Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Are The Democrats Embarrassed, Yet?

The title of this post is in direct response to Dan's post Is The GOP Embarrassed, Yet?.  In it, he refers to both Donald Trump and former judge Roy Moore, who just won a primary election in Alabama for the senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions.  Dan spews his usual hateful vitriol against Trump and provides the same for Moore.  He hates Moore because Moore is an actual Christian who knows and understands both Scripture and the U.S. Constitution as they were intended to be known and understood.  Doing so makes him vile and reprehensible in Dan's world.

And of course, Trump's evil personified as well as mentally unfit for office, because Dan saw a book by a couple dozen shrinks of unknown political persuasion who said so.  (Of course, saying homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so is delusional.)

But here's the thing.  I am embarrassed that the GOP couldn't promote a solid conservative properly to avoid the ascendancy of Donald Trump.  It had an excellent alternative in Ted Cruz, but he wasn't establishment enough.  That's embarrassing.  The GOP wanted someone more McCain-like, because that worked out so well with McCain.  It never understood that McCain didn't stand a chance until he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.  But she, too, isn't establishment enough to garner the support of a Mitch McConnell.

So it's embarrassing that a party with control, of all three of the movers and shakers, the House, Senate and presidency, can't get something as asinine and destructive as the Affordable Care Act repealed outright, or even replaced.  Indeed, it's embarrassing to me personally that the GOP wouldn't even try to make the case that total repeal alone was not only justified, but beneficial.  They allowed the lying left to insist that people will die and let them do it without response.  No.  They clearly didn't want ACA repealed, even though they had the votes to do it in 2015, lacking only the president's signature to make it so.  Having obtained that, they bailed on the idea in favor of ACA-light.  That's embarrassing.

And it's embarrassing that the GOP can't cobble together enough of the plethora of facts on any of the social issues of the day and produce a compelling argument for the sake of righteousness and the soul and character of our nation.  One would think it would be a relatively easy task given the indisputable nature of the facts that support conservative notions of virtue and morality.   But the GOP is too spineless in the face of BS allegations of racism, discrimination, misogyny and a host of other lies used by the left to appeal to the emotion, rather than to whatever mind exists in the heads of Dem voters.

But here's the thing.  Embarrassment only afflicts those who have a conscience.  For those who feel no shame, who reject the concept of guilt, except where it can be used to force compliance by those with said conscience, there is no embarrassment.  Yet there is plenty for which the left in general, and the Democratic Party and its supporters should feel great shame.  I'll be posting on that incredibly long list soon, though I doubt I'll be able to take the time and space for a complete list.  It'll just be too long.  A complete list is unnecessary to make the point.  Stay tuned.


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Anonymous said...

Moore is perverse in multiple ways, as I've explained. The man is unfit for office in the same sense that Trump is. He is a joke to a free Republic. He is a menace. He is sick in the head, with his treating gay folk as animals and treating Muslims as second class citizens and his all around gross behavior and disrespect for American ideals. He was unfit and perverse way before these allegations arose and should NOT be a candidate for office and decent, moral and rational conservatives should agree with this.

Nonetheless, Alabaman "evangelical Christians" by and large don't give a flying fuck about this perverts gross indecencies and fundamental unfit-ness for office. That says a lot of perverse things about Alabaman conservatives and Christians.

All that notwithstanding, I have not demanded that he be prevented from serving if elected. I fully support Alabamans and the Congress in preventing him from serving, but I haven't demanded it. If he were a Democrat candidate in my state, you can bet I'd be campaigning against him strongly, though. And even if not in my state, I'd be actively working against him, for the sake of my party.

Conyers should step down, from what I've heard, and Franken should certainly be investigated and see if there's more there.

The difference between the three men, however, is that Franken and Conyers are not fundamentally unfit for the office in the way that Trump/Moore are. Also, they both have solid records fighting for social justice and not seeming deviant in the way that Moore/Trump have for years seemed deviant.

IF Conyers/Franken had longstanding records of perversity of the sort that Trump/Moore do, you can bet I'd be reacting more strongly, more quickly. I tend to give people some benefit of the doubt. That includes Trump/Moore. The difference is that they lost that benefit of doubt LONG ago with their public perversions.


Craig said...

So you’re less concerned with recent actual behavior, than you are about old unproven allegations. I’ve got it. The double standard is in full effect.

Anonymous said...

No. I'm VERY fucking concerned about people putting their hands on women's butts as if that was their right to do so. It is fucking wrong. Just like it's fucking wrong to misrepresent what someone says. It's perverse. It's sick and you should really stop it, Craig.

And at the same time, I am even MORE concerned about fucking perverts preying on women in secret, taking advantage of women and children. To use your method of reasoning, then, Craig, I guess you don't give a flying fuck if perverts like Moore and Trump rape ans assault children and women, you're much more interested in giving their defenders a pass and letting perverts to free, you pervert-defending asshole.

Does it help you to understand if I say it in more forceful words? Or are you just too obliged to defending perverts and giving a pass to rapists and pigs that you just can't understand words written plainly?

Get help. Marshall appears too sick to even recognize his perversions, but you're worse, Craig. You recognize at least to some degree the sickness of Trump/Moore, and yet by your vague and milquetoast disagreement with them, you give the racist/neo-nazi/child abuser wing of your party (the "deplorables") free license to promote gross perversions.

Shame on you. Get help.


Craig said...

You just made a serious claim of fact, as usual I’m guessing you can’t prove it to be true. Please provide actual, verifiable evidence of “rape” of children. Or “assault” of children.

I don’t need help. I don’t pick and choose who I believe based on political affiliations, I don’t make excuses and defend sexual predators.

I do think that refusing to treat decades old unproven accusations the same way as actual documented actions is a bit strange.

Of course, I think making claims you can’t prove is kind of perverse.

Feodor said...

Craig, I had to take out the day's trash and decided to stop and take out your mind's trash as well. Marshall has too much garbage baggage. Must wait until tomorrow.

On Franken: I'm glad more women have come forward since you lied about the photo (it did not, in fact, show him touching her breasts; only acting as if he did - talk about you're prejudiced hypocrites. Glad you're not in a position to make judgments). And I am very glad the Senate Ethics Committee is investigating - as he himself asked for. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it. We'll see what they find and recommend. Appropriate process.

Now about your hypocritical silence on Joe Barton and Wes Goodman? You act as if your party isn't racking up scandal numbers. Hypocrite.

Then you have the additional news regarding Mr Goodman: a whole lot of Republicans knew that this virulently anti-gay Congressman was gay. Has implications for Marshall, too.

A whole lot of embarrassing, hypocritical Republicans looking the other way for the sake of vicious partisan politics. Where have we seen that before? OH! Alabama!

So, Franken deserves an investigation more than ever now.

So does Trump. Congress needs to investigate Trump at the very least regarding the sixteen 16! women who allege sexual harassment - not to mention the dozens of Miss Teen USA victims.

Don't you agree? Or are you, for the hundredth time now, a hypocrite?

Craig said...

I’ve already said multiple times in multiple places that to the extent ANY elected official is misbehaving they should be dealt with in whatever venue is appropriate. So, in the interest of consistency I’ll stick with that position. The difference is, that since I’ve been clear that ALL who misbehave should be held the account, I don’t feel it necessary to call out every individual. Whereas y’all tend to stay silent on those on your side, unless prompted.

But, I appreciate you trying to make an excuse for photographic evidence of Franken’s behavior.

Just to be clear, I’m fine with investigating the allegations against Trump. I’m not sure Congress is the appropriate place for such an investigation due to partisan rancor, but let the appropriate authorities follow the evidence where it leads.

Craig said...

Maybe, Trump should just pull a Conyers and use taxpayer $$$ to hire them all for “no show@ jobs.

Marshal Art said...

Another point to consider is Dan's insistence that so-called "progressives" are opposed to sexual abuse and immorality. This is an absolutely laughable argument to put forth given how supportive of sexual immorality the left is. Most of the harm done to our culture from sexual promiscuity is easily tied to the policies implemented by the left...from no-fault divorce, to easy access to abortion and of course to the myriad perversions beginning with the defense of homosexuality. Indeed, the trumped-up outrage against Moore is no more than the desire of the perverse to convince Alabama voters that Moore is the perv, and not his Dem opponent who will do his best to protect all the perversity protected as a result of leftist policy.

Dan posts a NYT piece that suggests there are those who condemn Al Franken. But Craig's point refers to calling for his stepping down. The article clearly shows that Dems are NOT calling for him to step down, with one or two quoted as saying they'd give him a pass despite their objections to his behavior. How nice. Of course Franken's behavior is clearly objectifying, whereas Moore's behavior...aside from what is alleged by a woman with a history of no worse than a guy looking for a wife, even if his hopes are for one that is young (but legal in his state).

feo, in the meantime, presents info about a police department official who claims the mall ban was true. But this conflicts with a guy who ran the mall who claims there was no such ban in place to his knowledge. All we have here is another he said/she said, with the PD official being a possible political opponent of Moore.

To insist that there is enough to feel Moore is guilty is BS. But BS is enough for the Dans and feos of the world. Because they have no shame.

Anonymous said...

...and Mitch McConnell and dozens of other conservatives, including Craig. If you want to criticize progressives, criticize all the conservatives while you're at it.

For my part, I'm not asking him to step down. I'm asking the people of Alabama to thoroughly reject him. I'm calling for conservatives to thoroughly rebuke him, for the whole gamut of his perversions. Perversions which conservatives like you and a huge number of white evangelicals in Alabama are apparently fine with.

Shame on you. Feodor has it right: You're broke. Get help.


Marshal Art said...

Some suspect McConnell of starting this whole thing. Clearly he opposed Moore all along, as he does any candidate for Republican office who isn't on board with his notion of GOP establishment. This is true of other GOP people who oppose Moore winning the election. Others have simply run from him for fear of being smeared in the same way by people like you. I'm not one of those, because I know what you are. Still others, like Craig unfortunately, wrongly feel the way to deal with this ironically works perfectly well for liars like you and the Democratic Party.

So you're asking conservatives to rebuke Moore for mere accusation not backed by any evidence anyone's been able to bring forth. Again, it's perfect for liars like you, just so long as a staunch conservative and solid Christian who understands God's clearly revealed Will on human sexuality does not get into a position of leadership. Because you have no shame. You're a liar.

You speak of his "whole gamut of perversions", but aside from these accusations, and his very open opposition to the legal legitimization of the perversity known as "homosexuality", you've offered nothing to suggests the man is a pervert at all. Once again, you're hanging your hat on his courting of young women, despite the testimonies of some of them that he acted honorably with them and had the blessings of their mothers, and the two who said he did worse, one of which is a known liar like you.

