Friday, July 28, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: Borders Edition, Part Two

 So, I've finally decided to get on with this series of "Leftist Shamefulness".  I have to say, each passing day provide fodder, and that's on top of all I've collected for use in this endeavor.  But this "Part Two" is related mostly to a single comment at the same blog post highlighted in "Part One", so one can review that part to find the post in question.  The comment to which I refer occurred on May 8, 2023 at 6:49 PM, and as has become to routine, Dan begins by lying yet again.  Now, at this point in time, a month later, I'm at a loss to recall exactly what Dan's on about in saying my comments were "vulgar and obscene and disgusting attacks" and that I refused to answer questions.  The latter part of that accusation is completely false, as I ALWAYS answer Dan's questions, even the vast majority which are abjectly stupid, leading, off-topic, insinuating and other forms of dishonesty so typical and legendary of him.  More often than not, as we can see at Craig's blog as well, Dan will ask the same question multiple times, and expect a different answer, or phrase it in a different way to elicit a different answer which he can then distort and corrupt to pretend he's found "common ground".  In any case, there's no such thing where he's concerned because he's what he is.  

Anyway, as to the "vulgar and obscene and disgusting attacks", I have recently taken to addressing him on a level I believe is appropriate given his vile character.  I'm considering simply giving up any attempt at civility with an asshole who continues to accuse me of all manner of crimes more serious than using profanity, which when he does it he lamely rationalizes it.  It's just another manifestation of "Double-Standard Dan".  Now, I know it's wrong to refer to people as "assholes"...even when they're assholes like Dan.  I'm supposed to be better than that.  And he seems really outraged when I refer to him as a "pussy". Yeah, that's wrong too, I suppose.  It's a terrible insult to cats and vaginas the world over.  He also pretends it's an indication of misogyny to use slang which at one time was exclusively related to females.  This is part of his dishonesty, because a worldly dude like him knows full well it's used far more often these days to describe someone spineless.  But he plays word games like this all the time, and I'll be delving into that scam in another post down the line.  Dan uses this crap to rationalize his deleting my comments, so I figured, what the hell.  He's going to accuse me of indulging in "vulgar and obscene and disgusting attacks" regardless of the actual words I choose.  I mean, what's the difference??  

In this case, however, he goes on to say, "But Marshal did something further this time: He included a threat of violence."  Well, yes and no.  I did make a threat, but he's assuming what the threat is.  I'll get to that in a minute.  He follows with a threat of his own:  "Marshal, you should know that I've saved your comments including screenshots of what you've said, so that IF you ever tried to act out your threats of violence, I have it on record."  To say that I was up for nights losing sleep over this goes without saying...because it would be a lie to say it.  I've no doubt that should matters go south for me, this could be used against me in a seriously bad long as I have a crappy lawyer.  But anyway...

He condescends, "Not that I take your impotent, childish threats seriously. Racists, conservative extremists and their allies tend to be all talk and not serious about their threats. They tend to thrive on attempted bullying and threats but aren't stoopid enough to act out their threats." Then why save it?  Either I would try or "racists, conservative extremists and their allies tend to be all talk".  Which is it?  Well, as a pussy, he's not taking any chances, is he?  Of course, I don't know any racists, and I know a lot of leftists.  And conservative "extremists" are far, far more often than not, actual Christians, and not fakes like Dan.  The real extremists are like all these "transgendered" people threatening those who dare oppose their agenda.  

So what did I say?  Just this:

"Just so you know with whom you're dealing...
if I ever hear that your wife or kids are seriously harmed...
or an illegal alien,
I'm going to find you."

Now, I thought about the wording here before submitting it in my commentI thought I might word it differently given I'm dealing with Dan.  Then it occurred to me.  Lefties love this type of shit.  They provoke and then whine about the provoked being violent.  Think of how orgasmic they were when the Jan 6 dust-up occurred!  These lying sacks of shit were ecstatic that their accusations about Trump supporters and right-wingers manifested in reality! 

