership.  There's no reason any politician with any fealty for the Constitution would need any fiduciary encouragement to act in accordance with that document.  Given the pandering so common by the Dems on so many issues, it's far more certain the Dems are motivated by donations far more than the average GOP candidate...Mitch McConnell notwithstanding. 

Friday, September 02, 2022

True Conmen and the Truly Conned

Confidence game:  A swindle in which the victim is defrauded after his or her confidence has been won.  A confidence man...or, a "con man" he who does the swindling after convincing a victim to have confidence in the swindle is a legit plan which will benefit the victim, and trust in the swindler to deliver on the promise of the swindle.

Donald Trump is often described as a conman.  It's a common theme of Dan Trabue...among many...regarding the character of Trump.  Yet, after six years, Dan has yet to describe what the con is, how Trump will profit from it and how his supporters will be scammed.  He hasn't even come close to trying...anymore than anyone else has...but he persists with this empty charge.  The reality, however, is that support for a second Trump term in office is not a matter of being fooled, but one of acknowledging how well he improved things in the United States over his predecessor(s).  80% of the population enjoying tax breaks, unemployment the lowest it's been since the early 1960's (meaning more people earning in support of themselves and their families), better jobs that are more than temporary, part-time or government jobs as during Obama's time, a reduction in illegal immigrant invasion, a stronger military, withdrawal from nonsensical treaties and agreements which weren't serving us well at all, and more.  If all this was part of a con, then what's the end game?  Simply another four years in office taking crap from people?  Where's the con?  How does it work?  If it's so obvious, why can't I see it and why can't Trump-haters explain it?  

Because there is no con.  It's just another empty accusation lefties need to perpetuate for lack of a better plan, a better alternative to Trump and the lack of an excuse for why their Chosen One was such a failure and why the current clown and administration is even worse.

But to be crystal clear with what is so obvious to honest people of even average intelligence who truly pay attention, there is a con that has successfully conned the buffoonish progs.  Indeed, there are many into which the progs have bought that "useful idiots" doesn't begin to describe how low their intelligence truly is.  

The most obvious and easiest con to identify is the laughable notion that Biden was the better choice for president in 2020.  This was blatantly obvious from the beginning, and the reality is that there really wasn't anyone among the Dem hopefuls...with the possible exception of Tulsi Gabbard...who would have better served the nation than did Donald Trump throughout his four years as president.  That anyone could have actually believed he wasn't the better choice proves the rank stupidity and...for the purposes of this post...gullibility of the lunatic leftist voter.  We didn't need to suffer as we have since Biden's inauguration in January of '21 to know that he would reverse the beneficial progress our nation made since the end of Obama's time in office until that fateful day.  Biden has always been a moron, and one can't find a speech of his which truly suggests otherwise.  He's the liar Trump-haters pretend Trump is on top of that.  I've been wanting to do a series of posts presenting evidence of just what a stain on the nation he is as president, but I've had a hard time deciding how to proceed with an almost daily manifestation from him of his stupidity and incompetence.  But millions actually believe he was the better choice, and a way too large percentage of those assholes believe we're still better off than if we had a second Trump term in office.  How stupid must one be to actually believe such a clearly false notion? 

From there, there's no shortage of insanity about which lefties actually believe.  All it takes is for some Dem it the moron Biden, or any of the other stalwarts of stupidity among the political utter some crap, and the left buys in lock, stock and barrel.  It's as if they want to be conned, so unmistakable is the lunacy the leftists seek to impose on the nation.

We can begin with "climate change" and all the crap which goes with it.  The very notion that we're responsible for some coming doomsday of environmental catastrophe is a fantasy the left lives as if a reality.  We've had pollution and environmental issues throughout our nation's history from the industrial age to not so long ago.  But since "Iron Eyes Cody" (actually born Espera de Corti — an Italian-American) cried his sad Indian tear in 1971, the nation has improved its methods which led to less polluted waters and streams, cleaner air, cleaner coal and yet the environmental wackos continued to lie about our situation until we've come to have a child named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was unbelievably elected to the US House of Representatives to tell us we're twelve years from doom if we don't redistribute money to a "Green New Deal".  The bullshit proposals and recommendations have resulted in all manner of disaster unrelated to the weather, but a direct result of leftist environmental policies.  Farmers around the world are protesting their inability to grow crops, rolling blackouts and grid failures are more commonplace, Europeans are shutting off street lights and traffic lights to conserve a dwindling supply of energy and many of them are beholden to the Russia they regard as monsters for its attacks on the corrupt Ukraine for the fuel they can't get anywhere else.  The left are the truly conned.

Then of course there's the "more than two genders" crap fest.  This is something the most absurd of them believe know..."experts".  These "experts" have no legitimate science which proves their premise, but just enough so that they can pretend they are knowledgeable on a topic every average person can see is ludicrous as well as detrimental with those who struggle with delusions about their "gender identity".  It's another of those inventions which result in suffering of people who deserve better from those who dare call themselves or others refer to as "experts".  The left are truly conned.

Moving along, there's also the laughably absurd notion of "existential threats" to the nation.  "Climate change" is just one of them.  There are others, one of which is the dire threat of "white supremacy".  Now, I've met quite a few people in my life who are prejudiced against those of other races.  Some of them are black.  The most recent case of a white guy who readily admitted to being prejudiced against black people is a dude who has no problem with them in a general sense, but prefers not to mingle.  That's about as harsh as his bias goes.  He has no problem working with them if he has to, but simply would rather just spend his life among "his own kind".  He's not militant about it in the least.  I knew another guy about ten to fifteen years ago who claims he doesn't find black women attractive...and I know he bedded and incredibly sketchy looking white chick after having met her mere hours before in the dive bar we frequented after bowling night.   I listed several black female celebs I personally regard as smokin' hot, and he insists they do nothing for him.  Only Halle Berry has any attraction to him, and that slightly because of her white mother.  In any case, my point here is that I've never met anyone who believes we should drive out the black man or is eager to begin any kind of race war.  To the extent that white supremacist groups might exist, the federal law enforcement stats number them in the tens of thousands at most.  Not the type of numbers which qualifies as any serious threat to anyone.  I'd wager there are far more white people who would oppose them then join them.  The left are truly conned.

In Joe Biden's recent speech of this past Thursday, he lied about the "fascism" of "MAGA Republicans" and how the GOP is intimidated by Trump and his supporters.  But the notion of GOP fascism is not new.  I have a close of the most intelligent lefties I've ever met...who has referred to GOP presidents...Bush 43 at the fascistic.  It's an old lie told by the left some have been conned into accepting as true.  These days, it's an absolute joke of a lie, given all that's been impose upon us by Dems since the advent of the Covid "crisis"...a con job all by itself.  A greater example of Democratic projection would be hard to find, but so many of their constituent voters are sold on the notion as if it's actually true.  The worst part of this con is the direct insult to 75 million American voters who supported Trump.  Never have we heard Donald Trump attack citizens in the manner so common to Joe Biden and frankly, Trump never did it at all  Biden has insulted and verbally assaulted citizens numerous times over the years.  Trump always punches up.  Biden's fascism now is clear, while his supporters and other Trump haters accuse the right of that sin.  The left are truly conned.  

These are just a few examples...manifestations... of how gullible and sheep-like the left truly is and has been for so long.  Indeed, it's the tip of the iceberg of confidence games the Dems play on their willing victims of voters.  This post could stretch for miles. 

I'm told it's bad form and unproductive to refer to political/ideological opponents as "stupid".  And yet...