As I look
to the links regarding the Bilkszto case, it becomes even more clear why
you chose to take the position you did. The DEI bully, Ojo-Thompson,
is just like you. Rather than deal with objections to her questionable
and unsupported claims, she seeks to cancel...."delete" if you
will...the response by Bilkszto to those questionable and unsupported
claims. And just like you, she insists that he ignores what he knows to
be true...because it favor of "BVLTT!"...even while
acknowledging the fact that racism and discrimination is still a problem
which requires resolving.
But you prefer to attack this guy's
sad and unfortunate response to his dilemma with your evil,
condescending "fragile egos of white men" crap, as if the ego of a blog
host who deletes for the slightest infraction is steel. His lawyer, in a
released statement about his demise presented:
"On his retirement from full-time work in 2019, a superintendent from the TDSB wrote to Richard,
have proven your excellence in equity, instruction, entrepreneurship,
student engagement and breaking new ground for communities where chronic
struggles, mental health and newcomer status often brought more
frustration than success. You have been a leader amongst leader in
changing their lives." (emboldened mine).
High praise
indeed, and in many ways mirrors the self-congratulatory presentations
of your own work and church-related service. I highlighted "mental
health" because I'm aware that there are many who serve in mental health
areas because of their own struggles in that regard. This man could be
just such a person and why he responded to his woes as he did, if
indeed they were the main reason he took his own life.
ought to be ashamed of yourself for your fixation on this portion of my
link and your foul exploitation of it and the man's suffering to promote
your bullshit "white privilege" narrative. If I had respect left for
you at all, which I didn't, it would now have been destroyed by this
grace-embracing evil.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
A Note To Dan In The Event He Deleted It When Submitted Under His DEI Post
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Dan continues to act as if this post doesn't accurately reflect her response to a serious situation regarding the suicide of an evidently gracious and charitable man, concerned with doing good in the world.
Dan's truly a petulant little girl. What she's not, is a Christian.
I again attempted to engage on this issue with the lying fake Christian, Dan, and she again deleted my comment rather than "man up" (not that the little girl ever could) and respond like the adult he demands others be. This is sad and she represents the progressive accurately for whom truth and facts are anathema.
The worst part is that there is no chance at ever healing divisions which have widened so greatly because of those like Dan and her kind. They prefer to cling to their lies and fictions, such as Trump being a felon. Trump's never been sentenced, so he's not a felon. But they like using that term because it paints Trump in a dark light, which is how they operate. They demonize opposition rather than bring facts to prove their opponents are wrong or in error.
In Dan's most recent post, where she shames her favored candidate Biden for pardoning his miscreant son, she pretends what Biden did is typical of the better party, projecting again all she needs to believe is true about them in order to rationalize her hatred of them and her devotion to wickedness. I called her out on it and again, she deleted my comment. In the meantime, we see her troll spewing his typical lies...lies very much in the same vein as Dan's...and no doubt they will remain unscathed from Dan's deletion cleaver. I think she wants to show that she doesn't delete on the basis of disagreement, but the troll isn't disagreeing as much as putting a leftist twist on an already pathetically leftist opinion.
And of course, Dan's NEVER presented ANY evidence which supports the notion that DEI improves anything. The closest he's come is in a past post of hers which goes on about the work she does in finding jobs for the disabled. It's without question a worthy and laudable endeavor on behalf of the disabled. But it isn't enough. She tries, but fails, to assert that it's good for businesses who hire the disabled. The problem is that her "evidence" never compares apples to apples. That is, are the disabled employees better than others with the same knowledge and work ethic? None of Dan's "evidence" makes that comparison. We are only told that those replaced by the disabled are not as reliable or dedicated to the company as the disabled person who previously struggled to find gainful employment. What a surprise! To want badly a gig and then to endeavor never to lose the gig one gets by striving to prove one's self isn't an expendable asset! So while one can laud those who help the disabled, either from the headhunter side of the equation or the employer willing to make accommodations to employ the disabled, that's not in itself an argument for DEI in any way, because in the end, it's still a matter of filling positions with good people. Their disability, skin color or sex is secondary to that if considered at all. Merit is what matters above all else in hiring or placing or admitting to institutions of higher learning.
DEI does not improve a thing. Merit does. The focus on helping people needs to be in encouraging self-improvement to an extent that one becomes exactly the person sought by those in need of people. Organizations are improved by the quality of character of those who are the organization.
Dan and those like her will never understand because they're too busy wanting to posture as better than others.
I posted about the study published in a journal that demonstrates that Dan is full of bullshit, yet he (who reveres studies and journals and the like) somehow just ignores the evidence he doesn't like. Much like he's ignored the fact that most of Europe's experts believe the he and the pro-"trans" folx are full of shit as well.
Dan's fundamentally a bully and a coward. He rarely bothers to pay attention to anything from experts that doesn't support the Narrative he's committed to and he prefers to hide at his blog where he and his henchman can say vile, and false things about others and he can simply delete anything that he doesn't like or that scares him. He demands his way regularly, but can't handle it when he doesn't get his way. He thrives when he can control, bully, and lie about others.
I'd seen your comments at the cesspool, then I went back to dig a little deeper and found them deleted. Just more proof of Dan's cowardly bullying. His making fun of and demeaning someone who was driven to suicide is simply vile.
I'm glad I made a post out of the comment she's deleted. Because I did, I've been able to copy/paste it back in the comments section of her blog post three times...only to have him deleted it yet again. She responded to it with nonsensical, cheap excuses and rationalizations, but refuses to deal honestly with the facts. Instead, she chooses to defend a bully of a DEI promoting black woman because she's a DEI promoting black woman and who cares that an evidently mentally/emotionally disabled white guy took his life, supposedly as a result. Apparently only leftist disabled people are worthy of Dan's concern and patronage.
Dan's always been a fraud and it seems she'll never be any different.
I've done this in the past, and I believe that it is it helpful to be able to demonstrate that his characterizations of the deleted comments are lies on his part. He is so committed to whatever Narrative his political overlords tell him is correct, that he gets myopic in defending that Narrative.
People like him are very sheep like in their devotion to whatever they're told, yet strangely enough think that they are independent thinkers and non conformists.
There's a quote attributed to John Lyden that talks about how things have changed so much since the 60s/70s and that those advocating for rebellion then are now the establishment, and the establishment then are now the rebels.
Dan lives in a fantasy world of his own creation, and clearly has no interest in allowing anything to intrude on the cocoon he's created.
Dan reminds me of cult members. Never allowed to think for himself, adheres to his religion (LEFTISM) with ardor and believes everything his cult tells him.
You guys are sooo deceived when it comes to Trump. Come over here and learn the truth about him:
TDS is strong in this one!
I've taken a cursory look at your link. Lots of out-of-context nonsense and nothing I'd consider "truth" about Trump as a result. I'll take a deeper dive later, as other stuff at that site seems legitimately interesting. The host is a real Trump hater, that's for sure. Serious problem for one claiming to be Christian.
One claim I found especially funny is Trump caused the border problem by his plan to close the border. That's funny. "We'd better get over there before Trump puts up the wall, or we'll NEVER get in illegally!" OK. I can see that from those who aren't willing to go through the legal process, but that just exposes the fact that so many were already coming to cross illegally, not that they were compelled by Trump's plan. What nonsense!
I read that article and agree with Art. Metacrock's article is a CROCK.
As an aside, I'll note that Dan appears to continue to delete your comments and respond to out of context snippets of your comments at will. It's his MO, to misrepresent what you say and twist his response based on his removal of the context.
It's amusing to see the troll bashing him, and see Dan's absolutely clueless reply. Then see him responding to out of context snippets of your deleted comments.
He clearly suffers from a bad case of TDS. I don't know if this "Anon Boy" is the host of that blog, but if not, then "Anon Boy" is also infected. In any case, I haven't had time to check out his other stuff related to Christianity. It could be that he's cool on that while being a lunatic regarding Trump, but we'll see in time...if I actually choose to investigate.
I don't know if Dan's comments in response to his troll are clueless, as I haven't read the troll's stuff or Dan responses. Given the troll is clueless, to have a clueless response to a clueless comment from the troll is take cluelessness to whole 'nuther level!
I really don't get Dan's deleting behavior. If my comments were all that he says they are, why not leave them posted for all his millions of visitors to see? If his criticism are valid, they would all agree with him. He's clearly afraid to engage in the "respectful, adult manner" he claims to insist his visitors (especially his conservative visitors) must manifest. I could understand it if I was constantly referring to him in truly vulgar terms, but I don't. He's just the lying coward we've long known him to be, and he's getting worse with age.
It may be the first time in years that I actually read the entirety of a comment by the troll, but they are pretty clueless as well. Yet Dan appears pathetic and lost in his response, almost like he can't believe his buddy turned on him.
That's exactly why I don't delete Dan's comments, and why I quote so expensively from him when I respond. I want people to see the context, I want people to see the idiocy and vitriol, I want Dan's words on record for anyone to see. He's too liable to try to weasel out of things he's said and I absolutely want the evidence in black and white.
In the case of comments on his blog, I think it's about control. He wants to have complete control of the narrative, and doesn't want to allow any sort of free exchange if he can avoid it. It's why he makes up absurd reasons for deleting, and never actually demonstrates what it is that offended his delicate sensibilities so much that it needed to be gone. He's, like many on the left, simply power hungry. It's why he gets so pissed when I try to keep him on topic at my blog or when I call him out for something outrageous. At his blog, no one can do that, so he can say whatever he wants.
The troll is droll.
"why not leave them posted for all his millions of visitors to see?"
Listen to the women, LGBTQ folks, sexual assault survivors and other decent humans who are routinely brutalized by vulgar false comments like yours. They'd tell you.
Your type of comments cause active harm. I know that you probably don't understand that, but it doesn't change the reality.
Additionally, when I ask you to support your fact claims or admit that they are only your unsupported, subjective opinions and you opt not to do so, you are spreading harmful gossip and slander which undermines decency and honesty and you won't do that on my page.
It's a way of trying to help YOU learn the difference between subjective opinions and objective facts.
I typically will give you one/a FEW chances to admit reality. Beyond that, I cut you off.
You have to ask yourself, Why am I not willing to simply support my claims with proof? Is it because I can't???
Craig opined...
"In the case of comments on his blog, I think it's about control. He wants to have complete control of the narrative"
You can make all kinds of guesses, no matter how ridiculous or false. But why not listen to what I'm CLEARLY saying?
1. I want people to be decent, not vulgar, not misogynistic. Don't refer to "balls" or "like a girl," or "whores" or "pussy" or other vulgar words that are misogynistic. If you don't think "pussy" is vulgar in that context? Tough. My blog, my rules. Women have told me they don't want to hear such abusive language. My dear painted ultra-conservative mother would not want such words to show up on my blog, if she knew what a blog was. My rule is, DON'T. Just need the rules of the blog, out of basic respect and decency.
2. If you want to make a fact claim and want to say it's an objective fact, THEN, provide support. Period. It's a rational rule and expectation. WHY wouldn't you want to prove something you believe is an objective fact? IF you can prove something is an objective fact, THEN, I will agree. Reality is reality.
IF it's something you merely BELIEVE subjectively, then why not admit as much? I do that all the time.
This is not about power. It's just being rational, respectful and decent.
Look, Dan provides evidence that supports my point.
1. I also want people to be decent at my blog, yet I've allowed you to post all sorts of crap that strains or exceeds the bounds of what I consider decency. I do so to show anyone who pays attention what kind of person you are, and how you behave.
2. When you start to hold yourself to the same standards you expect of others, I'll take crap like this seriously. In the past you've deleted my providing exactly the "proof" you claim you wanted then lied about my not providing "proof".
You clearly seem to desperately need to exert control over your blog, and will use any excuses you can to do so. No matter how capricious, random, and inconsistent you are, it all comes down to finding a reason to delete others and to misrepresent their comments. If Art's comments are all of the horrible things you claim they are, then leave them and let others judge. Don't delete them and make claims that you can't prove about them.
In Dan's two most recent comments at my blog, I count seven claims Dan made without even the attempt to offer even one tiny shred of proof. I guess if I applied his rules, I'd just delete his comments and misrepresent them.
Fortunately, Dan's unproven claims don't scare or offend me and I want those claims to be visible for everyone to see and judge independently.
Indeed, Craig. I just attempted to again back up my positions at his laughably titled "Shame" post, and he deleted me yet again with the same bullshit excuses, so I discontinued my efforts.
Here's Dan's only value to the word: In Dan we see everything wrong with the nation, with the so-called "progressive", with the Dem Party. All the ills our nation suffers is because of such as Dan and if you want to see name a specific evil characteristic of the left, you'll find it manifested in the words and actions of Dan.
Craig said, with ZERO support, mind you:
In Dan's two most recent comments at my blog, I count seven claims Dan made without even the attempt to offer even one tiny shred of proof.
What are they? Craig asked me to provide support that showed that UH was having a large profit margin or something. But I said nothing about UH or about profit margins. I had NO opinions about those topics and why Craig is asking me about them, I don't know.
What I ACTUALLY said/claimed:
Some large group of outliers - not "the media," not "the Democrats," but actual people
who have been actively harmed by the Insurance Industry -
have expressed some amount of schaudenfraude about the murder of this industry leader
in an industry that has committed great harm to large numbers of people.
When he asked me to provide support for THAT claim, I did. With multiple sources. When he responded with a New Yorker article, I noted that THAT article, too, demonstrated the active harm caused by insurance industries specifically and our health system, more generally. It's the latter I'm mostly speaking about.
It doesn't matter if insurance companies are breaking even and not making ANY profit (which is far from the case) IF they have these practices of denying services recommended by a patient's medical experts because THEIR expert (who has never even seen, much less, examined the patient) denied the claim. It doesn't matter if they're profiting when our system leaves millions of people uninsured and of the uninsured, there are tens of thousands of deaths and beyond that, much more physical and financial harm. That IS actual harm and I supported my actual claim with actual, commonsense data... it's not really a secret that many people are outraged with our health system, or lack thereof.
Just to set the record straight.
Now, if you or Craig ever have an actual claim that I HAVE made and want me to provide support for it, you can ask.
Reality is reality.
Marshal claimed, ridiculously, and with no support:
In Dan we see everything wrong with the nation
Dan and people like Dan (ie, this isn't about me... it's about the irrational disdain that conservatives have against the huge number of wonderful, rational, helping liberals in the world):
* Married and faithful to one woman for 40 years (next year);
* Loving father or two fantastic children who are actively making the world a better place;
* Faithful church-going Christian for all of his life, currently a music and otherwise leader in our congregation full of people WAY better than me;
* Working to make the better place (by helping people with disabilities get jobs and live more independently - oh, the horror! - in my case, but also social workers, people helping the unhoused find housing, people helping those with mental health concerns, teachers, environmentalists, medical workers, etc, etc)
* In our free time, working to make the world a better, healthier place (advocating for kind and helpful actions like welcoming refugees escape from danger, giving the homeless a place to gather with dignity and share in art and music and poetry, working to clean our streams and forests, etc)
* in our other free time, writing and playing songs or doing art about justice and kindness and goodness, about helping the marginalized, welcoming the marginalized, advocating for policies that help the poor and otherwise marginalized...
In other words, when you demonize folks like me as "everything that is wrong with the nation, you sound insane. I and people like me are good people, helpers, kind people working for a better world. (Other people WAY moreso than me... but you know, liberals=helpers, in general).
What is wrong with being a loving, committed, faithful spouse and parent? Can you say the same? Your pervert king sure can't. What is wrong with being a teacher, social worker, helper? What is wrong with working on art and music, sharing it with others, helping others do their own art and music and giving THEM support as they do it?
It's just a silly-on-the-face-of-it claim that smacks of delusional conspiracy theories. And, of course, goes completely unsupported. The problem, I suspect, is that you and people like you think that disagreeing with your personal opinions on moral or theological issues is the same as disagreeing with God or with hating moral goodness and decency.
Reality undermines these nonsense claims of yours.
Dan responds to fact of his moral corruption by again listing that which no one here is likely to verify and that Dan can't. But let's assume all his nice things are true to one extent or another. None of it mitigates the evil of his support for the tens of thousands of deaths from abortion, as if it's an actual medical procedure which "does no harm". And of course that includes the women who underwent abortions and suffered physical harm, including death, as well as lasting mental/emotional harm for their troubles. As if that's not evil enough, he'll perpetrate the lie that it's sometimes necessary and must be protected because lying abortionists and feminist harpies insist it's their right to murder their own children.
Then there's his undying support, defense, celebrating and enabling of ACTUAL sexual perversions of any kind (except the most common compulsion of a man to have sex with hot babes....somehow THAT makes one "a pervert king"). He supports, defends, celebrates and enables exposing small children to actual pervert men who dress up as clownishly oversexed women and their teaching those kids of the "goodness" of "being different", which are always stories of or implying sexual perverts. He supports, defends, celebrates and enables disordered and/or perverted men who "transition to women" (as isn't even factually possible) and then, because they hadn't the talent and skill to be competitive against other men, choose to compete in athletics against women, often inflicting severe injury against women who spent their lives working to improve their ability to compete against women, as well as denying the ability of other females to qualify because other dumbfuck lefties like Dan have the authority or legal ability to allow them to so threaten women. (Trump's never harmed any woman in any way comparable to what I've laid out so far. Dan, by his voting history and the extent he's an activist by supporting, celebrating, defending and enabling it all on the a far greater threat to women than Trump has ever been.)
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Dan's moral depravity. I've laid out these and other cases which prove the fact more times than I can count. And when Dan provides his litany of "good deeds" and expects that they mitigate all the evil with which he is so proudly complicit, and then asks "what's wrong with being like me?", we can then get into this world class dishonesty and deceitfulness.
Dan wants to pretend he's "good" and will prove it by focusing on those good deeds. But to deflect from the truth of his corrupt and black soul, he pretends the evil he supports isn't evil at all, and by doing so, he can insist he's a good man. Trump doesn't get to do that. Only progressives and other leftists have that right. And that's where he's most his belief that he gets to decide what is right and what is wrong. By assuming that authority, how can one ever be anything BUT "a good man". Such a person sets the rules.
It's a funny thing. When we reference the fact of God having used human agency to destroy those whose sin merited such punishment, Dan will dare suggest that God...if the Bible has accurately recorded the a moral monster. What Dan is doing is denying God the authority Dan appropriates for his own evil benefit. Dan isn't evil because Dan insists he's a "good man", as "evidenced" by his "good deeds". God, Who is the Only Being who is truly He stated clearly when in the form of God the not allowed by Dan to act by His own volition and to serve His ultimate master plan. God must act as Dan dictates He must. Dan can do whatever the hell he wants to do.
Dan is morally bankrupt.
It's a funny thing. When we reference the fact of God having used human agency to destroy those whose sin merited such punishment, Dan will dare suggest that God...if the Bible has accurately recorded the a moral monster. What Dan is doing is denying God the authority Dan appropriates for his own evil benefit.
It's a funny thing, indeed. When YOU all believe in YOUR human traditions that ancient texts written before modern history depict stories that depict what is clearly unjust, unloving and even evil actions, you all decide to hold your human traditions as sacrosanct and say that those normally obviously evil, twisted, cancerous actions were somehow NOT evil in those cases, and that justice and love as is normally understood is not the right way to understand "god" as you perceive it to be.
In other words, you rely upon your human traditions and opinions over and against the notion of a rationally just and loving, Good God.
I on the other hand, do not say ANYTHING evil about God. I disagree with your personal human traditions and awful understandings of a great good God.
As to the rest, the problem is, because you are dedicated to your human traditions about "men are evil" etc, you ignore the obvious, taken at face value GOOD human lives of obviously good and loving people. And, at the same time, you downplay the obviously very bad, evil nature of your pervert king.
And where we disagree on the harmful aspects (potentially) of this policy or that policy, you choose to decide that you and your human opinions and traditions are THE Right ones. Someone can't, in good faith, disagree with you about war or abortion or border policies and still be good.
You dismantle basic common notions of good and decent when you do all of that. And you don't even understand, it appears, that this is what you're doing.
To pull that thread a bit more... This is, I'd say, part of the problem of not distinguishing between what's clearly objective fact and what's clearly subjective opinion. IF one holds personal opinions that are not proven and are clearly, literally subjective... and believes them to be "proven" "facts," then that skews one's ability to reason well or make intelligent, rational arguments.
IF one believes that all humans are bad, evil, corrupt and all humans are incapable of being good, not knowing what IS good, then it doesn't matter how obviously good, moral, decent and upright they are observably, they can't be "truly" "good," because that only comes from "god" (as you personally propose "god" should be understood - or even NOT understood, since you all appear to argue that we can't understand your "god" unless your whimsical "god" decides that we are one of the lucky few who your whimsical "god" deigns to bestow insight and understanding upon.
So the reality of obviously, overtly good, loving, parental, nurturing, giving, decent, faithful, gracious, welcoming people (albeit imperfect) doesn't matter, they disagree with you on policies 1, 2 and 3 so they are engaging in "proven" (by your opinion) "bad behavior..." You can't give people the benefit of the doubt that they genuinely are trying to do good, to do the right thing by supporting immigrants, LGBTQ folks, women making their own decisions... no, they are just evil.
Reality be damned.
That's the problem you're having. You're coming across as ridiculously morally preening without any grounding in morality or basic decency.
Now, for my point, I don't say that's because you're evil or bad. Just that you're mistaken. You confuse the evil for what you perceive to be "good." You engage in clearly bad, vulgar, graceless behavior, but you're not, in your heart and intent, bad.
Do YOU think you're bad, vulgar, evil?
You see, in the world of conservative religious traditions and opinions, GOOD is not defined as it normally is - someone who is kind, giving, support, decent, etc. For you all in your subjective opinions, one can be good ONLY IF one is perfect as an almighty "god" (you all theorize). It's not rational or biblical or loving or decent, but it's certainly your opinion - which you appear incapable of acknowledging as an opinion.
In the world of your traditions, JUST is not fair and rational... it's a whimsical and irrational insistence upon CRAZY evil punishment for the slightest of imperfections and the reality of being an imperfect human person.
In the world of your traditions, LOVING is not, you know, caring, gracious, giving, decent, compassionate and forgiving... instead, it's capricious and cruel, whimsically given to a literal FEW while insisting most of humanity will unjustly be punished WILDLY beyond notions of justice and decency and love for relatively minor offenses and ultimately, for the "crime" of being imperfect. Having a "sin nature," as you all theorize with no objective proof.
Your subjective and irrational theories are your human traditions and they make no rational or biblical sense and they paint a wholly human and inhuman picture of "god" as your tradition theorizes.
"Some large group of outliers"- unproven claim #1
"- not "the media," not "the Democrats,"" unproven claim #2 "the media" covers quite a lot of ground, and "the democrats" implies that as long as it's not the DFL, what individual liberals do/say is irrelevant.
"but actual people who have been actively harmed by the Insurance Industry" Unproven claim #3 To suggest that the only people who have been engaging in gleeful comments are the above is simply false, until proven True.
"have expressed some amount of schaudenfraude about the murder of this industry leader" Unproven claim #4 To claim that the only thing expressed was schadenfreude is false until proven True. A UM Mankato professor posted that they were disappointed that this wasn't a serial killer.
"in an industry that has committed great harm to large numbers of people." Unproven claim #5 Without a definition of "harm" and a measure of "large numbers" this claim cannot simply be assumed to be True.
That's five in one snippet.
"AND, it is a tragedy that health policies have been so dominated and harmed by a FOR PROFIT system of "insurance" that causes so much harm." Unproven claim #6 (I believe)
I apologize, my memory was faulty and I miscounted Dan's unproven claims. There were only 5 or 6, not the 7 I estimated. Please forgive me for this grievous error.
"When YOU all believe in YOUR human traditions that ancient texts written before modern history depict stories that depict what is clearly unjust, unloving and even evil actions, you all decide to hold your human traditions as sacrosanct and say that those normally obviously evil, twisted, cancerous actions were somehow NOT evil in those cases, and that justice and love as is normally understood is not the right way to understand "god" as you perceive it to be."
December 11, 2024 at 8:05 PM
This is typical of Dan's nonsensical equivocation and deceit. Just this long-ass sentence is rife with BS, and I'll break it down:
"When YOU all believe in YOUR human traditions..."
I won't be speaking for anyone but myself here, though much of what I hold as true is pretty much held as true by other conservative/actual Christians who stand opposed to Dan and his fictions. When Dan speaks of "YOUR human traditions", it's his way of saying what I believe isn't true, is categorically incorrect or inaccurate or that the words on the pages of Scripture do not mean what they say at all. He doesn't offer a coherent, comprehensive, intelligent and fact-based, evidence-supported alternative understanding of that to which he condescends to call "YOUR human traditions", but by doing so, he insists my position is somehow in error and that's all which anyone needs to know and thus all should reject that position as such, ostensibly to agree with what he doesn't explain is somehow a better and more accurate understanding. That is, HIS understanding is the better and accurate understanding. Just believe it, because he says so.
"...ancient texts written before modern history..."
This is a favored tripe...uh...trope of Dan's from an obscure source he found for the purpose of negating that which he personally finds displeasing in the Old Testament. He also refers to the "style" as "mythic writing". For Dan, coming up this source was a boon and by buying into it as evidence (rather than the subjective opinion of the source's author which pleases Dan more than the truths of Scripture), and his subsequent clinging to it, he can dismiss anything from the OT as unreliable as written, though still not providing an intelligent alternative which would compel others to dismiss those objectionable passages as well. This is clearly a dodge rather than an actual reason to dismiss how the text reports events of the time. His excuses for rejecting the divinely inspired text will be coming up.
"...depict stories that depict what is clearly unjust, unloving and even evil actions, you all decide to hold your human traditions as sacrosanct and say that those normally obviously evil, twisted, cancerous actions were somehow NOT evil in those cases, and that justice and love as is normally understood is not the right way to understand "god" as you perceive it to be."
So here Dan accuses God of unjust, "obviously evil, twisted, cancerous ("cancerous"?? WTF!?) actions" because hordes of people were slaughtered by the Will of God through His Chosen People. He accuses God of lacking justice and love by commanding these attacks. What makes it so horrendous for Dan in particular is the killing of women and children.
What's notable here, and a sign that Dan is given over to his corruption, is how he chooses to ignore the very significant details and distinctions. (Before I go further, I must acknowledge that there are also Biblical scholars who are actual Christians who also struggle with these passages Dan finds so "unGodly".) Dan finds it unjust and unloving that a loving and just God would command the slaughter of even infants, constantly harping on how those like me have no problem with infants being run through with spears or hacked to death with swords. But Scripture doesn't get really descriptive with how any of those killed in these battles were actually put to death (with some specific exceptions regarding specific people, if I'm not mistaken), but only that the Hebrews were commanded to kill everyone, sometimes even the animals. We know full well that the reason for the mass destruction of these populations was their sin, how long they sinned before this final judgement was handed down. But it's just as likely that most...especially the very young and very old...were killed with one stroke of the sword or spear or arrow. Whether that was the case or not there's no such description upon which to make the case. But just as true is that there is nothing which says there was great suffering beyond that which comes from a single mortal blow or strike.
My point here is not so much the details of the deaths of those grave sinners, but how the deaths of any infants compares to what Dan supports, defends, celebrates and enables with regard to abortion, where human beings are poisoned, scalded and too often rent limb from limb with the skull crushed for removal.
You see, that's OK because it's a private decision by a woman and her so-called doctor (an abortionist who makes his money aborting babies). The helpless child is somehow an inconvenience worthy of murdering it.
But while we can't know fully God's plan, His motivations and the like, we know that in these cases the annihilation of these populations served His purpose, certainly was a manifestation of His Justice and Love for His people and a direct response to the great sinfulness of the people He destroyed through human agency. To Dan, God's a moral monster, while he's a caring individual concerned for "the least of these", despite his support for their destruction.
Of course, Dan will whine that I'm just not understanding that those passages are merely written by goat herders trying to comprehend God, not a people who are chosen by God and in contact with God through God's prophets, so as to have no confusion about God's Will and expectations. At the same time, those parts of those same books of the OT which are pleasing to Dan, are somehow not perverted by the patriarchal authors of the OT, the non-intellectual recording before some arbitrary beginning of "modern history", the "mythical style" of the authors.
So these acts of violence against the non-military members of those sinful populations are not "evil acts" if God ordered their destruction. They're evil when we do it for our own personal benefit, such as Dan's support and defense and enabling of abortion.
Dan then goes on to reject Scripture on the basis of how love, justice are "commonly understood". But what is he doing here really? He's doing what he accuse me of doing...abiding human tradition and abiding it over God and Scripture's inspired recording of OT events. Though it can be truthfully stated that our "common understanding of love and justice" is derived from Scripture, it is clearly not identical to God's love and justice. Dan insists that God MUST act in a manner which reflects Dan's conception of love and justice which he says is commonly understood. But understood by whom? Does the muslim world understand love and justice as we do? Do all cultures even within our own nation understand love and justice as actual Christians do? Clearly those Dan favors have an entirely different understanding of justice if they'll riot and protest the death of a thug and seek retribution against the cops doing their job when the punk died due to his own issues. Justice...God's justice certainly...isn't DEI initiatives and Affirmative Action, which are racist by definition. God doesn't play favorites. Dan's "commonly understood" justice does. Dan's "commonly understood" justice does not seek justice for any of the unnecessarily terminated people in utero. Dan's "commonly understood" justice defends the murderers of those unfortunate and wholly defenseless people.
True justice requires that the one who is wronged is restored by the person by whom one was wronged. Dan's too morally corrupt to accurately identify the wrongdoer or the wronged.