The broken people are those like you and feo, not me. You support crap like this:

Anonymous said...

So Mitch McConnell, Craig and other conservatives have no shame because they oppose Moore. We're all part of a vast right/left wing conspiracy against perverts? Is that your case?

I've told you before why he is perverse... because of his fascist opinions about Muslims, because of his positions on women (and girls), because of his sick positions on gay folk. The man is a menace to a free republic AND to young girls, by all evidence.

And you are a sick fuck for defending this pervert.

Tell me, Marshall, if a woman comes forward with a photo of this pervert grabbing her teenaged pussy, will you then apologize for your defense of an obvious pervert? Or would you still support him over a democrat? What does it take?

You're sick. Get help. Repent.


Marshal Art said...

Nice try, there, false Christian, attempting to get me to attack Craig, as you desperately try to recruit him to attack me. Neither one of us would need your nudge were there some reason for either of us to attack the other. There is no such reason.

I will say again that I disagree with Craig's position on Moore stepping down due to the likely consequences of Moore doing so...which is that lying, hateful people like you will accuse others with whom you disagree in hopes they, too, will run away at the first allegation.

Here I will state that you have no idea of what a conservative actually is, you've demonstrated over the years absolutely no understanding of what conservatism is and your claims to having ever been one are thus no better than a big steaming pile of feo. This is an important point to make given your referencing "other conservatives". I don't see McConnell as a conservative, but merely a Republican, which isn't necessarily synonymous. And no, McConnell has no shame because his opposition to Moore is no different than his opposition to Trump, Ted Cruz or other actual conservatives who put the Constitution over party. He can't control them, so he opposes them.

"We're all part of a vast right/left wing conspiracy against perverts? Is that your case?"

This question stands as another lie because you're trying to make it sound like all who are not totally behind Moore at this point are standing against him as if one. That's not even close to the truth as even my previous paragraphs clearly indicate. But I would say that at this point in time, you're all opposing in one way or another...not a pervert as you so perversely need and want Moore to be...but an innocent man until it can be proven the worst allegations against him are true. I don't how that can ever happen short of him confessing that the allegations are true.

"I've told you before why he is perverse... because of his fascist opinions about Muslims..."

Perverse would be allowing muslims to serve in Congress. That is, the more devout a muslim, the more dangerous it would be for that muslim to serve in any of the three branches of federal gov't. As to Moore, this is what he said:

Moore said Ellison’s faith had no place in the government of the United States because the "Islamic philosophy (is) directly contrary to the principles of the Constitution."

"The Islamic faith rejects our God and believes that the state must mandate the worship of its own god, Allah," Moore wrote Dec. 13, 2006. "Common sense alone dictates that in the midst of a war with Islamic terrorists we should not place someone in a position of great power who shares their doctrine. In 1943, we would never have allowed a member of Congress to take their oath on ‘Mein Kampf,’ or someone in the 1950s to swear allegiance to the ‘Communist Manifesto.’ Congress has the authority and should act to prohibit Ellison from taking the congressional oath today!"

I have no problem with any of this, as it is sensible given what we know about the islamic ideology. It is woefully incompatible with our form of government and the U.S. Constitution. It is perverse to pretend otherwise. You're perverted.

Marshal Art said...


"...because of his positions on women (and girls)..."

I have been unable to find anything that states what Moore's positions on women (and girls) might be...likely because everything and everyone is fixated on these unsubstantiated charges against him. I did find this, however, and wonder if you have the integrity to temper your hatred based on the testimonies of these twelve women. That is, on what basis would you continue to believe unproven tales of forty years ago over the these twelve women, some of whom have known Moore since that time? The answer is clear to me: you hate anyone who abides God's clearly revealed Will about human sexuality and sexually moral behavior in favor of your favored perversion.

"...because of his sick positions on gay folk."

You've never provided any evidence that his positions on "gay folk" are in any way "sick". They are quite sound from a Biblical perspective, however, unlike your support for abomination and its practice, which is clearly sick.

Marshal Art said...

"And you are a sick fuck for defending this pervert."

There you go embracing grace again. You're a serious and prayerful student of Scripture, right Danny-boy? Which teaching of Christ justifies intentionally typing such a thing?

You can't prove he's a pervert. You lie about him being a pedophile, even while claiming to have experience in the mental health arena (most likely as a patient, I'd wager). How is Moore, or anyone else, guilty simply by being accused? You have no first hand knowledge of Moore, his accusers or the actions of which he is accused. Some, yourself included, seem to have no trouble believing the accusers, insisting you've no reason to doubt them. On what basis could you deny the same consideration for the twelve women who support him?

As to defending Moore, it is the same with your wetting yourself about me defending Trump. I'm attacking haters like you for your behavior with regard to these men. Unlike you, I'm willing to wait for proof of the most serious of charges against them. I don't need to lie about them like you continually do. But as the hypocrite you are, you are attacking an innocent man, which Moore is until he is proven guilty.

"Tell me, Marshall, if a woman comes forward with a photo of this pervert grabbing her teenaged pussy, will you then apologize for your defense of an obvious pervert?"

There is nothing about Moore that justifies calling him an "obvious pervert". Mere accusations are not enough. Coming out of the closet and admitting one is a practicing homosexual is one admitting perversion, but you defend such.

As to the question, such a photo would be proof, would it not? That is to say, you're suggesting that if absolute proof were provided I would have no room to abstain from finding him guilty as charged, are you not? Obviously, because I strive to demonstrate integrity, my opinion of Moore's character is based on available evidence, all of which at this point suggests that he, too, is a man of integrity and honorable character. Should contrary evidence be presented, my opinion would alter accordingly. It's how honorable men are to behave when men are accused. Find an honorable man and ask him. You have no honor. You hate because Moore doesn't support, celebrate and enable the perversions you favor.

Marshal Art said...

Since you have no trouble coming to my blog and typing profanities and obscenities, lying about me and public figures as it suits you, I'm sure you'll now be happy to respond to the points I make in the many deleted comments I will be re-posting at your blog.

Feodor said...

"The difference is, that since I’ve been clear that ALL who misbehave should be held the account, I don’t feel it necessary to call out every individual." BUT I DEMAND THAT LIBERALS LIST THEM BY NAME!

It's telling that Craig, since he is on the dark side, feels a need to stipulate overtly that he is, in fact, ready to support investigations into all who are credibly accused of misbehaving (hopefully, he includes criminal behavior as misbehaving, but with these guys, who knows).

Liberals understand that his position is simply the law. And only when one needs, from time to time, to excuse people from the law does one need to make blanket statements posing as supporting the law at all times.

BUT I am heartened that Craig agrees that Congress (the only body lawfully charged with the responsibility [very odd that Craig doesn't know that]) should investigate Trump.

Feodor said...

I am sickened, however, that both Marshall and Craig put up the moral indefensible argument that instinctual preference for youth (not solely the instinct of men [apparently, neither of them know women very well]) is an excuse for molesting minors.

The reason to note that Moore harassed teens at the mall, teens at the YMCA, and teens at football games is 1) it reveals a fetish for underage girls, and 20 it goes to a pattern that supports the testimony of his accusers who were 14 and 16 at the time.

Defending that, as Marshall and Craig do, is proof of how sick in the head both are.

Feodor said...

We also need to investigate Clarence Yhomas. He’s still in office.

Craig said...

It’s interes that you manage the amazing feat of misrepresenting me and supporting what I said at the same time. It’s clear on any number of way too look at it that men are (in general) attracted to younger more attractive women. Just as clearly, acknowledging this isn’t in any way condoning sexual abuse of minors. But, feel free to make up whatever crap you feel helps you.

As to using the term “misbehavior”, I chose it to cover a wider array of behavior. But feel free tomorrow make more of that than intended.

As to investigating of Trump, my point was not one of who’s proper role it is to investigate him, it was that the chances of Trump getting anything remotely resembling a fair and unbiased investigation from Congress is virtually nil. I’m not sure a biased, partisan, investigation intended to reach a predetermined conclusion is in anyone’s best interest.

It seems reasonable to conclude that you and Dan are willing to trade a fair investigation, for the results you want. Personally I think that’s a horrible precedent.

I guess that whole investigate Thomas ignores the fact that y’all had your shot at him, and that whole statute of limitations things.

To clarify my position on Moore since Dan is so willing to twist it.

1. Moore is innocent until proven otherwise.
2. Moore has not been charged with any crime.
3. I think Moore should withdraw to give full attention to clearing his name, if possible.
4. I think Moore should withdraw because there is the appearance of impropriety.
5. While the accusations sound credible, that is a long way from all of them being proven credible.
6. Moore winning with this unresolved, will simply make things worse for everyone.

Ultimately it’s all about the DFL’s desire to be obstructionist.

Marshal Art said...


I part with you in the following ways. To your points,

3. His name is not tainted if there is no evidence of guilt.
4. There is no appearance of impropriety, only the allegation of it. Withdrawing merely due to allegation is just what the left wants, and thus will employ this tactic more often in the future.
5. I don't see how the accusations sound more credible than Moore's responses to it, nor than the supporting character witnesses, 12 of whom I presented in my link.
6. Moore winning will turn the attention of the left to other things, as it has in the past. They aren't concerned about any actual or imagined victims, but on preventing Moore's election. If they fail in their attempts to interfere, they will give up on those they are putting forth as victims.

Craig said...

Art, as on Trump, we disagree. I don’t disagree with someone taking that position, I just don’t want to go there.

I do love the fact that at least one liberal is open about being willing to accept the ruin of a few based on false accusations in order to achieve the larger goal. As well as the hypocrisy shown by Pelosi.

Feodor said...

Either Craig is agreeing with reason and thinks the Republican led Congress cannot govern (and appropriately investigate Trump) or he thinks the Constitution is stupid’for asking leaving it to Congress to do so.

And Marshall is a closeted gay man. Or perhaps closeted bisexual.

The only possible real news in all that is that Craig may have a rational thought. Do you really think the Republican Congress has abdicated governing, Craig?

Feodor said...

From a right wing columnist, who is brilliant in the issue. A woman, though, so unheard and unacceptable to you guys.

“Lawmakers would be wise to set a zero-tolerance standard to which they hold members of both parties. While they may choose to spare some the equivalent of the political-career death penalty, no decent public servant should welcome someone of Moore’s ilk into office or disregard Trump’s complainants. As to the latter, is it unreasonable to demand an independent investigation in advance of the 2020 election — if Trump is still in office? Trump’s opponents should do so and remind voters that it is not too late to establish or reestablish a standard for the presidency.”

Craig said...

I think that given the relationship between Trump and the current (and likely future ) congress, that there is little likelihood of anything resembling a fair or impartial investigation anytime in the foreseeable future.