So I typed out what is above and Dan runs with it as a threat of violence, despite no "violence" being described in any way, because unlike his demand of his opponents, Dan presumes the liberty and authority to insist he knows what others are thinking despite those others not having expressed the thought Dan insists they possess.  Shamefully, when anyone dares express their conclusions of Dan's position based on all that Dan has posted, Dan will crap his PullUps in protest demanding one locate an exact quote of Dan explicitly saying what was concluded by what actually did say.  Is this too convoluted to understand?  Well, that's only because I'm speaking of how Dan rolls.  But the intention of my "threat" was...well...let's do this first:

In the comments of the previous Part One, wherein Dan joined with those of his kind in welcoming a journalist allegedly fleeing death threats.  I challenged him to explain how he knew the dude was legit, that he was truly fleeing violence directed at him personally.  Dan's "evidence" was that journalists are often targets of criminals when they write about if that's a news flash.  But it does nothing to compel belief that this particular guy is an actual target of any criminal organization.  Dan just simply chooses to believe it.  Really.  That's all Dan's got!  However, without something substantial to support the claim, this guy could be anybody, including someone with nefarious intent.  Indeed, he could be a journalist who had normally reported favorably on behalf of criminal organizations or corrupt government officials, but then got on their bad side and is now fleeing those with whom he might have been once allied.  The point being that Dan has no way of knowing with any certainty and believes he's possessed of this towering intellect with irrefutably perfect discernment.  He just knows the dude is honest and telling the truth of himself. 

The numbers of criminals and terrorists and others seeking to perpetrate evil in this country who are stopped at our border and sent back or arrested is unprecedented since morons like Dan kidded themselves that Biden would be better than Trump as our president.  (Yet he thinks he can tell when someone is conning him.  Dan's just that self-deceived.)  And those numbers constitute only those caught, not the so-called "get-aways".  Thus, to suppose any one of us can be victimized by the scumbags morons like Dan would allow in under the pretense of realizing their "self-determination" is not only possible, but happens far more often than liars like Dan and others like him have the honesty to admit.  Instead, the modern progressive will pretend they're more likely to be harmed by the almost mythical "white nationalist/supremacist/racist".  These are the couple thousand Americans the partisan hacks in our government pretend are more likely to commit murder and mayhem than the criminals and terrorists who manage to sneak across our border or infiltrate the hoards of less threatening invaders who nonetheless are unworthy of entry because they won't wait their turn at the front door. 

When one considers the truth about the difference between the population of non-white criminal organizations...many composed of illegal invaders...and that of the total of white nationalists/supremacists/racist with allegiance to or membership white nationalist/supremacist/racist organizations, the latter is overwhelmingly outnumbered.  When one considers the number of murders perpetrated by each, again, the real threat ain't from the white guys.  Not even close.  That's just another of the many lies told by the president who lies as much as morons want and need to believe Trump does.

And now, here we have an open borders situation, unknown people flooding across and morons like Dan pretend they're being Christian by enabling it.  In the meantime, many are committing serious and violent crimes well beyond their initial crime of illegally entering our national home, including violent crimes against other illegal invaders, many of them children and women.  Dan welcomes these people.  He pretends he can tell with absolutely no official confirmation that those who claim refugee status in order to get their asses in the country and the allowance to remain, are harmless little angels who, despite breaking our immigration laws, mean us no harm.

So my "threat" acknowledged the very real possibility that Dan's own wife and/or kids could be victims of serious violence by the very people Dan stupidly welcomes as if he can tell the good from the bad.  And how would I respond should, God forbid, that sad consequence comes to pass?  Well, as much as I'd relish the opportunity to slap the stupid out of Dan until he's no longer able to maintain the fraud of being a Christian prepared always to turn his other cheek, which I would indeed slap as well, I'm not the violent guy Dan needs to insist I am in another example of what it means to "embrace grace" to the likes of the modern progressive.  No.  My intention is to find him and get in his face to ask him how he feels losing his family after being warned against his moronic open borders position.  Or perhaps to ward off those from his church on Jeff St. who would seek to comfort him in his time of loss brought about by his own efforts to make it more likely. 

I've never turned in an illegal, though there is one I'd rat out in a heartbeat except I know longer know or care how to find her.  I've absolutely never had any concerns about immigrants who came here through the proper exploitation of our laws and policies.  Such are simply my fellow Americans.  Illegals aren't and never will be, even when assholes like Biden decide to give them amnesty.  True refugees also have no problem from me, until they choose not to assimilate in the proper manner.  Many such are only allowed here until the problem which drove them no longer exists.  

Those Dan refuses to believe are threats, who Dan refuses to confirm aren't, who Dan refuses to encourage to abide our laws...they are not Americans, nor are they welcome by any who care for their fellow citizens.  Dan puts them above us in order to posture as a compassionate Christian, falsely citing Scripture to rationalize his complicity in and abetting of illegality.  Should his own fall victim to this stupidity would be awful and he should not be comforted when the obvious has been presented to him so many times.  

And really...if his own are abused due to his stupidity, why should he not also be abused as a consequence?  With any luck, should a Trabue fall victim to Dan's stupidity, it will be Dan...and no one else.  That's at least justice.