I have no doubt my understanding of God is far more accurate than Dan's, because there's no holes in my understanding. I don't have to ignore any of Scripture, or invent what I'd prefer Scripture says. Reading Dan's laughable posts explaining why he rejects God's Will reveals clearly his perversions of Scripture and his totally corrupt nature.
So when Dan's says stupid shit like:
" rely upon your human traditions and opinions over and against the notion of a rationally just and loving, Good God."
He's judging my positions on the basis of his human traditions, traditions which are corruptions as well...traditions which are no more than his preference for what God should be versus how God is described and presented in Scripture. He can whine about my "interpretations" all he likes, but he can't actually provide any compelling, fact-based argument to support the claim that I'm not presenting a truthful and accurate understanding of the faith.
"I on the other hand, do not say ANYTHING evil about God."
Oh yes, you most certainly do, Danny-girl. When you pretend that God would regard homosexual unions as worthy of His Blessings as are actual marriages, you are projecting evil upon God, as you project all manner of evil against conservatives who are far better people than you.
When you pretend that the unborn aren't fully human and of the exact value as any other born person, you're speaking evil of God by suggesting "Thou shalt not murder" isn't to applied with regard to all people He created.
When you suggest that allowing people to cross our border in conflict with our established laws regulating immigration, you are projecting evil upon God by claiming He teaches us to allow lawbreaking by "sojourners".
I could give many more examples of how you speak evil about God by acting and preaching contrary to His clearly revealed Will, but those are enough for now.
"As to the rest, the problem is, because you are dedicated to your human traditions about "men are evil" etc, you ignore the obvious, taken at face value GOOD human lives of obviously good and loving people. And, at the same time, you downplay the obviously very bad, evil nature of your pervert king."
This is yet another lie Dan's never supported except by repeating his anecdotal tales of...not "good" people, but people doing good things. I know lots of people who do good things. I know no one who does things which displease God. No one is perfect...though Dan insists perfection isn't necessary to be good. There's no argument he's ever made which resolves this clear contradiction, but he runs with it anyway. "Good" IS "perfection" because as Jesus clearly stated, no one is good but God, and God is perfect. That doesn't mitigate the fact that we regard some people as better than others and with that in mind refer to them as "good" people. Such are examples of people who, despite their sin natures, strive to do good. That doesn't make them "good" per se. It makes them "good" as compared to other people.
Dan also lies in saying I downplay someone I've no doubt he means to be Donald Trump. Never have and never will. On the contrary, Dan overstates Trump's character flaws. If anyone is downplaying the moral corruption of anyone, it's Dan downplaying the moral turpitude of his beloved lesbians, homosexuals and "transgendered" people, the BLM marxists, the perversions of Barack Obama, and the many obvious failings of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, to name just a few. But as Dan seeks to ignore the sin nature of all those he insists are "good"...not just downplaying, but ignoring...he, like the hypocrite he is, will not say word one about the good things that Trump has done, both politically and personally, which are easy enough to find with some simple research. In short, because Dan...who bores with expressions of "embracing grace" so filled with a perverse hatred for a guy who's done more good for all Americans than any person Dan's supported for president, he prefers to focus on Trump's flaws, like a guy which a plank so fucking large in his eye, he again shows his fraudulence. This makes Dan so far worse than Trump could ever be.
"And where we disagree on the harmful aspects (potentially) of this policy or that policy, you choose to decide that you and your human opinions and traditions are THE Right ones. Someone can't, in good faith, disagree with you about war or abortion or border policies and still be good."
I get this kind of crap even from conservatives from time to time. But the truth is that in Dan's case...and it really only concerns Dan, though he speak of hypothetical "others"...he most always wrong (I'm being gracious here. I can't recall when he's ever been right.) And again he references "human opinions and traditions" instead of simply bringing to bear better more compelling arguments in support of his own positions.
What Dan refuses to acknowledge is that regardless of how he wants to refer to my positions and the facts and truths I present, he's still obligated to provide evidence of his own or that mine are wrong. He doesn't. He doesn't even know how, apparently. He just doesn't like the facts and truths I present and thus..."human opinions and traditions" and attacks on how I deal with disagreement.
"You dismantle basic common notions of good and decent when you do all of that. And you don't even understand, it appears, that this is what you're doing."
Yet another cheap dodge. He attacks me rather than present a coherent, intelligent, fact-based, evidence-supported counter argument. Worse, he dares suggest he's a manifestation of "good and decent".
What a childish little girl he is!
December 11, 2024 at 8:36 PM
"This is, I'd say, part of the problem of not distinguishing between what's clearly objective fact and what's clearly subjective opinion. IF one holds personal opinions that are not proven and are clearly, literally subjective... and believes them to be "proven" "facts," then that skews one's ability to reason well or make intelligent, rational arguments."
This is something Dan likes to say as if it absolves him from his obligation to provide an actual fact-based argument to counter truths he finds problematic. If he could do that, he might find a better outcome in these many debates. But that's as far as he goes when he runs into that which displeases him...pretending I have some difficulty distinguishing between the objective and subjective. But let's assume I do. Let's assume all the facts I present, with all the attendant evidence in support of them, are still no more than subjective opinion. We'll never know for certain because all Dan offers is the claim my positions are subjective opinion. No facts. No evidence. Just the claim that my positions are subjective and not a thing I present as evidence actually is definitive in any way. In short, my positions aren't subjective because they actually are, but they're subjective because DAN says they are, and that's all that's necessary. It's the same thing he does when he regards allegations of Trump as evidence of guilt (or of anyone else on the right for that matter). Then Dan throws around words like "reason" as if he's actually presenting anything akin to that. He doesn't understand the word. He uses lots of words falsely in order to avoid admitting he's wrong. He's too enslaved by his perversions and corruption.
"IF one believes that all humans are bad, evil, corrupt and all humans are incapable of being good, not knowing what IS good, then it doesn't matter how obviously good, moral, decent and upright they are observably, they can't be "truly" "good," because that only comes from "god"..."
Again Dan perverts the teachings of the faith. I don't "believe" all people are inherently sinful by nature. I accept it as fact because it's what Scripture teaches. Scripture clearly teaches we're all stained with sin natures and only God is good. Rather than wet myself like Dan, as if it means the people I love aren't "good" to a noticeable degree, it confirms our need for Christ, which is also taught by Scripture and is indeed the most important teaching of all. We need Christ because we aren't good.
"So the reality of obviously, overtly good, loving, parental, nurturing, giving, decent, faithful, gracious, welcoming people (albeit imperfect) doesn't matter, they disagree with you on policies 1, 2 and 3 so they are engaging in "proven" (by your opinion) "bad behavior..." You can't give people the benefit of the doubt that they genuinely are trying to do good, to do the right thing by supporting immigrants, LGBTQ folks, women making their own decisions... no, they are just evil."
Here we see Dan the Real Pervert King perverting again. I have no problem giving people the benefit of the doubt, that even when they favor clearly vile policies and behaviors, they mean to do good. But that just underlines the truth that they are corrupt...driven by their sin natures....more concerned with the favor of the world than of God.
And of course he perverts words when he speaks of "supporting immigrants", when the fact is that he is supporting lawbreakers who enter illegally. He prefers to regard them all as hapless folks oppressed in some way simply seeking a better life, though almost 100% of them are paying off criminals in order to cross as they do, rather than go through legal channels regardless of the effort and time involved. Dan votes for assholes who enable the millions who seek to be among those who will be allowed to stay at some point despite not have come here according to OUR laws and customs. Dan likes to pervert the situation to enable this bad behavior, and then pretend he's more "Christian" because he cares about "the oppressed", as if all(or any) who enter illegally are.
He again speaks of supporting sexual perversion as if they are incapable of controlling themselves, incapable of exerting the self-discipline in abiding God's Will, as if their perversions are like skin color or sex. What a fucking liar! A vile, vulgar disgusting liar! With these people, as with the illegal invaders, we're supposed to subordinate our own "self-determination" to that of these self-serving law-breaking sinners (some break the laws of man, but all are breaking the laws of God).
And arguably the most vile are those women who murder their own children. Dan and his kind lie like Satan in regarding this evil as "women making their own decisions"! Indeed, enabling this heinous practice makes Dan about as evil as they come!
But as people disregard the Will of God, which includes abiding civil laws enacted by the representatives of ourselves, they are indeed evil.
Some like to use the word "evil" sparingly, as if evil isn't always evil if it isn't as evil as other evils. That's cheap bullshit. I'm done with that crap regardless of who tries to run with it. Every little sin we commit is the perpetuation of evil. Yeah, damnit! It's THAT serious! Dan's especially indicted by this type of behavior.
"Reality be damned"
The "reality" is that Dan is a vile, evil POS.
"You're coming across as ridiculously morally preening without any grounding in morality or basic decency."
That's funny! Somehow, to Dan, Scripture isn't proper "grounding". Dan has confirmed he doesn't regard Scripture as the ultimate source of moral teaching, so I'm not at all surprised he'd say something so stupid. How I come across to a morally bankrupt fool like Dan is of no concern to me. I don't acquiesce to evil like him.
" Now, for my point, I don't say that's because you're evil or bad. Just that you're mistaken."
I don't give a flying fuck about what you say. I only await your proof for what you want to pretend is true. Until you can do that, until you make so much as the slightest effort to provide such, you're farting.
"You confuse the evil for what you perceive to be "good.""
WTF does this even mean?? I'm not the least bit confused about your evil and that only God is good. I don't "condemn" anyone because they're imperfect. I simply acknowledge the reality that only God is good. If Jesus says it, it's true. If you can't prove He was speaking "metaphorically"...which you haven't come close to doing...I'm not the least bit compelled to regard His words as anything other than Truth. And since He IS the Truth, it requires nothing more from me, and a helluva a lot from you if you insist on contradicting Him.
"You engage in clearly bad, vulgar, graceless behavior, but you're not, in your heart and intent, bad."
I'm a sinner grateful as all get out that I have Jesus Christ as my Savior, who died so that I won't have to, that by His shed Blood I will be redeemed and regarded as "good" before the Most High. And my "bad, vulgar, graceless" behavior is nothing compared to the Christ-mocking behaviors you indulge, enable, defend, celebrate, support and love.
"You dismantle basic common notions of good and decent when you do all of that. And you don't even understand, it appears, that this is what you're doing."
What a load of crap spewed from the virtual mouth of a load of crap! I'm not the least bit concerned with "common notions" of "good and decent". I concern myself with the True notions of good and decent as revealed to us in Scripture. "Common notions" are truly "human traditions" and "human traditions" in the worst possible sense. I know it's how YOU roll, but I aspire to be considered a good and faithful servant of God, not to "common notions". (Wish me ain't easy for me!)
"Do YOU think you're bad, vulgar, evil?"
I have my moments, you vile cocksucker. That is, I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. I don't bullshit about my shortcomings and I certainly don't bullshit about the Truth of Scripture like you fake Christians do. I don't boast about my concern for the innocent people in utero regarded as disposable by assholes like you. It's just a point of fact, as but one example.
"In the world of your traditions, JUST is not fair and rational... it's a whimsical and irrational insistence upon CRAZY evil punishment for the slightest of imperfections and the reality of being an imperfect human person."
The "human tradition" here is that "just" is determined by you, not by God. You dare to insist that God must abide YOUR notions of justice, that God cannot and MUST NOT be offended by sin if Dan thinks a given sin is not serious enough for eternal damnation. I'm sure God is cowered at the notion that some putz from Louisville is unhappy with what displeases Him. Putting YOUR notions of justice above God's is a winning strategy. Good luck with that. I hope there's popcorn and drinks served while we watch you answer for your arrogance.
But of course, you continue to in your failing as regard what results in our salvation or condemnation. You continue to insist it's about works...about whether one steals a stub of a pencil or whether one sends a 6 million Jews to the gas chambers. You pretend you're a serious and prayerful student of Scripture, yet you continue to believe it's about works. So sad. Here's a hint, little girl: given we're all imperfect sinners, maybe it's not about works at all.
"In the world of your traditions, LOVING is not, you know, caring, gracious, giving, decent, compassionate and forgiving... instead, it's capricious and cruel, whimsically given to a literal FEW while insisting most of humanity will unjustly be punished WILDLY beyond notions of justice and decency and love for relatively minor offenses and ultimately, for the "crime" of being imperfect."
Wow! That's an incredibly fantastical fantasy you've invented. Did your troll help you create that, or did you do it all by yourself? Why do you keep projecting this fantasy onto me and those like me? Why not just address our actual positions? Could it be that you can't deal with the truth? I think that's absolutely the problem.
"Having a "sin nature," as you all theorize with no objective proof."
Uh...except for Scripture, from which I and others have so many times provided all relevant verses and passages confirming the truth of our sin nature. But then, lying is so essential to your objections, isn't it?
"Your subjective and irrational theories are your human traditions and they make no rational or biblical sense and they paint a wholly human and inhuman picture of "god" as your tradition theorizes."
So you so desperately wish was true despite your abject failure in supporting with actual facts and evidence...unlike me who has presented no small number of verses and passages which confirm the positions I hold as true and factual. This is just crap you like to say as if saying so makes it so. It doesn't sad little girl. Try backing it up for a change.
As if Dan doesn't also believe in whatever human traditions he holds dear.
" rely upon your human traditions and opinions over and against the notion of a rationally just and loving, Good God."
Of course Dan is basing his human tradition on his subjective notions about what "just", "loving" and "good" look like as they relate to YHWH.
"... someone who is kind, giving, support, decent, etc."
Interesting that Dan defines "good" 100% in terms of deeds and actions. Further noting that most of those are subjective terms. Further noting that he neglects to mention the motivation behind the actions as a factor. In other words, as long as someone who's "evil" does actions that appear to be "kind, giving, decent, and supportive", then they magically become "good" in Dan's fantasy world.
"Having a "sin nature," as you all theorize with no objective proof."
Uh...except for Scripture, from which I and others have so many times provided all relevant verses and passages confirming the truth of our sin nature. But then, lying is so essential to your objections, isn't it?
1. What I said is that you have NO OBJECTIVE PROOF to demand that YOUR HUMAN THEORY of eternal punishment for "sinners" is anything that God has planned for the majority of humanity (or truly, factually, for anyone.). Period. You have no objective proof. Literally none.
2. You may read the Bible and offer YOUR PERSONAL HUMAN OPINIONS and interpretations of various passages, but they are literally that: Your subjective human opinions and interpretations. That is just an established fact. Because, what else is there? When there is no GOD there to authoritatively verify, "Yup, that irrational and unholy nonsense IS what I think..." You are reading a text which you literally can't prove is "from God" and which is literally the recordings of a bunch of human authors and, given those texts, you read some handful of lines and then YOU decide, "Well then, that MUST mean that God literally will punish most of humanity for an eternity of torture for the crime of being imperfect humans, no matter how irrational, unloving or unjust that is, that is what WE THINK these verses must mean."
3. I'd ask you if you can concede that much which should be easy since it's observably factual, but I don't think you can see it. Craig, can YOU see and affirm that this is literally, factually, objectively what's happening?
I suspect he can't, either. While most of you all won't come out and say it (but tend to hint around at it when pushed to address these holes) is that you "believe in your hearts" that "God affirms" you are understanding God aright AND that this feeling or "belief in your heart" of "God's affirmation" is something more than subjective and unproven opinion.
Good luck, fellas. May your hearts be softened and your eyes be opened.
This is totally your choice (9 comments responding to Dan's off topic regurgitation of his tired, old, taking points), and I'm not being critical of your choice at all, but this is exactly Dan's strategy. It's all about exerting control over the conversation, forcing the conversation into whatever idiocy Dan chooses, and completely ignoring the point of the post. It's almost like he is unable to engage in the topic at hand or deal with arguments, so he trots out the same old regurgitated bullshit as a way to divert attention from his failures.
To address Craig's concerns that I've made false claims or unproven claims:
1. "Some large group of outliers"- unproven claim #1
This is just basic math. There have been, what? Hundreds of comments presumably from hundreds of people who've said something along the lines of "I'm glad he's dead..." or other tasteless and cruel comments about a man's murder? Have their been THOUSANDS of such comments? Let's REALLY bump it up and guess that there have been 30,000 unique and tasteless sorts of comments like this. In a nation of 300 + million people, that comes to .01%. That is a mathematically TINY number of people, literally a tine fringe. AND that's being extremely generous to guess a number as high as 30,000.
How am I mistaken?
"- not "the media," not "the Democrats,"" unproven claim #2 "the media" covers quite a lot of ground, and "the democrats" implies that as long as it's not the DFL, what individual liberals do/say is irrelevant.
IN THE MAINSTREAM accepted-as-professional media, the actual journalistic outfits like NPR, BBC, CNN, ABC, Wall St Journal, etc, there have been, as far as I know, NOT ONE SINGLE journalist who espoused such a position. Same for the mainstream elected Democrats. If you can find one, by all means present it. But YOU are the one making the slanderous claim that these are "leftists" and you do so with NO support other than noting that some of these commenters (a tiny percentage, no doubt, of the tiny percentage of people making such comments) seem to you to be using liberal talking points.
It is literally NOT the mainstream journalistic media (ie, what most people tend to be talking about when they talk about "the media") outfits making these tasteless comments. To suggest otherwise with no support is childish slander and gossip, except that it's not childish in the potential for harm.
"but actual people who have been actively harmed by the Insurance Industry" Unproven claim #3 To suggest that the only people who have been engaging in gleeful comments are the above is simply false, until proven True.
Fair enough. So far, you have ONE comment that I've not provided proof for. But then, we can't. We don't KNOW who these nameless commenters are. From what I've read in a large number of comments about this man's murder is people expressing concerns about how they've been mistreated by the insurance industry and their irrational rules. But are THOSE people the ones making the cruel comments? We can't prove that (except in the cases where it's more than just the tasteless comment, but also they offer some reason, such as, "I have a hard time finding sympathy for him when his policies and actions have caused so much harm to so many people."
None of us can prove the motivations or backgrounds or partisan policies of these anonymous commenters. That most certainly includes YOU, who are the one making the slanderous charges with no objective support.
Look, if you want to say, "In many of these comments I've read (let's say, 2 dozen!), these cruel comments have come from people who appear to me to be expressing some traditionally liberal-sounding claims, like "healthcare for all!*"" You can righteously and reasonably make that sort of comment, but to jump to sweeping comments of blame is not rational, it's just slander.
* with the caveat that there are certainly many conservatives who appreciate the notions of universal healthcare that is not run for profit... it's not a universally liberal idea.
"have expressed some amount of schaudenfraude about the murder of this industry leader" Unproven claim #4 To claim that the only thing expressed was schadenfreude is false until proven True.
Fair enough. We can't (not me, not YOU) prove the motives behind why people are making such cruel comments (and let me be clear, here, that the "cruel or tasteless" comments I'm talking about are the ones like "I'm glad he's dead," or "CEO's should be watching out!" as if to celebrate his death or even encourage more such harm... that, as opposed to saying something like "the way that these insurance companies take advantage of people, it's not surprising that people are angry..." The latter is certainly Schadenfreude, by definition, as the joy that some people feel in seeing some people be harmed is typically (not always, but typically) tied to concerns about injustices that have been done. The joy in seeing a Nazi executed, for instance, is not expressing irrational and cruel joy in seeing just anyone be harmed, but specific to someone who engaged in monstrous actions.
I suspect, but can't prove, that most people making such comments are most likely doing so because they feel the insurance companies have been cruel in their policies. Do you suspect otherwise? Do you REALLY think that such a wave of harsh discontent is coming simply because people hate people they don't know for no reason?
I'd say that's an irrational guess, if that's what you're guessing.
"in an industry that has committed great harm to large numbers of people." Unproven claim #5 Without a definition of "harm" and a measure of "large numbers" this claim cannot simply be assumed to be True.
HARM. Just HARM, as we normally define it or understand it. The tens of thousands of people who die young due to having no insurance or who go bankrupt because their insurance didn't cover their needed medical expenses have been harmed.
Now, you may think such harm is justified... that maybe the dead and bankrupt and other people harmed by these policies should have taken better care of themselves or made more money... but you can't say that dying young is not harm. You can't say that going bankrupt is not harm.
I know what Dan's doing. But what I'm doing now is allowing him to provide more hemlock for his bullshit beverage and as we can see, he's doing that still.
He's also brought your discussion here because he can't get his manure exposed on his own terms. Kinda like his troll does. Maybe that's where he got it.
While the post refers to the DEI nonsense, it also points to Dan's craven character, so to some extent, what's happening now between us is the result of him doubling down on it. In time, I'll be referencing specifics of the post in relation to all the shit he's been spewing to defend his love of sin and perversion.
December 13, 2024 at 9:08 AM
"1. What I said is that you have NO OBJECTIVE PROOF to demand that YOUR HUMAN THEORY of eternal punishment for "sinners" is anything that God has planned for the majority of humanity (or truly, factually, for anyone.). Period. You have no objective proof. Literally none."
"Uh...except for Scripture, from which I and others have so many times provided all relevant verses and passages confirming the truth of our sin nature."
Scripture IS "objective" proof for all things related to the Christian faith you pervert to your liking. Without Scripture, there is no Christian faith for we in modern times. And as to our sin nature, Scripture is not obscure or unclear about it.
"2. You may read the Bible and offer YOUR PERSONAL HUMAN OPINIONS and interpretations of various passages, but they are literally that: Your subjective human opinions and interpretations."
You can say that all you like. You can regard the facts and truths I present and defend in any manner of your choosing. But what's constantly and purposely missing is your evidenced/fact-based arguments to counter the facts and truths I present. You're saying they aren't doesn't make it so.
"That is just an established fact."
It's a "fact" of no relevance whatsoever if stated without the required facts and evidence to refute those I present or to support whatever the hell you want to suggest is an alternative of actual merit. You NEVER provide.
" When there is no GOD there to authoritatively verify, "Yup, that irrational and unholy nonsense IS what I think...""
God IS there throughout the Bible you use to wipe your ass saying that which I repeat, in most cases directly and in other implicitly and I provide evidentiary support for the latter always. Unlike you, I don't require and demand that Scripture or God must use exact wording to my liking in order to understand what is otherwise crystal clear. And those things of God and Scripture I present are in no way "irrational and unholy nonsense" simply because a self-serving, lying pervert like you so desperately and pathetically need them to be.
"You are reading a text which you literally can't prove is "from God"..."
By this, Dan once again accuses the Biblical writers of being liars, self-serving and unreliable chroniclers of human history and God's interaction with humanity.
"...and which is literally the recordings of a bunch of human authors..."
...which in Dan's mind automatically means Scripture is NOT "inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness..." And it can't be if Dan wants to continue defending abominations as he constantly does. Indeed, that's the very reason Dan constantly disputes word for word Scriptural presentations which indicts him.
"...and, given those texts, you read some handful of lines and then YOU decide, "Well then, that MUST mean that God literally will punish most of humanity for an eternity of torture for the crime of being imperfect humans, no matter how irrational, unloving or unjust that is, that is what WE THINK these verses must mean.""
First, given the text, whether "a handful" of verses, a single verse, or more truthfully the full context whence comes those verses and passages I present, their quantity is irrelevant. Only whether or not a verse is truth and fact and until you can prove it isn't, it remains truth and fact. If you can't prove it...if you want to whine it can't be proven...then you have no business daring to rebuke those of us who revere the Word and preach It boldly.
Then, you go on and accuse God because His punishment doesn't live up to your human tradition of what constitutes irrational, unloving or unjust consequences for failing to meet God's expectations. How dare He act contrary to Dan Trabue's will!!! I hope there's tasty snacks and beverages for those who get to witness you making that case before the Judgement Seat. Should be entertaining.
"3. I'd ask you if you can concede that much which should be easy since it's observably factual..."
Then it should be easy for you to prove. I'll wait here while you don't.
"While most of you all won't come out and say it (but tend to hint around at it when pushed to address these holes) is that you "believe in your hearts" that "God affirms" you are understanding God aright AND that this feeling or "belief in your heart" of "God's affirmation" is something more than subjective and unproven opinion."
Put down the crack pipe. I could not be more unequivocal, more direct, more totally honest in affirming my acceptance of the facts and truths I present in these discussions. That is, no mere "belief in my heart" if I'm believing that which isn't presented to all of us as fact. There's no way you can "push" me into acquiescing to your insistence it isn't, except by presenting compelling evidence to the contrary. You not only can't, but you don't even try believing you're in no way obliged. Your self-serving say-so is enough. But it isn't. YOUR say-so is crap and unworthy of consideration because of your well known notoriety as an inveterate liar.
"Good luck, fellas. May your hearts be softened and your eyes be opened."
Here you double down again on your arrogant assumption that you're right, I'm wrong and that's all the "evidence" I should need. My eyes have been open to your falsehood, your low character, your love of sin and hate for God and His Will for a long, long time.
As to the post itself, I reiterate that the point of it was to present a comment I made at Dan's Blog of Lies which he deleted. He refuses to respond to it in a truthful manner and pretends my concern for the dead guy is a "white" thing. The vile response to his concerns about DEI policy Dan believes is justified...that the marxist bitch has no obligation to treat the poor man in a Christian manner, as if doing so is "appeasing" him. It's another case of Dan assuming authority to dictate what is right and wrong, and in this case, he against mitigates the foul behavior of one of his own and projects racist traits upon the guy who killed himself. This is what "embrace grace" looks like in Dan's world.
Trabue keeps proving is not a Christian. His rank heresy is so gross! He definetly sounds like a pawn of Satan when he says the Bible doesn't say what scholars have said it said for over 1500 years! But Dan's opinion, totally uneducated and ignorant as it is, certainly proves all these people wrong becaue only HE know what God means/thinks. Dan is as disgusting as it gets.
Scripture IS "objective" proof for all things related to the Christian faith you pervert to your liking...
The reality is that you 100% absolutely are entirely impotent and hopelessly, helplessly incapable of proving objectively even THAT much of your childish vapid weightless human theory. If you could, you would.
You don't even TRY to prove it precisely because you can't.
YOU are the one making the ridiculous claim. The onus is on you to prove it.
December 13, 2024 at 8:30 PM & 8:33PM
I said: "Scripture IS "objective" proof for all things related to the Christian faith you pervert to your liking..."
Dan the pervert king replied:
"PROVE IT." (Typical)
Have you ever read it? Oh yeah...that's "seriously and prayerfully studied". Right. Given that, I have to ask, what other source can you produce which provides any proof for or about the Christian faith? Your "REASON!??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Any questions regarding the teachings of the faith are always go back to Scripture because it's the source of all knowledge about the teachings of the faith. And anything you try to present as a possible replacement ("the heavens proclaim the glory of God" for example) you only know or have because of Scripture telling you. Any dispute about the teachings of the faith require referencing Scripture to get to the answer. You don't have ANY way to justify even demanding I provide you with "proof", much less any possible alternative which disproves that fact. And of course, even with you pretending to have "seriously and prayerfully studied" Scripture, you still have so much of it wrong, even discounting all you've rejected because it conflicts so directly with your personal preferences and heresies, YOU still turn to it in your lame attempt to rationalize your corruptions of it.
"The reality is that you 100% absolutely are entirely impotent and hopelessly, helplessly incapable of proving objectively even THAT much of your childish vapid weightless human theory. If you could, you would."
Such personal attacks are good proofs of the truth of my position also. But setting that aside, I'm under no obligation of any kind for stating what's so obvious and factual. If it wasn't, instead of wetting yourself and embracing grace with your personal attacks, you'd present a better source for learning about the faith than Scripture. But as there is no better source, you default to pretending I'm obliged to prove what you can't disprove. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. A "ridiculous claim"? Hardly. A ridiculous demand by you? Without a doubt.
I said: "Without Scripture, there is no Christian faith for we in modern times."
Dan embraced grace again with this little pouty and petulant rejoinder:
"What a childish, irrational and venal little faith you have."
That's funny. I have faith in the reliability of Scripture, a collection of books about God and His relationship with us, and this pervert heretic wants to pretend there's something amiss about my faith! Amazing how he clings to his perversion!
"petty, graceless and cruel human traditions"
Like supporting, defending, enabling and celebrating infanticide, corrupting small children who haven't been murdered in utero, sexual perversions of all kinds and a host of other truly cruel inhuman traditions you favor? It's special when a vile person such as yourself condescends to accuse me of being being what you are. Progressives routinely project their evil onto others. Well done.
"I have faith in the reliability of Scripture, a collection of books about God and His relationship with us.."
Me, too. I just don't have faith in you and other humans like you to understand it correctly. And that's the point. WHICH humans have the authority or objectively indisputable opinions on interpretations and understanding?
Not you.
Not me.
It's literally our subjective opinions.
December 14, 2024 at 10:04 AM
"Answering the question with another question is NOT objective proof."
I'm sorry. That's my bad. I forgot I need to speak plainly with you so that there is no doubt of my meaning. You want respect and civility in discourse, but that's only so you can push bullshit on your terms. But this isn't your Blog of Lies. This is a blog where honesty is valued.
So, to be clear, my questions to your question (actually, to your demand for "proof" of what has been true for centuries) were meant to point to how much your demand is bullshit and just another dishonest diversion. You won't provide an argument against my positions, but will demand proof of a quality you never provide on those rarest of occasions when you offer crap meant to taken as evidence.
The fact is, you can neither support with any real evidence of any kind your own perversions of Scripture you put forth as the result of "serious and prayerful" study, nor can you provide support with any real evidence that my positions are in any way in error. Instead, you deflect to demanding from me as if you have any intention of conceding any point regardless of the quality and quantity of evidence provided to prove my point.
So here, the onus is on YOU to provide evidence. Abdicating that obligation on the sorry excuse that you're just offering an opinion which can't be proven is unacceptable and while totally expected given your long history of such cowardice and honesty, is a clear white flag of surrender without having the courage to publicly admit defeat.