It’s clear that the Congress abdicated much of their role quite some time ago. The most significant area being their unwillingness to actually pass yearly budgets and fund the government with CR’s.

It almost sounds like Feo is advocating a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment by those who govern. How about we just deny anyone accused of any sexual harassment or assault access to public life?

Feodor said...

It almost sounds as if a white man himself can corroborate exactly what his accusers say but Craig would act as if he said nothing at all.

Sick in the head.

"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything... grab them by the pussy."

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

It’s seems as though the distinction between concern for a process and defense of any specific person is lost.

Marshal Art said...

Jennifer Rubin is no right-winger. But even if she was, that doesn't mean her opinion is worth a damn simply because she claims to be one. You wouldn't give her the time of day if she wasn't leaning in your direction with her opinion piece. Now you see her opinion as having merit because she's the pretend right-winger the Washington Post uses for their token appearance of balance. But she makes the same errors you do in presuming wrongdoing on Moore's part simply because he is accused, and thus, having been accused he is worthy of dismissal...which is just what plays into the hands of the left in their dishonest attempts to discredit anyone who doesn't toe the leftist line.

"It almost sounds as if a white man himself can corroborate exactly what his accusers..."

It sounds like you're a racist...and not a very intelligent one, at that.

Feodor said...

"You wouldn't give her the time of day if she wasn't leaning in your direction with her opinion piece."

Exactly. That's what's called holding to one's principles of truth and reason. If she demonstrates them, if anyone demonstrates them, doesn't matter what team they call their own.

Difference between you and honorable people: you sold your principles; doesn't matter how right they are, you'll hate them if they don't come in the package you require.

Feodor said...

And another 1scrupple Republican reveals how empty Marshall is of values.

“A former Donald Trump adviser broke with the commander-in-chief by denouncing embattled Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.
Lobbyist David Urban, who worked on the Trump’s presidential campaign and was floated as a potential replacement for former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, told CNN on Sunday that Moore’s candidacy is a “loser for the Republican Party.” Referring to Moore’s Democratic opponent, Urban said that “the only thing worse than Doug Jones is Roy Moore.”

Marshal Art said...

"Exactly. That's what's called holding to one's principles of truth and reason.", false priest. It's exactly the opposite. If she did NOT lean your way...that is, she defended Moore as an honest person should given there is no proof of wrongdoing on his would refer to her in your typical hateful fake Christian manner.

"Difference between you and honorable people: you sold your principles..."

You've never demonstrated any understanding of either honor or principles. They're just words to you, the meaning of which you stretch and twist in typical leftist fashion as it suits you to do so. It's how you roll, because you're the false priest.

Urban clearly isn't very bright. All that Jones supports and intends to promote versus rumor and inuendo...he's clearly as stupid as a feo.

No amount of out of context quotes will change reality, feo.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'd be interested in everyone's take on THIS article:

Feodor said...

Glenn and The Federalist proclaims Springtime for Hitler!

Go ahead, Adolph, do the dirty work for God!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Thanks for proving your total stupidity and ignorance. Now how about reading the article. Or have you not learned to read and comprehend such detailed writing?

Feodor said...

Oh I did. That you don’t know what inference means or, more important, what it means to follow arguments to their logical conclusions isn’t my problem.

It’s yours. Always has been. You have a feeble mind and a self-centered cold, cold heart.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

There you go spewing lies out of your ignorance again. You are one of the most ignorant, stupid and foolish trolls on the internet.

Feodor said...

Wrong, again, fake Hibernian; you can't breath, let alone think, outside the standard envelope you've sealed yourself in. You do not know what this means; you do not know how this echoes the history of all those Germans so many years ago justifying Hitler for fifteen years; and you cannot figure out how this kind of thinking cannot - by reason - NOT justify voting for Hitler:

"Such Christians fail to see God’s work in the city of man and how it is different from the city of God. God uses, in this secular sphere, all kinds of “immoral” men and women to bring about his purposes for his church. He is actually rather utilitarian and pragmatic regarding the secular world."

Feodor said...

As is seen almost every day now, and it's effects seen in various ways in Glenn, Craig, and MotherSuperior, the Republican Party of today is the mongrelization of white people. Far beyond embarrassing, it's horrific.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

First, I'm not a "fake Hibernian," in that I do indeed have Scottish ancestry. And it is customary to wear the kilt, etc, when playing the bagpipes.

Second, the main point I got out of the article was one I have said for a very long time -- quit requiring politicians to be qualified for church leadership. They are politicians, and you vote for who will do the best for the country regardless of their private lives. But you are looking to put into office perverts and those who support perverts, those who promote the murder of he unborn, those who promote THEFT from the public so they can give public money to those who are too lazy to get out and work, or for some inane unconstitutional expense such as funding every pork barrel project in the world, all the while reducing our military strength via cuts in funds and social engineering forcing the acceptance of those who practice homosexual behavior and people who want to pretend to be members of the opposite sex. It is you and your ilk who are the real dangers to this country.

Marshal Art said...


While I agree with the basic premise of the article, that one must decide on the totality of the candidate, particularly with regard to the candidate's opponent, I have to take issue with the motivations for it.

Moore is not guilty of any crime. He is not guilty of any behavior that is contrary to Christian teaching. He is accused by a couple of women who are possessed of questionable character and who are supported by people with questionable motives. And he is now viewed by too many through the lens of current notions of age of consent without regard to the time and place in which the alleged "crimes" took place.

Trump, on the other hand, was running against a woman with not only equally questionable character, but one who supported policies that have already been proven failures.

One other point that is routinely ignored, is that there has been no allegations since those of forty years ago. Yet, no one suggests that he has repented and become a better man if those allegations are actually true. Thus, he is not now what they want and need to believe he was then. Thus, one is not necessarily voting for a person of low character, but one who has elevated his character to what should be exactly what everyone prefers to insist he is not.

As to the buffoon we know as feo, I haven't read the entire article because the entire article did not load for me. I'll try again later. In the meantime, I saw no reference to Hitler in what I was able to read. I'm guessing feo thinks he's being clever in presuming that the point of the article would in any way justify voting for a Hitler. Such an incredible display of idiocy presumes that every nuance of Hitler's character was known perfectly by those who supported him before his reign of terror was truly off the ground. But feo needs to believe that those how make the hard choices, such as between Trump and Hillary or Sanders, would just go ahead and pull the lever for Hitler. Can you imagine the level of evil Hitler's opponent would have to represent for anyone to think Hitler was the lesser of two evils? feo hasn't the intellect to think beyond his own hatred and white guilt.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Part of the article was saying that because God used bad governments for His purposes, then it should be okay for Christians to vote in a bad government for God to use. Therefore, Feo took the leap, I think, to say we should have kept Hitler in power.

I only asked for opinions as to the article, never intimating I agreed with it partially or 100%. Just a thought-provoker. And as I note, I AGREE that we shouldn't be holding a political to the standard of a pastor.

Craig said...

He’ll, I’ve seen progressive christians who don’t hold pastors to the standard of a pastor.

Marshal Art said...


I totally support the notion of voting for people of good character. We've found that isn't always possible, if it's perfectly possible at all. As one voter, there's only so much I can do to persuade my fellow Americans to consider character as equally, if not more important than the policies a candidate claims to support. If a candidate's character is known to be awful, one cannot feel confident that any campaign promise is worth a damn.

Unfortunately, we know Jesus Christ isn't running for public office, and thus to expect perfection of character is irrational. We can expect better than Trump if we want to (as a nation). This past election has shown that for many, a different character trait was important. Then, once the general election was upon us, there were really only two with any chance at all. Making a statement at such a time when there is more at stake is the wrong time. All that mattered was which low character candidate will run the nation. One was clearly a safer bet. He won. I'm proud and happy to have done my small part to prevent the greater of two evils, and so far, it seems it was a better bet than I thought.

But from this point onward, the struggle continues to find quality people with quality ideas and abilities to elect for any public office.

Craig said...

Hell, not He’ll.

Feodor said...

Ms Rayher is as stupid and dishonest as the three of you.

“A Colorado Republican lawmaker has apologized for writing Facebook posts that disparaged Muslims and African Americans, but she’s insisting that these racist posts do not make her racist.”

Feodor said...

Here’s the heart of the matter, the root disease you guys chronically and acutely suffer.

“Another major problem with closed-off, fundamentalist belief systems is they are very susceptible to propaganda. All belief systems are to some extent, but fundamentalist systems even more so because there are no checks and balances. If bad information gets in, it doesn’t get out and because there are no internal mechanisms to guard against it, it usually ends up very damaging to the whole. A closed-off belief system is like your spinal fluid—it is great as long as nothing infectious gets into it. If bacteria gets into your spinal fluid, it causes unbelievable damage because there are no white blood cells in it whose job is to fend off invaders and protect the system. This is why things like meningitis are so horrible. Without the protective services of white blood cells in the spinal column, meningitis spreads like wildfire once it’s in and does significant damage in a very short period of time. Once inside the closed-off spinal system, bacteria are free to destroy whatever they want.”

I’d correct the article, though, to say that the majority if white people - ever so slight for whites women - comprise the diseased category. Rural, urban, suburban has little to do with it. True faith, morality, education, that’s are the make/break factors.

Marshal Art said...

Maybe you can find a FB post from Ms. Rayher that you find particularly nasty and explain why it is. Make sure you post the whole thing, rather than what you think makes her sound worse than she otherwise would. The article speaks of really just one, that the black community is more racist than whites, and that they hate whites with a passion. I know this is not true of all blacks, likely not most of them. But I'll bet you couldn't possibly defend against her notion that they are more racist as a group than are whites. Go ahead, smart guy. Get a spine and actually defend something.

In the meantime, I can't wait to get to the RawStory joke. Maybe you can find a more leftist source.

Feodor said...

That you cannot detect racism, Marshall, is entirely normal. The mentally ill cannot diagnose their own illness. It’s very sad and part of the closed circular system that makes people like you get worse and ever worse, as the personal story by the writer who escaped your kind of brainwashing makes painfully clear.

But let’s be friends, Marshall, this is the day where Justice begins to flow like rivers. And the advent of Christ is upon us.

Craig said...

Yes, Marshall. You’re a mentally ill racist, but let’s be friends. If that’s how Feo’s friends get treated, I’d hate to be on his bad side.

Feodor said...

Your Party’s opening meeting notes:

“Before we discuss raising taxes on the poor and middle class, adding $1 trillion to the deficit, taking health insurance away from 13 million, raising premiums by 10%, defending treason and swearing in a pedophile, lets begin with a prayer.”

Feodor said...

Craig, the mentally ill always need friends. The breadth of your inhumanity widens.

Craig said...

It’s not the need for friends I have a problem with it’s how you treat those you claim to want friendship with.

Marshal Art said...

