Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Threatening Did He Have To Be?

This piece at relates more about the Pentagon report regarding the links between Sadam Hussein and terrorist groups, including Al Queda. President Bush spoke of targeting any nation that supported terrorism. At the time, Sadam was very chummy with a variety of terrorist outfits. To say he supported them is now a grand understatement. It is inconceivable that anyone would look at Sadam as having been "contained" to an extent that would make our actions unwarranted. According to the linked small bit of info, it seems that our action was reasonable, to say the least, even two administrations previous, and certainly during Clinton's. All those Dems who insisted during the Clinton years that Hussein was a threat worthy of overthrow could have pretended they had real spine had they not flip-flopped after Nov. 2000. Unfortunately now they appear to have only been concerned with sounding tough. Can you imagine standing for a position in which you don't really believe for the purpose of political points only to find out that it was the correct position all along?


Dan Trabue said...

It is inconceivable that anyone would look at Sadam as having been "contained" to an extent that would make our actions unwarranted.

I don't think that word means what you think it means...

Marshal Art said...

On the contrary. I believe it is the Bush-bashers who don't understand the word. This guy was not contained if he was supporting terrorism inside and outside Iraq. He was not contained if he was embezzling funds from the "Oil for Food" program. He was not contained if Iraqis went missing due to Sadam and his sons kidnapping, torturing, raping their own people. Heck, you can't even say some of our own domestic criminals incarcerated for years are totally contained if they are directing operations on the street from their cells. Hussein had his whole country in which to move about directing his minions in furtherance of his agenda.

In any case, Dan, regarding the sentence of mine you have highlighted, it speaks of those like yourself.