Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Important Action Taken

I don't like to delete people.  I prefer to let morons hang themselves with their own stupidity.  Unfortunately, every once in awhile, someone's comments are beyond the pale in some form or fashion.  feo has been banished for his many egregious actions.   Indeed, employing comment moderation was the result of such bad behavior.  Dan's always on the cusp.

Now we have "anonymous", who was nice enough to attempt to post a comment under the moniker "Master Troll" as I requested.  Unfortunately, he chose to make his first comment under that name one I will not post.  It's more of the same willful lies about a willful liar, and intentionally lying about a known liar is no better than the behaviors of the known liar.  Worse, it's done just to troll.  

Well, such comments will not see the light of day here.  I don't much care how the Troll's comments would make Danny wet his panties, but for him to play victim would be too much.  Thus, the Troll's comments are worse than standard trolling would be given who would pout and make demands as if I give a shit about his feelings.  Again.  That's just too much.  

So, sorry Master Troll.  Unless you have something honest and compelling to say, your visits here will be wasted.  As it stands, I've marked you for spam, so I don't know if I'll even see any further comments from you,anyway.  I hope you find the bed you've made for yourself comfortable. 


Eternity Matters said...

Wow, that’s pretty bad if he’s worse than Blockstalker Dan!

Dan Trabue said...

Neil slanders and doesn't care. I went to your blog, Neil, to engage in respectful reasonable conversation. I asked questions politely. I never called you names or slandered you by calling you a pedophile.

And Marshal, again, this is not about me. I don't care that childish conservatives (that's a descriptor, not an attack - it IS childish to make stupidly false claims and call names of people who dare to disagree with you) make empty, slanderous claims.

My concern is for modern conservatism. It has become okay to say, "That person believes in treating LGBTQ with respect and not demonizing them, so he's a pedophile and a child abuser." It has become to say, "I don't like the way that NPR, BBC and other respected journalistic outfits report the news, they have too much of a leftward bent, therefore, they're the enemy of the people." It has become okay to say, "I don't like the results of the election, therefore it was stolen."

On and on it goes, stupidly false claim and hyper-emotional and irrational attacks on people they disagree with, one after another.

This is not good for anyone who's engaging in it and today, it's become more and more common amongst modern conservatives. And we can KNOW it's happening with some degree of certainty and the danger it poses precisely because so many conservatives are pointing out the dangers of conservatism's embrace of "alternative facts."

That you all think it's acceptable to call a person with NO hint of impropriety towards children an abuser and molester... it's just wrong. It's anti-biblical. It's literally slander and gossip and false witness.

And so I reach out to help and am met with more abuse and attacks, instead of humble recognition of the depravity in your own eye.

Remove the planks, fellas.

Marshal Art said...

August 24, 2022 at 7:49 AM

First, I would take Neil's side over you any time given he's a far more acceptable example of what a Christian is, while you're a total fraud and a liar.

"And Marshal, again, this is not about me."

Says the guy who keeps whining about how you're being treated and what people are accusing you of being. No one attacks you because of mere disagreement, but because you're openly supportive of child abuse and sexual immorality. As such, you're not so much attacked but accurately described. But then, for such as you, truth is like a hot poker.

"My concern is for modern conservatism."

Your concern should begin with learning what conservatism is, since you have no concept of it whatsoever. Your concern should be repenting and seeking forgiveness from God for daring to suggest you're more Christian by being "progressive".

"It has become okay to say, "That person believes in treating LGBTQ with respect and not demonizing them, so he's a pedophile and a child abuser.""

It's not OK to lie about what your detractors say and why. There's no respect for LGBT pervs by lying to them about their corrupt lifestyle and disordered desires. You're referred to as a child abuser because your SCDE of abortion and the LGBT agenda harms children seriously as has been proven over and over again.

"It has become to say, "I don't like the way that NPR, BBC and other respected journalistic outfits report the news, they have too much of a leftward bent, therefore, they're the enemy of the people.""

Progs "respect" those outfits because those outfits tell the same lies all other progs tell. That makes them the enemy of the people. More accurately, being "progressive"/leftist makes you all enemies of the people given how much harm your policies and proposals have caused and will continue to cause every time they're enacted.

"It has become okay to say, "I don't like the results of the election, therefore it was stolen.""

It has become OK for the left to lie about a "Big Lie" while doing nothing to investigate the mountains of claims about election fraud and irregularities which resulted in the better candidate having had the election stolen from him.

"On and on it goes, stupidly false claim and hyper-emotional and irrational attacks on people they disagree with, one after another."

And yet you lying lefties persist.

"This is not good for anyone who's engaging in it and today,"

And yet your refuse to stop doing it, as you project your vile behavior as being perpetuated by conservatives.

"And we can KNOW it's happening with some degree of certainty and the danger it poses precisely because so many conservatives are pointing out the dangers of conservatism's embrace of "alternative facts.""

The Trump-haters on the right are no better than the Trump-haters on the left. Indeed, they're worse for acting like lefties with regard to Trump and his supporters. But given you're a liar, your "respect" for such people is contingent on them joining you in irrationally hating Trump, a far better president than any you've supported.

"That you all think it's acceptable to call a person with NO hint of impropriety towards children an abuser and molester... it's just wrong."

That hasn't happened here.

"Remove the planks, fellas."

Remove your head from your ass and pound sand up it, instead. You've got millions of miles to go before you can presume to condescend to anyone here.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

What does SCDE mean?

Marshal Art said...

I introduced the acronym in one of my last two posts. It stands for Support, Celebrate, Defend and Enable or other forms of those words as the context demands, such as Supporting, Celebrating, Defending and/or Enabling.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I must have missed that. Thanks