Wow. I just read feo's rawstory link. What a crock! This is what for feo passes as "insider info" about fundamentalism and rural white America. It was so bad, so slanted with false, left-wing presupposition that I had to bookmark it for further review and commentary.

Then, feo goes on to pretend I cannot detect racism, when everything about his commentaries on the issue expose his own. His hatred for his own race is evidence of mental illness, and yet he has the arrogance to suggest there is mental illness present in anything that has been said by me or Craig. He dares to condescend! Incredible!

Then he speaks of what he wants to believe are intelligent criticisms of what must be the GOP (what he calls, "Your" party).

---"raising taxes on the poor and middle class"

raising taxes on the poor and middle class

---"adding $1 trillion to the deficit"

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years.

---"taking health insurance away from 13 million"

Obama took health insurance away from millions by having their policies deemed unacceptable under ACA mandates. These were people content, if not happy, with their policies, many of whom were insured through employers plans that were discontinued due to rising costs related to ACA, and other mandates of the bill.

---"raising premiums by 10%"

For many, premiums are still rising due to ACA

---"defending treason"

Obama commuted the sentence of a convicted traitor and also the sentence of a convicted terrorist. Aiding traitors is treasonous.

---"swearing in a pedophile"

There are no pedophiles about to be sworn in by the GOP. There is one on trial now who is a Democrat.

Feodor said...

It’s great to sees Marshall try to justify the Republicans doing something because Obama did it. As ever, though, sad that Marshall cannot weigh anything morally. Obama’s programs righted the national ship after economic disaster. These Republicans, with Marshall right along with them, after 30 years of claiming deficit reduction as their imperative, blow it up to give more breaks to the rich.

Embarrassing to see you sell out your “values” so that you can give money to the rich.

Marshal Art said...

Clearly you "sees" what you want to "sees". I wasn't justifying anything, but merely wondering where the hell you were when Obama did his damage? No comment from you on how he raised the cost of living for the poor and middle class, how he doubled the debt, how he destroyed the health care/insurance possibilities for most Americans, how he defended treason and why there was no hue and cry over the the pedophilia of Dem politicians. Now you pretend to give a damn about these things.

By the way, any tax cuts ANYONE gets, be they rich or poor, is not a giving of money to anyone. It's a lessening of how much is taken from them. I know it's near impossible for you, but try to employ just a little honesty now and then. I'll try not to have a heart attack.

Oh, and thanks for the latest laugh with that crap about Obama righting the national ship. That's a genuine knee-slapper.

Feodor said...

We're going to spend a lost decade getting back to the recovery point where Mr Obama left us.

From a truly conservative paper, not an idiots radio show:

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy

"How should we assess the economic success or failure of Barack Obama’s presidency?

This is a difficult question to answer. After all, the incumbent of the White House cannot determine the performance of the huge and complex US economy. Indeed, policy initiatives usually have a modest impact. But the story of Mr Obama’s presidency is a little different from the usual, since it began amid the worst financial crisis since the 1930s. If we consider the disaster he inherited and the determination of the Republicans in Congress to ensure he would fail, his record is clearly successful. This does not mean it is perfect. Nor does it mean the US confronts few economic challenges. Neither statement would be close to correct. Yet it does mean he has laid a strong foundation....

Meanwhile, Republicans decried the fiscal stimulus, complaining about the huge fiscal deficits caused by the crisis....

In all, the administration rescued the US economy and bequeathed a sound foundation for its successor to build on. But it made a big mistake: it did not go all out to punish those whose malfeasance and irresponsibility blew up the financial system and economy. This sense of injustice is one reason why the US has elected the wrecking crew that is about to take office. Mr Obama could not channel rage. Mr Trump, alas, can."

Feodor said...

The Republican Party is more than embarrassing. At it's head it's perverse. It's legislators are corrupt. And it's defenders are tearing down America's best gifts.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing."

Trump: "... the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters - worst in History!"

Trump's lawyer: "President Donald Trump's personal attorney, John Dowd, claims the President cannot be guilty of obstructing justice.."

"The White House's chief lawyer told President Donald Trump in January he believed then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled the FBI and lied to Vice President Mike Pence and should be fired, a source familiar with the matter said Monday. The description of the conversation raises new questions about what Trump knew about Flynn's situation when he urged then-FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn"

Feodor said...

Craig was asking about John Conyers.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called the allegations against Conyers "serious, disappointing and very credible" when she called on him to step down two weeks ago. York Rep. Kathleen Rice was the first Democratic representative to call for Conyers' resignation. Several Congressional Black Caucus members acted to get John Conyers to resign.

Today, John Conyers resigned.

Alabama Republican women on Roy Moore?

“A spokeswoman for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore defended the Republican against allegations of sexual misconduct by saying “there’s a group of non-accusers,” as well.
Discussing the multiple allegations against Moore, Jane Porter told CNN’s Poppy Harlow “we need to make it clear, there’s a group of non-accusers, that have not accused the judge of anything illegal.” 

Immoral. Much less sanctimonious hypocrisy.

Feodor said...

And of course the Predator in Chief has endorsed an accused pedophile for a Senate seat.

Craig said...

Way to decisively jump in on my Conyers comment, and so promptly too. Way to man up and take a stand. Even now the Feo and Dan’s of the world can’t be bothered to actually specifically condemn Conyers, just to note that others do. All the while ignoring the use of taxpayer $ to pay off the victims.

Craig said...

And the plagiarism of the Facebook cartoon, well done.

Marshal Art said...


Neither feo nor Dan are truly concerned about any girls from 40 yrs. ago. They are only concerned with posturing. Like so many, they've jumped on this Moore thing as a way to disparage opponents of their leftist immorality. feo doesn't care that women from that same period have spoken well of Moore's character, that most of the women dug up for the purpose of demonizing Moore have stated he behaved honorably or that questions about the character of the worst accusers should, if feo was an honest man and a true Christian, at least temper his opinion. But no, he, and Dan as well, prefer to shout "PEDOPHILE", knowing full well being the intelligent and informed adults they are, is a wholly inappropriate and totally inaccurate word to use against Moore...even if the worst accusations are true.

But truth doesn’t matter to these two when dealing with those of opposing positions. That's because they continue to find that truth doesn’t support their's.

Feodor said...

The Democrats took care of Conyers in two weeks. I’m proud of that.

Trump has been in office eleven months.

And now the accused Predator has endorsed an accused pedophile four weeks after six women accused him and a whole community of security, police, and judges admitting being worried about he was doing and may have done for years.

And the Republican apartheid is now pouring money into his campaign.


And the two of you filling the internet with lies are disgusting.

I hope Leigh Corfman and the others win justice.

That’s her name, Marshall. The one who was touched through her panties when she was 14.

The one you’re selling down the river asshole.

Marshal Art said...

The Dems were aware of Conyers' behavior for most of his time in office, you lying sack of feodor. And you're "proud" it took the Dems the last two weeks AFTER women came out publicly?? You're a pip.

Trump has been in office 11 months with no such behavior reported.

And still liars like you accuse a man improperly of pedophilia when the allegations against him...even if true...don't warrant it, simply because it sounds worse than what the allegations trult imply...that he sought from among the youngest women over the age of consent a wife. There were no formal complaints against Moore ever. Political mudslinging is not evidence of wrongdoing.

When you can prove any lues I've put forth on this matter, it'll be a first for you.

Even Corfman acknowledged that when she said "no", Moore immediately stopped his courting. And when will you provide evidence he knew she was illegal, anyway? Explain how YOU can tell by looking when a girl is legal or not.

You're an invetrate liar.

Feodor said...

Rumors are not accusations you prevaricating sanctimonious shithead. Precisely why the Moore’s Alabama community could not act with determination nation.

Until now.

No one blames the community beforehand. But now that accusersxhave come forward, what the community DID know becomes corrobotlrative.

But so know you can’t follow mature ethics. You can’t even spell ethics.

And now we find out that not much of Alabama has changed. Only the name of the Party. The Dems shook loose from vile racism. The Reoubkicans revel in it.

“The Democratic State Executive Committee met in Montgomery on April 19 for the purpose of getting reports from the field and to brief candidates for delegates to the proposed convention. Emmet O’Neal, later to become governor of the state, stated that ‘the paramount purpose of the constitutional convention is to lay deep and strong and permanent in the fundamental law of the State the foundation of white supremacy forever in Alabama, and that we ought to go before the people on that issue and not suggest other questions on which we differ.’

Candidate Thomas J. Long, from Walker County, reminded his fellow candidates that ‘the way to win the fight is to go to the mountain counties and talk white supremacy ... I don’t believe it is good policy to go up in the hills and tell them that Booker Washington or Councill or anybody else is allowed to vote because they are educated. The minute you do that every white man who is not educated is disfranchised on the same proposition.”

What an embarrassing piece of shit you are.

Marshal Art said...

Conyers' behavior was not mere rumor. It was common knowledge. The only aspect of the Moore situation that was at all commonly known was his search for a wife from among young women. Only the feodors of the time were hoping to smear him with rumor and innuendo.

As it stands, there is only one woman with a story of any concern, due to her age at the time. I've yet to hear if her stating that Moore was well aware of her age at the time. I've yet to hear from non-Christian reprobates like you of a foolproof means by which you can guarantee by just looking exactly how old a girl is.

As to the test, it seems you can't rest knowing that your racism can't be successfully projected onto those upon whom you wish to rain down the charge. That's so sad and pathetic, yet so you.

Feodor said...

Your little squirrel wheel driven mind has to spin faster than ever to keep making up your twisted, sanctimonious lies.

Non disclosure agreement. That means the truth is not disclosed. That means no one can talk about it. THAT means nothing is known. The very problem with the Congressional payouts.


Marshal Art said...

Nice try, loser.

"Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” veteran broadcaster Cokie Roberts said something that, if true, means the Washington press corps covered for Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has recently been accused of being a sexual predator. Regarding Conyers, Roberts said, “Don’t get in the elevator with him, you know, and the whole— every female in the press corps knew that, right, don’t get in the elevator with him. Now people are saying it out loud. And I think that does make a difference.”"

Clearly your superior intellect can't grasp the concept of "common knowledge". You're uncommonly stupid.

Feodor said...


What reporters report is common knowledge. What they hide cannot become common knowledge.. 😂😂😂

You’re such a fool.

Feodor said...

Ai Franken resigns tomorow.

Trump? Still there. Roy a Moore? Still endorsed and defended.

The Republicans are showing the world Hillary was right: you are so deplorable.

Craig said...

Franken and Conyers both resign and Feo, can’t/won’t condemn their actions in the same way and using the same language as he uses to condemn Trump’s words. Interesting.

Craig said...

