Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 Yeah, I know.  It's five days premature.  However, due to circumstances about which I don't care to discuss here, I may not have the opportunity to express my sincerest Holy Day wishes on the 25th.  I may nonetheless publish a post or lodge a comment or two prior to Christmas Day.  I just wanted to make sure to extend seasonal good cheer.


And the angel said unto them, Fear not:  for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


Tom said...

Jesse ALbrect is an lying asshole worthing of all beatings. I exposed him for the liar he is over here:

Marshal Art said...


By virtue of the fact that you feel you can assert who is or isn't worthy of a beating, you make yourself worthy as well.

I went to you link and found it more than I care to peruse at the moment, having just returned from a Christmas trip and am getting the easy stuff out of the way. I did, however, seek to post a quick comment at your blog, but was unable to "log in using Google". I don't know why, as I'm certainly logged in to Google now.

In any case, my point was going to be about your use of Isaiah 13:15 which made no mention of assaulting a child in utero, and Hosea 13:15 (16, actually), which mention pregnant women being ripped open. Your point, if I understand it correctly, is that a pregnant woman getting murdered along with her unborn constitutes an abortion of the unborn. This is semantics. Abortion is murder of a child in utero. That is, it is descriptive of a specific type of murder, that of the conceived but yet unborn in utero. That form of murder is considered a medical procedure which is performed by mutual agreement of the mother and her hitman. What Hosea describes is not that at all, but simply murder of mother and child.

I would also say that much of your responses to apologists demand they chase you as you run all over the road conflating all manner of notions from as many different belief systems as possible, to suggest that if all Christians aren't in agreement with however many snippets of as many positions you've gathered, then somehow someone is dodging you? Being dishonest? Your arguments must be honest and logical as well as perfectly grounded in Scripture. To know if you do that, I'll need to get back to your link and read it more intently than I have thus far. Can't promise I will, but it's likely.

In the meantime, know that I prefer you keep you squabbles with others where they began and not bring them here. Your comment indicts you in a very negative way.

Marshal Art said...

I once again tried to post comments at the blog of this "Tom" fellow to no avail. I've never had any problem posting at any blog until now. I don't know what special hoops are required to negotiate in order to engage with this dude at his own place, but I'm not likely to care what he says there is I can't get a comment even written, much less published. I think Tom is like a professional troll. There's no profile page to see who he is, which isn't in itself a problem, but given his manner in insulting good people, it seems incredibly cowardly. Indeed very "feo-like". I've no time for another.