"Beyond that, who SAYS that there IS "objective proof" for or about the Christian faith?"
Honest people.
"Does ANYONE say that exists?"
Uh...theologians, Biblical scholars, historians, archaeologists, the early church fathers as well as non-believing historians among the Romans and Jews, the Biblical authors, and last, but not least, witnesses to the events of Christ's ministry, execution and resurrection.
"If anyone says that, do they have objective proof for the claim?"
Nothing a lying, cowardly, fake Christian like you would ever accept. So again, stop with the bullshit and get down to business. Make a case that's more compelling than this constant 5 yr old level "Nyuh uh" crap.
"There is nothing in the Bible or in all of God's good earth that says we have some source for objective proof of the Christian faith."
You're a moron. The Bible itself is objective proof of the Christian faith.
"Do you recognize that reality?"
PROVE your "reality", or retract that question in your next comment and never ask it again.
"This isn't that hard, brother."
Don't call me "brother". You're not my brother and little is more insulting than for you to call me "brother". Henceforth, I must regard it as such, for it's as vile a thing to call me as would be "Jeff St. congregant".
"We can certainly get information and stories about Jewish history and about the life and teachings of Jesus and the early Christian church from the Bible, as well as some other sources."
What other sources? List a few.
"But who says the information in the Bible or any other sources are objective proof of anything?"
Again with a Dishonest Dan tactic. We're talking about the Bible here, not "any other sources". Stop lying. If it's not the ultimate authoritative resource for knowledge of the Christian faith, prove it. Your questions are no more than truth claims suggesting the opposite of what my position is as if there is an opposite with any true merit.
"Do you understand the problem? "
Yeah. You're a lying asshole who refuses to do a damned thing to support your opposition to the truth I present. Given you aren't about to accept any evidence from me regardless of the quality of it, the problem is that you're dodging your obligation to actually do what you claim you always do...engage in discourse in an adult and respectful manner. That isn't evident anywhere in this thread.
What IS starkly evident is that you continue to do exactly what I've been saying is routine with you regarding your dishonesty and lack of honor and integrity. Thanks for the help.
"I'm not presenting ANYTHING as a replacement."
Another aspect of the problem. You never do. You just object, criticize and refuse to accept a clear presentation of Scriptural truths which don't work for your pervert narratives.
" I'm acknowledging that we, none of us, have objective proof that our understanding of various biblical texts are objectively proven that we understand God aright or these various human principles and beliefs correctly. Again, I'm talking about objective proof."
Another intentional, blatant lie. You're spewing a favorite excuse for rejecting that which does not align with your preferred heresies with the false suggestion that you heresies are just as likely true as the Scriptural truths and facts I present. You're not fooling anyone here. No one here fails to easily see through these cheap rationalizations and excuses from you. The extent of the knowledge provided us in Scripture is not mysterious. You inject ambiguity where it doesn't exist so you can go on supporting infanticide, sexual perversions of your LGBTQ friends, sticking your hands in the pockets of productive people rather than being more productive yourself, deaths and rapes and robberies of fellow citizens and migrants about whom you pretend to care and a host of other anti-Christian behaviors you want to pretend are somehow Christian after all.
" sigh. Prove it."
Provide a better source.
"Of course, I do. IF ANY person is making claims that you want to say are objectively factual (the bible is inerrant, one of the various flavors of human theories of atonement, that humans are "totally corrupt..." Or, that Allah wants men to have multiple wives or that women can't get an education past the sixth grade, etc), then it is always reasonable to ask for the person for them to provide the proof. That's just basic communication 101."
Never again mention islamic tenets in a discussion about Scripture and the Christian faith you mock by saying you love God. It has no place here and is just another attempt to diminish the Scriptural truths I might present by grouping them with lies.
This also is another deceptive tactic by not specifying which claims are being proven by citing Scripture. Fortunately, the three you mentioned here have been exhaustively proven many times in many ways and, because you're a lying heretical asshole, you reject it all without reciprocal counter evidence. So don't condescend by pretending to instruct me in what I do constantly without an adult response from you. "Basic communication 101" is a two-way street. The receiver of information or truth claims must respond with something more intelligent and adult than "Nyuh uh! PROVE IT!", especially not continually demanding "PROOF" for the proofs and evidence given without end. "Adult and respectful" is just a punchline to you. You clearly never mean it.
"IF someone is making a claim that they are saying is objectively factual/proven, THEN that person has the burden of proof.
You know this, right?"
Fuck yourself. What no one knows is the exact criteria for determining the quality and quantity of the evidence the Almighty Trabue will accept. So cut the crap. At this blog, YOU are most obliged to bring the goods. Don't ever forget that.
"There. THAT is the problem. EVEN IF someone loves the Bible, tries to take it seriously, loves God, loves Jesus, wants to follow Jesus (someone like me, for instance), then YOU are saying they can get it wrong, since you think I get it wrong."
That's funny. You reject so much which is beyond debate, yet you claim to be someone who "someone loves the Bible, tries to take it seriously, loves God, loves Jesus, wants to follow Jesus". This ain't your Blog of Lies.
The truth is you don't "get it wrong" as if you're mistaken. You blatantly reject numerous truths and concepts which are beyond debating at this point and do so with no evidence to suggest you have a legit reason for "being wrong". The most laughable part is when you talk about having arrived at your heresies by use of your "God-given reason". There's reasoning out the truth and then there's "reasoning" (scheming in reality) your way around it. You do the latter.
" What is your authoritative objective source that can demonstrably objectively prove YOU are the one who is understanding God aright on these various human theories?"
And still with this dishonest question which will never be allowed here again. The point of this question isn't to secure an answer, because the proof is in how closely and accurately my positions match the actual teaching of Scripture, but to impose ambiguity so as to allow that your heresies might actually be meritorious and "Christian" despite being so much farther from being truth than mine are close. It's a question you ask because of the impossibility of actually arguing for your heresies. You're not fooling anybody by asking this fool question. You're just being an asshole...and you're always a success in that endeavor.
December 14, 2024 at 11:55 AM
"Me, too. I just don't have faith in you and other humans like you to understand it correctly. And that's the point. WHICH humans have the authority or objectively indisputable opinions on interpretations and understanding?"
First, no you don't. You reject so much which is so clear to make such a claim. You insult God by saying so when it is so clearly untrue.
And no, it's not that you don't have faith in my ability to properly and accurately understand Scripture. My understanding conflicts with your marxist, pro-perversion ideology. This is true and proven by your inability, unwillingness and refusal to provide evidence to contradict my understanding. "Nyuh uh" will never get it done. This is another "Nyuh uh" comment.
Those humans whose opinions have not been rebuked, rebutted or contradicted with better evidence than that provided multiple times to support them.
"It's literally our subjective opinions."
You continually think this means something. I don't care if you want to refer to the truths and facts I present as opinion, hunches, human traditions or whatever. That's just you peeing yourself again. Bring some evidence to contradict it and explain why the evidence I bring fails. Do either one if not both. It'll be a first and an example that you really believe in "adult" conversation.
"Bring some evidence to contradict it and explain why the evidence I bring fails."
1. Fact 1: The Bible literally does not say the Bible is a rulings book, nor does it state it is offering authoritative, objective facts about what a new religion called Christianity should be, according to God.
2. Fact 2: It is not enough for you all to simply proclaim, HERE are the beliefs you need to affirm to be in accordance with what God wants/expects a Christian should believe. YOU have to prove me wrong. IF you want to proclaim your opinions and traditions are objective facts, then the burden of proof is on you.
What if the reality is that the Bible has NO opinions on the Bible?
What if the reality is that the Bible doesn't define Christianity?
December 15, 2024 at 9:17 AM
More dishonest absurdity:
"1. Fact 1: The Bible literally does not say the Bible is a rulings book, nor does it state it is offering authoritative, objective facts about what a new religion called Christianity should be, according to God."
That's not a "fact" with any true meaning or value. But it is a truth claim which denotes your presumption that there must be specific and exact words which say that the Bible is any of those things. So, you're greatly obliged and required to provide proof that the Bible must speak of itself in such a way in order for it to be any of those things. I'll wait here while you try to bullshit your way out of it.
Failing as you surely will to provide such proof, as if you have no such obligation, will be more evidence of what I've been saying regarding your use of these types of questions and distractions to avoid proving your beliefs, opinions, positions and objections have any merit whatsoever and are no more than simply your self-serving preferences regarding the faith.
"2. Fact 2: It is not enough for you all to simply proclaim, HERE are the beliefs you need to affirm to be in accordance with what God wants/expects a Christian should believe. YOU have to prove me wrong. IF you want to proclaim your opinions and traditions are objective facts, then the burden of proof is on you."
More of the same dishonest absurdity. When we say, for example, "the Bible clearly says 'XYZ'", you demand proof. When we cite the passage/verse where it says "XYZ", you then demand proof "XYZ" actually means what it says. When we then gather other passages or verses which support the fact that XYZ is actual teaching of the Bible and means what XYZ clearly implies, you move to "that's just your hunch you can't 'objectively' prove" despite that fact that we've actually proven our point. You neither provide a more compelling explanation for what XYZ "really" means, nor do you provide any coherent description of what "objective" proof might look like. It's all just bullshit to deny admitting your heresies are heresies and that you refuse to accept the clear teaching regarding XYZ. When all you do is whine about proving and hunches and all that other crap you constantly spew and never provide a compelling, fact-based counter argument, it's utterly clear you reject truth.
"What if the reality is that the Bible has NO opinions on the Bible?
What if the reality is that the Bible doesn't define Christianity?"
What if you did more than constantly bore me with laughably stupid and meaningless questions of no substance?
So...YOUR task is to PROVE that the Bible MUST say its authoritative, reliable, inerrant, the definitive source for the teaching and understanding of the Christian faith or any of the other of the moronic, self-serving dishonest distractions.
.YOUR task is to PROVE that the Bible MUST say its authoritative, reliable, inerrant, the definitive source for the teaching and understanding of the Christian faith
No, it's not MY task. I'm noting a simple reality: "The Bible" doesn't say anything that demands others accept your human theories about inerrancy or PS Atonement or TULIP. That is an objective fact (AND FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME: IT does NOT have to be those exact words. I'm saying there's nothing in the Bible that HINTS at the suggestion that we MUST affirm those human theories as being the same as "God's word," or what God expects).
Now, that is an objective fact claim. The Bible does NOT say what you theorize it says nor does it insist that these theories are what God thinks/expects/demands.
Now, in THAT scenario, IF you want to claim that inerrancy IS an objective fact, or that some version of TULP IS an objective fact, then the burden of proof is on you.
I'm merely noting what is observably factual. If you want to try to prove what is not observably demonstrable and objectively factual, YOU must prove it.
OR on the other hand, if you merely want to say, "I can't prove it, but I think this is clearly the most reasonable conclusion... but I can't prove it as objective fact," then say that. THAT would be fine.
The problem is when you want to suggest that these human theories and subjective opinions ARE objective facts.
Do you think "inerrancy" is an objective fact? Prove it.
Do you think PS atonement is an objective fact? Prove it.
etc. This is not unreasonable. It's just basic logic and human communication.
"1. Fact 1: The Bible literally does not say the Bible is a rulings book, nor does it state it is offering authoritative, objective facts about what a new religion called Christianity should be, according to God."
But it is a truth claim which denotes your presumption that there must be specific and exact words which say that the Bible is any of those things. So, you're greatly obliged and required to provide proof that the Bible must speak of itself in such a way
It is NOT my presumption that it must be those specific and exact words. How can we know that? By the way you KEEP bringing up this inane and false objection and I've clarified by saying, "IT IS NOT MY PRESUMPTION THAT IT MUST BE THOSE EXACT WORDS."
YOUR claim is an objectively false claim, as demonstrated once again by my clarification.
I do not believe that the Bible must say the exact words "We should not nuke whole cities of children and innocents" to conclude that it is a bad/immoral action to take. But then, I'm not a biblical "literalist" the way you are. You see, I don't think WE NEED the Bible to recognize the great moral atrocity of bombing cities and killing innocent people and children.
But if YOU think the Bible is a rulings book or it is offering authoritative, objective facts about what a new religion called Christianity should be, according to God... then YOU need to prove it, objectively. Once again, YOU are the one making objective claims about what you personally theorize the Bible objectively is saying.
When YOU are saying "The Bible says X and therefore, that objectively means that God wants us to hold to X," then the burden of proof lies with you.
Again, this is just Logic 101. Basic human reasoning and communication.
So, be clear: Do you think that God objectively wants us to believe in an "inerrant Bible..."? Prove it.
Do you think that God objectively wants us to affirm the total depravity of humanity? Prove it.
The burden of proof is on the one making the claim of objective fact.
For my part, the only objective facts I'm claiming are those that are objectively demonstrable. The Bible demonstrably NEVER argues for an "inerrant Bible." And it literally doesn't. That is a human theory.
Do you not understand the problem you have?
"When we say, for example, "the Bible clearly says 'XYZ'", you demand proof. When we cite the passage/verse where it says "XYZ", you then demand proof "XYZ" actually means what it says..."
Yes. Of course, I do. Why wouldn't we? JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A LINE IN THE BIBLE DOES NOT MEAN IT IS factually, morally or rationally correct.
There is a line that refers to the four corners of the earth. That does not mean that the earth has corners.
There are lines that defend or demand slavery. That does not mean that slavery is a moral option.
There are lines that defend or demand killing all the people in a location. That does not mean that killing children, babies and other innocents is a moral option.
There is a line from Jesus where he commands us not to store up treasures/riches on earth. That does not mean we can't reasonably save some money.
There are ALL KIND of lines in the Bible. That doesn't equate to the notion we should take it literally.
YOU do not believe this or you'd be executing adulterers (including yourself,
perhaps..?) and gay people. We ALL recognize that there are texts that should not be taken literally. And why is that? Because the Bible is not a rulings book and never claims to be. Literally.
The existence of a passage that says XYZ is NOT objective proof that we should affirm or believe. XYZ.
You don't think so, do you?
Dan can't prove the claims he made, despite a very clever effort. It's the Dan double standard. He demands unreasonable "proof" of things that are commonly known, while offering this crap as "proof" of his bullshit.
Dan can't prove the claims he made, despite a very clever effort.
Of course, I can and I have.
1. God has never told anyone in all of known history that God does not want gay guys to get married. That is objectively factual.
2. God has never told us we should affirm an "inerrant" Bible. Ever. This is objectively factual.
3. God has never told us that human have a "sin nature." Period.
4. God has never told us that God plans to torture most of humanity for all eternity for having this theoretical "sin nature."
Etc. EACH of those claims by me are objective facts UNLESS AND UNTIL someone can offer objectively proven data to the contrary. There is NO HARD, OBJECTIVE data that proves otherwise.
Now, SOME HUMANS might say, "but there is a verse in the Bible that I interpret to mean..." whatever, that remains an objectively unproven subjective personal human opinion.
IF people like you want to say that LGBTQ folks are bad and can't marry, have children or be accepted for who they are, THAT is a horrible and corrosive claim. If you additionally add on that it is an objective fact that God told you, it is reasonable in the extreme for people to demand proof of such a cancerous, oppressive claim. YOU should be asking for objective proof and when the people in your human tradition can't provide objective proof (and they can't), then you should question why you should promote that human opinion.
Same for the theoretical "total depravity" of humans you personally believe in (which is NOT "commonly known") or an inerrant Bible, etc. IF you can’t provide objective proof of these human theories, then at the very least, personal integrity and reason would dictate that you acknowledge them as the subjective human opinions that they are.
A little humility is in order, and that's a good thing.
Of course he can't, nor has he ever come close. Instead, what he does is make crap up and then hides behind "of COURSE I can't prove it, no one can, it's just my opinion, blah, blah, blah" as if "opinion" means one has no obligation to provide a legitimate reason why one holds a given opinion. He could be honest (hypothetically...he's clearly not honest) and say, "No, I have no facts, evidence or legitimate reason for holding my opinion other than it sounds nice and by pretending it's legitimate I can then do what I want." But no, he insists on demanding we prove anything and everything we say, while giving no reason why it isn't true and accurate renderings of a very clear and unambiguous Scripture.
Before realizing that he submitted last four comments wherein he continues making the same dishonest criticisms and objections, I came upon the following link in the Federalist written by possibly the best source on the Bible and homosexuality there is, Robert Gagnon. You'll easily note how the flaws of the father/son team defending homosexual unions sound eerily familiar:
I will be addressing Dan's latest flimsy attempts to defend his dishonesty and corruptions a little later.
You simply asserting things you believe to be True isn't "proof" by any standard. But, I was specifically speaking of the specific claims I pointed out which you made.
That you feel the need to drag this off topic to simply repeat your unproven talking points is your problem, not mine.
1. That's quite a claim. There are only ways that this claim could possibly be "objectively factual". Either you've spoken with YHWH and He's told you this (which is really more hearsay than "objectively factual" or you've interviewed every single person who's lived on Earth (which again is more hearsay than "absolutely factual"). That you think that you simply stating these talking points of yours and asserting them to be True somehow magically makes them so, speaks volumes to your delusions.
If you want to waste time trying to dispute what Dan has decreed to be "objectively factual", go for it. It's just him beating the same dead horses with the same old talking points, with the same lack of proof.
I'll make it easy on you, Craig, and clarify my objectively factual claim:
THERE IS NO WHERE IN ALL OF HEAVEN AND EARTH AS FAR AS WE KNOW Where God has objectively said God is opposed to gay folk marrying...
Where God has said that God endorses the theory of "biblical inerrancy."
Where God has objectively said that God wants us to affirm the human theory of "the total depravity of all humans."
There is objectively NO PLACE where God has objectively said this.
ALL anyone has to do is provide that place for ANY of my clear fact claims and you can disprove me. I'd WELCOME that, because I want to know the truth.
But, you must know that merely pointing to the Bible and saying "Here is a verse where I THINK it clearly says X" is NOT objective proof of your claims.
For the life of me, I can't see what you all are failing to understand.
IF you have objective proof, PRESENT IT.
You never do precisely because you can't. You all rarely even TRY because you know (somewhere deep within you) that you don't have that proof. I GET that you all REALLLLY think you understand biblical texts correctly and that human understanding is some how objective proof, but it's just not.
If you thought it was, you'd present it.
Instead, what he does is make crap up and then hides behind "of COURSE I can't prove it, no one can, it's just my opinion, blah, blah, blah" as if "opinion" means one has no obligation to provide a legitimate reason why one holds a given opinion.
What are you missing? I'm saying it's an objective FACT that no one has presented data that supports the theories you all hold to, like...
God is opposed to gay guys marrying;
God wants us to affirm an "inerrant" Bible theory, because it's objectively factual;
God thinks that all humans are totally depraved;
God thinks that the Atonement Theory is "the right" human theory about salvation;
It is objectively factual that these are human theories that have never been objectively proven.
Do you disagree?
THEN PROVE them. ALL you have to do is present ONE piece of objective proof that God affirms ANY of your human theories. You won't because you can't and you won't even try because it's too overwhelming for you all to admit you can't prove it objectively. (The last is just my guess, not an objective fact... but it fits the known data).
IF you all could objectively prove any of these human theories, of course, you would. That you never do and rarely even TRY to provide objective proof should tell you something.
Are you suggesting that God somewhere has secretly HID all these (what you theorize are) objective facts and you're not willing to reveal the secret objective proof? If so, do you understand how crazy that sounds?
My guess is that you all truly FEEL in your "hearts" that God HAS objectively revealed these human theories to YOU all, and that's how you "know" it, because "god" has "revealed" these truths to you... but you can't say that because you recognize it's subjective (and a bit crazy) on the face of it.
You tell me.
What you all should not do, however, is keep insisting you have the "objective proof" without providing it.
December 15, 2024 at 8:05 PM
I said to Dan, "YOUR task is to PROVE that the Bible MUST say its authoritative, reliable, inerrant, the definitive source for the teaching and understanding of the Christian faith"
Dan replied:
"No, it's not MY task. I'm noting a simple reality: "The Bible" doesn't say anything that demands others accept your human theories about inerrancy or PS Atonement or TULIP."
But we weren't talking about my "human theories" about inerrancy, PSA or whatever. We're talking about YOU insisting that because the Bible doesn't mention any of these things in a manner you demand they must, then you can dismiss them as "human theories". And given that your position is that the Bible doesn't, for example, refer to itself as inerrant, then it's only an opinion without any proof.
But my response is specific (unlike your nonsense). I'm asking you on what basis are you suggesting that the Bible MUST say it's inerrant in order for that to be true. How can you prove it's necessary that the Bible MUST refer to itself in any way, in order for it to be truly inerrant, a "rule book" or any of the other things you dismiss in order to assume the authority or liberty to deny these things? As it stands...and as it has stood for a very long time...this demand of yours that it MUST so refer to itself has been nothing by a weak excuse to deny belief in those things you find personally unpleasant or contrary to your preferred, thought unsupported, alternative. So provide the proof that it MUST refer to itself as inerrant or a rule book or anything at all or retract the bullshit question and demand for proof.
"Now, that is an objective fact claim. The Bible does NOT say what you theorize it says nor does it insist that these theories are what God thinks/expects/demands."
The "objective fact" is that there is nothing which requires the Bible MUST say anything about itself (a collection of 66 books) in order for what it teaches to be true, even if it doesn't teach it in such a manner you personally demand.
The issue here is not what it does say. It's about you presuming that it MUST say one thing in order for another to be true and factual about itself or anything else. That is to say, you're constantly rejecting what it does say on the basis of this false and presumptuous demand in order to continue your heretical perversions of what the faith is and what it teaches us.
"Now, in THAT scenario, IF you want to claim that inerrancy IS an objective fact, or that some version of TULP IS an objective fact, then the burden of proof is on you."
Now again, I point out that you're once more speaking of things I don't personally say, or that aren't my personal opinions. I've never dealt with "TULIP" directly, so there's no reason except obfuscation to mention it here. I do know that the Bible is inerrant, and doesn't need to describe itself in that way in order for it to be true. But more specifically, I regard Scripture in the manner of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which tells us all we need to know in order to regard Scripture as the ultimate authority on the faith. There is nothing better for the purpose described in the verse, and you've never, even once, provided something more useful for that purpose. It certainly isn't your "reason", which is an incredibly hilarious jest, especially given how it manifests.
Furthermore, as you demand that Scripture MUST refer to itself as inerrant, we know there is no verse which so much as hints that it is unreliable.
Your task remains.
" I'm merely noting what is observably factual. If you want to try to prove what is not observably demonstrable and objectively factual, YOU must prove it."
What "fact" of any consequence are you presenting? And if you're presenting a fact, that means you're presenting a truth claim for which you offer nothing more than your own opinion. And if you hold an opinion, it must rely on something substantive beyond your personal desire that it be true. So pretend you're a man and get busy.
"The problem is when you want to suggest that these human theories and subjective opinions ARE objective facts."
No. The PROBLEM is you running this petty, childish little girl crap instead of making a case which either actually negates my position as unlikely or which fleshes out what alternative you think makes more sense. You don't get to shit your crap and pretend you've rendered my position untrue, or the facts I present. That's just you saying "Nyuh uh". I don't present opinions, or waste my time pushing them without stating specifically that I'm speaking of that which is only my opinion. When I speak of what Scripture says, I'm speaking of truth and fact which is clearly beyond your ability to contradict. So you play this bullshit game instead.
"Do you think "inerrancy" is an objective fact? Prove it."
This particular demand is an abject deflection asked in order to distract from your obligation to prove an accurate representation of any verse, passage or teaching isn't true, not because the account of it is wrong or in error, but because it conflicts with your preferred, unBiblical alternative. That the Bible is "inerrant" is a given, but never an actual point being argued. The issue only comes up when you're trying to avoid defending your objection to truth or your preferred alternative.
"This is not unreasonable. It's just basic logic and human communication."
What's "reasonable" and "logical human communication" does NOT include this type of bullshit you bring to the table in order to avoid defending your corruption and heresies. It's not "adult". It's not "respectful". It's vulgar deception and cowardice.
December 15, 2024 at 8:20 PM
"It is NOT my presumption that it must be those specific and exact words. How can we know that? By the way you KEEP bringing up this inane and false objection and I've clarified by saying, "IT IS NOT MY PRESUMPTION THAT IT MUST BE THOSE EXACT WORDS."
YOUR claim is an objectively false claim, as demonstrated once again by my clarification."
I didn't make a claim, so once again you're lying or proving your inability to comprehend what it plain. The statement of yours which is in response to one of mine misses the point. You posted a comment which you preceded with "Fact 1". That "fact" was that the Bible does not refer to itself as a "rulings book". My response demands you prove it is somehow required to refer to itself in such a way in order for it to be true. THAT is the issue: that YOU get to make a fact claim without the slightest argument or evidence to back it up. I'm just supposed to ignore the clear teachings of Scripture because Dan wants to insist the Bible isn't a book which, among other things, includes rules for what it means to be a Christian...which makes it, among other things, a "rulings book". Try to explain how anything YOU believe makes you a Christian is in any way binding, without reference to teachings about moral and immoral behaviors. I'll wait here while you spew more obfuscation in lieu of an honorable and honest response.
What's more, no matter how many times you want to pretend you don't require specific wording, that fact will remain every time you do...which is uncommonly common.
" YOUR claim is an objectively false claim, as demonstrated once again by my clarification."
Your "clarification" conflicts with your history and behavior. As such, it's as meaningless and most everything else you say. Every time you say the Bible isn't a "rulings book", or that it never says it is "inerrant", you're demanding that it must say that exact thing somewhere within its covers in order for those things to be true. So your "clarification" is no better than, "I know I said it, but I never said it". Works at your Blog of Lies, but not here.
" The burden of proof is on the one making the claim of objective fact."
Yet you prove nothing, whether it be that my position is wrong, or that you actually have an alternative which makes more sense. In the meantime, you won't prove that the Bible is NOT inerrant. And find where I ever said "God wants us to believe the Bible is 'inerrant", when it's enough for actual Christians to just regard it as a given given it's the Word of God as recorded by HIS prophets.
"Do you think that God objectively wants us to affirm the total depravity of humanity? Prove it."
Oh, this has been proven repeatedly at great length and comprehensively. Your response? "Nyuh uh!" And this is yet another manifestation of your moral corruption and inveterate dishonesty. You act as if you haven't been enlightened to this truth.
"For my part, the only objective facts I'm claiming are those that are objectively demonstrable. The Bible demonstrably NEVER argues for an "inerrant Bible.""
And again, it's a "fact" of no consequence and no value because it demands what you won't do, being the lying coward you are: that you prove it MUST say such in order for it to be true. Until you can make such a case, it means nothing to continually say that as if you say it NOT to deflect from your heresies.
"Do you not understand the problem you have?"
My "problem" is my embracing grace by continually seeking from an asshole that which he refuses to provide: honesty, integrity, an actual explanation for an alternative understanding of ANYTHING he criticizes, evidence, truth and the like.
As to my understanding of Scripture, it's pretty solid and accurate.
This particular demand is an abject deflection asked in order to distract from your obligation to prove an accurate representation of any verse, passage or teaching isn't true, not because the account of it is wrong or in error, but because it conflicts with your preferred, unBiblical alternative. That the Bible is "inerrant" is a given...
My claims are quite clear and provable in the complete absence of evidence to the contrary. That is, it doesn't matter if someone says there are purple unicorns living on the moon, we have no obligation to take it as a serious claim UNTIL THEY provide objective proof. Their claim is not sufficient. So, my claims:
Of course, I can and I have.
1. God has never told anyone in all of known history that God does not want gay guys to get married. That is objectively factual.
2. God has never told us we should affirm an "inerrant" Bible. Ever. This is objectively factual.
3. God has never told us that human have a "sin nature." Period.
4. God has never told us that God plans to torture most of humanity for all eternity for having this theoretical "sin nature."
I love the Bible. But I do not CARE a whit about what you say you think in your opinion the Bible should be "saying." I'm talking about God and God's will/opinion/desires on many issues. IF you think YOU personally have found objective proof for ANY of these types of claims, then the burden of proof is on you AND merely citing, "Well, here is a bible verse..." is NOT objective proof. It is literally a subjective opinion.
To make it easy: YOU have one responsibility on one topic you support... PROVE the Bible is "inerrant." It's simply rationally insufficient and not objective proof to merely claim "It's a given..." It's literally NOT a given.
I think that's part of the problem you all have... you want to operate under a series of GIVENS that you all presume, but have not objectively proven. IF it's a given that you understand God correct and IF it's a given that the Bible is "inerrant" (whatever that means!) and IF it's a given that the Bible is some sort of official and authoritative rulings book, THEN we make our case base upon those givens.
But you have not proven your givens.
So, given that you are making a rather astounding set of claims (focusing now on inerrancy) and the burden of proof is on you, just as it would be upon the purple unicorn theorist, you all traditionally turn to "the Bible," as if merely citing pages and phrases from the Bible is objective proof.
"We know the Bible is 'inerrant,' because we know it's God's Word and that the phrases therein can't be wrong..."
Given your presuppositions, then:
1. How do you objectively prove the 66 books of the Bible are words from God?
2. How do you objectively prove that the words you're citing are inerrant?
(here, you likely presume that if the 66 ARE scripture or as scripture and if they are "inspired" there would be no errors of fact or theory in these words written literally by humans... but how do you prove that objectively?
3. How do you prove YOUR PERSONAL human understandings are without error and are, in effect, inerrant?
4. IF your human understandings are NOT inerrant (and of course, they're not) how do you prove objectively that your understandings on any phrase or story or set of phrases in the Bible are without error?