Before you even start, I already said I think Moore should drop out and I said early and often that Trump should have dropped out during the campaign. I’ve also said I think it would be fine if Trump resigns.

It’s calked being consistent.

Of course, Franken resigning is a win for the DFL.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

Let me put Craig at ease. If Trump resigns/retires in the face of his own bragging about sexually assaulting women and his accusers, I’ll stop condemning him.

Lkewise, if Mr Moore withdraws, I’ll stop condemning him.

They will have paid the appropriate political cost that Mr Conyers and Mr Franken have paid - mostly because Democrats said they must. As for personal justice for the women, I’ll hope they find it. In all cases.

Craig finds himself in the twisted moral position of equating two people who have accepted the calls to remove themselves with two people who refuse. Who deserves condemnation? Those who accept consequences or those who do not? But of course, Craig can’t find any contempt for any behavior. Moral truths are not his thing. Just legalistic. Sick in the head.

Neither does Craig seem to indicate the sicker charge of assaulting children. He’s not alone, of course; Republicans all over have justified touching minors through panties and bras. “I’d be fine if he drops out,” Craig says. An apathy that erases all meaning of condemnation he wants to find on other’s lips. (“1000,000 Americans killed by guns? Well... that’s freedom. 1,000 killed by Muslim terrorists?! Where are the laws to BAN ALL MUSLIMS!!!)

Which political party has at least some moral backbone... and which is funding a pedophile? Craig clearly belongs in the latter. Sick in the head.

Craig said...

Fei, your silence on the two Conyers, and Franken, regarding acts committed more recently than those Trump and Moore are accused of, acts committed while they held political office, and which (in Conyers case) involve using taxpayer funds to cover up speaks more loudly and elequently than any vitriol you unleash at Trump and Moore. Your need to malign and denigrate others who don’t tie your line certainly has the appearance of a sickness in the head.

I’ve been clear, Trump and Moore should resign and drop out respectively. If only you’d have not chosen to wait before jumping on the bandwagon.

Yes, please keep making crap up about my position, it must make your life easier.

Marshal Art said...

This is just another opinion that demonstrates what honest and thoughtful people do when confronted with allegations of misconduct 40 years in the past. It directs its attention to the notion that the testimonies are "credible", a word I've heard conservative commentators use as well to support their opinion that Moore should step aside. It's the type of thoughtfulness and objectivity of which feo is both incapable of executing and unwilling to attempt due to the person being accused.

It should be noted that these types of articles do not mean I have a firm opinion on the guilt or innocence of Moore, though I do doubt the stories for the reasons expressed in them. I'm an innocent-until-proven-guilty kind of guy and don't believe that before guilt is established that one is in any way obliged to alter their plans as if their innocence is required by them to confirm.

"Which political party has at least some moral backbone"

These days, neither. The problem for me is that the GOP should know better, likely does, but no longer has too many members with the courage to stand firmly for morality. But the Dems have no conscience, no honor and thus backbone isn't needed for standing up for a perverted, corrupted morality that is no more than simply a rejection of morality in favor of self-serving BS. feo is a proponent of redefining morality for convenience.

"and which is funding a pedophile?"

Clearly, that would be the Dems, as they have been supporting Bob Menendez for some time. Moore is not a pedophile, even if the allegations of what happened to one woman when she was 14 yrs old is actually true, which is in doubt. But then, feo doesn't care about definitions when using the worst words possible to assault an ideological opponent is easier. Because feo's a liar. Lying is what false priests do.

Feodor said...

Wow! Is “Marshall” a nom de plume for Roy Moore?!

“At Moore’s Florence rally, the former judge outlined all the wrongs he sees in Washington and “spiritual wickedness in high places.” He warned of “the awful calamity of abortion and sodomy and perverse behavior and murders and shootings and road rage” as “a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins.”

In response to a question from one of the only African Americans in the audience — who asked when Moore thought America was last “great” -- Moore acknowledged the nation’s history of racial divisions, but said: “I think it was great at the time when families were united -- even though we had slavery -- they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”

Marshal Art said...

feo once again changes the subject for lack of a substantive argument. He also again fails to attribute his copied and pasted quote, expecting readers to simply take his woefully insufficient word that it is accurate, in context and not lacking in details that would expose feo's "intellect" and black heart.... (just kidding---feo is without heart). I've no doubt the false priest of Satan depends on the time constraints and/or lack of desire on the part of his opponents to take the time to do what simple courtesy would have provided. As such, his last comments stand as just another lie. He has shown that his own word nor his favorite sources can be trusted.

Feodor said...

"Moore is not a pedophile, even if the allegations of what happened to one woman when she was 14 yrs old is actually true..."

Marshall prefers "and one party funding a sex assaulter of minors."

Because he sees nothing wrong with that. Sick in the head.

He also prefers lying.

"Three Dominican women were paid to lie about having sex for money with Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and a close friend, Dominican police said Monday, citing statements from the women and other evidence.

At a news conference in the Dominican Republic, National Police spokesman Maximo Baez Aybar said authorities had determined that the women were paid hundreds of dollars by a local lawyer to make the false claims in videotaped interviews. The women said the lawyer coached them on what to say in their recorded statements, taped in a Dominican shopping mall in La Romana province."

Marshal Art said...

One more time, false priest...find the testimony from the woman insisting that Moore was totally aware of her age. Provide something that confirms Moore knew from the start...hell, that he so much as suspected that the chick was only fourteen but hit on her anyway. I'll wait here while you fail to come across with such proof. Any girl over the legal age is not a minor, and no "assaulting minors" exists. If you're so desperate as to pretend it's impossible for an underage girl to look older, then you're simply confirming what a liar you are. And of course this all requires that it actually happened, which is in doubt.

As to Menendez, I have absolutely no reason to question the testimony of one of the most corrupt law enforcement organizations in the world.

Craig said...

Interesting that one of Moore’s accusers is admitting that she doctored the yearbook she offered as proof of her claim. Moore’s not exonerated yet, but it does raise questions for those with open minds.

Personally, I still think he have a better chance to fight this if he dropped out, but it’ll be amusing to listen to those invested in this try to make excuses.

Feodor said...

Craig: "I've said for years that Roy Moore should get out of the race... Wait! One of the six women added the date and place to Roy Moore's signing of her yearbook?! WE GOT TO ELECT THIS GUY!!!"

Such is the depth and commitment of Craig to ethics and morality... much less his servile sycophancy to Fox news that used the verb, "forged" for her added notes.

And Marshall whiffs on the fact that signing a yearbook indicates knowledge of her year in high school. Marshall wants to think she's a 20 year old sophomore because he's THAT twisted.

Both of you... sick in the head.

Feodor said...

And of course both of you gloss over Mr Moore's belief that America was last great when we had slavery.

Feodor said...

Is the Republican Party embarrassing? No. It's reprehensible.

Executive Predator: Trump
Judicial Predator: Thomas
Legislative Predator: Moore?

THE Unholy Trinity

Craig said...

Wow, your willingness to simply make crap up out of whole cloth in order to protect your delicate psyche is almost as impressive as your ability to read minds.

The executive predator (while in office) Clinton
The legislative predators (while in office) Kennedy, Weiner, Franken, Conyers
Actual judicial predator Samuel Kent

Had to dig to find a judge who was actually a sexual predator.

I’ll grant that you and unholy are clearly well acquainted.

Feodor said...

I don’t have to dig. Anita Hill makes it clear. Predictably, you don’t get it.

Sick in the head.

Feodor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feodor said...

Clinton was impeached. Weiner’s in jail. Conyers is gone and Franken’s leaving.

Let’s impeach Trump, lock him up for a couple of years, and then make him leave across the border with Mexico.

Craig said...

Go right ahead and impeach Trump. Just as long as you keep making crap up.

I’m old an my memory isn’t as good as it used to be, but when was Thomas indicted or convicted of a crime? Or do you just uncritically believe accusations against those you politically oppose.

Craig said...

I’m also a little fuzzy on how impeachment works when you want to impeach for something that allegedly happened long before Trump was elected.

Feodor said...

You mean like when your investigation mandate comes up empty with no corrupt real estate deals so you decide to go with a soiled dress?

Consensual oral sex vs being a Predator.

Your equivalency shows how sick in the head you are.

Feodor said...

And frankly, I take pride that Democrats are better in this than twenty years ago.

Whereas Republicans miss the Jim Crow 50s when white men were men and whites women were disposal.

Craig said...

Because sex between the POTUS and an intern isn’t in any possible way coercive.

Oh, you mean back before the GOP provided the votes to pass civil rights legislation and overturn the Jim Crow system imposed by the Democratic Party.

I love how y’all keep making excuses for Clinton.

Feodor said...

One party is exhibiting moral backbone... and one party is funding an accused predator for the Senate and excusing another occupying the White House.

And you want to buy any info that covers up the facts.

Sick in the head.

Craig said...

I’m all for uncovering the facts. Please do so. Maybe that makes more sense than attacking and drawing conclusions based solely on allegations and claims.

By all means, let’s see some incontrovertible facts.

Marshal Art said...

I do not recommend holding one's breath whilst awaiting facts from feo.

"I don’t have to dig. Anita Hill makes it clear. Predictably, you don’t get it."

No. You don't have to dig, feo. You just reach behind you and grab whatever falls out your backside.

"And Marshall whiffs on the fact that signing a yearbook indicates knowledge of her year in high school. Marshall wants to think she's a 20 year old sophomore because he's THAT twisted."

feo whiffs on the fact that signing a yearbook doesn't mean one "knows" the yearbook owner, especially from 40 years ago. Kids collect signatures on their yearbook the way they collect friends on their Facebook pages. Other kids sign any yearbook held in front of them. It means very little as evidence of a close relationship, but feo doesn't need anything actually substantial to indict those he doesn't like. It's how false priests roll.

As to the "20 year old sophomore" bit, I have no idea what feo thinks he's saying there.

Feodor said...

FOX: “Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate.."

Craig: "Interesting that one of Moore’s accusers is admitting that she doctored the yearbook she offered as proof of her claim. Moore’s not exonerated yet, but it does raise questions for those with open minds." [Yes, Craig said "open minds"!

Craig: "I’m all for uncovering the facts."

FOX: "Fox News has since updated the story with a note at the bottom of the piece while removing any references to “forgery” in it."

Craig: [Put your retraction right here.[

Craig said...

Thanks for demonstrating so well how uninterested you are in reality.

Feodor said...

Your claim that you respect facts has unraveled. In just 24 hours.

Craig said...

Not at all. I never claimed forgery, my original point still stands despite you attempts to assert that I said something I didn’t. How about this, let’s submit the yearbook to a couple of handwriting experts and see who wrote what. Seems like if they were confident they would have done this earlier. The fact that they didn’t do so, makes reasonable people question both credibility and motivation. The fact that they still haven’t, really raises questions about why not.

