Saturday, September 22, 2007

Nipping It In The Bud

Just a brief word to address what might escalate without a public service announcement like this: Though I would hate to be inundated, I can be easily contacted via email for anyone who cares to check out my profile. I mention this to allow anyone with concerns regarding other commenters an avenue for expressing those concerns. I would hate to lose any visitors who have, in my opinion, provided good fodder for debate and discussion because I bought an extremely large fodder container and it needs constant refilling. (Next to marriage, my greatest joy is being a fodder.) I don't want to ban anyone. I'll put up with a lot as long as it doesn't get too wacky. Slam somone's opinion if you want to. If that's all you intend to do, go elsewhere. Slamming requires a counter opinion. Without hanging yourself out there, you won't be allowed to trash someone else's opinion. Overall, I'd prefer no one insult a guest of mine. That's my job. Feel free to insult me if you like, I don't mind. A good insult is entertaining. A bad one provides an opening for me. A cruel one gets your sorry ass dismissed, particularly if it's toward a visitor, particularly if it's toward a visitor's picture of him/herself. It's called "civility" and to me, one can be civil and snarky at the same time. It's kind of a talent some are born with, but can be learned. I'll let you know when you haven't learned it yet. Oh yeah, and somebody tracked mud in here and I just had the carpet cleaned.


Geoffrey Kruse-Safford said...

I suppose this is directed towards some comments made about me. I apologize for causing trouble. I shall wipe my feet in the future, and remove my shoes before entering.

Mark said...

Sorry, Art, but when my BS detector goes off, I have to say something.

Marshal Art said...

It ain't what is said, but how it's said. It's one thing to say a comment is stupid, but alone it's just ad hominem. Follow up immediately and 'splain yourself.

I just don't want discussions to become too personal and nasty. There are other blogs for that. We can have fun rippin' on each other, but I think we all know when the line is crossed, and if one isn't sure, one should ask for clarification. Remember, heathens might be watching.

KEvron said...

"Sorry, Art, but when my BS detector goes off, I have to say something."



Erudite Redneck said...

... speakin' of heathens ...


Miss ya, Kev!

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's goin' on here? I'm not diggin' awol Marshall Art. How 'bout nippin' this dry spell in the bud?