You all have never even attempted to do so, it's as if you think your presumptions are "proof" enough. But they ain't.
"December 15, 2024 at 8:55 PM
"Yes. Of course, I do. Why wouldn't we? JUST BECAUSE THERE IS A LINE IN THE BIBLE DOES NOT MEAN IT IS factually, morally or rationally correct."
It is until you can prove otherwise. Only a fake Christian says this type of crap. (And by "fake Christian", I refer to those like Dan who pretend to be Christian in a superficial way in order to legitimize corrupt behaviors) If you're not willing to provide an alternative explanation for any verse presented that you don't think is properly understood, along with solid, unassailable evidence your alternative fiction is possibly more accurate than mine, you're just blowing smoke. Your intention to to stifle the truth so that you can carry on in your morally bankrupt manner. No one here is fooled by you. More importantly, no one here is unwilling to alter a belief, opinion or understanding in the face of a better explanation supported by unassailable support. You never provide anything like that. You just indulge in your obfuscation and deflections.
So when you continually demand more proof for the proof provided for the demand for proof which proved what was demanded prior, it's just you fucking around and refusing to accept a damned thing if it means acquiescing to Truth which conflicts with your preferred narratives. You're not dealing with lefties here.
"There is a line that refers to the four corners of the earth. That does not mean that the earth has corners."
Another dishonest tactic: referencing something never meant to be taken literally by a people who didn't see the world as a cube or as square in the first place and pretend it's analogous to the truths you don't want to accept. That might work with other lefties, but not for honest people or those who strive to be among them.
"There are lines that defend or demand slavery. That does not mean that slavery is a moral option."
Yet another intentional lie: pretending that references to "slave" in the OT are akin to the antebellum south of the United States history as if countless theologians and historians haven't clarified those verses.
Worse, liars like you like to pretend what those like me use those verses to legitimize what we today think of when we hear the word "slavery", as if that's an issue among those like me who post comments on these blogs. It's a cheap and deceitful ploy. This is another issue scholars and theologians have explained and clarified enough that no honest person would pretend there's any acceptance of slavery as we regard the term today. In short, no one is suggesting because of Scripture that slavery is a "moral option" and you're lying again just by trying to run this crap. Don't ever do it again.
"There are lines that defend or demand killing all the people in a location. That does not mean that killing children, babies and other innocents is a moral option."
Another Trabue corruption. There are no lines which demand of us the killing of all people in a location. The defense of those instances in Scripture where God used His Chosen People to enact His justice and judgement on a vile population is clear and unambiguous. Your laughable posturing as outraged purposely ignores the difference between the 21st Century sentimentalities and the realities of the times in which those events took place. In the meantime, while you pretend you give a flying rat's ass about children, babies and innocents being put to the sword, you stand in support of tearing an infant limb from limb for purposes of selfish convenience. You're a rank asshole for continually bringing this up as if you're doing so honestly and accurately. The fact is you purposely and intentionally lie about it while doing worse with your support for abortion, like the fucking, murderous scumbag you are.
"There is a line from Jesus where he commands us not to store up treasures/riches on earth. That does not mean we can't reasonably save some money."
Of course it doesn't, because as has been explained by use of the entire context in which that line is found, it's not about how much money we "store up", but whether we do so instead of or subordinate to abiding the Will of God. This is another line you abuse for your socialist purposes and as such also doesn't fly here. Pervert Scriptural teaching at YOUR Blog of Lies, not here.
" There are ALL KIND of lines in the Bible. That doesn't equate to the notion we should take it literally."
Just in your offerings above, you demonstrate yet again you pervert the notion of "literal" understanding of verses and passages.
"YOU do not believe this or you'd be executing adulterers (including yourself,perhaps..?) and gay people."
A literal understanding of Scripture does not oblige me to do any such thing. A perverted sense of a literal understanding falsely asserts I'm so obliged. You've been schooled many times regarding how your sexual immorality is addressed in the OT versus how we address it now. Thus, you're either lying or stupid to make such a suggestion regarding literal understanding and interpretations.
"We ALL recognize that there are texts that should not be taken literally. And why is that? Because the Bible is not a rulings book and never claims to be."
Wow! How desperately stupid! While the first sentence is true, it fails to account for which texts, passages and verses should be taken literally and which shouldn't. You determine such by what you find personally pleasing or not, while I determine it by a sincere, objective desire for truth without regard to whether or not I find the truth to be personally pleasing or not.
So this has nothing to do with whether or not the Bible is a rulings book, and it certainly has nothing to do with proving whether or not the Bible is required to state that it's a rulings book in order to be one.
"The existence of a passage that says XYZ is NOT objective proof that we should affirm or believe. XYZ."
That depends upon the passage and why it was mentioned and to what it was mentioned to support or refute. As a blanket statement for all passages, verses and texts brought up, it's meaningless.
Marshal falsely claimed:
Yet another intentional lie: pretending that references to "slave" in the OT are akin to the antebellum south of the United States history as if countless theologians and historians haven't clarified those verses.
When I speak of slavery, I'm speaking of people being ENSLAVED, OWNED by another human being to work for the slaveholder. You know, slavery. That IS what happened in many circumstances in the Bible.
But you know this. This is YOUR dodge to pretend I'm saying something I'm not. I'm literally just talking about forced slavery, as when Israel took over a city or nation. Those captured (the ones who were slaughtered) were not willing slaves or some kind of indentured servants.
When you try to say I'm lying you only serve to catch yourself up in another stupidly false claim.
"The existence of a passage that says XYZ is NOT objective proof that we should affirm or believe. XYZ."
That depends upon the passage and why it was mentioned and to what it was mentioned to support or refute. As a blanket statement for all passages, verses and texts brought up, it's meaningless.
THAT's the point! YOU ACKNOWLEDGE that we should not take every line as a literal ruling or command or philosophy or religious tenet. NO ONE takes the Bible literally.
But that leaves us with another problem: WHICH LINES (if any) should be taken literally and based upon what? WHO decides THIS line is literal and THAT line is figurative? WHAT authoritative rubric do we have for deciding THIS line but not THAT line?
This is the problem you have. Without SOME authoritative rubric about THESE are the literal lines and THOSE are NOT literal lines, then what we are left with are subjective opinions.
That's what you have... YOUR personal human subjective opinion NOT an objective proof. Just admit it and move on.
You determine such by what you find personally pleasing or not, while I determine it by a sincere, objective desire for truth without regard to whether or not I find the truth to be personally pleasing or not.
Another stupidly false and demonstrably false claim. Remember: I WAS conservative. I studied the Bible, well, religiously. (Still do). I was seeking God and Truth and the Right Way with deep sincerity, with OUT regard to anything as banal as whether I find it personally pleasing or not. Iif I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager a good bit that I studied the Bible much more frequently and deeply in my first 30 years than you ever have.
AND as a result, I came to disagree with the opinions conservative religionists held BECAUSE I found them increasingly to be unbiblical, immoral and unGodly and entirely missing the point of the story and message of Jesus.
You have no proof of the ridiculous and false claim that I studied Bible to only find that which personally pleased me. Indeed, having been raised to sincerely believe the conservative religious doctrine, I had NO desire to change my opinions on these matters because to change my views was NOT personally pleasing to me. I changed my views because I, in good faith, no longer held to what I was taught growing up as being biblical, rational or Godly. Naught else.
December 16, 2024 at 12:29 PM
Craig said: "Dan can't prove the claims he made, despite a very clever effort."
Setting aside I don't regard any of Dan's efforts to be in the least bit "clever", Dan responded:
"Of course, I can and I have.
1. God has never told anyone in all of known history that God does not want gay guys to get married. That is objectively factual."
You can't and haven't. This point #1is meaningless and is not a point anyone argues. And again, where is your proof that God MUST tell us He doesn't approve of SSMs in order for it to be true that He doesn't? My objection is that you use this childish argument to provide you the liberty to support, enable, defend and celebrate the union of two perverts and the unfounded, illogical notion that God would bless such a union. Just as bad is your laughable reasoning for your support of such based on perversions of Scripture for the purpose.
"2. God has never told us we should affirm an "inerrant" Bible. Ever. This is objectively factual."
Once again, you must provide proofs or evidence to confirm that He is REQUIRED to tell us such in order for it to be so. Without doing so, it's not an actual argument against the inerrant quality of Scripture.
"3. God has never told us that human have a "sin nature." Period."
The same as above with the added benefit of His actually having told us so in various places throughout Scripture through His Prophets and Apostles. These verses and passages affirming this fact have been presented to you enough to indict you as a liar for saying otherwise.
"4. God has never told us that God plans to torture most of humanity for all eternity for having this theoretical "sin nature.""
This is also another lie of yours, made worse by the intentional choice of inflammatory words like "torture" in your desperate attempt to alter Scripture. You've been provided evidence from Scripture confirming eternal punishment and have done nothing to counter that truth except to object and criticize expressing that truth.
"EACH of those claims by me are objective facts UNLESS AND UNTIL someone can offer objectively proven data to the contrary. There is NO HARD, OBJECTIVE data that proves otherwise."
The "HARD, OBJECTIVE" data is Scripture itself, as has been demonstrated many times. You simply reject it without a reciprocal degree of "HARD, OBJECTIVE" data of your own. "Nyuh uh" is all we get from you, and that's because your infantile "God-given reason" is incapable of coming up with a compelling argument at all. To constantly say childish things like "God never said...!" doesn't get it done, particularly when in saying this you are indeed demanding exact wording of YOUR choosing for it to be true.
"IF people like you want to say that LGBTQ folks are bad and can't marry, have children or be accepted for who they are, THAT is a horrible and corrosive claim."
"People like me" speak truthfully about this issue and do so with more accuracy than you've the honor to employ. I don't say LGBTQ people are simply bad for being LGBTQ compelled. They're bad for indulging those compulsions. Those who resist because they know full well they'd be acting contrary to God's Will are just fine.
Setting aside laws imposed on our nation by activist judges, pervs have the liberty to form marriage-like unions regardless of civil laws. It's just wrong to do so because the behavior is sin regardless of any commitment or expression of love.
They shouldn't be "having" children because they are a morally corrupting influence on those children, thus worthy of having millstones with their names on them.
No one is obliged to accept them for who they are if they are identifying themselves as openly rebellious against God's Will...which those you defend are doing. Indeed, we're to cast out the unrepentant sinner, not embrace them as just as worthy of being part of the Christian family as those who strive to abide God's Will.
There's nothing "horrible" or "corrosive" about any of the above, because God's Will never is.
"If you additionally add on that it is an objective fact that God told you, it is reasonable in the extreme for people to demand proof of such a cancerous, oppressive claim."
"Cancerous"??? WTF!
I've provided proof by citing the only verse I need for the purpose: Lev 18:22. None of what you listed in your comments is possibly morally acceptable because of that verse. "Cancerous" would be your support for those abuses and how it's metastacized throughout our culture because of evil people like you.
And it's not a concern that sinners feel oppressed by those who reject their sinful behavior. God doesn't oppress us by expecting us to repent of our sins. Open and active LGBTQ folks are unrepentant sinners.
"YOU should be asking for objective proof and when the people in your human tradition can't provide objective proof (and they can't), then you should question why you should promote that human opinion."
Actual Christians, and those of us who strive to be among them, are all humans. It is our "tradition" to abide the clearly revealed Will of God as recorded in Scripture. Fake Christians like you are all humans, too (more or less) and indulge YOUR tradition of pissing on God's Will to serve your own personal preferences. You do so without 'HARD, OBJECTIVE" data to support doing so.
Everything I've presented in my comments here and elsewhere have indeed been supported by citing Scripture, which you then pretend is unreliable and not inerrant, or the suggestion without evidence behind it that my "interpretation" is somehow in error. Your saying so never makes it so, and rarely aligns with truth, logic, reason or Scripture.
"A little humility is in order, and that's a good thing."
So says the arrogant, condescending asshole, Dan Trabue.
"How do you objectively prove..."
If one looks at how Dan proves his claims, it's very easy to prove things. Simply announce "This is objectively factual" and move on. That's all there is to it. Very simple, very easy.
"I've provided proof by citing the only verse I need for the purpose: Lev 18:22."
And, earlier in Lev 18, we read...
"Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period"
And then, in Lev 20, we read...
"If there is a man who sleeps with a male as those who sleep with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they must be put to death."
But presumably, YOU have decided that sex during menstruation is not universally prohibited by God. And YOU have decided that killing gay men is not required by God.
So, once again, your "proof" has not been objectively proven.
Who says Leviticus 18 is a universal rule from God?
Who says that Lev 18 prohibition against menstrual sex is NOT a universal rule?
Who says the Lev 20 command to kill gay men is not a universal command?
WHERE is your rubric for deciding how to authoritatively interpret any passages correctly?
If you have no authoritative rubric (and you literally do not), then why is YOUR human understanding of it all proof of any sort.
December 17, 2024 at 7:21 AM
Dan continues with the same old drivel. Another example of his misbehavior in discourse.
"My claims are quite clear and provable in the complete absence of evidence to the contrary. That is, it doesn't matter if someone says there are purple unicorns living on the moon, we have no obligation to take it as a serious claim UNTIL THEY provide objective proof."
Your only claim is that my claims come without evidence to back it up. None of the claims I make are as insipidly stupid as "purple unicorns living on the moon" and it's irreverent to run crap like this as if Scriptural citations backing up my claims are in any way comparable.
"1. God has never told anyone in all of known history that God does not want gay guys to get married. That is objectively factual.
2. God has never told us we should affirm an "inerrant" Bible. Ever. This is objectively factual.
3. God has never told us that human have a "sin nature." Period.
4. God has never told us that God plans to torture most of humanity for all eternity for having this theoretical "sin nature.""
I've responded to all of these many times (such as above) and in great detail. In three of those cases, you have to pretend Scripture isn't God's Word, that He hasn't addressed these issues through Jesus or His Prophets and Apostles if not directly, and I've presented Scriptural citations many times to bear this out. To reject this means you most certainly do NOT "love" Scripture, and that His Prophets and Apostles just made shit up.
Regarding SSM, you'll need to provide evidence that He is required to say what honest and honorable people can conclude just on His command to never indulge in homosexual behaviors without caveats like pretending to be married like normal people. Honest and honorable people don't need to be told that if Mom says "not snacks before dinner", it's obvious she means don't eat then not be hungry after she's slaved over a hot stove. Someone who claims to love the Bible doesn't pervert it in order to draw false, non-existent inferences like God blessing SSMs, as you do.
After saying the same old drivel which doesn't comport with your positions and then expecting we buy it, you say,
"4. IF your human understandings are NOT inerrant (and of course, they're not) how do you prove objectively that your understandings on any phrase or story or set of phrases in the Bible are without error?"
More of the same childish bullshit. If any of my positions are not accurate and true, there surely must be some compelling, evidence-backed argument you could bring to bear to make that case. You haven't and you never do. That's the first "proof" of the "inerrancy" of my positions. Everything hinges on your proving me wrong, or that you have an alternative understanding which isn't crap. Until you bring such forth, constant pressuring me to "prove" my positions to some unknown standard satisfactory to the likes of you will not happen.
"You all have never even attempted to do so, it's as if you think your presumptions are "proof" enough. But they ain't."
This is just an abject lie in your refusal to accurately present the history of our back and forths going back to at least 2008. We've more than merely "attempted" to support our positions. We've succeeded. Your equivocations and demands to clear higher and higher bars of proof until scum like you is satisfied doesn't mean we haven't successfully done our part. Indeed, from this point forward, it's all about you defending your positions and objections with evidence which satisfies us/me.
Regarding your comments on December 17, 2024 at 1:18 PM
It is not I who is lying here. It is you. Your referencing "slavery" as it appears in Scripture is not honest given the context in which your referencing appears. This is not a thread on the subject of slavery in the Bible, and as such I will not entertain any more comments on it. But the fact is that you've been educated on the reasons why bringing it up in debate is erroneous and at this point continuing to do so is flat out lying.
The one point of value and merit in your bringing it up now is in the fact that it is another example of your dishonest debate style, which is really the point of this discussion since you decided to ignore answering to your bad behavior the post itself presents. I appreciate you validating my position on your childish behavior in discourse. You're a pip.
December 17, 2024 at 1:45 PM
I said:
"You determine such by what you find personally pleasing or not, while I determine it by a sincere, objective desire for truth without regard to whether or not I find the truth to be personally pleasing or not."
You replied in the same manner about which I've been speaking throughout this thread: dishonestly.
"Another stupidly false and demonstrably false claim."
Not at all. It's "demonstrably" true (you use "demonstrably" constantly without demonstrating what you insist is either true or false) that you reject stories of God's wrath because you find it personally displeasing to know that God can be angry. This shows up again in your rejection of teachings regarding eternal punishment. You reject other actions of God as "evil" because those actions make you shudder in your panties. You reject anything of God which doesn't match your standards, which you insist in error to be a truer understanding of God's nature.
"Remember: I WAS conservative."
I never forget your penchant for repeating this absurd claim.
"I studied the Bible, well, religiously. (Still do). I was seeking God and Truth and the Right Way with deep sincerity, with OUT regard to anything as banal as whether I find it personally pleasing or not. Iif I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager a good bit that I studied the Bible much more frequently and deeply in my first 30 years than you ever have."
All this clearly indicates your study was piss-poor if you come away with the positions you now hold as a result. Was it a real Bible, or a coloring book?
"AND as a result, I came to disagree with the opinions conservative religionists held BECAUSE I found them increasingly to be unbiblical, immoral and unGodly and entirely missing the point of the story and message of Jesus."
Yeah....piss-poor study. I don't know what "conservative 'religionists'" you found to be so, but they don't run this blog or visit here. To assert that God would bless a lesbain "marriage" is unBiblical, immoral and unGodly. So are all the other perversions of Scripture you espouse.
"You have no proof of the ridiculous and false claim that I studied Bible to only find that which personally pleased me."
I just did in my referencing your panty wetting at stories in Scripture of God pouring out His wrath against sinners. You reject that and focus on things like helping the poor. You reject the idea that Christ's death, and the shedding of His blood, was the literal ransom paid for our sins.
"Indeed, having been raised to sincerely believe the conservative religious doctrine, I had NO desire to change my opinions on these matters because to change my views was NOT personally pleasing to me. I changed my views because I, in good faith, no longer held to what I was taught growing up as being biblical, rational or Godly. Naught else."
So you say. The result nonetheless is that you are far from more accurate in your understanding as you continually fail to prove to the contrary.
I don't know what you were taught growing up. I don't know the quality of instruction any who taught you possessed. Based on what you say constantly, they sound as moronic as you sound now, or you never understood the Truth then any more or better than you do now.
But thanks for adding even more examples of the bullshit wasting of keystrokes which do nothing to suggest I'm in error on any position I've expressed nor that your position is more accurately reflecting the Will of God. 99% of your words have nothing to do with proving anything, and everything to do with avoiding the obligation we each have to explain ourselves.
"If one looks at how Dan proves his claims, it's very easy to prove things. Simply announce "This is objectively factual" and move on. That's all there is to it. Very simple, very easy."
He uses "it's 'self-evident'" which is just a different way of saying something is objectively factual. The best part is if Dan says it's "self-evident", no evidence is required. Danny Double Standard Trabue.
Regarding Dan's lame attempt on December 17, 2024 at 3:27 PM
Each of these issues has many times been exhaustively examined and explained, using evidence from Scripture as well as commentaries by many Biblical scholars and theologians going back to the early church fathers.
But this is yet another of your petulant and dishonest tactics: repeating what has been proven many times as if the subject never came up, and as was the case in every previous incarnation of this particular debate, you never offered any evidence in support of your contention our positions on this issue is in error or that yours or that yours is true.
Thus, further demands for proof from us in support of our positions will be ignored unless those like me choose to provide. Instead, your focus needs to be on proving your positions and/or proving ours are in error.
You apparently have no authoritative rubric. Dan has no rubric at all, nor has he any ability to conclude that scripture has any authority. If he does, he's certainly never revealed it. This constant appeal to Dan's limited experience, gets old quickly. All of his "arguments" really boil down to "I've never heard/seen X.". Yet he pretends that his lack of knowledge is what makes something "factual".
The double standard always wins because it allows him to demand one thing from us, while not demanding the same thing from himself. Of course he, in his fantasy world, is always right. The standard of proof he applies to himself is as low as it can possibly be, while he expects us to meet an impossibly high standard.
Excellent point. That Dan demands that we explain these things to him as to a child, when there are numerous people both scholars and those who focus on a more popular audience who have written and spoken extensively on these topics. Over the years I've given Dan lists of resources to get answers to his questions, and I do not recall a single time where Dan engaged with anything I've given him or actually attempted to refute any scholarly argument. In other topics Dan insists that we defer to the "experts" no matter what. In this area, he simply dismisses the experts without even addressing their work. His excuses for doing so are creative, yet they are just that, excuses. I believe that this is simply laziness on Dan's part. He demands that we summarize the work of experts and scholars in a blog comment, then refuses to actually engage with what has been summarized.
It's simply cowardice. A fear of actually engaging with anything that might disrupt one's beliefs. His counter arguments, as noted, are simply him making ridiculous assertions about how X has never happened, then asserting that his claim is "factual" without providing any evidence beyond his assertion.
I'll give him credit, he's completely hijacked this thread away from the topic and back to some of his favorite dead horses.
Dan has no rubric at all, nor has he any ability to conclude that scripture has any authority.
I'm stating quite clearly that in ALL of heaven and earth, there has never been ANYONE who has found and announced an authoritative rubric to objectively interpret the Bible with no mistakes. It does not exist. I don't have it, nor do YOU all have it.
Now, IF it exists, you can make me look silly by simply presenting it. That's how it works when someone is stating that something objectively does not exist. IF I were to make the claim that nowhere in all of the natural world do squirrels exist, ALL someone has to do is show me a squirrel and I would have been proven wrong.
Present your rubric, friends. I LOVE to laugh at myself for making mistakes. Plus, you'll have HELPED me understand reality and presumably God better IF you just present your authoritative, objective rubric.
And I'm stating that there is NO data that the pages in the Bible have any authority. They are just dumb, non-thinking inert pieces of paper with words written upon them. The book of books has NO authority.
Again, if you have some proof that the book itself has "authority," just present it. I think the concept is rationally bankrupt. A collection of words is only as "authoritative" as one's ability to understand them and with NO rubric, then who's to say WE are the ones who rightly understand those words?
The double standard always wins because it allows him to demand one thing from us, while not demanding the same thing from himself. Of course he, in his fantasy world, is always right. The standard of proof he applies to himself is as low as it can possibly be
There is NO double standard. IF I make a fact claim and you present data to prove it wrong, THEN I must accept the facts as you've presented them. IF YOU make fact claims that has no data to support it, then the burden of proof is on you. It would be on me, as well, if and when I make a positive fact claim.
IF I claimed that the Harry Potter books proved there was magic in the world, you could rightly say to me, PROVE IT. And I could either prove it or not with data. The claim itself is not proof. The words in the books, themselves, are not objective proof.
IF YOU make a negative fact claim (for instance, "There is no evidence anywhere that God is always opposed to slavery..."), then if I want to disprove that claim, ALL I have to do is present some objective data to demonstrate that God is always opposed to slavery. I can't do that, which is why I don't make it as a fact claim. Rather, I make the reasonable claim that slavery - owning and enslaving people for the owner's profit or pleasure - is always wrong because it is an affront to human rights.
Look, fellas, IF you have a rubric, if you have objective proof of your personal human opinions and traditions, WHY would you not point to that proof? IF it exists, surely it is out there somewhere because that would be HUGE news. You don't even have to prove it again. You just need to point to the hundreds/thousands/millions of geniuses who've objectively "proven" things like inerrancy, or TULIP, or PST Atonement, or God's opposition to gay folks marrying.
You all never even try to do as much as provide a link to any objective proof.
What does that tell you about your claims and your human traditions?
His counter arguments, as noted, are simply him making ridiculous assertions about how X has never happened, then asserting that his claim is "factual" without providing any evidence beyond his assertion.
But if X is the reality - IF it NEVER HAPPENED that purple unicorns moved to the moon and started a colony there - THEN the only thing I CAN do is point to the reality that there is zero evidence that proves that theory objectively.
That's all one can do with a negative claim (absent some actual data).
You cannot claim that "miracles exist unless someone proves that they do not exist..."
You cannot claim that "deities exist unless someone proves that they do not exist."
The Burden of Proof as presented below applies to claims that are cognitive and empirical. The principle applies to claims about what exists or does not exist...
The burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or proposition. Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of argumentum ad ignorantium, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who denies or questions the assertion being made. The source of the fallacy is the assumption that something is true unless proven otherwise.
The person making a negative claim cannot logically prove nonexistence. And here's why: to know that a X does not exist would require a perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience). To attain this knowledge would require simultaneous access to all parts of the world and beyond (omnipresence). Therefore, to be certain of the claim that X does not exist one would have to possess abilities that are non-existent. Obviously, mankind's limited nature precludes these special abilities. The claim that X does not exist is therefore unjustifiable...
" The claim that X does not exist is therefore unjustifiable..."
WHICH is why I frame my words in the way I do: THERE IS NO DATA that objectively proves inerrancy, God's hatred of homosexual behavior, etc.
That is a rationally sound claim.
Again, if you gentlemen HAVE links to authorities that objectively prove inerrancy, for instance, PROVIDE it. I've looked and not found it.
As to Dan highjacking the thread, in a very real way, his doing so validates the complaints about his behavior in the post itself...why I tried to post that to his comment thread on his DEI piece, only to see him delete it repeatedly. Thus, I allowed the highjacking knowing he'll supply me with ever more examples of his dishonest and dishonorable tactics in discourse. He's been so obliging in that regard.
As to his lack of rubric, no doubt his response would along the lines of "But that's the point! No one does and I don't push my opinions as fact1" which ignores his obligation to provide evidence to support holding the heretical opinions he does. Again, he's been very obliging.
Look what happens when you Google "objective proof of biblical inerrancy..."
That is, the AI answer is, No, of course, not. It's a matter of belief, not something that can be proven.
But beyond that, there are no immediate hits of anyone even TRYING to objectively prove inerrancy, at least using the word "objective."
There are conservative religionists saying things like, "There is overwhelming support for inerrancy from history."
And you see, after the first or second google lead,
"Missing: objective | Show results with: objective"
In the first two leads (beyond the AI answer), you have the conservative Got Questions website and the conservative Gospel Coalition website. NEITHER uses the word "objective" within their answers.
I've used various words and never found anyone even TRYING to defend the premise. Why is that? What is your secret source you're not willing to point to where "scholars" and "experts" have objectively proven the human theory?
Dan has no rubric at all
Can you all, at the very least, admit that there is NO authoritative, objectively factual rubric that exists in all of Christian history that can tell us which verses are literal, which verses are not? Can you admit that there is no rubric at all that tells us HOW to believe and interpret the Bible?
That it is up to each believer to do that for themselves, in the absence of any authoritative rubric?
This should be an easy answer, since clearly, not even conservatives believe in the existence of an Authoritative Rubric.
That's fair. It is a way of illustrating his commitment to a double standard which you do not ascribe to.
The problem is that when he states that his position is "objectively factual", "reality" or ends a claim with "period", he IS pushing his opinions as fact. If confronted, he'll likely hide behind his stock "opinion defense", but it's clear in his own words that he's pushing his opinions as "objectively factual". That actually is objectively factual.
Marshal (and Craig):
As to Dan highjacking the thread
The conversation meandered through our mutual discussion. To be clear, it meandered primarily due to Marshal and his unsupported claims. I just followed by respectfully answering his false claims to clarify the point. I was talking about the topic of the post, DEI, when Marshal early on made a personal attack upon me, saying I was corrupt, evil, awful ("In Dan we see everything wrong with the nation" ~Marshal).
I replied noting that the reality is I'm quite a decent person, if one just looks at my life. Me and people like me are involved in helping people in our jobs and families and daily lives. Then Marshal responded with another inane personal attack:
Dan responds to fact of his moral corruption by again listing that which no one here is likely to verify and that Dan can't.
Then Marshal brought up the off-topic issue of abortion, which I ignored, and the off-topic issue of human rights for LGBTQ folks, which I didn't address (at the time, anyway...) THEN Marshal continued HIS off-topic and rationally inept personal attacks by saying:
When we reference the fact of God having used human agency to destroy those whose sin merited such punishment, Dan will dare suggest that God...if the Bible has accurately recorded the a moral monster.
That is, MARSHAL, not Dan, is the one who brought up the human theory of inerrancy and fanciful biblical stories that he tries poorly to take literally.
So, complain if you want about us straying from the topic of DEI, but know that it was Marshal who did it. I just followed HIS lead.
Craig incorrectly claimed:
The problem is that when he states that his position is "objectively factual", "reality" or ends a claim with "period", he IS pushing his opinions as fact.
It IS a fact that I've seen NO ONE, including you gentlemen, even TRY to present objective proof of your human theories. That is a fact, an objective fact. You all merely offering some Bible verses and your understanding of them is, likewise, not an objective fact. As a fact.
The fact is, when you google "objective proof of inerrancy" and other such searches in the googles, you get ZERO hits, ZERO people trying to prove that theory as an objective fact.
THAT, too, is a fact, as I've demonstrated.
Now, MAYBE, you all DO have some secret source that is kept vague and unknown that DOES prove your pet human theories and traditions objectively. But what I'm stating quite clearly, is that there is no known support for these claims about these human traditions and opinions.
Once again, ALL you have to do is provide ONE source that objectively proves inerrancy, that objectively proves "gay marriages=bad," that objectively proves your opinions on Atonement, etc... When you provide EVEN ONE source that objectively proves your theories, I will be undone.