Feodor said...

It's not news that you three have long been corrupt reactionary evangelicals who cannot stand the loss of white male privilege. I confess I am a bit stunned that you engage at such length with prevaricating, self-deluding rhetoric to defend the appropriateness of voting for an accused pedophile and ignoring the dozen accusers of a Predator President.

The gospel of Jesus Christ, much less prophetic witness of the Hebrew Bible forgives and restores the penitent. And I can't think of any example who volunteered their sins. King David for his collusion in murder and adultery, James and John for their power grab, Peter for his denials, Thomas for his doubting. Like Franken, they were caught. And took the heat. In relation to people like this, we are all sinners and have fallen short and that's exactly what confession is for.

But the three of you celebrate those who refuse the accusations, those who deny the accusations, even those like Moore's lawyers and most of the White House staff and FOX entertainment who try to defame the accusers by manufacturing lies.

None of you have ever shown you've gotten the good news of Jesus Christ. But to defend the fitness for public service of Moore and Trump is like defending Judas. All of you have the kind of faith that is a kiss on the cheek of Jesus... in betrayal.

You're all sick in the head.

Craig said...

Free psychoanalysis, judgement regarding spiritual condition, and imputation of motives all wrapped in the brightly colored paper of self righteousness and falsehood.

The tendency you and Dan share of making things up and of arguing against your made under version of things is interesting and possibly indicative of your being sick in the head or just a general desire to avoid reality.

Well done.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


There is no such thing as “white male privilege.” That’s a concept developed by black and LEFTIST racism.

No one running for office has been accused of being a pedophile (you keep using that word-I don’t think it means what you think it means). And the President has not been a predator (he may have prior to being the President). In his past he may or may not have been, but accusations coming forward are at least a decade old and in one case almost 4 decades old. So what? It has nothing to do with him now.

You, being a wicked person, have no right to cite Scripture (Ps. 50:16-20)

You keep demanding that we accept accusations against someone without factual evidence. We wait for the proof of guilt. It has been proven over and over that Moore’s accusers are the ones telling lies (e.g. the recanting of the comments in the year book).

We DO know the good news of the REAL Jesus Christ, while you continue worshiping yourself and a Jesus of your own invention.

You are an evil person.

Feodor said...

Craig, Dan and I, and millions of decent people everywhere are clear that when ten women, 10, accuse a man of assault, and his own community had qualms and suspicions and strategies regarding his unseemly obsessions with teens, that such a man cannot serbecas a public servant. He is allowed to go on with his life but cannot serve in the Senate.

You’re the one who constantly, and creatively with lies and doctoring the facts, finds cracks through which you would allow such a man to serve. You are careful to keep your hands ckean, you think, by not endorsing him yourself. But that is just another veiled way, if only to your own conscience, you enable the dissolution of the public good.

You make your bed with a man who fantasizes about the beauty of living with slavery, and a people who have sold all good and the country for revenge.

You are disgusting. And salvaginle only if you heal the sickness in your head.

Feodor said...

And fake Hibernian, judgment is coming for you. All you are is sand on the sandals I walk in. A shake, a wash, and you go home down the drain that is your mind.

Marshal Art said...

Why should anyone NOT refuse accusations if the accusations are not true? How does an arrogant, false priest determine the truthfulness of allegations by someone the false priest does not know against a person the false priest also does not know?

Why should I feel any guilt for being white just because feo is a self-loathing feo Dolezal?

Where is the prevaricating in relating what news reports state with regard to the credibility of the three accusers of Roy Moore?

Quite frankly, I believe both Moore and Trump have demonstrated their fitness to serve quite well. Moore continued to get re-elected for the bench. While I'm not pleased with every detail of Trump's moves as president, I think an easy case can be made that he's no worse that 50/50 in those with which I agree or disagree. feo and Dan haven't the honesty to acknowledge the good he's done, nor the intelligence to recognize it.

One thing they're both really good at, however, is to demonize and attack those who stand in opposition to their agenda.

Craig said...

I’d point out the subtle nuance which makes Feo’s including me with his and Dan’s rabid anti Trump/Moore rantings, but it would be a waste of time. Subtly, nuance, and accurately presenting the views of others are not high on Feo’s agenda.

Marshal Art said...


I only have time to respond to one of your lies from your last lie-filled comment:

There are only THREE women who have made a claim that could be termed an assault, and none of them reach high levels on the credibility meter. It is for this reason that actual honest people continue to withhold judgement and not for any particular fondness for Moore specifically. We simply don't hang people for weak allegations about something that supposedly happened 40 yrs ago.

Feodor said...

“The congresswoman asked the Senate Sergeant at Arms in a letter on Monday to “take steps to prepare the Page Program for the possible election of Roy Moore,” the Alabama Republican accused of pursuing sexual relationships with girls as young as 14. The 30 Senate pages, who are essentially interns, are mostly rising high school juniors and seniors, some as young as 16.
“I write you today to share my urgent concern regarding the threat to the safety of the young men and women working in the United States Senate Page Program if Roy Moore becomes the U.S. senator to Alabama,” Rep. Moore wrote.“

Marshal Art said...

Another quote without source attribution, thus another lie for the time being. Try again using a link or it's worthless, because you are a false priest and have no credibility here.

In the meantime, the quote is rife with falsehood as well. All indications, aside from the THREE who claimed imprpriety, are that Moore was NOT pursuing sexual relationships, but rather was pursuing a wife.

Feodor said...

Craig, Pilate tried to wash his hands clean, too. You’re foolin’ yourself.

Craig said...

Great, cryptic nonsense. I knew that subtlety and nuance would slip right past you, that’s why I didn’t waste my time.

Feodor said...

The Republican Party is disgusting.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo's link only shows that the Republicans punish the misdeeds of their people, while the Democrats whitewash them. Obama should have been charged with treason at the very least, and the whole "fast and furious" fiasco definitely should have had some criminal charges. Killary should have had all sorts of criminal charges. So many illegal activities with Democrats yet they cover them up, etc. Yep, Democrats don't respect the rule of law or they'd have MORE criminal charges than that chart shows for Republicans (although I doubt the veracity of that chart).

Feodor said...

The Republican Party just embarasssd itself out of a Red state Senate seat.

Black folks, conservative southern black folks, not big supporters of abortion or gay rights, are honorable people and did the honorable thing, because they can hold two thoughts in their head at the same time: conservative family values but cannot vote for an accused pedophile racist. They turned out in record numbers for decency.

But the three of you, sick in the head, betrayers of the faith that only your lips can hold, Marshall the head of the Sanhedrin, Craig as Pilate, and Glenn the sycophant fool, are all enablers.

The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

Marshal Art said...

feo doing the Happy Dance. What a surprise.

Moore was only accused of racism and/pedophlia by liars...otherwise known as Democrats, leftists and low intellect, false feo. Given their influence, I would not get the vapors were I to learn that record turnout included Democrat voter fraud. It's how they roll.

The last news report I heard stated that with 98% of the precincts reporting, they were calling the race for Jones, who at the time of the report led by less than a percentage point. Not surprisingly, earlier they said the race was too close to call while Moore led by 3-4 points. Gotta love that fair and balanced leftist media!

Feodor said...

Boy, you are one determined fool.

1. FOX called it before CNN.
2. Unlike you they can count. With 98% in, they knew how many votes were left uncounted and where the counties were that hadn’t turned in all their votes: the Democratic dominated cities. There were simply not the votes out there for Moore to close the gap.

Over 70% of eligible black voters showed up. An unheard of number in an off cycle election. 56% fewer white voters showed up than at last year’s election. They stayed home.

Black folks have long experience with people like you trying to turn lies into righteousness. They werent going to stand for such vile behavior.

Craig said...

One would hope that African Americans would always reject voting for people who want to turn lies into righteousness. As should all voters.

Feodor said...

Sadly, tragically, there seems to be a huge difference. Black women voted for Jones/against Moore at 98%. Black men at 93%.

Whereas 66% of white women voted for Moore and 74% of white men.

Black folks, having suffered and survived centuries of white corruption of righteousness with brutality and lies, and still facing the same in white dominated systems of public life, have so much experience in hatred and oppression that they are exceptionally clear eyed. Certainly much more so than white people, the manufacturer of, and passers on, of the myths and lies that prop up our society’s brutality.

Marshal Art said...

"Over 70% of eligible black voters showed up. An unheard of number in an off cycle election"

Why is that "unheard of" do you suppose? Are you saying that black people don't care?

If black folks were truly clear eyed, they'd never have voted for Obama in such overwhelming numbers. It's not like his "record", such as it was, was impossible to research. The guy was an empty suit who they chose to put into office anyway. That was no indication of clear-eyed response whatsoever. I've heard of quite a few who are now clear-eyed as a result of having been sucked into supporting that loser.

YOU, feo Dolezal, are an example of the very white people who are manufacturing and perpetuating myths and lies that have done such great harm to the black population in this country. But you're too stupid realize it and too great a liar to admit it if you do. You can't point to one lie that someone like me either manufactured or passed on that has harmed the black race. Go ahead, feo-for-brains. Give your laughably best shot.

Craig said...

I could only wish that African American voters here in the people’s republic were as enlightened as those in AL. To think that they have suffered under oppressive, racist systems for decades. Been forced into school districts which spend lavishly per student but see dismal results. To watch the leaders of the police department and the legal system sanction the murder of innocent black men.

God willing, we’ll see something similar up here.

Marshal Art said...

The following pile of feo showed up in my email inbox, but for some reason didn't post here. But it's just too precious not to share, so:


You want to move on, Marshall, from your liberal media/fraud lie? Ok, first, 70% of any voting eligible group showing up at an off cycle special election is unprecedented. Black folks were determined to not let vile pass this year, and unlike yourself: sincomgortsble with the sick and vile.

Second. ������, you lied about black peoples just two sentences before you claimed you’ve never lied about black people. Mr Obama’s job approval rating at the end of his Presidency was the highest of any year end rating of his eight years. And black folks were, once again as every year, giving him mid-80s approval. Again, unprecedented. No decline. There’s your lie right there. You unconsciously lie about black people so much you can do it and with your very next breath deny ever having done it!������.

And then there’s this: “ The turnout rate of black voters surpassed the rate for whites for the first time on record in 2012, as more black voters went to the polls than in 2008 and fewer whites did, according to a Census Bureau report released Wednesday.... According to the Census report, 66.2 percent of eligible blacks voted in the 2012 election, compared with 64.1 percent of eligible non-Hispanic whites. An estimated two million fewer white Americans voted in 2012 than in 2008, just as about 1.8 million more blacks went to the polls, more than 90 percent of them voting to re-elect President Obama, exit polls showed.“

Gotta run out for some errands. Can't wait to address this slop.

