Thursday, December 21, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: It's Getting Out Of Hand Edition

Squeezing this in with limited time, as well as indulging in procrastination, I can't help myself but to post on the outlandish, but oh so typical marxist crap with which we've been blessed by the Colorado court which believes it has the authority to indulge in voter suppression far greater than any example of it other lying lefties accuse righteous election reforms of being.  This is a court with all sitting judges being Dem appointees, based on what I believe I've heard.  And despite the fact there were dissenters among them, the court ruled that Trump should be removed from Colorado ballots come Nov 2024 because they believe him guilty of insurrection, without anyone of the assholes presiding over an trial where Trump has been accused, much less found guilty, of insurrection.  The Dem controlled FBI found no evidence of it, there's no evidence Trump conspired to overthrow his own government and the dust-up which occurred on Jan 6, 2021 was far more likely the result of incompetent law enforcement provocations and federal agent provocateurs than any Trump supporter outraged by the fraudulent nature of how the 2020 election was carried out.  

The irony here is rich, as the Babylon Bee points out so accurately (it's what they do):

Indeed, this outrage is simply more evidence of the American left is the true threat to democracy and our republic.  This truth began ramping up when Trump descended the escalator to announce his candidacy for president the first time and has only gotten worse, culminating in this crap after the constant lying about "the Big Lie".  Better than stealing another election, they seek to deny Trump the ability to even be on a ballot.  

The problems of this country are almost exclusively the result of the Democrat party and other marxist bad actors in the United States.  While lying Louisville fake Christians lament "modern conservatives" without knowing a damned thing about what conservatism means either politically or religiously, it's the "modern progressive" who brings about the most harm.  No better example of this truth is the marked decline in every area of our society and culture since the 2020 election was stolen and abject morons installed and abject moron to be our president instead of a proven success named Donald J. Trump.  

But clearly some Dem assholes don't want to take any chances given how far ahead all polling shows Trump is, and have taken it upon themselves to act totally against the will of at least half the nation by pretending they have the authority to remove his name from the Colorado ballot.  I mean, it's not like our side is likely to cheat!  That's a lefty thing, but I guess the current state of the nation is making them nervous.

Which is as it should be given how badly they've f**ked things up since Inauguration Day in January of 2021.  

I can't see that this will stand.  If it does, the nation is screwed and I would not blame any good person who still exists in this country to ignore whatever law or edict puts them in greater harm.  It's what the left is trying to provoke and folks like Dan Bongino encourage us not to "Get Dead", which means to avoid giving into any temptation to rise up in a manner which results in something worse than being imprisoned unjustly for taking selfies in the Capitol Building on Jan 6, 2021.  

Card-carrying asshole Dan Trabue whines about hearing right-wing people speak of civil war.   He lies that it's something other than what it is...a realization of consequences the left's behavior will provoke.  This court ruling makes that consequence even more likely than it already is, as more and more people fail to see any recourse available to us within our government badly has the Dan Trabues of the nation corrupted it.  

The one positive resulting from this is even more support going to Trump.  There's been a host of leftist pundits and "experts" who have spoken against the ruling in Colorado.  If there own are aghast, that's a sign some lefties might open their eyes to the damage their kind has caused us all.  

We can only hope.


Anonymous said...

The Colorado SCOTUS is doing us good because they already know that Trump will lose against any democrat in 2024. Biden's victory is gonna be so big, that if it were possible, he would win 69 out of 50 states.

Craig said...

While I agree that the CO court was wrong in it's decision, I have to note that their ruling was more for show than anything else. The fact that they stayed their own ruling within their own ruling indicates that they were too cowardly to actually decide the case, but chose to pass it off to SCOTUS.

Conservative Bugspray said...


Marshal Art said...

Oh look! Two trolls with nothing intelligent to say!

Marshal Art said...


Imagine Dems wasting our tax dollars on a "ruling for show"! Typical. But I thought it was their State Attorney or someone like that who stayed the ruling. In any case, it seems they wished to force SCOTUS to address this issue in hopes they can go ahead and suppress voters when they feel like it.

What gets me is the moronic clinging to "insurrection" as addressed by the 14th, when it isn't really in force anymore, given it was intended to deny elected office to anyone of the Confederacy. Indeed, the intentional use of the word "insurrection", when no insurrection every took place, is just another modern progressive lie to keep a far better president than they've had return to Make America Great Again.

Craig said...


As I understand it, the stay was built into the ruling. In either case, it's just a cowardly political ploy while abdicating real responsibility to SCOTUS.

The problem with the whole Trump/insurrection narrative is the complete and total lack of a conviction, let alone evidence that Trump played any role in planning or directing the events of 1/6.

Marshal Art said...

The real problem with the whole Trump/insurrection narrative is it stands as proof of just how vile and evil the left is to pervert a word and a Constitutional amendment to prevent a solid candidate from running for a federal office. Trump was far superior to the scheming predecessor Obama, the shrewish harpy who would have extended Obama's America-destroying ideology...she being not much different at all from Obama, aside from having bigger testicles (Hillary, of course), and certainly outrageously superior to the current Shit-For-Brains In Chief who only morons would regard as an improvement over Trump (honest people who paid attention knew he would be a tragic mistake given his almost fifty years of stupidity and non-production.

The lust for power by any means and the clear harm holding that power produces is never so bad that Dem voters and Trump-haters will wake up and smell the coffee. No. They will continue to pretend they've the better people, more able and willing to make this nation what it once was and could be in the future. There was a time when one could argue that Democrats were pro-America as the founders envisioned, even if their beliefs as regards how to get there were flawed. But no more. They're simply interested in reigning over Americans like the despots they are. That's the problem of the Trump/insurrection narrative. It's a manifestation of their "by any means" methods. Dumb-fucks parrot that crap all day long.