In ~20 years talking with you fellas, you've never done it. In my searching for the "proof" (even back when I accepted it as a fact in my conservative days) I found no objective proof.
And that is an indisputable fact.
Now, as logic books and websites will say, that is NOT objective proof that there ISN'T objective proof of your pet theories. But it is objective proof that I've not been able to find any objective proof. As a point of fact.
I can't see what you all are failing to understand in this.
"But that's the point! No one does and I don't push my opinions as fact1" which ignores his obligation to provide evidence to support holding the heretical opinions he does.
1. As you fellas so clearly illustrate, there IS, in fact, NO RUBRIC. If you had one, you'd provide it. You don't. And yet, you fail to just be clear and say, "No, of course, no one has a rubric." Just be honest, gents.
2. I've of course provided reasoning/"evidence" for my positions over the years.
Re: the human theory of "inerrancy..."
2A. The Bible has no comments from the various human authors claiming that "the Bible" is inerrant." That's just a fact.
2B. The Bible, in fact, makes NO claims about "the Bible." Period. Just as a point of fact.
2C. The problem with the theory (ONE problem) is: What does it even MEAN for this book of stories, history, myths, parables, poetry and various teachings to be "inerrant..." without error? Are you suggesting that the humans who wrote/gathered these writings/stories were without error? The Bible nor the biblical authors never make that claim (quite the opposite, in fact). That God somehow magically/spiritually "autocorrected" on behalf of the human authors so that no human errors got in? The authors never make that claim... why would we believe that theory?
2D. This is the point where many humans will cite the human, Paul, who presumably wrote the second letter to his human friend, Timothy, where Paul says "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God ay be thoroughly equipped for every good work." And that is, INDEED, one verse in the Bible that speaks of "All scripture." But what would Paul have meant by "all scripture..." The Old Testament is the most common theory, but maybe he meant ANY thing that was deemed of God. The point is that GOD and God's ways are trustworthy.
2E. The human theorists who point out this passage, THEN make the leap to say, "Well, if all the Bible (not proven) is 'God-breathed' then that means it would be without error." And that is certainly a theory. But it's not proven. It's something that some humans read into the text.
2F. And again, what does it mean, "without error..."? That all the stories literally happened as they are recorded/passed down? Well, that's a theory, but it's not proven by this text or any other text. Does it mean that every command that one can find in the Bible should be taken as a universal command from God? Well, Marshal doesn't think so, nor should he. Does it mean that the context of the place and time are irrelevant and that God's rules for ancient Israel are applicable for all times and places? Again, it might be a theory, but it's not proven. Does it mean that all the poems are perfect in meter and rhythm and rhyme? No.
So, what does "without error" mean in the context of the Bible? Here's the thing: No one knows or can say, not in an authoritative manner. There are a wide range of human theories, opinions and traditions on the topic (as, indeed, the notion of "inerrancy" is literally a human theory), but no authoritative answer.
If you had an authoritative answer, you'd have provided it. If there was an authoritative, objectively factual answer out there, SOMEONE would have written/taught/told us about it. It would be huge news and conservatives would be shouting that data far and wide.
It's not out there because it doesn't exist. Again, I don't see how "inerrancy" has ANY significant authoritative biblical source and here, I've explained (very briefly, but still methodically and rationally) why, yet again. It's literally a set of human opinions and theories. And NOT because the exact phrase "inerrant" doesn't exist (it doesn't) in the Bible, but because the TEACHING is not objectively in the pages of the bible. Not definitively and in an objectively proven manner.
Still searching for "objective proof" of your various biblical theories. I ran across this from the ultra-conservative "Institute" for "Creation Research..."
But can we prove the Bible? No—not in a strict scientific sense, especially as it relates to the unobserved past...
To understand its origin (a quite different enterprise than its operation) it would need to consult its creator's owner's manual which would also explain procedures to follow to function best.
And that's how we view the Bible [like a computer becoming sentient -DT].
It doesn't need to be proven, it just needs to be believed and obeyed. We can and should put it to the test (I Thessalonians 5:21). Since it is correct, it will pass that test, and far surpass all false "owner's manuals," like naturalistic evolution.
They come to the factually correct conclusion: No, the Bible can't be objectively proven, any more than the various theories about various religious tenets. The problem is, like you, they insist on blindly "believing" what they can't prove objectively (and here, they are talking about human opinions about various tenets and beliefs). It's not even a rational starting point and it's self-defeating.
But at the very least, they have the intellectual honesty to admit they can't objectively prove their theories.
which ignores his obligation to provide evidence to support holding the heretical opinions he does.
...all of that last comment as a reminder that I've repeatedly made my rational case as to why I think my understanding of these ideas you all hold and what the Bible does and doesn't say... I've explained WHY I believe as I do and you can disagree with it, you can say that you don't find the case compelling, but you can't rationally say I have not MADE my case why I hold the opinions I hold... ones which you deem "heretical," but in truth, they are only "heretical" to YOUR specific human tradition. Not heretical to God or Christianity. Indeed, it is very faithful to the teachings of Jesus and is rationally and biblically consistent. Even if you don't understand why.
Dan, being uniquely generous, has provided me with, if I'm not mistaken, ten comments with numerous examples of his disingenuous behavior in discourse. I intend to expose all the errors and lies within them in time, but time is a problem presently, what with the holiday season and all. I've no confidence I can go through all of it over the next day and half (at best), after which I will be unable to access my computer until 12/30 at the earliest.
As such, I would simply inform most that they can submit comments but likely won't see them posted until that date given, and I STRONGLY insist that Dan not even try until I've made my way through all of his comments. I'm sure he can find a post or two at Craig's blog at which he can misbehave, but the easiest thing I can do prior to the 30th is to delete his comments if he chooses to jump the gun.
So...that's the way it is, and if it is not liked, I care not. It would be easier if not for how much Dan chose to submit which was not support for his positions.
In the meantime...
December 18, 2024 at 11:59 AM
"I'm stating quite clearly that in ALL of heaven and earth, there has never been ANYONE who has found and announced an authoritative rubric to objectively interpret the Bible with no mistakes."
It doesn't at all matter. It's totally irrelevant. All which matters is whether or not YOU can debunk or refute any interpretation to which you object with something akin to evidence of some kind, hopefully from Scripture. You insist on playing this game when you should be addressing specific issues presented which give you the willies. All this crap about "rubrics" is worthless diversionary crap so typical of fakes like you who believe what you want not because it aligns with Scripture, but because it floats your boat.
"Now, IF it exists, you can make me look silly by simply presenting it."
You already look quite silly pretending you're debating when you're actually just tap-dancing around meeting your obligations to support your ridiculous heresies and corruptions. How does the existence or absence of a "rubric" absolve you in any way of your obligation to support your position or refute mine? Answer: None whatsoever.
"That's how it works when someone is stating that something objectively does not exist."
That's not at all how it works. It words like this: if you disagree with a premise, you argue against it with evidence of your own to support your objection or alternative premise. You don't jack around with irrelevant crap about "objective" proof for the inerrancy of Scripture. "Inerrancy" is pretty much a given for actual Christians, which is why you choose to distract with demands of "objective" proof of Scripture's inerrancy. Rather than support with Scriptural evidence your heresies, you distract with irrelevant crap about whether or not Scripture is inerrant and how that can or can't be proved.
"Inerrant" simply means "without error". A person claiming to be Christian assumes the Bible is reliable or such a person doesn't. If such a person doesn't, that puts in question the person's claim of being a Christian. But I'm quite confident you aren't a Christian, and this constant tap-dancing around the issues on the table affirm that opinion.
"IF I were to make the claim that nowhere in all of the natural world do squirrels exist, ALL someone has to do is show me a squirrel and I would have been proven wrong."
That's worse than a bad analogy of the conflict between us. Stop trying to compose analogies. You've proven yourself to be incredibly inept in that regard. There's nothing in any of my claims that are as insipid as this analogy proves you hope it will be regarded. It's your response to my positions and claims which are wanting.
"I LOVE to laugh at myself for making mistakes."
Then you should be hysterical throughout your every waking moment. If your parents felt the same way, they likely pee'd themselves anytime they looked at you.
"Plus, you'll have HELPED me understand reality and presumably God better IF you just present your authoritative, objective rubric."
Bullshit. You've been well schooled throughout all these years since 2008 and you continue to cling to your heresies. It's not any "rubric" which matters, but that each of your objections, criticisms and refutations have been appropriately answered with evidence necessary for the individual purpose.
And throughout it all, this is key: Not every claim to which you object is of the same type. Each "type" requires a different degree or type of response and/or evidence. If you say, "the Bible never says", and I present the verse wherein it does, you don't act the least bit honorably and concede the point. No...not little Danny-girl. Little Danny-girl raises the bar. Little Danny-girl questions my interpretation without doing a damned thing to provide an alternative interpretation and evidence to support it. Little Danny-girl just puts a greater burden on the person who's met Little Danny-girl's demands. She doesn't explain why what was provided falls short in any way. Hell no. Just bring more, as if bringing more will make a difference in Little Danny-girl's willingness to concede.
"And I'm stating that there is NO data that the pages in the Bible have any authority."
Ah!...the same old bullshit tap-dancing. You only bring this bullshit up when you've been proven wrong by accurate citations of Scripture. But again, no true Christian doubts the authority of Scripture. Thus, you've provided for us more evidence you aren't a Christian.
But again, this is the problem in dealing with your dishonest, sorry ass. You play this game in lieu of an intelligent alternative or of evidence which refutes my position. Demanding "rubrics" is pointless and a cheap diversion. Does the Bible say what I say it says or doesn't it. If the latter, make your freakin' case for a change.
But you won't because you can't. You damned well know your positions are crap and mine are totally in line with Scriptural teaching because you damned well know Scripture isn't mysterious and hard to fathom. It's just your dishonest game to suggest otherwise, because without doing so, you can't defend your heretical, unChristian positions.
And that's the true issue here, girl. Stop the bullshit and get to the obligation to defend your nonsense. Defending your nonsense requires forcing my concession to your better explanation. So long as I can critique your explanation, you've failed to provide a convincing one. It's not a failure on my understanding, but on your ability to make your bullshit sound like truth.
And of course, you once again default to this bitchy little nonsense that the Bible has to say in specific terms (now expressed as requiring "DATA") which justifies it having authority. The same old cheap Danish bullshit only a Christ-hater would respect.
"They are just dumb, non-thinking inert pieces of paper with words written upon them."
So I suppose if you got a note saying someone's beating the fuck out of your wife, you'll dismiss it as just an inert piece of paper with words written upon it. What a horse's ass you are! If this attitude was the result of two hundred years of "serious and prayful" study, it would still mean you're a theological moron.
It ain't the paper upon which the words are printed, dumbass. It's the message the word convey which matters. If you want to insist others are not understanding the message conveyed by the words on that paper, make your fucking case and stop wasting time with this irrelevant bullshit...bullshit put forth in lieu of an honest and intelligent counter to the truth I present. Until then, you're just a dumb, non-thinking inert asshole with no true devotion to Scripture. It's as I've long accepted is the case.
"Again, if you have some proof that the book itself has "authority," just present it. I think the concept is rationally bankrupt."
Of course you do. You NEED to think that, otherwise you must admit you're rebellion. To present "proofs" requires that you have the integrity and honor to accept what is true. Since 2008, you've proven no hint of such integrity. This fact is bolstered by your unwillingness to respond to all criticisms of you laughable attempts to make your case. You're just not man enough for the task, but it wouldn't matter because the task can't be achieved.
"A collection of words is only as "authoritative" as one's ability to understand them and with NO rubric, then who's to say WE are the ones who rightly understand those words?"
This is more bullshit. Either the collection of words are rightly understood or they are not. That debate can be made between two opposing sets of honorable people seeking the truth. That puts you at a disadvantage because truth is not a concern for you. Only your preferred narrative is. You think there must be some "rubric", but the real issue is that you have no way to defend your heretical, Christ-hating beliefs and positions. Moreover, you have no way to suggest, much less prove, that my positions are in any way in error. You just play your games.
"There is NO double standard."
This is rank bullshit. An outright, intentional lie. You NEVER act as you demand we must act. Don't ever dare suggest this lie again.
"IF I make a fact claim and you present data to prove it wrong, THEN I must accept the facts as you've presented them."
Except that you never do. Worse than that, you never provide any reason to suggest what data produced is insufficient or somehow in error. You just reject, dismiss or ignore it and pretend we've failed to meet your bullshit demands.
" IF YOU make fact claims that has no data to support it, then the burden of proof is on you."
And yet I ALWAYS present data which not simply supports the premise, but proves beyond your ability to dispute it. You simply say "Nyuh uh". And the most dishonest part is that if I've already presented support you've failed to address and refute, you pretend I need to do it again every time I re-submit the point already proven. It's just another way you lie.
"IF I claimed that the Harry Potter books proved there was magic in the world..."
Please stop trying to compose analogies. You prove yourself a fucking moron every time you try. Scripture is not fiction nor presented as if it is. Harry Potter is fiction and not presented as historical fact. Thus, you're lying again.
"And I could either prove it or not with data. The claim itself is not proof. "
Your dishonesty is blatant here. If you demand proof of what Scripture says, one only needs to provide the verse or passage which states what you don't want to accept as truth. THAT is "objective" proof to defend the claim to which you stupidly object. If you want proof that we can rely on Scripture to speak truthfully, which is really your argument, then stop pretending you're a Christian, because this goes way the hell beyond mere doubt, but a conscious rejection of the reliability of Scripture.
What's more, I NEVER pretend the claim itself is proof the claim is true. To suggest that at all is an intentional lie. That never happens.
"IF YOU make a negative fact claim (for instance, "There is no evidence anywhere that God is always opposed to slavery..."), then if I want to disprove that claim, ALL I have to do is present some objective data to demonstrate that God is always opposed to slavery. I can't do that, which is why I don't make it as a fact claim."
Which means you're a fucking idiot because God absolutely opposes enslaving people. This also exposes you as a liar for daring to suppose every mention of the word "slave" means what you need it to mean in order to pretend you're holier than others. Don't you dare try to take this discussion into another about your lies about Scriptural mentions of slavery. I'll delete that crap immediately.
"Look, fellas, IF you have a rubric, if you have objective proof of your personal human opinions and traditions, WHY would you not point to that proof?"
I support all my positions. You simply pretend I haven't because pretending I haven't is easier than providing a coherent, intelligent, evidence-based alternative to my position.
" You just need to point to the hundreds/thousands/millions of geniuses who've objectively "proven" things like inerrancy, or TULIP, or PST Atonement, or God's opposition to gay folks marrying."
Once again you purposely lump together disparate issues as if they are all of the same kind. You demand "objective proof" for inerrancy without providing a description of what that must look like. It's a fraudulent diversion anyway, but you just say shit and think we're compelled to kowtow to your bullshit demands put forth in lieu of legitimate arguments for your heresies or against our truths.
And just to be clear, God opposes all manifestations of that which He has unequivocally labeled and abomination. Stop pretending you've provided an intelligent, honest argument to the contrary.
"You all never even try to do as much as provide a link to any objective proof."
You're a rank, inveterate liar (big surprise!). I've supported, if not completely proven my positions. Indeed, I've done it multiple times. Conversely, you've provided no intelligent, honest or coherent defense for any of your positions, particularly your Christ-hating defense of fag marriage.
"You all never even try to do as much as provide a link to any objective proof."
Another abject, intentional lie. Typical of a progressive, fake Christian like Dan, who simply rejects sound evidence without adult response.
i>"What does that tell you about your claims and your human traditions?"
It tells me liars like you will crap on any expression of Biblical truth without the slightest effort to suggest any error in such expressions.
You are the LAST person I'd seek out for accurate, honest or intelligent presi>"There is NO double standard."
This is rank bullshit. An outright, intentional lie. You NEVER act as you demand we must act. Don't ever dare suggest this lie again.
"IF I make a fact claim and you present data to prove it wrong, THEN I must accept the facts as you've presented them."
Except that you never do. Worse than that, you never provide any reason to suggest what data produced is insufficient or somehow in error. You just reject, dismiss or ignore it and pretend we've failed to meet your bullshit demands.
" IF YOU make fact claims that has no data to support it, then the burden of proof is on you."
And yet I ALWAYS present data which not simply supports the premise, but proves beyond your ability to dispute it. You simply say "Nyuh uh". And the most dishonest part is that if I've already presented support you've failed to address and refute, you pretend I need to do it again every time I re-submit the point already proven. It's just another way you lie.
"IF I claimed that the Harry Potter books proved there was magic in the world..."
Please stop trying to compose analogies. You prove yourself a fucking moron every time you try. Scripture is not fiction nor presented as if it is. Harry Potter is fiction and not presented as historical fact. Thus, you're lying again
(Because of all the bullshit to which I felt compelled to address, somewhere along the line I unintentionally eliminated responses to what came after that which i have posted. Doesn't matter. It was just more of Dan's stupid attempts to pretend he has a point. Should time allow, I'll just resume with his next example of dishonesty and stupidity.
"It IS a fact that I've seen NO ONE, including you gentlemen, even TRY to present objective proof of your human theories. That is a fact, an objective fact."
No it's not. It's you asserting based solely on what "you've seen" that something is "objectively factual". Basing objectivity in your limited, and biased experience is not how it works.
That you don't like what we're "offering" is irrelevant. If you are going to assert something as "objectively factual", you actually need to prove your claim with something beyond your limited, biased experience.
"is that there is no known support for these claims about these human traditions and opinions."
Again with the unproven claim backed up with absolutely zero "data" except your experience.
"And that is an indisputable fact." " But it is objective proof that I've not been able to find any objective proof. As a point of fact.".
Well done, this massive goal post switch is one you should be proud of. You've gone from asserting that your position is "objectively factual" to now asserting that your earlier position wasn't what you were talking about at all. You're merely asserting that your inability to find something is somehow of supreme importance.
That you can't find something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That you've admitted that you learned everything you ever needed to know about these things decades ago and just stopped looking doesn't make it seem like you really want answers. Just that you're satisfied with your ignorance and content to believe that being "seen" by you is somehow the most important thing ever.
what an idiotic bunch of bullshit to avoid admitting that you can't prove the claims you've made, or that the claims you've made are so self focused as to be worthless beyond your fantasy world.
FWIW , either leave Dan's comments in moderation until you are finished, start another post and block comments (delete his comments on other posts), or copy paste his comments into a doc and post them later when you're ready.
We both know that Dan isn't going to prove his claims or disprove anyone else's. He's just going to continue to assert that what he's "seen" is all that exists or is relevant, ignore anything and everything offered to him, and bitch about whatever you say.
As I type this, you have two comments in moderation. I will be deleting them per my request you chose to ignore. As I will likely be unable to address the many comments you've posted (I've only shredded the first one thus far), your choice to post so much requires that you sit tightly until I finish before daring to submit anymore comments which won't include a fulfillment of your obligation here, which neither of your two comments in moderation have provided. And since instead of providing, you'll have to wait until I get through all your diversionary comments (which I could simply write off for their failure to provide as well).
continuing from the previous Dan comment I somehow lost:
"IF YOU make a negative fact claim (for instance, "There is no evidence anywhere that God is always opposed to slavery..."), then if I want to disprove that claim, ALL I have to do is present some objective data to demonstrate that God is always opposed to slavery. I can't do that, which is why I don't make it as a fact claim. Rather, I make the reasonable claim that slavery - owning and enslaving people for the owner's profit or pleasure - is always wrong because it is an affront to human rights."
First of all, one can easily demonstrate God's position against slavery. What you don't do is recognize how the word "slavery" is used in the context one finds it. It's used in a variety of ways to express a variety of meanings. But again you demonstrate you aren't really devoted to the Word of God by pretending you can't find His prohibition and subordinating Scripture to your personal dislike of slavery. You making what you want to have regarded as a "rational case" is meaningless as regards establishing or recognizing moral quality in a behavior. What matters is God's Will alone. Your "rational case" is of even less value if not based on Scripture/God's Will.
"Look, fellas, IF you have a rubric, if you have objective proof of your personal human opinions and traditions, WHY would you not point to that proof?"
Because your demand some rubric must exist is irrelevant to whether or not a claim has merit or whether yours does. It's irrelevant to whether or not Scripture supports the claim or denies it has merit. The demand for a rubric is a ploy to avoid speaking to the claim directly because you can't refute it.
IF it exists, surely it is out there somewhere because that would be HUGE news. You don't even have to prove it again."
Bullshit. There's never been a proven claim for which you haven't again demanded proof when the claim is restated later. You never address the evidence provided but simply reject it without countervailing evidence of your own. Then, you later pretend the claim was never proven to be true. This is another common tactic of your dishonest behavior in discourse. Thanks for providing more validation.
"You just need to point to the hundreds/thousands/millions of geniuses who've objectively "proven" things like inerrancy, or TULIP, or PST Atonement, or God's opposition to gay folks marrying."
You just need to be an actual man, and a man of honor, and point to any place where you've bravely addressed directly the hundreds/thousands/millions of genius evidence-backed arguments on any of those or other issues.
BTW, God doesn't oppose "gays" marrying so long as they marry someone of the opposite sex. It's illogical, stupid and an intentional lie to assert and pretend there's any possibility that God would not oppose SSM given the compulsions and their manifested sexual behavior is abomination to Him.
"You all never even try to do as much as provide a link to any objective proof."
"Objective" refers to facts and evidence. I alone have produced tons to support every claim I've ever made. You can't even define "objective proof" in a way which "objectively proves" you haven't seen any.
"What does that tell you about your claims and your human traditions?"
Nothing. It tells me you're unable to find error in any of it because your drivel doesn't ever address them directly.
This ignores the reality that there are hundreds/thousands of experts/theologians/scholars/etc that have written volumes on these topics. I guess this is the one time that we don't listen to the experts.
"God doesn't oppose "gays" marrying so long"
Making this claim (which may or may not be True) doesn't automatically prove that YHWH "blesses gay marriage". Further, by limiting the discussion to "gay marriage" (a topic on which scripture is silent), it allows Dan to ignore or minimize what scripture actually does say about "gay behavior". It's as if when YHWH does say about homosexuality goes out the window once you wrap it in "gay marriage". The whole focus of Dan on "gay marriage" is simply a way to distract from what scripture/YHWH do say on the broader topic of homosexuality. The fact that data shows that "gay marriage" is more likely than not to be non monogamous, suggests that "gay marriage" itself isn't what Dan wants it to be. I know, Dan will trot out an anecdotal story about a couple of elderly lesbians who have a "wonderful" monogamous "gay marriage" as if that one anecdote means that the real world data is meaningless.
This whole thread illuminates Dan's belief that everything revolves around him and what's personally seen or experienced. You'll note that his "proof" is virtually always a personal, anecdotal story which contains no verifiable details or anything that can be checked, or that he's "never seen" anything that says X, Y, or Z. It's possible that the reason he's "never seen" anything is that he's either not looking at all, or he's not looking in the right places. Of course, we'll never know that because Dan will likely never tell us.
December 18, 2024 at 12:09 PM
"But if X is the reality - IF it NEVER HAPPENED that purple unicorns moved to the moon and started a colony there - THEN the only thing I CAN do is point to the reality that there is zero evidence that proves that theory objectively."
First, if those unicorns exist on the moon, the next moon landing by human astronauts could prove the exist or assert they didn't see any. That you can't find evidence, or have the capacity to recognize and understand evidence, or the courage to accept evidence provided, you can only go that far. You can't say there's "zero" evidence.
"That's all one can do with a negative claim (absent some actual data)."
You say this as if you're not regularly and consistently provided actual data.
"You cannot claim that "miracles exist unless someone proves that they do not exist..."
You cannot claim that "deities exist unless someone proves that they do not exist."
The Burden of Proof as presented below applies to claims that are cognitive and empirical. The principle applies to claims about what exists or does not exist...
The burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or proposition. Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of argumentum ad ignorantium, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who denies or questions the assertion being made. The source of the fallacy is the assumption that something is true unless proven otherwise.
The person making a negative claim cannot logically prove nonexistence. And here's why: to know that a X does not exist would require a perfect knowledge of all things (omniscience). To attain this knowledge would require simultaneous access to all parts of the world and beyond (omnipresence). Therefore, to be certain of the claim that X does not exist one would have to possess abilities that are non-existent. Obviously, mankind's limited nature precludes these special abilities. The claim that X does not exist is therefore unjustifiable..."
This is funny. Is this supposed to back up your dancing around the issues? It actually puts the onus on you. YOU are the one claiming there's no evidence for our claims. To paraphrase the link's author:
" The claim that evidence does not exist is therefore unjustifiable..."
Moreover, it has absolutely no relation or relevance to the following statement of yours:
"WHICH is why I frame my words in the way I do: THERE IS NO DATA that objectively proves inerrancy, God's hatred of homosexual behavior, etc."
Again you group unrelated and dissimilar issues together as if related and the same. In any case, more evidence and support backs up my position on every issue we discuss than not, particularly God's "hatred" of homosexual behavior. You just falsely assert whatever you want to assert as if what you assert must be accepted as true, "reasonable", "self-evident" or any other crap which you think absolves you from making an actual case for or against whatever the issue is which is on the table
"That is a rationally sound claim."
No. It's just Trabue abdication of responsibility and obligation to support your contrary position.
"Again, if you gentlemen HAVE links to authorities that objectively prove inerrancy, for instance, PROVIDE it. I've looked and not found it."
Again, the issue is what constitutes "objectively proven" arguments? Is there such a thing as "subjective" proof? Either something is proven or it's not, but not everything needs to be proven absolutely. With regard to God and His Will or even His existence, most evidence there is can only go so far. Only being in His presence will provide us the absolute proof you demand in order to accept any truth you don't like.
In the meantime, you play this game rather than presenting sound arguments against the claim itself or for your preferred alternative. Until you get to either, all these words you've typed are wastes of time and wholly irrelevant to the discussion.
They do, however, validate the fact of your bad behavior in discourse. It further proves that it's not a matter of whether what I say is true and factual or not, but simply that you don't like it. You never get to dealing with whether or not my position is true or factual. You just give reasons why you don't have to. But this behavior doesn't even legitimize the idea that we can both be justified in holding the positions we do. You have no legitimate argument for holding any of yours nor for rejecting mine, as years of discourse OBJECTIVELY proves to all.
December 18, 2024 at 12:47 PM
In Dan's comment from the above date and time, he makes another baseless assertion that arguments presenting evidence for the inerrancy of Scripture must be "objective proof", because he demands no arguments which do not include the word "objective" somehow renders the arguments invalid and without merit in defense of the proposition. I don't know from where Dan pulled this "rule" justifying his self-serving demand, but it seems more likely that he made it up in order to allow him to dismiss anything in anyway related to the proposition of Biblical inerrancy.
But Dan's still not relieved of his obligation to support his rejection of claims I make, or to support alternative understandings of Scripture which I cite to support my claims. In short, it's just another dodge. There are many who have wonderfully argued for the inerrancy of Scripture. Those arguments include all the "objective proof" necessary, regardless of whether or not they choose use the word "objective". And of course we can use Dan's own nonsensical counter argument which would look like this: By what "rubric" can Dan insist one must use the word "objective" when presenting evidence or proofs supporting the proposition of Biblical inerrancy?
And still most importantly, "inerrancy" doesn't matter when discussing a given Scriptural citation. No one here has defended a position by merely saying "It's in the Bible and the Bible is inerrant". No. "Biblical inerrancy" is its own issue and I don't ever recall anyone posting a position on it.
December 18, 2024 at 1:17 PM
"Can you all, at the very least, admit that there is NO authoritative, objectively factual rubric that exists in all of Christian history that can tell us which verses are literal, which verses are not? Can you admit that there is no rubric at all that tells us HOW to believe and interpret the Bible?"
This is not only another diversion and deflection tactic, it is wholly untrue based on Dan's own rendering of how Biblical interpretation should work. He's done it many times in defending what he laughingly regards as "rational, reasonable" understanding when one confronts his unBiblical heretical positions.
To say that throughout all of history theologians didn't interpret Scripture in a particular manner and method common to the vast majority of them would be inane.
"That it is up to each believer to do that for themselves, in the absence of any authoritative rubric?"
What "authoritative rubric" would one need?
"This should be an easy answer, since clearly, not even conservatives believe in the existence of an Authoritative Rubric."
Well, since you just made it up, why would they?
Sooo... how will I know when you're done with your rambling responses that don't answer the questions put to you?
December 18, 2024 at 1:58 PM
"The conversation meandered through our mutual discussion. To be clear, it meandered primarily due to Marshal and his unsupported claims. I just followed by respectfully answering his false claims to clarify the point. I was talking about the topic of the post, DEI, when Marshal early on made a personal attack upon me, saying I was corrupt, evil, awful ("In Dan we see everything wrong with the nation" ~Marshal)."
At first, I was uncertain about which meandering conversation you meant, until the very end. So I went back and looked and, to my great surprise, you comment here is false...intentionally or not matters not. Your first words immediately make assumptions about me/us. The rest of it and the second comment are no better in that regard. In the meantime, you're absolutely emblematic of all that's wrong in this country.
"I replied noting that the reality is I'm quite a decent person,"
Most mobsters, thugs and crooks will say the same of themselves.
"...if one just looks at my life."
I look at what you say in these blog discussions. Your positions and beliefs clearly and directly belie your claims and self-praise.
"Me and people like me are involved in helping people in our jobs and families and daily lives."
Once again you regard yourselves based on only a portion of your deeds. When you eliminate your support for infanticide, sexual perversion, policies which result in more deaths, rapes, thefts and other forms of human suffering, you're a freakin' prince. Indeed, you might be able to make a case that you do more good deeds than I, but your evil deeds far and away overwhelm any of mine, in both quantity and quality.