Feodor said...

You want to move on, Marshall, from your liberal media/fraud lie? Ok, first, 70% of any voting eligible group showing up at an off cycle special election is unprecedented. Black folks were determined to not let vile pass this year, and unlike yourself: sincomgortsble with the sick and vile.

Second. 😂😂😂, you lied about black peoples just two sentences before you claimed you’ve never lied about black people. Mr Obama’s job approval rating at the end of his Presidency was the highest of any year end rating of his eight years. And black folks were, once again as every year, giving him mid-80s approval. Again, unprecedented. No decline. There’s your lie right there. You unconsciously lie about black people so much you can do it and with your very next breath deny ever having done it!😂😂😂.

And then there’s this: “ The turnout rate of black voters surpassed the rate for whites for the first time on record in 2012, as more black voters went to the polls than in 2008 and fewer whites did, according to a Census Bureau report released Wednesday.... According to the Census report, 66.2 percent of eligible blacks voted in the 2012 election, compared with 64.1 percent of eligible non-Hispanic whites. An estimated two million fewer white Americans voted in 2012 than in 2008, just as about 1.8 million more blacks went to the polls, more than 90 percent of them voting to re-elect President Obama, exit polls showed.“

Feodor said...

Black women are the only group of people who virtually in their entirety still believe in the American experiment.

In defiance of history, in defiance of continuing systemic oppression, in defiance of full respect... in the full face of weekly disrespect from white men and white women and others, black women as a whole still believe in and work for better days.

Today, they are, as my wife says, superhuman.

Marshal Art said...

"You want to move on, Marshall, from your liberal media/fraud lie?"

I've made no such lie.

"70% of any voting eligible group showing up at an off cycle special election is unprecedented."

Wow. What a freakin' newsflash. How long did it take you to dig up this incredibly obvious factoid? Overall voter turnout in this nation has sucked for some time.

"Black folks were determined to not let vile pass this year"

Yet, they elected a guy who supports the unjustified killing of unborn human beings and the sexual perversion of homosexuality and all other variants of it found within the LGBT community. Honest and moral people would refer to that as "vile". What you reference is the unconfirmed allegations against Roy Moore...a guy you, in your false priest, fake-Christian hate call a "pedophile" despite no allegations of any kind that he has any interest whatsoever in prepubescent children. Are you saying black folks are liars like you?

" lied about black peoples just two sentences before you claimed you’ve never lied about black people."

Yet you fail to point out (as in, "copy/paste") what that lie is and why it is indeed a lie.

" Mr Obama’s job approval rating at the end of his Presidency was the highest of any year end rating of his eight years."

And that's much more a mystery, if not an indictment of their general intelligence, than was there initial support of a guy with no track record to justify it. All sorts of black sources, from conservative Larry Elder to liberal Tavis Smiley to black news sites have recognized and documented how Obama failed the black community. How Obama's approval ratings among the black community can be above 10% much less as high as 80% can only be racially based, just as the turnout by the black community to elect him was. At least one can understand the turnout in 2008, even if the candidate was unqualified. But after the fact approval? You can't explain it without lying and fiction.


Marshal Art said...

At the same time, how is that approval rating not 100% if that 20% does not represent at least some former supporters who are no disillusioned? Even a fake intellectual like yourself must know that 80% is not absolutely everyone.

It would be difficult to make the case that Hillary was not simply a continuation of Obama had she won the presidency. But as article shows, the more educated black people were less enamored with another four to eight years of that hope and change. That's called "disillusionment".

As to turnout, it's no surprise that black voter turnout was greater. In both 2008 and 2012, the emotion behind that turnout...the first black president...does not surprise in the least. On the white side of the scale, few were impressed with McCain OR Romney enough to generate the same level of emotion. Worse, those whites who voted Obama were even more depressing to thoughtful, engaged right-wing voters than any number of blacks who were geeked about a first black president. As I said, no one, even actual racists, were surprised that Obama would provoke greater percentages of black voters to show up.

However. Once you get a change of pants, even you have to acknowledge that voter turnout the second time around for blacks was less than 2008. Why? Disillusionment. The main factor motivating black voters in 2012 was to preserve the presidency for the first black president, more than any recognition of legitimate achievement by the buffoon. I get that, too. I don't approve, given what a bad president he was, but I get it.

As to this:

"Black women are the only group of people who virtually in their entirety still believe in the American experiment."

Baseless opinion is worthless. You have no possible way of supporting this claptrap. It's just another manifestation of your Dolezal self-image due to your self-loathing white guilt. And I get that, too. You're so very worthy of loathing you can't help but loath yourself, too.

Feodor said...

Here’s a way out of the hell you guys are in; donate to either of these organizations for the holidays - and then keep it up for years:

Marshal Art said...

Not in hell, except the hell that is my blog, made so by the presence of lying racists like feodor Dolezal, the self-loathing white boy with the imaginary black wife, for whom for whom false allegations stand in for thoughtful arguments.

I choose to donate to causes that do not discriminate on the basis of skin color. But that's just me.

Feodor said...

Marshall is sputtering, overcome by the green eyed monster.

Craig said...

I’m sure it’s that he’s amazed that you have a buy your way out of hell scheme. Perhaps you have some leftover indulgences for sale as well.

Feodor said...

Helping educate underserved girls isn’t exactly lining Rome with gold. Except to idiots like you.

Craig said...

Wow, all I have to do to stay out of hell is educate young girls, cool. Does that apply to any young girls? Or only certain types of young girls? Why does this get out of hell free deal discriminate against young boys? What about young boys that identify as girls?

Marshal Art said...

What about young white boys like feo who identify as young black girls?

Feodor said...

It’s great that you indicate the possibility for your own change, Craig, and seek more options to help. Here’s a group that is not ethnic specific or gender specific or sexual orientation specific. A great group with great outcome.

Feodor said...

And for you, Marshall, a real way out of the hell that is your heart; named after a poet no less (how paradoxical)

Craig said...

I guess my donations and commitment to a locally based organization that works with at risk youth and doesn’t discriminate won’t buy me out of hell, only donations to Feo approved groups will.

Feodor said...

And which organizations are those?

Marshal Art said...

I'd love for feo Dolezal to explain just how donating to an organization that promotes abomination is a way out of hell as opposed to a direct path to it. It just stands as more evidence that feo is no Christian, but merely the false priest his comments at this blog have proven him to be.

Feodor said...

Marshall, you seem to have a problem admiring, even adoring non-White people. Not very christian at all. In fact, it’s opposite.

Craig said...

It’s local, and non discriminatory. I’m guessing you’re unaware of it. It’s called Treehouse. It’s not discriminatory, not liberal, and explicitly Christian, I’m guessing you’d have a problem with them.

Personally, since all people are created in, and bear the image of God I see no reason to single out members of particular demographic groups for special admiration or adoration. But I’m not warped by indentity politics.

Feodor said...

Because you have not been warped into the full truth by scripture. Behold, according to Craig, God discriminates in favor of the foreigner, the widow, the orphan, thr imprisoned....

... and the abused (abused by gun violence, by the police, by sexual asssulters of all kinds... and by small hearted Christians who do the least they can in safe little worlds if their own mostly to salve their conscience.):

“Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

“God ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.”

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”

“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Marshal Art said...

"Marshall, you seem to have a problem admiring, even adoring non-White people."

Rachel. You seem to enjoy saying crap like this but routinely fail to prove it's even slightly true. Since it isn't, I don't blame you for not trying. I forgive you for lying and just wish you would stop. I don't expect you ever will. As to what might be Christian or not, you clearly aren't capable of knowing.

Feodor said...

Marshall, why do you deny what you do: you mock my adulation of nonwhite people.

Unchristian in the extreme.

Marshal Art said...

Wow, Dolezal. You're pathetic. I mock YOU, directly and unapologetically. Sure...not a very Christian thing to do. But you demand it. How arrogant to presume that you couldn't possibly be mocked, but that I'm mocking something else. You try so hard to present yourself as something you clearly are not. It is that which I mock and so long as you continue to perpetuate this nonsense...and your SELF-adulation is truly nonsensical given how idiotic your comments consistently are...I will likely continue to mock you. It might stop if the day should come that you choose to drop the pretense that you're (and the thought is hilarious to me) that you're actually ANYONE'S intellectual superior, and just converse like a normal person. I don't expect you ever will.

Feodor said...

I didn’t say I adore myself, now did I? You lied right there. I don’t have a problem with you trying to mock me. It always shows your underlying prejudices and corrupt hold on your professed values. But that’s not what you’re doing with the Rachel thing, now is it?. You’ve said I’m self hating because I find heroes in nonwhite people. You’re mocking the adulation of other, specifically nonwhite people.

You have a hang up, a prejudice with that: a corruption of the values that your lips spit at people.

Craig said...

Wow Feo is now pro discrimination, and all in on a wooden literal interpretation of certain scripture.

I guess someone who doesn’t fit his prejudices confuses him.

But Feo, I’ll tell the young, suburban, white guy that God just doesn’t love him that much. The one whose drug addicted mom was stabbed to death in their living room by one of her johns and he got to hold here while she bled out. It’s just to damn bad that he’s white and God and Feo feel like it’s ok to discriminate against him.

What a freakin racist you are.

Feodor said...

This is where I feel said for you, Craig. In your faith no has ever modeled for you how to read and think through scripture in order to build a theology fit for loving the world as Christ does.

Jesus healed a blind man. Jesus healed a lame man. A bleeding woman. Forgave a prostitute. You can be a great Samaritan, Glenn. Attend to and help those whose life crosses with yours.

But clearly, and the part you whiffed on, Jesus was very concerned with abuse of powers on large groups of people whom the dominant society judged and shunned or marginalized. The imprisoned and orphaned, the widowed - bereft of their status in society and ability to provide for themselves - the foreigner, so often mistreated everywhere at all times.

This, you don’t get. You are comfortable in your small, local place. But true faith and conscience calls us out of our safe places and fight for justice and love on grand scales. Deep faith understands, from the heart of love, that our society has for too long told black girls that they are not pretty and not of great value because they are black. Our society tells black boys, like Marshall thinks of black boys, that they are thugs. Both because of the color of their skin. Same, too with brown kids.

And our society is more comfortable with widowed black women, with jailed black boys (if they make it in cuffs alive), with abused black girls, with rejected foreigners.

Many things you don’t get.

Craig said...

Your bizarre attempt at psychoanalysis and incessant compulsion to draw conclusions about those you know virtually nothing about in an attempt at aggrandizing yourself demonstrates that you are 100% full of crap.

Feodor said...

Touched a nerve.

