Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: Death Cult Edition/Abortion: Part Two

In the previous post, I referenced the bullshit leftist accusation that the right/conservatives/conservative people of faith are waging a "war on women" particularly when good people stand opposed to the vile practice of abortion.  This opposition has been in existence since ancient times.  The original Hippocratic Oath swore against destroying the unborn.  So with this there is nothing new under the sun, apart from advanced proof that the conceived is a person as is its mother.  Of that there is no legitimate doubt, but only leftist bullshit.  Thus, the division remains on the issue, with the defenders of innocent life being those of us on the political right, while the political left continues to regard life according to personal convenience.  

But while the left carries on with its pretended concern for women and their "rights" as regards the person they carry in their wombs, there is the notion that the "right" to murder that person is a private affair between the woman and the hired gun who will do the deadly deed.  The ever moving line of demarcation between the humanity and lack thereof of the child in utero is to the murderous, a decision made in great anguish but arrived at through a great infusion of information which convinces the woman it's just fine...it ain't a human being, so go ahead and be cheerful!  All will be well and the woman will be thus empowered!

Except when she is not.  The fact of the matter is that there is rarely any true discussion about the impact of the crime on the "mother".  Those facts are more often not discussed at all if the testimonies of so many women with regret are to be trusted...and there's no reason not to unless "believe women" only applies to sexual harassment.  But then, so many are pressured by their "impregnators" to abort that it's hard not to regard that within the bounds of sexual harassment, too.  

Yet all is not well for women who choose abortion.  They are victims, too, far more often that the murderous left prefers to reveal.  I save a lot of my inbound emails in files to use as additional resources for various subjects.  I have one which is called "Abortion Stories" which contains by now a few hundred articles involving the issue, with many on describing women suffering from going through with their "choice".  One doesn't hear these stories in the leftist media Dan defends as righteous people rather than the left-leaning Democrat propaganda arm it is.  In the meantime, the left will dare decry conservative sources as liars and "wing-nuts" and other negative things to avoid having to actually prove their positions.  And the position they demand we regard is true is that abortion...perversely re-framed as "reproductive freedom"...is good for women.  Bullshit:


One of the things I found especially interesting in this article...aside from the further evidence the CDC is not a reliable source of health info (Covidians!!!)....pertains to the issue of ectopic pregnancies.  I've had this thrown in my face as a reason to protect abortion for all for any reason.  Turns out, according to the studies from which info in the article is drawn, there's a connection between abortion and ectopic pregnancy.  Unless this connection can be proven non-existent and all such unfortunate pregnancies after abortion are mere coincidence (and if that was so, why distort the info?), then how often is this possibility brought up between the expectant mother and her "health care provider" who will rip her unborn to shreds?

There's no shortage of women who have suffered emotionally for choosing death over life.  Pro-life organizations have such testimonies in great abundance.  Such women have spoken publicly to warn others against abortion.  They're really the only way women learn of such possibilities.

All in all, women are not served by those who are pro-abortion.  They are exploited and at great risk.  Once again, we see how the left cares little for life and the lives of those may choose abortion are no exception to their disregard.  The left is all talk.  And women pay the price.

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