"Then Marshal responded with another inane personal attack:"
"Dan responds to fact of his moral corruption by again listing that which no one here is likely to verify and that Dan can't."
That's not "inane", but a simple statement of fact, far truer than the many false assertions of reality we endure from you.
"Then Marshal brought up the off-topic issue of abortion, which I ignored, and the off-topic issue of human rights for LGBTQ folks, which I didn't address (at the time, anyway...)"
The following is the very first comment you submitted and was posted in this thread:
"Listen to the women, LGBTQ folks, sexual assault survivors and other decent humans who are routinely brutalized by vulgar false comments like yours."
"THEN Marshal continued HIS off-topic and rationally inept personal attacks by saying:"
"When we reference the fact of God having used human agency to destroy those whose sin merited such punishment, Dan will dare suggest that God...if the Bible has accurately recorded the a moral monster."
You're clearly missing the actual point of this post and the comments which follow. It's about your many dishonest, deceptive and dishonorable ways of engaging in discourse.
"That is, MARSHAL, not Dan, is the one who brought up the human theory of inerrancy and fanciful biblical stories that he tries poorly to take literally."
Nothing about what you quoted and pretended was "rationally inept" has anything to do with Biblical inerrancy or even alluded to it. It simply states an example of how you respond to that which you don't like in attacking those who believe what Scripture presents or God Himself "IF" the Bible has accurately recorded the events. That is to say, you're eager to insist the Bible hasn't accurately recorded events if the implications of the passages in question are too much for your delicate sensibilities and your Trabue authored notions of morality and justice.
"So, complain if you want about us straying from the topic of DEI, but know that it was Marshal who did it. I just followed HIS lead."
Know that I just presented "OBJECTIVE PROOF" that you're wrong.
So, boys and girls, it seems that's all the time I have to spend on Dan's many most recent comments, which do nothing but seek to rationalize, albeit very cheaply, his avoidance of his obligations in discourse. Ironically, I find that he sought to submit a third comment after I warned him against doing so until I finish with all of his last ten comments. I believe I've only gotten through five of them, and despite having explained how this is going to go, he stupidly asked the following:
"Sooo... how will I know when you're done with your rambling responses that don't answer the questions put to you?"
This is a question asked for which an answer was already given. Considering how often he speaks of his "God-given reason", one might be tempted to think he could reason out the answer by simply reading my comments as if he cares to truly understand my positions, beliefs and decisions. But alas....perhaps the reasoning ability God has given us all is in now way equal. How dare God ignore "equity"! Dan's reasoning powers have long been say the least.
Merry Christmas to all!
"there is zero evidence that proves that theory objectively."
The problem with this oft used "logic" is that there is "zero evidence" period. To assume that the fact that Dan has not seen evidence is not the same as saying that something does not exist. This is a variation on the argument from silence logical fallacy.
All his nonsense is precisely why I banned him from my blogs. I was tired of wasting time with him.
...and together with the two submissions Dan made after I strongly stated he shouldn't, there is now a total of seven waiting in moderation. And I've not yet gone through all of his already posted bullshit! The worst part is, as I try to do what I said I'd do, I looked at them (albeit in a somewhat cursory manner) and found no evidence he submitted fulfillment of his obligations! What a freakin' Christmas surprise!
It remains to be seen if they'll see the light of day. It'll be a tough call. Maybe I'll post those which scream loudest for his humiliation. Maybe I'll just delete them all since I twice suggested he shouldn't attempt to submit a comment until I've gotten through all the stupidity he'd already submitted and had posted. Gosh, wouldn't that just suck to have taken the time to submit comments only to have the host of a blog just delete them? Oh well. If that happens here, at least Dan can say his deletion was actually justified by truly reasonable warnings!
In the meantime, I have existing nonsense to which I must give response, as they all provide more evidence of Dan's crappy behavior in discourse, despite providing the respectful, adult form he pretends to crave.
December 18, 2024 at 2:38 PM
OH, LOOK! Right from the start, the first comment upon my return following the last before I left, and Dan's lying yet again!
"Craig incorrectly claimed:"
The problem is that when he states that his position is "objectively factual", "reality" or ends a claim with "period", he IS pushing his opinions as fact.
"It IS a fact that I've seen NO ONE, including you gentlemen, even TRY to present objective proof of your human theories. That is a fact, an objective fact. You all merely offering some Bible verses and your understanding of them is, likewise, not an objective fact. As a fact."
And here's what makes it a lie. First of all, it's this same bullshit "objective proof" crap, as if the evidence presented by any of us doesn't address directly his objection...whatever the hell they may be. Thus, it's hardly an "objective" fact that we've indeed provided evidence and proofs. Dan doesn't address them, but chooses instead to whine on about our evidence and proofs somehow not being "objective", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean (still not defined explicitly by him). Moreover, he's indulging in the very deceit to which I've pointed several times in this thread and admitting he does it. We offer something from the text to support our positions, and he moves to suggest we can't know for certain what the text means and must them prove THAT!
"The fact is, when you google "objective proof of inerrancy" and other such searches in the googles, you get ZERO hits, ZERO people trying to prove that theory as an objective fact."
The "FACT" is that this discussion isn't about proving Scripture's inerrant nature. Even less so, the "FACT" is that proof isn't required to fall under Dan's personal criteria of "objective"...whatever the FUCK that's supposed to mean.
The FACT is that there are plenty of great scholarly sources touching on Biblical inerrancy, but more importantly, it doesn't matter here at all. That's because THE "FACT: is that Dan is required to prove our positions are flawed and/or that whatever the hell his alternative positions might be are actually a more logical or accurate or reasonable or intelligent or adult or CHRISTIAN understanding of the text than that which we have presented.
The funny thing is, Dan thinks all he needs to do is to provide some opposing proof about purple unicorns, yet he won't do that for anything to which he objects regarding our accurate understandings, much less the inerrant quality of Scripture. "Inerrent" means without error. Provide an error of consequence. This should be a fun exercise he'll not undertake, since he's failed to provide a Trump "lie" of significance or what the Trump "con" is.
"THAT, too, is a fact, as I've demonstrated."
Thus far, all you've demonstrated throughout this entire thread is what a coward and liar you are. But we already knew that given all your "objective" proof to back that up.
"Now, MAYBE, you all DO have some secret source that is kept vague and unknown that DOES prove your pet human theories and traditions objectively. But what I'm stating quite clearly, is that there is no known support for these claims about these human traditions and opinions."
"Now "MAYBE" we do!" Indeed, we've backed up everything we've put forth as true with actual Scriptural documentation. The problem is you simply dismiss it with all these diversionary antics like "objective proof" and "rubrics". That's all cowardly lying on your part because the truth is anathema and inconvenient for you, and there's no way to argue against any of it directly.
"Once again, ALL you have to do is provide ONE source that objectively proves inerrancy, that objectively proves "gay marriages=bad," that objectively proves your opinions on Atonement, etc... When you provide EVEN ONE source that objectively proves your theories, I will be undone."
Bullshit. You've received all the evidence backing our positions you're going to get. You've done nothing to expose any flaws in our positions, nothing to expose a poor or inaccurate understanding of Scripture on our part regarding any positions we've expressed, nor of any you try to insist we've expressed.
At THIS blog, it's YOU who's obliged, required and mandated to provide evidence and/or proofs that our positions are flawed or in any way in error, or that your alternative positions, which MUST be fully presented and then supported with actual evidence to my liking, are more likely truer understandings of Scripture. You have no authority to dictate a damned thing here.
"In ~20 years talking with you fellas, you've never done it."
You're an inveterate, unrepentant liar.
"In my searching for the "proof" (even back when I accepted it as a fact in my conservative days) I found no objective proof."
If I see the term "objective proof" used by you again, I will immediately delete the comment. Explain what that is, what it looks like, with real examples which differ from "non" objective proof. I call bullshit on this made up term which has no obligation on anyone.
"And that is an indisputable fact."
Another meaningless "fact" which is no more than you saying you're incompetent and unable to actually prove a fucking thing. You certainly can't prove me wrong, and you can't even prove what you won't state is a better understanding.
"Now, as logic books and websites will say, that is NOT objective proof that there ISN'T objective proof of your pet theories. But it is objective proof that I've not been able to find any objective proof. As a point of fact."
Again, that you can't find any means you're a moron incapable of doing what you demand of others.
More importantly, you don't even have a decent argument against our my positions...never mind if any "objective proof" (whatever the flying fuck that means) exists. I don't want to hear about what you have or haven't found, because for all I know you've never made the slightest effort to truly investigate truth (serious, prayerful study). You just flap your virtual gums and we're supposed to believe your lying ass. Doesn't work that way, Nancy.
"I can't see what you all are failing to understand in this."
Your alternative explanation for Scripture you insist we have wrong would be a good start, liar.
December 18, 2024 at 3:51 PM
I said:
""But that's the point! No one does and I don't push my opinions as fact1" which ignores his obligation to provide evidence to support holding the heretical opinions he does."
Dan lied as follows:
"1. As you fellas so clearly illustrate, there IS, in fact, NO RUBRIC. If you had one, you'd provide it. You don't. And yet, you fail to just be clear and say, "No, of course, no one has a rubric." Just be honest, gents."
I've been as honest as I need to be to this dishonest tactic: No one needs to identify any "rubric". What YOU need to do is to actually provide a coherent, intelligent, and if there's any way possible for a liar like you, an honest objection to that with which you disagree, rather than prattle on like a dickhead about stupid crap like "rubrics". YOU don't get to demand things like "rubrics" in lieu of any coherent, intelligent, and if there's any way possible for a liar like you, an honest objection.
So here's a "rubric" for you, Nancy: Your demand for a "rubric" in lieu of a solid, compelling, intelligent counter to any of my positions indicates quite clearly that I'm totally correct and accurate in my understanding of whatever is at issue between us. Only a loser would choose such a tactic instead of providing that counter.
"2. I've of course provided reasoning/"evidence" for my positions over the years."
What passes for reasoning in Trabue-World is considered insipid among even the marginally intelligent. You've provided no evidence which was anything more than rank distortions and perversions which might fool other moron progressives, but not average people of any stripe.
"Re: the human theory of "inerrancy...""
Why do you keep bringing this up, since the issue of inerrancy is irrelevant to the actual issue here?
"2A. The Bible has no comments from the various human authors claiming that "the Bible" is inerrant." That's just a fact."
You are REQUIRED to provide "objective proof" that the Bible is REQUIRED to claim Itself as inerrant in order for it to be so. Without said "objective proof", you have no grounds to dare say it isn't inerrant.
"2B. The Bible, in fact, makes NO claims about "the Bible." Period. Just as a point of fact."
You are REQUIRED to provide "objective proof" that the Bible is REQUIRED make claims of itself in order for anything regarded about the Bible to be true.
"2C. The problem with the theory (ONE problem) is: What does it even MEAN for this book of stories, history, myths, parables, poetry and various teachings to be "inerrant..." without error?"
You know what the term means. Don't pretend you're not lying by suggesting you don't understand the term. And there are no myths in Scripture.
"Are you suggesting that the humans who wrote/gathered these writings/stories were without error?"
Yes. Find an error and report back.
"The Bible nor the biblical authors never make that claim (quite the opposite, in fact)."
Ah! Two problems with this:
1. The Bible nor the Biblical authors never anticipated some dumbfuck from Louisville would doubt the veracity of their work.
2. Where in Scripture does Scripture or any of the Biblical authors make any claim their work is not inerrant? I'll wait here while you fail to provide.
"@. That God somehow magically/spiritually "autocorrected" on behalf of the human authors so that no human errors got in? The authors never make that claim... why would we believe that theory?"
Why would God need to "autocorrect" if He's inspiring the authors? What human errors are there you can prove? Why must the authors make a claim to satisfy some dumbfuck from Kentucky in 2024?
This is all just dishonest crap so you don't have to come up with an intelligent counter argument to positions I hold.
"2D. This is the point where many humans will cite the human, Paul, who presumably wrote the second letter to his human friend, Timothy, where Paul says "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God ay be thoroughly equipped for every good work." And that is, INDEED, one verse in the Bible that speaks of "All scripture." But what would Paul have meant by "all scripture..." The Old Testament is the most common theory, but maybe he meant ANY thing that was deemed of God. The point is that GOD and God's ways are trustworthy."
This should be sufficient for even a heretic like you, despite your crapping all over it. The Apostles affirmed God's work through other Apostles, so that all which we find in our Bibles is Scripture, just as the OT is. But hey....! They were only Christ's Apostles! Obviously they're lying fucks like you!
"2E. The human theorists who point out this passage, THEN make the leap to say, "Well, if all the Bible (not proven) is 'God-breathed' then that means it would be without error." And that is certainly a theory. But it's not proven. It's something that some humans read into the text."
It doesn't need to be proven. What needs to be proven is that any of my positions are wrong, any of my understandings of any verse I've cited is wrong and that your understanding...assuming you actually have somehow truer and a more accurate understanding is mine. You after all these years have not come close to suggesting I might be wrong or that any heresy you puke out isn't.
This is tiresome. The rest is just more of the same. Dan can't prove me wrong. He can't prove I might be wrong in my understanding of any issue which has been discussed between us. He can't and he hasn't...EVER! Instead, he just continues with this dishonest crap about ME needing to prove that what I've proved is proved and then that is proved as well. That shit is over, bitch. YOU prove something! YOU prove that my understanding is wrong or in any way in error. I concede that possibility exists. You provide no way of supporting that contention...EVER!
YOU prove you have a better understanding ( you certainly haven't with regard to fag marriage). YOU prove your position without perverting Scripture (you certainly haven't with regard to fag marriage). YOU prove...well...ANYTHING...and that doesn't require you to prove what we can only know by dying, but simply to present an intelligent adult argument and defend it until my objections have run out. You never have. You never will, because you're not a Christian nor an actual man with an ounce of integrity, honor or character.
At this point there are (at least) two more stupid attempts by Dan to avoid dealing with something substantive, because he insists on deflecting from his obligation by arguing the irrelevant. I will get to them tomorrow or the day after, and by then, I will have decided whether or not the seven or more Dan comments in moderation will be posted or deleted. I don't see how Dan deserves posting, since deleting is his fall back when he can't argue his points or against mine. This is apparent in this whole exercise as he strains to drive the discussion away from his obligation. He knows he's a heretical liar, and prefers his lies to the Truth. He thinks he can stave off defending his lies by attacking the truths I present. That's how he rolls.
More later...
December 18, 2024 at 3:51 PM
"But that's the point! No one does and I don't push my opinions as fact1" which ignores his obligation to provide evidence to support holding the heretical opinions he does."
The actual point is how one defends one's positions, opinions or made up crap. Your obligation is not mitigated by this constant deflection and obfuscation. Clearly, you are incapable of providing intelligent arguments in defense of your heresies or against the clearly Scriptural based truths I bring to bear. Are my positions "opinion"? Fine. Prove you have one which makes more sense without perverting Scripture and dancing around the obligation with crap about "rubrics".
"1. As you fellas so clearly illustrate, there IS, in fact, NO RUBRIC. If you had one, you'd provide it. You don't. And yet, you fail to just be clear and say, "No, of course, no one has a rubric." Just be honest, gents."
Liars like you are better served by not daring to suggest your opponents haven't been honest. I don't need a "rubric". YOU need to make a case that my position is in error, that you have a more accurate understanding of that which you reject because it doesn't work for you and bring something akin to evidence which is true and compelling. Not something for which you've ever been known.
"2. I've of course provided reasoning/"evidence" for my positions over the years."
No you haven't. There's never been a debate about YOUR positions and heresies which you've seen to the bitter end. And this is yet another cheap tactic...breaking off the engagement because your arguments are laughable, not because you have compelling and truthful evidence of any kind.
"Re: the human theory of "inerrancy...""
The truth for Biblical inerrancy is not at issue here. Stop bringing it up except to defend your self-serving notion that Scripture or the Biblical authors are required to speak of inerrancy in order for it to be true.
This all looks familiar and it seems I've address this lame-assed lying already. Scripture speaks well enough of the reliability of Scripture, and if 2 Timothy was all there was, that's good enough for actual Christians. Fake Christians like you who need the carve out space to pretend your perversions are Godly depend on ambiguity.
December 18, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Regarding the lame attempt to pretend you've scored a victory with the linked article, it does not attempt to prove anything more than that their research provides a far more logical and factual argument for Creation Science. What it certainly DOESN'T do is provide you liberty to reject Scriptural truth you don't like. The obligation of you defending your lies is still in play, despite your cowardly unwillingness to play at all.
December 18, 2024 at 4:09 PM
"...all of that last comment as a reminder that I've repeatedly made my rational case as to why I think my understanding of these ideas you all hold and what the Bible does and doesn't say... I've explained WHY I believe as I do and you can disagree with it, you can say that you don't find the case compelling, but you can't rationally say I have not MADE my case why I hold the opinions I hold... ones which you deem "heretical," but in truth, they are only "heretical" to YOUR specific human tradition. Not heretical to God or Christianity. Indeed, it is very faithful to the teachings of Jesus and is rationally and biblically consistent. Even if you don't understand why."
Sure, Dan. You can scrape as much shit out of your diaper and throw it at the wall and pretend whatever sticks is a legitimate argument. But that's another lie of yours. You won't let any criticism of your heresies play out. You just run like a little girl and pretend you've acted in an adult and respectful manner. In the meantime, tons of questions regarding your lies go unanswered, buried by a giant pantsload of shit for which you demand a response on YOUR terms only. That's fine on your Blog of Lies where lies are the order of the day. But here, and at other not fake-Christian sites, a serious and honest search for truth is too much for you.
Now, I believe I'm caught up and will be trying to determine whether or not I should allow more of the same lies, obfuscations, dodging, and perversions.
Since you ignored my request to hold your water while I get to this point, I will not even read any further attempts to post until I give you the go ahead, so don't waste your time. Or do. I would love to give you a taste of your own medicine, minus the lying about what you posted as you do with regard my comments at your Blog of Lies.
So, as I've little to do at the moment, and less energy to do much more given I'm convalescing from illness (thanks, Santa!), I've decided to post all of Dan's seven comments in moderation submitted for this thread. It's more of the same tap-dancing away from his own obligations, and I only choose this course of action so as to have more proof of his cowardice and dishonesty available for whatever purpose decides such proof is needed. I will be copy/pasting them in their entirety so as to be more convenient for me. I will doing so and then posting my responsive comments with each one. I'm confident Dan will choose to submit more, none of which will provide any arguments against my positions or defenses of whatever the hell his non-stated alternative positions are, and I'm far more likely to simply delete those if he does. So, what follows begins this process:
"So, I asked some rather simple and direct and reasonable questions."
None of which had any relevance or relationship to the post or the general topic of Dan's dishonest behavior in discourse. Indeed, much of it had nothing to do with anything I've ever said in the manner he claims I did. This certainly belies the claim of "reasonable questions" entirely.
"You opted not to answer them directly."
I'm not obliged to respond to irrelevant questions unrelated to the topic of the post. Were the roles reversed, you'd likely delete my question as is your SOP.
"For instance, I asked DO you have a rubric for understanding the Bible or not?"
What this has to do with Dan's asshole defense of a DEI advocate, herself an asshole, is beyond me. As regards for understanding Scripture, it is a dodge in order to avoid having to actually demonstrate how my understanding might in any way be in error. That's strange, because I'm not afraid of being corrected so long as the "correction" is compelling and backed by something other than Dan's laughable "reason".
It also suggests he'd be accommodating to whatever rubric I offered, were I to feel compelled to offer one. But I'll give a type of rubric here: Scripture is fully truthful in every respect until someone with a pair of testicles can provide legitimate objective evidence (not personal, subjective wishes) that a given topic of discussion is untrue, or that my understanding is somehow in error. As the New Year means I'm one more closer to my own end, I have little confidence such an argument will be forthcoming from the likes of Dan Trabue before my end comes.
"As far as I can see, you only said "it doesn't matter..." But, of course, it does."
No it doesn't, because no disagreement between us is a matter of what is absolutely true, but rather why either of us believes or understands differently from the other. I provide evidence and support of all kinds. Dan just says, "Nyuh uh" and dismisses out of hand any argument in support of the truth of Scripture he rejects due to inconvenience or personal dislike.
"For instance, I had said:
"A collection of words is only as "authoritative" as one's ability to understand them and with NO rubric, then who's to say WE are the ones who rightly understand those words?""
That argument might work when dealing with an atheist, which Dan pretty much is, as so much of his belief is comparable to the average atheist. But I work on the premise that I'm dealing with an actual Christian (which Dan truly isn't, but work with me here), and that we each take for granted the truth, reliability and inerrancy of Scripture. All which remains is our differing understandings of whatever the issue on the table is, and how we can support our own or expose the error in the that of the other guy.
The fact that Dan demands some unequivocal, absolute proof in order to retain his heresies demonstrates he has no regard for Scripture, or that what regard for Scripture he might have (such as it may be) is subordinate to worldly influences and his own personal feelings about what he reads therein.
In the meantime, I'm satisfied that what evidence exists for the reliability of Scripture (and there's tons of it should an honest person care to seek it out) and next to nothing (if there's anything at all) which puts any part of Scripture in doubt, that stands as "rubric" enough. All which remains is the differing understandings and how either can be argued as more likely accurate. Dan makes no effort to do this (we often don't even get to hear what alternative understanding he actually has), choosing instead to waste time with that which has no relevance to the discussion. This indicates he has no logical, "reasonable" and certainly no intelligent and honest alternative in the first place, or else we'd be discussing that instead of "rubrics".
"So, HERE is why a rubric or SOME authoritative source is important to your claims. Without the author to confirm their intent, or God to directly tell us what God thinks (in this case, since we're speaking of God's opinion), or some authoritative rubric or Decider, HOW do we know if the "entire collection of words are rightly understood or... not.""
Doesn't matter at all. What matters is what do you believe and how do you defend it (not generally shared and not intelligently defended when it is)? Or, why do you disagree with what I believe and how do you argue against it? You do it by pretending this diversionary crap about rubrics, "human traditions" or literary style means my understanding is wrong, despite never getting to why. It's just cowardly dishonest diversion from meeting your obligations.
" There are the stories in the first part of Genesis. Some conservative Christians sort of take them more literally (well, it says the universe was created in six days so of course, that means six literal 24 hour days!) and others are slightly less literal ("well, that depends upon the meaning of 'day' in these texts... it could be the case that it was talking about eras, not days...") and then, other Christians (and otherwise) are saying, "well, clearly it's written in a mythic style, trying to treat it like some version of literal history is a genre mistake.""
None of these, particularly the last one about "mythic style" is worth a damn. We're talking about an all powerful God of all things. Somehow, it's beyond your devotion to that concept that He could have created all things in six seconds, much less six days. Where's your rubric for that anti-God baloney? The rubric is that it just isn't sophisticated enough of an explanation for fake Christians like yourself.
" HOW do we ascertain which view is rightly understanding the text and the authors' intent?"
By making an honest, evidence-based argument in defense of one's position. But this question would have some semblance of legitimacy if the issues with which we're constantly at odds are difficult to understand or that the intent of the author (God, actually) is difficult to fathom. That's never been the case. You just oppose the Truth because it's inconvenient or is an assault on your sensitive sensibilities.
"Do we have data or other information that helps inform us? Yes (if you count science and what's known about the age of the universe)."
There is sound science arguing for a young earth. Assholes reject it in the same way you reject truthful presentations of Scriptural teaching.
"Do we have some person or people who have the authority to determine and say, X is the right answer? No, we don't."
We do have people who have established the secular position you favor over the Biblical account is untenable.
"No, we have no authoritative rubric to help decide that."
What we do have is expert opinion which doesn't push the secular position so necessary to anti-Biblical behaviors and beliefs, and which instead provides reason to accept the Biblical narratives as accurate regardless of the "style" in which it is presented. OUR job is to compare the arguments of the two positions and see which presents a more logical explanation of the available data.
"So, it appears that you're saying (without admitting it) that you have NO authority or rubric to which to appeal to say THIS is the right understanding of these words/this idea."
So it's obvious you're going to stick with this "rubric" crap instead of doing the heavy lifting of actually demonstrating why any of my positions are in error.
"The problem is in pretending like you DO have a source (your words to the effect of, "just determine if the words are right or not!"), but you won't say WHY your understanding of these words/ideas are the right ones."
The problem is in pretending I need to identify or present a "rubric" that a liar like you would accept in the first place, when the real issue is how you can argue my position is wrong and whatever the hell alternative position you might have is somehow superior and more accurate an understanding of whatever verse or passage is at issue. Thus, my understanding is the right one because you offer no reason for me to suppose it isn't.
"I just don't think you are getting what you're missing."
You don't "think", except to scheme out any reason to reject Truth.
Wow! A lot of Dan bullshit there! Here comes more from Dec 19:
"To simplify the questions you're missing, let me put it this way:"
I'm not "missing" anything but your obligated responses to questions of mine. The questions you're asking here are irrelevant to the post and unrelated to anything I've said.
"1. Is the Bible inerrant or not? If your opinion is that it is inerrant, where is your objective proof for that?"
It's inerrant because as a Christian I believe it is. That righteous belief is supported by Christ's own devotion to Scripture and His Apostles' devotion to what we now call the OT and their own Epistles, which they regarded as "God breathed and sufficient" for our needs. It is also supported by a variety of scientific disciplines and the lack of anything which has categorically found anything in Scripture to be erroneous. That's pretty much all any honest person needs.
"2. What does it even mean for the Bible to be "inerrant," without error? That every story in its pages should be considered literal history? Why? Says who? Based on what authority or rubric?"
That's not the question. The question is, if you believe any of Scripture is erroneous, how do you defend that position? I won't ask for a "rubric", but weigh the argument on its own merit...should you ever decide to put on your big girl skirt and present one.
"3. Is there or is there NOT a rubric for understanding the various teachings/stories/lessons in the Bible? Clearly, at this point, you appear willing to concede that there is NO rubric. But you tell me, clearly, directly."
There you go making demands when you've not defended a damned thing related to this post. You can't and won't defend your fallacious and heretical positions. That's rubric enough for me.
"4. If we have no authoritative rubric or authoritative person/group to TELL us the right understanding of these debatable points (Does God sometimes command people to slaughter babies? Is the first part of Genesis written in a mythic, figurative or literal, historic style? Is inerrancy objectively taught in the Bible? Is PST Atonement objectively taught in the Bible and does that mean that this is what GOD thinks/wants us to believe? etc), then on what authority would anyone say, "But it's CLEARLY what we should believe and objectively so"?"
And here you go again with your bullshit. First, there's no "debate" regarding God commanding people to slaughter babies as if it's a possibility for us today. That's a crap argument because you can't handle the fact that He commanded His Chosen People to destroy sinful peoples, often including non-combatants of all ages and sexes. The "debate" here is "did God command the slaughter of sinful people including non-combatants of all age and sexes. Scripture clearly records that He did. Case closed.
The style in which any Biblical recording of actual events is irrelevant to whether or not those depictions are truthfully told. You need to stop pretending literary style matters and get to presenting a case which provides a better telling.
As to inerrancy, I offer this and then I'm done with it. Don't bring it up again as if it's the hill I chose to die upon, rather than the truth that you brought it up as another diversion:
PST is objectively taught despite not using that terminology. It is abundantly clear and beyond debate as has been demonstrated to you many times in the past. It's just another clear truth you reject because it displeases you.
"5. EVEN IF it could be objectively proven (and it can't) that your theories on these issue ARE in the pages of the Bible as an objective fact/objectively correct understanding of God's opinion/will, who is to say that the human authors of the Bible are understanding God aright? On what authority?"
This is an incredibly stupid question for a self-identified "Christian" (but falsely so) to ask. The real question is on what basis can you question the writers of the books of the Bible are in error and NOT understanding God properly? I'll wait here while you don't answer.
"You're caught in a illogical circular thinking problem of "My understanding of the biblical text and God on this issue is objectively right and we know that to be true because it's what the Bible says, I think, so we know it's objectively correct..." You're missing the step where you objectively PROVE your theories about morality/God/religious tenets."
No. What I'm missing is an intelligent, honest and evidence-based argument against my understanding by a heretic like you. Again, I believe what I believe and what I believe is true and accurate until someone can present a compelling argument to the contrary. You've never even come close to such a thing in even those rare occurrences where you've tried. What's more, when I claim something to be true because it's in the Bible, I do so because you say it isn't. It's then when you indulge with all this superfluous crap which doesn't mitigate the fact I presented to prove you wrong.
From Dec 20
All his nonsense is precisely why I banned him from my blogs."
"You mean like respectfully asking reasonable questions? You all have such little grace in terms of disagreement. Someone daring to disagree with your human opinions and traditions rises to the level of nonsense and heresy and worse."
This is an intentional lie all around. What you refer to as "reasonable" are questions meant to equivocation and obstruct and distract from your heresies and falsehoods.
"Grace" regarding disagreement would require two sides engaged in reciprocity, not you just making demands and never delivering substance at all. It wouldn't include irrelevant bullshit like "rubrics" and "on whose/what authority". "Grace" would simply obligate one to make a case, not crap on that of the other side because the truth is inconvenient for you.
Indeed, disagreement is more than saying, "I disagree". It demands a reason, hopefully with something akin to evidence in support, and we don't get that from you. It's not common from any leftist.
"This Christmas season, may you be gifted with grace and wisdom, in the name of the Prince of Peace and Grace."
Fuck you. This type of crap is typical of someone devoid of either grace or wisdom but rather seeks to posture instead of a true demonstration of it. Worse, for the likes of you to dare appeal to the Christ in Whom you do not believe disgusting and abhorrent.