When you cannot push back on the reasoning of what you resent... well, it’s a sign.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo, You included my name in your lying socialist rant, although I think you meant to write Craig.

First, you misrepresent the theology of what Jesus did to make it about a social gospel. Second, you ASSUME we do nothing to help people we cross paths with, which just proves what an ass you are besides being a pathological liar (as proven by your claim that Art considers all young black men as thugs).

You have no reasoning, just emotionalism making false claims against people who you are unable to refute.

Feodor said...

1) right, I meant Craig.
2) wrong, re socialngospel. Jesus did what he did and said what he said. Scripture is quoted above. You have your own bogeymen in mind.
3) wrong again about assuming Craig doesn’t do anything local. He mentioned it. In fact, he did more than mention it, he raised it up as a value and inferred he has no interest in wider suffering of the world. That is where he has failed to hear the gospel call to engage faith.
4) you’re the one who has given no argument. You’d rather call, “foul! foul!”, and avoid taking on the scriptural clarity above.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The miracles Jesus did were to verify his authority and who he is. We do not have such powers. And for the vast majority of the world, we do not have the ability to reach out to any other than in our immediate locations, ergo we can have concern but that is all we can do outside our immediate areas.

You are still looking for theology in texts where they are describing what Jesus did, not what we are supposed to copy in order to be good disciples. Your whole ideology that you regularly preach is a social gospel, one that is more interested is supporting every secular perversion and the murder of the unborn all in the cause of "social justice". You are a fraud, a false christian worshipping a Christ and God of your own making. You will be held accountable on judgment day.

Feodor said...

Glenn, I am pleased to see you moving away from using jus scripture to think through faith. It’s a god liberal growth for you. Unfortunately you tried to move beyond scripture and immediately got lost. You may claim I remind you of anachronistic 1930s 1940s social gospel. But Jesus would detest your turtle shell gospel... which is no gospel at all because it is the coward’s failure to love.

Go into all the world, Jesus commanded them.
But Glenn is afraid. Afraid to have compassion. Afraid to gain understanding. Afraid to contribute. Afraid.

Do not fear, Jesus says. I am with you always. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

But Glenn can’t even try.

Marshal Art said...

"I didn’t say I adore myself, now did I?"

Yes, false priest. With pretty much every comment you've ever posted at this blog since the first time you darkened its virtual doors. You reek of it. It oozes from your every pore. Each breath you take is a desperate attempt to posture yourself as more intelligent, more insightful (very humorous if not so dysfunctional in its absurdity). In all my years I've never encountered anyone so full of himself, which in your case is the same as being full of crap.

"I don’t have a problem with you trying to mock me. It always shows your underlying prejudices and corrupt hold on your professed values."

So you desperately need to believe. Your eagerness to ascribe to others with whom you disagree all manner of corruption is just another sad attempt to lower others so as to appear higher yourself by comparison. I doubt your imaginary black wife falls for that.

"But that’s not what you’re doing with the Rachel thing, now is it?. You’ve said I’m self hating because I find heroes in nonwhite people."

Again, projecting meaning you find more appealing than the reality that is unmistakable to honest people. I've said you are a self-loathing white boy...a punk filled with white guilt...and because of that you are as Rachel Dolezal, seeing yourself as a black man filled with hate for the white race as if you're some whip-scarred slave in the cotton fields. You demand that we regard reality as YOU insist it must be, rather than how we know it is with regard to race relations in this country. But you can just pack that malarkey back up the dark, smelly orifice from which you pulled it. I don't have no truck with race-baiters like you and those from whom you get your racist views. I prefer to deal with honorable black people to whom I refer as "people".

Marshal Art said...

As to your copy/pasting of Scriptural verses, this in another example of attempting to attack as if the mere posting of these verses is a self-explanatory indictment of us. Unfortunately, you make no efforts to prove we are in any way in conflict with anything Christian. YOU, on the other hand, continue to prove you have no mature understanding of Scripture, which is what compels more mockery of you. While you cite verse to attack, you manifest your own disregard for the teachings of Christ with damn near every comment you post (I'm being gracious really do it every time).

As has been noted, none of us need YOU to tell us where our charity should be placed. If you wish to support sexual immorality by donating time and money to the promotion of abominable behavior, that's your business and more proof of your false faith. If you wish to support organizations that help only those of one race, that's more proof of your own foul racism.

"Deep faith understands, from the heart of love, that our society has for too long told black girls that they are not pretty and not of great value because they are black."

I don't know about whom you speak. I encounter dozens of hot black girls and women where I work. Those of us who are not racists like you see beauty without regard to race. We determine value of everyone by character, not skin color. Those of low character...those like you...have very little value to society, as you corrupt it with your false representations of reality, ignoring the true reasons for the struggles of those you claim to champion.

"Our society tells black boys, like Marshall thinks of black boys, that they are thugs"

Again...who the hell are you referencing? Society tells thugs they are thugs because they behave like thugs. Just as I now again tell YOU you're a false priest because you continue to speak falsely. It doesn't matter what color you are. You're a liar. It doesn't matter if a kid is black and runs with gang-bangers, he's a gang-banger and a thug because he runs with gang-banger engaging in the thug life (which far too many celebrate as a cool thing).

"And our society is more comfortable with widowed black women, with jailed black boys (if they make it in cuffs alive), with abused black girls, with rejected foreigners.

Many things you don’t get."

Here you double-down on absurdity pretending you're being honest but lying all the more. Our society is clearly NOT comfortable with widowed or divorced women of any color, nor jailed boys of any color, nor abused girls of any color. But since you insist on playing the race card, the reality, as clearly explained by many honest black people as well (Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, etc.) is that it isn't society leading to these issues so much as the choices made and not made by the "victims" themselves. The fact is that there are people of other races making and not making choices in the same way, but you only give a rat's patoot about black people, demonstrating your foul racist heart in the process.

There's little you "get", feo. You just love yourself too much to recognize it.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Again you prove to be a lying jackass. All I use for my theology is the Scripture, where you will never find your social gospel. You continue to lie about me, Craig, and Art in regards to what we do for others and in regards to what our theology is. But that is common among all false teachers and cults - lie about your enemy. I'm not afraid of anything, punk. And you prove again that you have no clue about what the Bible really says. Go back to your satanic cult.

Feodor said...

“I don’t know about whom you speak” “Again, who the hell are you referencing?”

You’ve never listened to black people, Marshall. The only option is that, miracle of miracles you have had a close relationship, then you must think they are lying about their experience growing up in white America.

The things you don’t know. And fear to know.

Feodor said...

I don’t think I’m black, Marshall. I do love more than you and am a far better thinker. Much more funk. But I’m not black. Yet.

A black man in white skin is one who takes up the cause of the ooor and dispossessed, the abused and assaulted. Like that dark skin Jesus your lips say you love but your words say different.

You’re a white man in white skin, putting your hand in with unmerited privilege and supporting brutality.

Feodor said...

“You are still looking for theology in texts where they are describing what Jesus did, not what we are supposed to copy in order to be good disciples.of your own making.”

Glenn, I’m pretty sure that the following passages speak precisely to you and me.

This one in particular pushes Craig’s discrimination buttons. James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...”

Hebrews 13:1ff “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

Psalm 82:3 “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed

Deuteronomy 10 For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Feodor said...
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Craig said...

Few, perhaps if you’d stop all the inferring and amateur psychoanalysis you’d do a better job of living in the real world.

I pointed out the locally based organization I support, to differentiate it from the random race based organizations in lord knows where that you linked to. But, your right, supporting a locally based organization as it expands regionally and nationally is certainly not in the spirit of the gospel. By all means ignore the decade plus I’ve spent working for an international housing nonprofit and the international work I’ve done. We wouldn’t want a little thing like reality to upset your carefully nurtured prejudices. Also wouldn’t want to suggest that your inferences could possibly be wrong, oh the damage that would do to your self esteem.

Craig said...

Which discrimination button are you talking about. I’m guessing that the literally hundreds of mostly black, mostly immigrant, all low income, mostly Muslim family members I’ve helped transition into home ownership over the past decade plus would gladly tell you how full of crap you are.

Marshal Art said...

"I don’t think I’m black, Marshall."

No. Of course not. Like the real Rachel Dolezal, you merely "self-identify" as black. Not surprising for a false priest.

"I do love more than you..."

Well you love yourself more than I do, that's for sure, though you have to really look past your own corruption to do so. Unfortunately it stands out like a mountain to the rest of us, so showing you no more than pity and sadness is about the best we can do. But I continue to pray for you, so that's kinda loving.

"...and am a far better thinker."

Someday you might wanna prove that. Saying so don't make it so, and dude, it ain't so. Not by a long shot. Sorry to say, that's about as humble as I can be about're that poor a thinker.

"A black man in white skin is one who takes up the cause of the ooor and dispossessed, the abused and assaulted. Like that dark skin Jesus your lips say you love but your words say different."

You're such a racist. But if you were really concerned about the poor and allegedly dispossessed, you'd address the true reasons for their plight. It ain't racism, except for the racism you express on their behalf. You express the cheap excuses of those who find it easier to use them.

"You’re a white man in white skin, putting your hand in with unmerited privilege and supporting brutality."

Ah! The "white privilege" whine! What a load of feo!

As to brutality, none are so brutal as those who defend the practice of abortion and its continued legal status. That policy kills more black people than even the Klan (your white side of the same racist coin). Some thinker you are!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You presume that none of us follow what is stated in such passages. That is where you are being a fool. You don't know us and what we do and it is none of your business. But NONE of that is a salvation issue as you try to make it out to be.

Feodor said...

0 days without embarrassment from the head of the RP.

“President Donald Trump this week boasted of delivering “F-52” jets to the Norwegian government — however, it turns out there is no such thing as an F-52.

As the Washington Post reports, F-52 jets are fictional planes that are only found in the video game “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.”

In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” Trump said this week during a press conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'm sure you never made a slip of the tongue. Fool.

Perhaps he meant F-22? Every president has made slips like that. At least Trump knows there aren't 52 states!

Feodor said...

Whereas I I am sure your lips have uttered this embarrassment of racist bigotry more than once:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump said, according to these people, referring to Honduras, Haiti, and African countries.

Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway.”

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The real story of Trumps "Sh---hole" remarks. - The real context, ya know

Feodor said...

Two days before Christmas.

"But so many foreigners had flooded into the country since January [2016], [Trump] vented to his national security team, that it was making a mockery of his pledge. Friends were calling to say he looked like a fool, Mr. Trump said.

According to six officials who attended or were briefed about the meeting, Mr. Trump then began reading aloud from the document, which his domestic policy adviser, Stephen Miller, had given him just before the meeting. The document listed how many immigrants had received visas to enter the United States in 2017...

Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there."

Feodor said...

Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of that shithole, Nazareth?

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