Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hold Your Horses There, Folks!

 Give how the democrats regained control of the 3rd congressional district of New York in the recent election to fill the seat vacated the disgraced George Santos, who should never have been elected in the first place, given his leftist character of perversion and lying, there seems to be what I regard as undo alarm resulting from the loss of the seat to a Dem.  Any seat lost to a Dem is extremely unfortunate to say the least, but this situation shouldn't be considered more than it is.

First, of course Santos was stupidly elected.  I wonder how many leftists voted for him because of his sexual disorder?  But as I understand it, being it's New York, it's likely a left-leaning district in the first place, so holding any seat in that state is difficult.

Then, there was the issue of how elections are run these days, and this is the real point of this post.  With early voting, voting by mail and ballot harvesting, Dems are said to have an advantage over Republicans who rightly maintain the only proper way to hold an election is by voting in person on a single day set aside for the purpose.  Unfortunately, with most Dems already having "banked" their vote, they didn't need to deal with heavy snow which hit the district on election day, which made getting to the polls difficult.

As I was driving about today, I heard Sean Hannity lament that his encouragement we conservatives take advantage of the "new rules" for voting in order to win against Dems was shown to be justified with the result of this election.  

But it wasn't.  What's the likelihood that a significant weather event will occur on election day everywhere?  Not very high, to say the least.  

Without such an interference, what's the real difference between voting early, by mail and harvesting, versus voting as voting was intended to be done?  Cheating.  That's what separates left from right and gives the left a true advantage.

These new "rules" are custom made for lefties who aren't shy about cheating, and without these rules allowed, cheating is much easier for them, as the last two elections have proven perfectly.  Look at it this way:  if there was no cheating and elections were as fair and pure as the left so falsely claimed 2020 was, then it really doesn't matter how early votes are cast, whether they're cast in person or by carrier pigeon or whether they're collected by a single person delivering the batch to election HQ.  If there are 200,000 Democrats who vote, and 200,001 Republicans, it doesn't matter when the votes are cast or how.  The GOP candidate will win by one vote.  

But it never quite works that way, does it, because Dems cheat.  They're legendary for it.  It's part of their party's history.  And they don't care or else they wouldn't object to cleaning up voter registration rolls or having representatives of the opposition party have a clear look at how the counting is going or to instituting Voter ID everywhere and a host of other proposals put forth to ensure election integrity.  

So, if we look back at the 3rd congressional district of New York, and all those new "rules" were NOT put into place, what would have occurred?  ALL voters would have the same problem getting to the polls and only those who cared enough to deal with the weather would have shown up.  If the majority of those people were Democrat (not likely, as they're lazy), the result would still be the same.  

While one can't truly disagree with Hannity's concern regarding dealing with the new rules, so long as cheating is easier, there's not much hope conservatives/the GOP will fare any better by taking advantage of early voting, mail in and harvesting.  

There's far less hope Dems will win elections if these fraudulently installed rules are rescinded and we go back to voting as voting was intended to be done.


Brandon Brick said...

Cope! The economy, the inflation reduction act, his work on the climate and the fact that he supports the constitution, all these are reasons to put Biden and his team back in office.

Marshal Art said...

The economy sucks, "Brandon". Costs are still so very much higher than where they were prior to Biden taking office after the election was stolen from Trump. The laughable "Inflation Reduction Act" hasn't reduced jack, but your impotent leaders look to reductions from the highest point they drove it, not from the far lower rate it was when they took over. There's been no "work" on "climate change" which has done anything more than add to inflationary pressures, particularly since there is no "climate crisis" to begin with. Biden has spit on the constitution with a variety of anti-constitutional moves, not to mention ignoring SCOTUS rulings at least twice. So you're incredibly and abjectly stupid, or you're trying to break into comedy. Not a thing you've said is reflective of reality, so I'm going with the latter.

Come back anytime, "Brandon". I love to laugh.

Marshal Art said...

A thought occurred to me that perhaps "Brandon" is a mere boy of about 2-13 years old. As such, it would be wrong to treat him like the typical left-winger, as he might be ignorant of reality as opposed to stupid. If that's the case, I hope he'll say so as I would prefer to educate the young and not mock them for what they've been led to believe by adult fools in their lives.

Marshal Art said...

I didn't until too late realize my typo in the comment just above. I meant "12-13 years old", not "2" to 13. On the other hand, given the commentary to which it was a response, the typo may not be such a bad thing.

Mr. Atheist said...

If this video does not make you feel bad, nothing else will:

He's already crying "fraud" even though we have several months to go before the election even begins.

I'll be waiting for your response. Until then, buddy, have a nice day!

Marshal Art said...

Ms. Atheist,

What you desperately need to be regarded as "crying" is in reality a necessary warning, acknowledging the reality of Democrat criminality regarding elections. Again, the Dem Party is legendary for their cheating, bribery and intimidation to win elections. This isn't news.

The point of the video is that we can't wait until the last minute to prevent Dem voter fraud and need to act immediately to the best of our ability. It should have been Job 1 for the GOP since the stolen 2020 election, if not sooner than that.

Lefties and other Trump-haters mock those who are aware while doing nothing to guarantee that the 2020 election was actually fairly run. They do nothing because there's no way they can actually prove the many fraud claims are untrue. All they've done is simply to take the word of the fraudulent that legit fraud claims are untrue.

So yeah..."crying" fraud is legitimate and necessary given the low character of lefties and other Trump-haters, and only fools and liars would dispute this. The only thing honest Americans have going for them now is that the cat is well out of the bag, and the cheats will have to do more to hide their cheating.