Dan, in regards to my statement as to why he is banned from my blogs"
"You mean like respectfully asking reasonable questions? You all have such little grace in terms of disagreement. Someone daring to disagree with your human opinions and traditions rises to the level of nonsense and heresy and worse."
No, because I don't allow false teachers or liars (of which Dan is both) to post their beliefs and opinions just as I don't allow cults to preach on my blog. I have better things to do than to spend hours demonstration how foolish and abjectly stupid Dan is, let alone the fact that his blather demonstrates he is a pawn of Satan.
This next one is Dan's dishonesty more obviously displayed. It in no way represents our discourse, but presents himself as a reasonable victim:
Dec 20, 2024
"Just a brief reminder of these conversations and how they go and why I'm not the villain or moron in the story (My summary, not actual words, but I do think it's fair):"
They don't go like this. They leave out all your bad behaviors and especially as they occur at your Blog of Lies. There's nothing at all fair or accurate about this fiction.
"Marshal: An inerrant bible is just an objective fact!
Dan: ? Really? Can you prove that objectively? How would you do so?"
I've never stated the issue in this manner. I believe Scripture is inerrant. Dan doesn't know what "inerrant" means as it relates to Scripture. And he's never read any link I've provided which explains it.
"[Note: There is no attack in that response, just a reasonable question. It's not ignorant, it's not nonsense, it's not hateful towards God or Marshal, it's just a reasonable question. IF Marshal could objectively prove it, then good on him, he would have been doing everyone a favor.]"
It IS an attack on God, suggesting God's incapable of inspiring the writers of Scripture to record events and His Will in just the manner of His choosing. It suggests error which Dan has never successfully presented in explaining his rejection of whatever issue is on the table which disturbs his sensitive sensibilities.
"Marshal: You idiot pervert. It's been proven many times!
Dan: I'm sorry, I must have missed that. I don't see how you CAN prove that. I don't see how it's anything but a subjective human opinion. By all means, show me the objective proof."
First, while it's absolutely true Dan is a pervert, the case for Biblical inerrancy is disputed only by those who find adherence to Its teaching too cramping on one's style. If the Bible isn't inerrant, then Dan can go on celebrating, defending, supporting and enabling sexual perversion as he now does. That's the issue Dan is dodging by prattling on about "inerrancy".
"OR, do you merely mean that you personally think it's the most reasonable way to think of the Bible? Please clarify, brother."
First, I'm not your brother, asshole. Secondly, my "way of thinking of the Bible" is correct and accurate until you can provide a compelling alternative way of thinking. You don't have such an alternative. You have only heresy.
"[NOTE: again, this is not hateful or an attack or disrespectful. It's a fair point and a reasonable set of questions. It's not a "nonsense" question or point, even if ten of your friends say the same thing/make the same attack.]"
The hate and attack is in the condescension, especially in this self-serving fiction of how you behave in discourse, and your intentional lying about how I do.
And on it goes.
"Marshal: All REAL Christians know this to be true. It's only abject Christ-haters like Dan who dismiss this or ask such nonsense questions!
Dan: Well, as a love of the Bible and a follower of Christ, I don't see it to be either a biblical or rational opinion, and I certainly don't see how you can prove it."
You don't love the Bible or follow Christ and our disagreements present that fact. It's why you pretend I need a particular "rubric" of your liking in order to stand behind what Scripture actually says...those things about which you reject in order to pretend you're still a lover of the Bible and a follower of Christ.
"Marshal: YOU must show me where I'm wrong? Where's the scripture to contradict it, jacka**?!!"
This is where the rubber meets the road and it's a road Dan never has the honor to travel, which makes him a jackass.
"Dan: Well:
1. The bible never makes that claim about itself, as a point of fact. Not using the word "inerrant" or any other set of words and phrases that insist on inerrancy as the only possible answer. It's literally not a point insisted upon in the Bible."
And here again we see Dan saying this crap as if he's not somehow obliged to prove that the Bible must say something about Itself in order for that something to be true. It's an obligation of his he refuses to meet because it would expose all of his false beliefs as the heresies they are.
"2. Now, there are some other humans who've looked at verses like 2 Timothy that says "All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, etc" but,
a. first of all, that's not speaking of the books of the Bible. It's a human set of opinions and reasoning that insist the 66 books of the Protestant Bible ARE objectively Scripture (they would say, anyway)"
It's an affirmation by the Apostles of Christ, as well as by Christ Himself when He assured His Apostles that God the Holy Ghost would guide them and remind them of all they were taught by Him. But hey...why believe Jesus...the Son of God you pretend to follow...or His Apostles?
"b. Even if the 66 are Scripture (again, an unproven opinion), who says that "God-breathed and useful for teaching" = inerrant/without error? We can learn many things, truths, ideas from errors made by others or errors within an author's words."
This one is just stupidity. What which is God-breathed is rife with errors? And where are those errors. One would think at some point a dickhead who argues against the concept of Biblical inerrancy would provide one or two actual errors.
"c. I know many conservative protestants would argue, well, the 66 are FROM God and it's equivalent to the idea that God wrote those books, but the books are quite clear, they are literally written/passed on by human authors. We might guess that God inspired them, but it doesn't insist that God made imperfect humans write stories and teachings perfectly, without error. That, too, is a literal human theory, and it's not proven."
Affirmed by Christ and His Apostles...but then, they didn't know shit.
"Marshal: Then stop being a little girl and prove it, dipshi*.
Dan: IF you want to make the claim that there are no human errors by the literally human authors' words in the Bible, that's an extraordinary claim. You would be the one who'd need to defend that, not me prove there ARE errors. In the real world, it's a given that humans make errors, a point which you don't disagree with. It's not critical of the Bible or the authors or to God to note that they were fallible humans writing the books."
NO, dipshit. If you want to pretend the Bible isn't inerrant, you need to provide errors which refute that truth. And it certainly seems to me to be more easily done that disproving purple unicorns on the moon, you dipshit.
"[NOTE: There is nothing nonsensical or heretical or antagonistic towards conservatives who believe these things. These are merely polite, reasonable questions supported by the reality of what is and isn't in the words of the Bible. Why do you all take such offense to reasonable questions, respectfully and thoughtfully asked? Why respond with such often vulgar hostility?]"
Because you fail to do your part to get to the truth. You only obfuscate and dodge and tap-dance instead of making the case our positions are wrong. And then you falsely portray yourself as being put upon by people you've driven off with your blatant falseness, while posturing as somehow "Christian". Don't run that lying shit here, girl. This isn't your Blog of Lies.
From Dec 20
"So Marshal: I still wonder about the answers to these questions:"
I wonder why you think they matter more than does providing an argument for your contrary positions and heresies. Where is the answer to the question: Why does the Bible or God need to say something about Itself/Himself in order for it to be true? Where is THAT rule written down?
"A. Do you believe there is some sort of authoritative rubric (or other source) by which humans can objectively know the right answers to all biblical questions?"
I don't care if there is or not. I only care about you presenting a cogent, evidence-based counter argument to my positions you dislike.
"B. Do you believe there is some sort of authoritative rubric (or other source) by which humans can objectively know the right answers to SOME biblical questions?"
Same as above. Stop dodging your obligations.
"C. IF yes to either, what is it?"
Shut up.
"D. If yes, to B, then how do you know which biblical points/ideas/theories we can get the objectively factual answers to and which ones can we NOT know objectively?"
On what basis can anyone who disagrees with you come to believe they might be wrong if you refuse to provide an intelligent, honest, evidence-based argument which might compel them in any way to reconsider, if not reject, their current position? THAT is where your focus should be. Not on all the diversionary crap. Get to it.
"E. That's a great question there, too: What Christian religious theories/tenets do you think you know as objective facts? Do you have a list of such tenets?"
It's NOT a "great question". It's a diversion from you explaining yourself.
"F. On inerrancy (just to choose one which I believe you've indicated you theorize it's objectively factually correct), given that some humans in good faith read the Bible and love the Bible and conclude that, given the words of the Bible, it's not biblical or rational to say that we objectively know that the Bible is an "inerrant" book AND given that other humans in good faith also read the Bible and conclude that the Bible IS inerrant, and objectively so, how do we objectively know which person/group is objectively correct?"
It doesn't in any way matter. All that matters here is how you defend your heresies or how you defend rejecting the Biblical truths I present and defend.
"For what it's worth, I've spent years researching this, looking for conservative answers that try to make an objective case for this theory and I simply can't find anyone who even really tries to do so beyond insisting that "of course, it's factual..." which is literally not objective proof."
It's worth absolutely nothing whatsoever. For even if the Bible actually stated somewhere it's inerrant, you'd question the statement based on how few times it's stated, or on the basis that there's no "objective evidence" or "rubric". Your concern is not for the inerrancy of Scripture, but for protecting your heresies.
"If you have objective proof in a link somewhere, why not simply post the link?"
Once again, no answers, only demands.
From whenever:
"Marshal (speaking of my relatively polite and reasonable request for him to simply PLEASE clarify if he has access to some authoritative or objectively proven rubric as to how to correctly interpret various ideas and theories that might be advocated from biblical texts):"
"This is not only another diversion and deflection tactic, it is wholly untrue based on Dan's own rendering of how Biblical interpretation should work."
"If it IS a distraction and naught else, why not answer the question?"
Because I'm not obliged to answer questions from a lying coward like you who refuses to meet your obligations, such as how do you prove that the Bible or God must say something about Itself or Himself in order for that something to be true?
Plus, you don't have any liberty here to make demands of me while at your Blog of Lies you treat me with great disrespect for simply not accepting your hogwash.
"I'm pretty sure that, even though you're not willing to admit to this simple reality, that you do NOT believe that there is some rubric... some Rosetta Stone to perfectly tell us which passages should be taken literally and which not and otherwise, how to accurately interpret Scripture. But why not just clarify something that is obvious? Why waste anyone's time by a long-ranging and wide variety of non-answers?"
All time wasted on this thread is the result of your diversions, tap-dancing, obfuscations, equivocations and abject refusal to meet your obligations. How much grace would you have granted me at your Blog of Lies if I was in your habit of dodging actual questions relative to the topic of your goofy posts? Answer: next to none.
"But you are correct in this much, I believe: How SHOULD "biblical rendering" work? What is your method for understanding the bible perfectly correctly?
Of course, your answer to that is almost certainly the righteous one, "I, Marshal, do not HAVE a method of perfectly rendering... perfectly understanding the Bible. No one does."
Is that much correct? If so, we agree on that, as far as it goes."
No. That's more typical Trabue bullshit. My position is simple: What I believe and present on the blogs is true until someone with honor, honesty and a good, compelling argument can show where I'm mistaken. And to be sure, simply saying or suggesting I'm mistaken doesn't come close to getting it done.
"My approach to "rendering" or understanding the Biblical authors (and I'd make that distinction, as I don't think "THE BIBLE" is offering one opinion, one "rendering," one Thing as an opinion. The Bible is just the collection of stories and teachings from a variety of human authors. Literally so."
A meaningless and superfluous distinction. To say "THE BIBLE SAYS" is taken by honest people to mean in the general sense, what God says through the writes inspired by Him to record it for posterity and our edification. Literally so.
Stop bullshitting and act like the Christian you actually expect intelligent people to believe you are.
Do you disagree, as far as that goes?
"6. Recognize that the biblical writings are not the beginning or end of all facts, truth and knowledge. They are the writings of specific men in a specific time and that ALL truth and wisdom comes from God (if one is inclined to believe in such a God, as I am) and we have no reason to suggest that God is completely or perfectly captured within the 66 books written by various men and found in the Bible. I think God is much greater than the mere Bible."
A favorite dodge of heretics. Yet, it never comes with any example of that which adds to our knowledge of God the Bible provides. It's just something you lying assholes say in order to protect your liberty to remain in rebellion while claiming to identify as a follower.
"7. I happen to believe in a perfectly good, perfectly loving and perfectly just God, so that ANY good, true, helpful, kind, loving, gracious notion or idea or teaching is from God, because it's not like there can be one kind of love or grace or Truth that is something apart from God, if it is loving, gracious or Truth that is somehow different from God."
Except that you and those like you are perfect examples of this incongruence. Referring again your love of sexual perversion, you dare suggest that God would bless SSMs, as if the abomination at the heart of those unions is somehow no longer abomination because two queers said "I do". Thus, this example illustrates your willingness to force YOUR notions of "love, truth and grace" upon God where it isn't apparent in all of Scripture. That's heresy.
"That's how I go about (at least in part) rendering the Bible. What do you differently? (if anything.)"
Here's a better question: How can you prove that the Bible or God MUST say something about Itself or Himself in order for that something to be true? This is your claim. When will you defend it with evidentiary support?
Finally completed an analysis of all of Dan's diversionary blather. What we found has been true since the start of this thread. He will not defend his positions, he will not prove or provide evidence mine might be in error, but will instead play bullshit games which I will never play. It's what can be expected of this fake Christian, this heretic, this cowardly liar.
"How can you prove that the Bible or God MUST say something about Itself or Himself in order for that something to be true? This is your claim. When will you defend it with evidentiary support?"
I'm NOT saying "the Bible" or God must say something about either the Bible or about God to be true.
That is NOT my claim.
And if you read my words and so completely fail to understand them, then why do you hold any confidence in your ability to understand the biblical authors?
"How can you prove that the Bible or God MUST say something about Itself or Himself in order for that something to be true? This is your claim. When will you defend it with evidentiary support?"
As a point of fact, I think there are all manner of ideas that are true that can't be found int the Bible. The immorality of dropping bombs and killing innocent people, for instance, drunk driving and polluting, for instance. It is obviously clear that it is NOT "my claim" that something must be directly found in the Bible or from God to be True.
Do you understand that now?
But if YOU want to claim, as a fact, that God wants us to affirm an inerrant Bible, or your traditions about atonement or a young earth, then the burden of proof is on you to support that claim or, better, just admit that you can't prove it as a fact.
December 31, 2024 at 6:35 PM
"I'm NOT saying "the Bible" or God must say something about either the Bible or about God to be true."
Well, of course you are. You're doing it every time you assert that something isn't Biblical or of God because neither the Bible nor God says what you demand it must in order for it to be true. You say it about Biblical inerrancy. "Because the Bible never says of itself that it's inerrant, no one is justified or reasonable in regarding the Bible as inerrant." Are you really going to sit their in your Pull*Ups and pretend this isn't your position all of a sudden? If it is not, then why do you continue to drool this crap anytime you're lacking for a more intelligent argument against my positions? "God never said we must refer to Him only in male terms, so you can't say I'm wrong to refer to Him in female terms." Again, you're insisting that there must be some definitive expression by God (as there isn't multiple examples of such throughout Scripture) that one can only refer to Him in male terms to prevent those who pretend to be Christians from referring to Him in female terms. You do this crap all the time. Don't come here and pretend you don't and haven't. It's freakin' routine with you!
"That is NOT my claim.
I understand you're either not bright enough to know when your words are an expression of a truth claim or that you're not honest and honorable enough to stand by it and defend it.
"And if you read my words and so completely fail to understand them, then why do you hold any confidence in your ability to understand the biblical authors?"
And here's yet another cheap ploy you perpetrate that honest people don't take seriously. That's because the problem isn't in our understanding of what you say, it's in your inability to express your goofy notions without implying that which supposedly isn't intended your expression of them.
I meant to mention earlier as I reproduced Dan's laughably inaccurate depiction of how discourse occurs between us. One might think that for someone like Dan who claims to yearn for respectful mature discourse, he'd refrain from paraphrasing with liberal dusting of expletives on my part. While I believe he invites far worse than I actually use, the point is that it's just a cheap way for him to use that kind of language here, while deleting me for far less at his Blog of Lies. Fortunately, the few readers I have aren't fooled by this kind of blatantly dishonest crap.
December 31, 2024 at 6:50 PM
"As a point of fact, I think there are all manner of ideas that are true that can't be found int the Bible. The immorality of dropping bombs and killing innocent people, for instance, drunk driving and polluting, for instance."
Really Dan? You're going to try to run this dishonest bullshit again? There's no limit to your dishonesty. I think Biden would be pissed that you lie more than him!
"It is obviously clear that it is NOT "my claim" that something must be directly found in the Bible or from God to be True.
Do you understand that now?"
Yes, Dan. I understand perfectly your intentional disregard for my actual words in order to dare submit such stupidity. I clearly was making references to what you HAVE said and I gave clear examples, neither of which in any way, shape or form mirrors this weak attempt to lie and get away with it.
"But if YOU want to claim, as a fact, that God wants us to affirm an inerrant Bible, or your traditions about atonement or a young earth, then the burden of proof is on you to support that claim or, better, just admit that you can't prove it as a fact."
Pay attention, liar. I try to use small words for your benefit.
1. I don't need God to affirm He wants me to regard Scripture as inerrant. I simply do because I believe it is, and you've given absolutely no reason to even slightly alter that belief. I'm well aware that an inerrant Bible doesn't work for heretics and blasphemers like you. I don't care. But if you want to insist I'm wrong or in error for regarding the Bible as without error, provide a few errors of any substance and I'll tell you why you're just farting swamp gas.
The Bible clearly teaches what's commonly referred to as PSA. It's affirmed by the Apostles in their Epistles as well as in Christ's own words to provide His purpose. Evidence from Scripture has been provided by many of us in overwhelming quantity, to which you simply dismiss with your typical "Nyuh uh" rejoinders, but never with any legit reason for us to reject this truth.
No one can prove the age of the earth, but I've offered the documentary, "Is Genesis History?". Look it up and you'll find far more logical, well explained arguments based on the data you secular humanists pervert to pretend an old universe. But before I ever saw any of these types of young earth arguments, I've always been concerned about all the holes in the evolution and old universe paradigms. In one of the sources I've seen, a great take indicated Darwinian style evolutionary theory preceded old universe theory. Said another way, the humanists like you needed an old universe in order to make Darwinian evolution even possible.
Anyway, I'd tell you to go do some serious and prayerful study of such science (of the type honest people employ, not the fakery you have), but you don't take opposing views seriously and would dismiss it as "not compelling" without explaining why. So believe what you like. I don't care. It's always a matter of the other guy providing more and more and more evidence, only to have it all rejected in the same bullshit, intellectually lazy and morally bankrupt manner. You don't seek truth. You seek license to deny it while insisting you're still right with God. God can't be mocked. You'll learn that soon enough.
I'm NOT saying "the Bible" or God must say something about either the Bible or about God to be true."
Well, of course you are.
No. I'm literally not. You can tell by the way I'm telling you, "That is NOT what I'm saying."
You can tell by the way I give examples of things of things I believe are clearly true that are not talked about in the Bible. IT IS NOT NECESSARY, in my opinion (and just rationally... you probably even agree) to find a line in the Bible to reach the conclusion that something is true. You are, therefore, flatly mistaken when you falsely claim that I am saying "the Bible" or God must say something about either the Bible or about God to be true.
I don't need God to affirm He wants me to regard Scripture as inerrant.
No, of course, you don't. After all, you believe that God wants you to regard Scripture as inerrant and God has not told you that and the Bible has not told you that. It is YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, not an objectively proven fact. That's precisely what I've been saying.
Where am I mistaken?
I understand you're either not bright enough to know when your words are an expression of a truth claim or that you're not honest and honorable enough to stand by it and defend it.
But my actual words are saying DIRECTLY and unambiguously, "I am NOT saying "the Bible" or God must directly tell us something for it to be true." Those ARE my actual words, representing my clear actual position. YOU are the one making the claim that I'm not making, not me.
Marshal (claiming this has been my position):
"Because the Bible never says of itself that it's inerrant, no one is justified or reasonable in regarding the Bible as inerrant."...
Then, continuing:
Are you really going to sit their in your Pull*Ups and pretend this isn't your position all of a sudden?
Not all of a sudden. It has NEVER been my position. Follow along:
"Because the Bible never says of itself that it's inerrant..."
A. I DO affirm the factual reality that the Bible nor God ever have told us that the Bible is inerrant. THAT is a fact. We can objectively look at the words and see that this is a fact.
But you continue with the misrepresentation part: one is justified or reasonable in regarding the Bible as inerrant."
I freely acknowledge that YOU personally, and those in your tradition DO make that presumption... you all DO read that into the Bible, where it literally never says that, nor has God told you that. And it is FINE for you all to hold that AS A SUBJECTIVE, UNPROVEN OPINION.
You read a few verses that say something about "scripture" and you reason, "well, God wouldn't lie" (abbreviated version) and then YOU PERSONALLY reach that conclusion and YOU PERSONALLY think it is a reasonable interpretation of the information you have on hand.
BUT, that YOU personally reach that conclusion and read "inerrancy is what God wants us to think about the Bible" or "PSA is what God wants us to think about salvation" or "gay guys shouldn't marry..." does not mean that it is a fact, proven by you and you are authoritatively speaking on behalf of God that those who disagree with your personal opinions on that are factually wrong, THAT is the breaking point with reality.
THAT is where YOU are required to support your claim with objective data OR admit you can't (OR, even if you don't, we will all see, "Oh, he's talking about his opinion, not a fact...")
I'm not objecting to some people reaching those kinds of conclusions for themselves. I used to hold those personal opinions, too (and, I used to think they were proven facts, too!). I just had the intellectual integrity to eventually distinguish between facts and subjective, unproven opinions.
Where am I mistaken?
January 1, 2025 at 10:40 AM
"No. I'm literally not. You can tell by the way I'm telling you, "That is NOT what I'm saying.""
Except you literally are. I can tell by the constant insistence concepts such as inerrancy, PSA and others aren't Biblical because the Bible doesn't say those things about itself...that those concepts are nowhere to be found, despite the many examples provided suggesting they are...that they don't use specific words used in a specific manner to Dan Trabue's satisfaction. So deny what you do all you like, and you're still guilty of having done it.
"You can tell by the way I give examples of things of things I believe are clearly true that are not talked about in the Bible."
You're now going off on an irrelevant tangent, which is common for you when you've been schooled. But to that point, most...if not all...of your examples do indeed reflect Scripture with regard the moral quality of a behavior. Your idiotic mention of drunk driving is but one of them. Scripture speaks against drunkenness. That alone proves most...if not all...behaviors can be judged by Scriptural teaching. Then of course there's the issue of doing unto others. Assuming not justifiable reason for driving while shit faced, doing so puts lives and property at risk. I wouldn't want anyone to run me over or smash into my home or car. You think because the Bible doesn't mention a specific mode of transportation that the moral quality of an act isn't already covered in Scripture? Wow! Someday you'll have to truly seriously and prayerfully study it!
"IT IS NOT NECESSARY, in my opinion (and just rationally... you probably even agree) to find a line in the Bible to reach the conclusion that something is true."
Necessity has nothing to do with it. But any true Christian, as well as those like me striving to be among that small group, can easily see how any behavior in modern times can be judged moral or immoral because of Scriptural understanding.
However, more to the point, none of this has anything to do with the inerrant quality of Scripture. So stick to at least the points YOU raise to avoid others you also can't argue against.
"You are, therefore, flatly mistaken when you falsely claim that I am saying "the Bible" or God must say something about either the Bible or about God to be true."
Actually I'm spot on regardless of your childish denials. You put me in mind of an old Dennis the Menace panel, in which Dennis is confronted by a man sitting next to him in a movie theater. The captions reads: "So what if there's butter on my hands. It doesn't mean I'm eating your popcorn!" You have butter all over yourself with regard to this objection of yours. If you want to insist that concepts like PSA or Biblical inerrancy aren't Biblical, you'll need to prove that Scripture must say that about itself in order to be true, that it can't be reasonably, logically and intelligently inferred by all the many verses and passages which actually support the premises. It doesn't have to teach a thing in a manner of which you don't approve.
"I don't need God to affirm He wants me to regard Scripture as inerrant."
"No, of course, you don't. After all, you believe that God wants you to regard Scripture as inerrant and God has not told you that and the Bible has not told you that. It is YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, not an objectively proven fact. That's precisely what I've been saying."
Yes. You've been saying yet another something about me I've never said myself and pretending you're correct in your response to your made up shit.
I said the Bible is inerrant because jokers like you can't find errors of consequence within it. I've never said God wants me to regard Scripture as inerrant. He doesn't need to tell me to do what's obvious. Is God a liar? I don't think so. Are those who put the record of history into the 66 Books stupid, moronic, just making shit up that sounds good to them as they were ancient Dan Trabues? Does God's inspiration result in significant errors of any consequence? Where in Scripture have you found any true errors?
"Where am I mistaken?"
In supposing you can identify as a Christian while being so in rebellion against the Will of God. There's much more, but that's the most egregious example.
"I understand you're either not bright enough to know when your words are an expression of a truth claim or that you're not honest and honorable enough to stand by it and defend it."
A more accurate couple of options as one could find.
"But my actual words are saying DIRECTLY and unambiguously, "I am NOT saying "the Bible" or God must directly tell us something for it to be true.""
Those aren't the words of yours which say what you deny having said. Again, when you say something isn't Biblical or from God because it isn't stated in a specific way...despite tons of verses, passages and theological commentaries explaining that to which you're absolutely saying Scripture and God MUST say something in a manner of which Dan Trabue might approve in order for it to be true. And the hypocrisy here is despite incredibly clear teaching throughout Scripture defending concepts I present as true, you're notorious for stretching verses and passages beyond all recognition in order support any of your heretical positions. The most obvious example of this evil is your position that God would be in opposition to SSM...that He would bless unions based on that which He tells us is abomination or detestable to Him (depending on the translation used). There's no honest way to infer such malarkey, yet you'll question PSA because it doesn't use the words "Penal Subsitutionary Atonement".
You're absurd in your dishonesty.
"Those ARE my actual words, representing my clear actual position. YOU are the one making the claim that I'm not making, not me."
Well, lookie here! Apparently it extends to yourself as well. Despite your words clearly presenting the position that the Bible or God must say something specific about a concept in order for that concept to be true, I'm to dismiss all that because you didn't specifically say that. The irony is rich in this one!
January 1, 2025 at 10:49 AM
"Marshal (claiming this has been my position):"
"Because the Bible never says of itself that it's inerrant, no one is justified or reasonable in regarding the Bible as inerrant."...
No, that's a quite an accurate description of your position.
"Then, continuing:"
"Are you really going to sit their in your Pull*Ups and pretend this isn't your position all of a sudden?"
"Pull*Ups"! That's funny!
"Not all of a sudden. It has NEVER been my position. Follow along:"
I have been following along. And for decades, now, so many are familiar with your petulant rebuke of us for daring to draw obvious conclusions from your own words. It's another of your many dishonest practices. And like most all of them, you then waste time pretending to not have said what your words compel us to conclude. That's on you. It would be a good sign, ordinarily, seeing you flustered at what your own words clearly imply, if only you would then restate it in a more accurate way which doesn't compel the same conclusions...or worse conclusions. But anyway...
"Because the Bible never says of itself that it's inerrant..."
"A. I DO affirm the factual reality that the Bible nor God ever have told us that the Bible is inerrant."
Whoopdee-freakin'-doo! You affirm the obvious as if it means something!
"THAT is a fact. We can objectively look at the words and see that this is a fact."
I continue to marvel at how wonderful you think this admission is!
"But you continue with the misrepresentation part:"
" one is justified or reasonable in regarding the Bible as inerrant."
That's not a misrepresentation. We wouldn't be wasting time with this diversion if you didn't repeat your claim that the Bible doesn't itself say it is inerrant, so therefore it's not a Biblical concept despite the fact there's evidence of that without specifically saying so using that word "inerrant".
"I freely acknowledge that YOU personally, and those in your tradition DO make that presumption..."
Big deal. But my "tradition" is the Christian faith as revealed to us in Scripture. Your tradition is made up crap.
" all DO read that into the Bible, where it literally never says that, nor has God told you that."
THERE! YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN! You're saying it isn't in Scripture and that we're "reading it into" Scripture, when the fact is that we're making logical inferences based on the several verses and passages cited so many times to support the contention.
But it's YOU who "reads crap into" Scripture in order to defend your heresies, such as SSM. What we infer is drawn from specific language which implies the truths we defend. There's nothing any honest person can insist compels the heretical position that God would approve of, or bless an SSM. You've prove that by posting laughable arguments in defense of that absurdity and continue to pretend it's legit.
"And it is FINE for you all to hold that AS A SUBJECTIVE, UNPROVEN OPINION."
How gracious! You're allowing us the freedom to present the truth so long as we pretend its subjective, unproven opinion. What an arrogant asshole you are!
"You read a few verses that say something about "scripture" and you reason, "well, God wouldn't lie" (abbreviated version) and then YOU PERSONALLY reach that conclusion and YOU PERSONALLY think it is a reasonable interpretation of the information you have on hand."
Well of course! The problem is you reject our positions out of hand, daring to say they're unBiblical, but offer no legitimate argument to that effect and even less of a legit alternative understanding which could possibly disabuse us of our solid interpretations if you did. Just more of this crap which is the true topic of this thread: your dishonesty in discourse.
"BUT, that YOU personally reach that conclusion and read "inerrancy is what God wants us to think about the Bible""
Stop saying this. I've never said "God wants us to believe Scripture is inerrant". If you dare say it again, you damned well better bring the date and time of my comment which you think shows me saying that.
"or "PSA is what God wants us to think about salvation""
The concept of PSA is Biblical and even Christ Himself speaks of it, as does His Apostles. The concept goes back to the first animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Scripture 101. "Serious and prayerful" study, my ass!
"or "gay guys shouldn't marry..." does not mean that it is a fact"
Queers can marry so long as they marry someone of the opposite sex. That's a fact. Uniting with one of the same sex is abomination regardless of the context or scenario in which it might take place. That's a fact. So no, homos shouldn't seek to marry other homos.
"...proven by you and you are authoritatively speaking on behalf of God that those who disagree with your personal opinions on that are factually wrong, THAT is the breaking point with reality."
Bullshit. What you doing here is no better than insisting that if I prove you're positions are the bullshit heresies they are, I'm somehow breaking with reality. But this is what you do. You can't defend your heresies so you play these games about forcing your betters to constantly bring proofs and evidences which can never clear the ever rising hurdles of your demands, while you don't to jack shit to truly legitimize your lies. This ain't your Blog of Lies, Nancy.
"THAT is where YOU are required to support your claim with objective data OR admit you can't (OR, even if you don't, we will all see, "Oh, he's talking about his opinion, not a fact...")"
I've met, hundreds of times since 2008, all the requirements I need to meet in order to stand convinced of the righteousness of my positions on the many topics we've debated. I've brought evidence and data and testimonies of all kinds by experts of all kinds and you reject in outright without an explanation of where fault lies in any of it, other than that it conflicts with your perverse corruptions of truth.
And here at this blog (we can call it, the Blog of Truth, since there's so far more of it than ever appears in any of your posts at your Blog of Lies), you have no authority or right to demand anything of me, especially so long as you continue to play these dishonest games while pretending it represents "reasonable and respectful" dialogue and questions. Bullshit.
"I'm not objecting to some people reaching those kinds of conclusions for themselves."
You have no basis for doing so. You'd be again objecting to the truth you find inconvenient.
"I used to hold those personal opinions, too (and, I used to think they were proven facts, too!)."
No you didn't, liar. You held a superficially similar position with no true understanding of why it's the truth. That's not the same thing.
"I just had the intellectual integrity to eventually distinguish between facts and subjective, unproven opinions."
Bullshit. You have the turpitude to reject truth as "subjective opinions" of those who adhere to them in favor of promoting that which is in stark rebellion against God and His Will, so clearly presented for our edification in Scripture
"Where am I mistaken?"
In thinking this cheap crap with which you've filled scores of comment boxes in this thread constitutes an honest, legitimate debate, while at the same time never getting around to defending a damned thing you never present as a compelling alternative point of view.
So in the future, if you think my citations of Scripture in support of any position I hold are poorly understood, don't bother saying so if you're not going to present a superior understanding backed by actual evidence which compels my concession. This never happens. You don't even try, preferring to waste time with this superfluous crap. Do I think Scripture is inerrant? What does that have to do with whether or not my position is soundly drawn from an accurate understanding of the text in question?
No doubt you'll seek again to further this game. I will not post any comment of yours on this thread which doesn't meet your strict obligations as described hundreds of times. If you can't or won't do that, just piss off!
Well...what a freakin' surprise. I again insisted Dan must meet his obligation lest I refuse to post any further comment submission of his which does not contain evidence of him meeting that obligation. Six comments appear and not a one do as asked. In one he dares question what his obligation is, which demonstrates another problem with his false posturing as the adult, mature half of the conversation: not actually reading responses carefully...though it could be that he truly is the moron I enjoying pointing out he is and he just doesn't understand simple English.
But because he has been nice enough to provide more examples of his dishonesty in discourse, I will again go ahead and post those comments so that I can point out those examples and show how false he is. For my own convenience, I'll again be copy/pasting his comments with my responses added.
"Again, when you say something isn't Biblical or from God because it isn't stated in a specific way...despite tons of verses, passages and theological commentaries explaining that to which you're absolutely saying Scripture and God MUST say something in a manner"
The above partial statement of mine Dan quoted is true and accurate. Dan pretends he doesn't insist on anything, but when he asks of evidence and it is given by citing verses and passages which contain that evidence, he objects because what is cited doesn't speak in the manner and terms Dan demands, as if even people of average intelligence struggle with the meaning of the citations not expressed as Dan demands they must.
"When I say,
The Genesis account does NOT say that God insists we take it as some sort of literal history, nor does "the bible" insist upon that..."
Here Dan is moving the goal posts. No one is saying that God insists such a thing, nor that the Bible itself must. But Dan is by bringing this up. Yet, he denies he's making that demand. So the question Dan refuses to answer remains: how does Dan prove the Bible or God MUST insist we regard the text reliable in order for it to be so? That it is inerrant? That the clear reading of the clearly presented text is true as written? For Dan to say the above requires that he prove it necessary that the Bible or God speak in the terms Dan demands in order for what is written to be true and regarded as such. -OR- Dan can provide a fully supported alternative explanation for the text in question which compels a change of heart on the part of his opponents. He does not do this, as we will see soon enough.
The "bible" does not say nor has God insisted that we should affirm the notion of inerrancy as evangelicals view it..."
Again, to say the above requires proofs and/or evidence that such insisted is required in order for the inerrant nature of Scripture to be true. More precisely, there is little, if anything, in Scripture which is followed by this requirement in order for us to regard what is written as true. Rather, Dan's demand is a cheap way to reject the truth presented while carving unjustified liberty to abide his own made up crap instead, while still claiming to be devoted to the Will of God and the teachings of Christ.
The "bible" does not say nor has God insisted that we should affirm PSA as evangelicals envision it..."
Yet again, and more so, God doesn't need to insist we affirm any obvious teaching of Scripture, which frankly would put Dan in greater trouble than he already is. The message is clear, just not spelled out in a manner to Dan's personal dictates, and all honest people see it easily. By not having been spelled out to Dan's personal satisfaction, he is free to pretend it doesn't express the truth it does, and he can go merrily along in rebellion to his black heart's content. In the meantime, he pretends this demand of his is a legitimate counter to the citation of the text provided to make a point or prove a concept. It is not. It is weak and childish pretense that such a demand of his is ever necessary in order for the truth to be truth.
ALL I am noting is the reality that these are LITERALLY not insisted upon by God or by "the Bible." (With the reminder that "the Bible" insists upon nothing. It's just a book of books, and humans interpret the words therein... The Bible has NO OPINION on those human opinions because the Bible is not a thinking entity with opinions. It's literally just dumb/opinionless written words.)"
Well, Dan's words are certainly dumb. And only a moron would pretend the above is actual argument of an intelligent person. The teachings of Scripture/God ARE, at the very least, opinions of God, spoken through the text and expressed in the words of God Himself in any of His three forms, His Prophets and/or His Apostles. But "opinion" here means His Will. For example, to have no god before thee but God Himself...a command of His "opinion" of how He insists we revere Him.
But this is just wordplay, and I'll leave that to Dan, for he has nothing of substance instead. God/Scripture doesn't need to express "insistence" that we believe what we read in the pages. Thus, it's far worse than a stupidly moot point to keep saying such tripe. What's truly important is that Dan plays this game rather than mounting an actual intelligent argument against accepting the truth as expressed in Scripture and presenting a fully fleshed out alternative explanation of that which he rejects by playing this game.
I guess I'd need to make sure I insist that Dan do what he demands of his betters to inhibit any further attempts at this sort of childishness, but that's been done hundreds of times, too.
"Now, given the text of the Bible, SOME humans have concluded that Genesis is not a literal history and the world was not created in six literal days... and some humans have thought it was not six literal days, etc... but GOD has not told us what to think about that, nor does "the Bible..." (and I'm going to quit noting the reality that "the Bible" has not told us what to think, because, duh.)"
First, the true "DUH!" here is the notion that "noting the reality that the Bible has not told us what to think" is a legit argument of any merit or worth. It's patently stupid and to have continued running this crap so many times demonstrates and validates the charge that Dan is dishonest in discourse.
"Given the text of the Bible and reality as we know it, SOME humans have concluded that salvation is best understood by some form of PSA and OTHER humans have disagreed, objectively, factually that is the reality. And the reality is that GOD has not told us what to think about salvation, not directly, indisputably."
Two common falsehoods in the above, aside from the implication that God must tell us what to think about salvation in order for what we think to be the true and accurate understanding. Repeating it ad nauseum will not, because it cannot, give it any credence or make it intelligent or bestow on it any value and merit of any kind. It's insipid. It's employed in lieu of an actual argument.
1. What "some" people might think is irrelevant. My only concern is the thoughts and notions of those who engage in discourse here, and the evidence brought to bear in support.
2. Dan likes to throw around the word "reality", as if that somehow puts a fine point on his pointy headed position. But it doesn't. Dan proves himself constantly to speak of reality when he's truly speaking of what he prefers/demands reality be. What's more, to insist upon whatever it is he wants reality to be requires being prepared to back it up with something substantive. That never happens.
"Given the text of the Bible and reality, SOME humans think that we should consider the Bible, "inerrant." OTHER humans don't think that's rational or that it's rather a meaningless concept. GOD has literally not told us what to think about inerrancy."
More of the same with the added feature of insulting those who hold to the truth of Biblical inerrancy as "irrational" or "meaningless". I guess Dan believes we can "respectfully" and "maturely" insult people and somehow not be disrespectful, immature and vulgar towards them.
"I'm just noting these observable realities."
Too bad they're meaningless, self-serving tripe which doesn't at all indicate my positions are in error or that you have a better alternative brought to bear with anything akin to "hard data".
"That YOU read the text and YOU PERSONALLY conclude that you agree with other humans in your tradition who think inerrancy or YEC or PSA make sense does not mean that God is telling us to think that. People of good faith disagree with you on these points."
Well,'re not one of the them. People of good faith bring intelligent, fact-based arguments to counter my positions. You never do.
But the reality is that as all Scripture is God-breathed, He is indeed telling us what to think about these truths you reject. And given God doesn't lie (of course I'm depending on the very same Scripture you reject as rife with error for this belief), you'd be hard pressed to make the case that He's breathed into the writings of the Biblical "authors" that which He doesn't expect to be taken as truth.
"You recognize that, I think, in the case of YEC... that indeed, there are many humans, including many conservatives, who don't think YEC makes sense, biblically or rationally in the real world."
What I recognize is that this is just more worthless crap presented instead of what is demanded of you. It, as with so much of your blatherings, is irrelevant here.
"Am I right that you don't insist that those people are wrong and you're "objectively" right on that case?"
We're not discussing the age of the earth, are we? So this question is more deflective crap so essential to your strategy of pushing away your obligations so that you can remain confident your heresies are Biblical or truth.
"The question then, is WHY and on WHAT BASIS do you insist that those who disagree with you on YEC can do so in good faith, but not those who disagree with your opinions on PSA or Inerrancy? You appear to that there is no rubric that has the authority to make such judgments. I'm guessing you don't think there is a person who can make such judgments with authority, so, ON WHAT BASIS do you do this?"
More irrelevancy unworthy of a response other than to demand on what basis do you think indulging in this crap makes me wrong about anything or makes you in any way right ever?
"But I don't think you can dig yourself out of your echo chamber to even recognize or acknowledge the rational and biblical problem you're having."
This is funny. I abide the truth of Scripture and somehow it's me who has the problem. Hilarious, but oh so Dan.
"while at the same time never getting around to defending a damned thing you never present as a compelling alternative point of view."
"Of course, I have. I've spent decades now explaining to you precisely WHY I no longer agree with your traditions that I used to share in common with you."
No. You haven't. What you've done is post nonsense which you assert is well supported arguments for your position. But they're laughably lame, incoherent, not intelligently supported and more often than not rife with words, verses and passages ripped from their contexts and corrupted to serve your leftist causes. You think that just because you publish a few posts that you've actually made a convincing argument. And by "convincing" I'm not rejecting it out of hand as you do far better arguments in opposition to you. Your arguments are blatantly and abjectly stupid when they're not being dishonest. You ignore that of Scripture which is in direct contradiction of your positions and belittle others as misunderstood without arguing intelligently for your favored, self-serving alternative understanding, should you deign to actually present one.
Thus, you've spent decades pretending to defend your positions while arrogantly insisting it must be taken seriously. More later.
"I've done whole series on issues like LGBTQ, inerrancy and PSA. Now, you can say that you disagree with my reasoning and understanding, but you just can't say that I haven't explained my positions."
Small children caught doing wrong have better rationalized their misdeeds than any of your "reasoning". So if your "reasoning" is crap...and it most certainly is...then you've explained nothing in reality. You just shit your pants and insisted that shit is your explanation.
"You can say that you find my explanations not compelling... after all, that's what I say about yours."
You dare suggest there's equal quality in both yours and my explanations. That's not the case at all, and it's seen in how badly you leave and are unable to fill the holes of your positions. Conversely, you just dismiss out of hand with no real counter to support doing so. Don't pretend there's anything akin to equality of the quality of each of our arguments. There isn't.
"I don't find your personal explanations as to why you cling to your personal human traditions compelling and, in many cases, moral or rational at all. But I don't say you haven't explained why you hold those views."
False graciousness. It's more meaningless drool. The fact is that you CAN'T say I haven't explained my positions, and less true is that you think it's true my arguments aren't compelling (given the quantity of evidence) , moral (given it accurately mirrors God's Will) or rational (you abuse this word as you do "reality" and thus it is meaningless to hear you say it).
"That, too, seems to be an area that you're failing to understand the rational and biblical problem you're having."
Here, too, is just you again wishing it was true that the problem is mine. This is another common false tactic of yours. You arrogantly presume some problem on the part of your betters, on the assumption that if your betters are viewed as lacking in some way, the arguments of your betters are lacking as well as a result.
But you see, I don't call your positions stupid, immoral, perverse and because YOU'RE stupid, immoral and perverse. Rather, it's because their clear conflict with the truth of Scripture makes them so, and you as well for abiding those lies in your service to stupidity, immorality and perversion.
"Here I am explaining my position (and the problems with YOUR traditions) on Atonement:
On LGBTQ issues:
On Inerrancy:"
Thanks for the links. They're perfect in validating my claim about your failure in properly presenting an argument. Frankly, were the roles reversed, you would never in a billion years accept any of those as legitimate arguments, so poor as they are. And while I haven't perused every inch of the comments which followed them, I recall much of it as well as how badly you and your pervert friends avoided filling the massive holes so obvious to myself and those on my side of the divide. So you can say these are examples of you explaining yourself, but as it fails to provide an intelligent explanation, you haven't actually defended your positions at all.
"So, while you may think that you find my reasons insufficient, you literally can not deny that I've given moral, rational and biblical reasons as to WHY I eventually left behind the human traditions that you still cling to and moved to the positions I currently hold."
Yes I can, because there's nothing moral, rational or Biblical in any of it. Because you use the word "Jesus" you demand we accept it's use as evidence of Scriptural support? There's no other reason for an honest person to think otherwise, especially when that usage has been so badly perverted as you pervert that which you rip from Scripture in your immoral, irrational and unBiblical attempt to rationalize your immoral, irrational and uBiblical positions. Indeed, what you've presented are by definition, NON-explanatory. And my responses to the holes in those arguments easily and clearly demonstrate the truth of it.
"Reality is reality, son."
I'm not your "son", bitch, and you have no room to condescend. Reality is not what Dan Trabue demands it must be and Dan Trabue hasn't the smarts to recognize reality or the honesty to admit what it really is. Every time you say shit like this, you've just indicated you're lying.
"I will not post any comment of yours on this thread which doesn't meet your strict obligations as described hundreds of times."
Obviously, I've suspended this for now. Too many more examples of Dan's dishonesty which are helpful to point out.
"I have no idea of what you want me to do beyond what I've done."
Frankly, give I could not have been more clear, you need to go back and reread every comment until you find what you chose to ignore at the time I said it. But here's a hint: it requires you doing what you demand of us. The post itself is a comment of mine you kept deleting. It was an example of another "progressive" asshole doing exactly what you do at your Blog of Lies on a regular basis as S.O.P. You neither defended the bitch referenced therein, nor your own perpetuation of that bad behavior. Everything in this thread since then is simply you doing more of the same and me using that to explain your dishonorable behavior. You've kept me busy with myriad examples and derivations of that dishonorable behavior.
"It is an objective fact that the text of the bible does not say we must affirm inerrancy, PSA, etc. It is an objective fact that God has nowhere ever in all of history said we must affirm inerrancy, PSA, etc."
It's an objective fact that throughout repeating this a billion times, you refuse to prove that the Bible or God MUST demand we affirm what is true in order for it to be true. Is this ringing a bell at all in your pointy little head?
"If these things are NOT objective facts, all you have to do is cite an authoritative source where God HAS insisted we must affirm these things or where God's own self has made clear, Yes, it's PSA... Yes, inerrancy."
You don't get to make claims and then demand I prove the opposite without you supporting your claim. You DAMNED WELL don't operate that way at your Blog of Lies when any of us dare do something like that. But more importantly, we don't make stupid claims that the Bible or God MUST state that we believe it in order for what it or He says to be true.
"What else can I do but point to all of history and known reality where those things don't exist?"
Prove that it must in order to regard what it or He says as true. If you can't, then continually muddying the conversation with this world-class stupidity is nothing more than a ploy to avoid defending your position or exposing error in mine.
"IF you have objective proof of God's positions on these things, why would you not simply provide them?"
What a stupidly dishonest lie of a question! Where I express the Will of God, I've provided all the proof I need by citing verses or passages in Scripture which informs me of God's position. You reject that because to you, God can't be trusted to mean what He says. When He says "Thou shalt not..." I'm then expected to prove we can take that as a fact only appears in the one true source of our knowledge of the Christian God, so what good is that? Cut the crap. Be a man for a change.
"Conversely, IF (as is abundantly obvious at this point, thanks for making that abundantly clear, even if in absentia) you don't (and you don't) why not just admit it?"
Another lie as if I haven't proven or supported with evidence every position regarding God and Scripture I've ACTUALLY expressed (as opposed to your corruptions of what I've expressed because straw men work better for you).
"if you think my citations of Scripture in support of any position I hold are poorly understood, don't bother saying so if you're not going to present a superior understanding backed by actual evidence which compels my concession."
"I've done this. For 20 years or so!"
Twenty years of "Nyuh uh" doesn't equate to proving my positions are in error or that your self-serving alternative is truer.
"On PSA:
Problem 1: It's nearly completely missing from the entirety of the teachings of Jesus, as I noted in-depth here..."
This isn't a "problem". It's a cheap rationalization for rejecting it. "Nearly" completely missing means it ain't missing at all and because there aren't some unknown to everyone but Dan Trabue how many times something must be said by God/Jesus, the Apostles or Prophets or Scripture in general, doesn't mean it doesn't carry the full weight of truth as anything which does. "ONCE" is all which is necessary for an actual Christian. Liars and heretics use the "NEARLY" completely missing crap to rationalize rejecting truth.
This is a problem for people who are followers of Jesus because, IF it's the teachings of Jesus we're following, then such a HUGE tenet (and this is a BIG - maybe the biggest - set of human theories in the evangelical human tradition) would SURELY show up and show up prominently in Jesus' actual recorded teachings to the masses. It is, in effect, completely absent."
Not a problem for anyone but the heretic who finds the truth of Scripture inconvenient or icky. You choose to focus on one Gospel where there is mention and ignore the entirety of Scripture, and then presume that if Jesus wasn't proclaiming PSA (by any name) a billion times, then by golly it's not Biblical. This is cheap crap from a cheap turd, but it's not an honest, intelligent, mature rejection of the concept.
"Problem 1A:
Yes, there are exactly TWO phrases that Jesus uses in ALL of his recorded teachings where he utters a word or short phrase that COULD. be taken to be alluding to PSA. IF Jesus went on in depth about PSA otherwise, then these two snippets of phrases might serve to support the theory. But beyond those snippets..."
"Could be.."? There's no doubt about it and referencing it's infrequency is not an argument that it isn't.
"* "the son of man came to give his life as a ransom..." which is TANGENTIALLY possibly related to PSA, although it's a part of PSA that most PSA theorists disavow"
"TANGENTIALLY"??? It is directly speaking of His die in our place and suffer the wrath of God we so richly deserve. What a liar you are!
* "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
The problem is that both of these two POTENTIAL possible maybe connections to perhaps some notion of the human theory of PSA are mentioned in private conversations and could be taken in many ways, as I've noted."
More absurdity, but great examples of your dishonesty in discourse. Again, you think frequency of mention alters the truthfulness or fact of a concept or command. It does not, and no heretic from Kentucky can make that so.
"The point being, this theory is completely absent from ALL the recorded sermons and teachings of Jesus to the crowds... you know, the ones he was preaching Good News to. HOW is PSA a central tenet of the teachings of Jesus if it is completely absent from the teachings of Jesus?
It's not, unless you add to the teachings of Jesus something he never taught."
Doesn't matter if it doesn't show up in a public sermon. Scripture is a public sermon and it shows up there. And, for those of us who seek to be true Christians, we recognize Jesus is God the Son and as such any teaching of God, be it as the Father, Son or Holy Ghost, is the same as if Jesus alone said it. All of Scripture is the teachings of Jesus. ALL OF IT.
But PSA isn't the issue here. You're bad behavior in discourse is. You continue to double down on that behavior with more examples of what it looks like, and for that I thank you for providing more evidence for what, at this point, is so well known as to be taken for granted.
"For starters. Now, you ultimately may choose to not worry about this HUGE hole in PSA, but you can't say that reasonable people are not being reasonable in noting its functional absence from the actual teachings of Jesus to the masses."
It's not a "HUGE hole" at all. The entirety of Scripture speaks of the reality of PSA. The "HUGE hole" in your opposition is your intentional disregard for that fact as if it matters that it was taught in sermons to large multitudes by Jesus personally during His ministry (as if every word of every sermon has been recorded in the Gospels). So here, you're putting forth an insignificant point to suggest a truth of Scripture isn't only some weird theory held by some people. Never mind that the concept goes back to the earliest church fathers as well, not to mention the Epistle writers. No. Dan determines what's true or not by virtue of how many times a truth appears in Scripture and by Whom.
"That's problem 1, and it's a real problem, even if you think you have a work-around/explanation (you don't)."
It's not at all a problem. You're lying and intentional dismissal of every reference to that which falls under the umbrella term "PSA" is.
Stop talking about it and get to your obligations.
"Problem 2:
EVEN IF some form of PSA were IN the actual teachings of Jesus to the masses (and as repeatedly demonstrated, it's not), it's contrary to reason, to moral reasoning, to notions of justice and to biblical descriptions of God as being a good God of Justice and love."
No it's not. It's contrary to Dan's preferred, but invented notion of what being a good, loving and just God looks like. It requires rejection of all which gives Dan the willies up his skirt.
It's also not the point of this post, but yet more deflection from Dan's obligations.
"2A. Jesus makes clear he is coming to preaching literal GOOD NEWS to humanity.
IF that "good news" is, "Hey all of humanity, good news!: MOST of you all will be sent to hell by God to be tortured/tormented for an eternity! Yay! 'celebrate good times, come on!'..."
Well, that's not really good news. It's the complete opposite of good news."
Dan loves to employ paraphrasing composed intentionally to move his agenda forward. We saw that in his laughable "conversation" between he and me. Dan's never spoken of the Good News Christ proclaimed. He thinks it's only about the Kingdom of Heaven. But it's also about how we get to be there. Dan, being a universalist kind of heretic, ignores the entire process of how we came to be able to saved. Christ's purpose, and His "Good News", was that He came to die for us so that we would be spared our deserved punishment for our sin...that this death would redeem those who believed in Him making them appear as perfect before God and without sin.
"This would be in conflict with the very basic teaching that Jesus came to preach literal good news... and that good news was specifically to the poor and marginalized. HOW is this PSA theory in any way "good news..."? Can you see it literally isn't?"
Given no one is good, the only way to get around that was for Christ to come and be our ransom by virtue of His horrible death. That's good news. Sin is death. Christ died so we won't have to. That's good news and the poor in spirit could now be joyous that they had the means to atone for their sinfulness. That's good news.
"2B. At the very best, it's "good news" for a small sampling of whimsically selected lottery winners... the ones that God has decided to save. To hell with the majority of humanity for all of history. But people of good will can reasonably object... but that's STILL not good news. At all!"
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
There's nothing "whimsical" about the exclusive nature of salvation. That's another tactic...another insult to demean opponents and diminish their positions when no true means is available since they don't exist.
"Indeed, if you are one of the lottery winners that "god" chose to "select" to be "saved," you still will have loved ones, parents, children, spouses, friends who are being tortured for eternity. I don't know about you, but I could not see it as good news, EVEN IF I was the "lottery winner...""
Don't you worry your pointy little head about that, Dan. The rotted, worm-filled fruit of the Dan Trabue Tree suggests you don't have that winning ticket. The world means way too much for you.
"2C. The problem of a Just and Loving God... the human theory of PSA theorizes that humanity NEEDS to be saved by God because we are SO AWFUL that we somehow DESERVE to be tortured for an eternity (ie, sent to hell forever). But based on what? The "crimes" of being imperfect? But according to the Bible, God created us... and we are imperfect as God created us. So how could a reasonable judge punish someone (even lightly!) for the crime of just being imperfect?"
Not a theory, but a clear and unambiguous teaching of Scripture. It's incredible you make these laughable arguments while insisting you seriously and prayerfully study and revere Scripture. You read what it says and make up shit to reject what you don't like, ignoring what you don't like so you can say that upon which you focus is all there is. And not only can you not prove your positions, you require ignoring and rejecting that of Scripture which makes your positions the crap sandwiches they are.
"Further, notions of Justice and punishment INCLUDE the notion of proportionate punishment."
Not at all diminished by God's Will. The reality is that you foist upon God Dan Trabue notions of how He must behave in order to refer to Him as good and just in how and to whom he administers His Justice.
"If a nation says that children or even an adult who steals a cookie should have their HANDS cut off (a one time AWFUL, despicable punishment!), rational, moral people would object! THAT is NOT a just punishment. The severity of the punishment FAR exceeds the harm of the crime. It's not loving, it's not just."
This favored bit of bullshit is commonly expressed by Dan as if to God, sin is nothing more than stealing a cookie. Worse, Dan demands of God that He not regard sin as the rebellion it is. If God needs to know if any behavior is bad enough for harsh punishment, He needs to ask Dan who knows far more than God about the seriousness of sin.
"IF that is reasonably true (and it is, you almost certainly don't object) in the case of merely cutting off a hand, how much more is it true that torturing someone for an eternity for common misdeeds also not MUCH more evil?
Again, even if you think you have some theory that explains that, surely you can see how most people are not rationally or biblically going to agree with that theory/explanation?"
I'm not discussing this with "most people". I'm not even discussing it now, except that you insist on pushing your bullshit rather than meet your obligations. I'm also not concerned with unknown people who disagree with the clear truth of Scripture. Their disagreement has no bearing on whether or not what Scripture teaches is true. Many reject various parts of Scripture as you do. They're just as wrong and clearly don't likely have a winning ticket, either.
The point remains that you're judging God by rejecting the truth and you're diminishing the seriousness of sin, preferring to dictate that some forms of sin...some manifestations...are somehow less worthy of God's wrath without obedient, repentant acceptance of Christ as Savior.
"The point being is, I HAVE given reasonable explanations for why I disagree with your petty human theory. You can't say that these are not reasonable and even biblical concerns that people of good faith might raise."
The point being is that insisting your "explanations" are reasonable doesn't make them so. None of yours are. You're not a person of good faith. You're a heretic whose concern is for pleasing the world, not God.
"In thinking this cheap crap with which you've filled scores of comment boxes in this thread constitutes an honest, legitimate debate, while at the same time never getting around to defending a damned thing you never present as a compelling alternative point of view."
"Look, I TRULY think your human theories have moral and rational and biblical problems."
My positions and expressions of Biblical truth have real problems for the immoral and irrations and unBiblical heretics like you. Your attempts of legitimize them are an even greater problem for your credibility and beyond that are diversions from the point of this post. My responses to you many tangential comments was more to highlight your dishonesty in discourse. You think it's about my accurate Biblical positions.
"I TRULY think that your PSA human theories are grossly slanderous to the notion of God and justice."
Oh, Golly! How will I sleep tonight? I KNOW your corruptions and rejections of God's Will are clear manifestations of just how evil you are, made worse by this pretense of Biblical devotion while rejecting that which you don't like. I really don't care what you think, because you're not good at thinking.
"I've outlined with THOUSANDS of words WHY I think your personal human theories and traditions are problematic."
None of those thousands succeeded in the task. You've proven nothing except your own dishonesty and unwillingness to meet your obligations in discourse, either in this discussion as regards the post or any past discussion regarding the Truth.
"Now, I GET that you disagree with my reasoning, just as I disagree with your reasoning."
There's no equivalency here. I know you're full of shit and don't employ "reason" except to rationalize your rebellion and heresy. You disagree not just with actual reasoning, but the facts and truth contained therein.
"But you just can't rationally say that I DON'T have these concerns and surely, you're able to see that these are not empty concerns (the notions of believing in a truly Just and loving God, that this could be reasonably seen as a high view of God, that people of good faith could have concerns about the problems of justice in your human theories, etc)."
I can rationally say you're some mixture of decadent evil and abject stupidity, because no honest actual Christian believes as you do. It's just too far astray from the Truth.
"Is it the case that you are not capable of understanding that people of good faith may actually have a concern based upon notions of justice, of love, and that, based upon the bible's depiction of God as a just and loving God?"
The case is that you're a lying heretic who hasn't provided any reason to question my far more accurate understanding of Scripture in favor of your heretical perversion of it.
"If so, can you see that this might be a Marshal problem, not a Dan problem?"
It's only a problem for me insofar as how many are stunned I still allow you freedom to comment here, lie here, and ignore your obligations in discourse here after being so routinely abused by your fascistic crap at your Blog of Lies. But that doesn't bother me so much.
YOUR problems are far greater and they're eternal. You might want to do so actual serious and prayerful studying of Scripture.
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