Sunday, December 10, 2017

An Open Letter To Dan About His Open Letter To Alabama

Dear Dan,

Having read your letter to Alabama, I felt it a better option to respond in kind here rather than at your blog.  Hence, this letter to you.  It will be pretty much the same kind of response I would post in the comments section under your nonsensical letter to Alabama, in terms of style.  That is, copying the various statements one by one with my reply following.

"We all are aware of the bitter divisions that separate this country..."

...mostly as a result of center-left forces pushing the culture toward perdition with too little resistance by the center-right.

" I was raised as an extremely conservative..."  "this former raging-conservative"

In all the years we've been going at it, you've not once demonstrated a grasp of what it means to be either a political or theological conservative.  It's just a word you throw around because you think it helps you to posture yourself as thoughtful.  You do the same with the word "progressive" (as do most who refer to themselves by this term) as if it means you're doing something or supporting something new and more beneficial. 

"If faced between what I consider two evils/two wrong/two immoral choices, I cannot and will not choose a "lesser evil.""

This is true.  You choose the greater evil every time.  If you voted for Obama, you chose the greater evil.  If you voted for Hillary or Bernie, you chose the greater evil.  Go back farther.  If you chose Al Gore or John Kerry, you chose the greater evils.

You define evil as it suits you and your posturing.  This posturing is the support of evils of the kind you refuse to recognize as evil...such as abortion or homosexual behavior, or the confiscation of the wealth of the productive to name just a few...twisting these evils to appear as "progressive" and beneficial when they neither and never have been.

" It's just saying that I can not and will not vote for a candidate that crosses certain basic lines."

As much as I detested the sophomoric braggadocio of Donald Trump, and his infidelity and alleged adultery, it is absurd to consider these wicked characteristics as so horrid as to allow either a Hillary Clinton or a Bernie Sanders to prevail, when those two presented a far greater danger to the republic.  To stand down from one's duty to country over such things and then pretend to be morally sound is no more than rank preening.  I'm not impressed in the least, but rather disgusted by its falseness.

"But perhaps the greatest problem, the most serious line that we should not cross, is the ease with which they make false claims, spread false messages and - whether or not it's their motive/intent - told lies."

This is particularly egregious given the people you do support.  Bernie Sanders is a proud socialist.  Socialism is a lie.  Obama and Hillary are a step or two away from admitting the same of themselves.  Their own lies are well documented, but you've said nothing about them.  Most of those lies are far worse than how many showed up for an inauguration, or how great one's tax plan is or any of the many insignificant things Trump has said that you add to the list as if they're akin to "if you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance" or "our people died because of a video".  The lies of Obama have helped to double the national debt. 

And then of course there are your own lies...lies that are perpetuated by other so-called "progressives" regarding the aforementioned social issues.  Your candidates spew them as a matter of party policy, and despite all evidence, you pretend they are truth and facts.

"When he says things like, “It is more likely that Doug Jones and Democrat operatives are pulling a political stunt on Twitter and alerting their friends in the media.” ...he is making a serious and, by all evidence, clearly false claim."

No.  He is suggesting a possible explanation as to why these allegations are being made at the eleventh hour of a political campaign in which he is solidly leading his opponent.  

"He is saying that they many women who now have made these claims are liars. Period."

Why wouldn't he if the allegations are untrue?  And really, he is only basically saying that the allegations are untrue.  It is YOU, with your progressive Christian "grace" that chooses to interpret his denials as accusations of lying.

"Here we have many women who have independently and, so far as anyone knows, without any influence from the Democrats or "the media," made these allegations."

And by "many" you mean "three".  Each of which have been found to be less than credible in their "recollections" after all.  (Not saying it makes their claims untrue, but far less believable--if they ever were--than when first presented.)

" But based on what?"

Maybe on the fact that none of it happened.  That would be a good basis for suspecting the claims are untrue or even outright lies.  How can it be proven one way or the other? 

"Why would they make up these stories? What do they have to gain by exposing themselves in this manner?"

Are you kiddin'?

"Look, I fully know that, in some extremely rare circumstances (and if you're not familiar, look at the research - it's a tiny minority), women have made false allegations about harassment/abuse. But these are the extreme minority."

You know nothing.

"IF you have one allegation made against you by a woman, maybe she's one of this tiny minority that have made false claims. But when you have five... eight (what is Trump up to, now, 20??)"

Three.  You have three who have alleged Moore engaged in some form of abuse or sex with a minor.  Each is suspicious for a variety of logical reasons.  But hey!  If we can up the number to 20, why not?  Right Dan?  That's called "grace", not casual lying.

"And then, when you add to that charge that these women are liars (a very serious charge!),"

More serious than charges of sexual abuse or statutory rape?  Your shock and outrage is crap.

"...a new CBS News poll found that 71 percent of Alabama Republicans say..."  "Based on what?"

Based on the low regard so many people have for the honesty and integrity of the the Democratic party and their media lapdogs.  It's a bed you people made and you refuse to sleep in it, although you must despite having peed in it.

"I would not vote for a casual liar and Trump and Moore are casual liars."

As you reiterate this incredibly principled stance, I reiterate that you instead choose more egregious liars, those who think out their lies and plan to implement policy based upon them...lies you prefer to the truth despite all facts and evidence that has already exposed them as the lies they are.  Because you're a flaming progressive and that's how you roll.

"People of Alabama, I'm asking you to not cross that line now...snip... Write in a vote. But don't cross that line."

Not that you want Jones to win, mind you.  Only that you don't want that line crossed!  Nonsense.  The support of Jones for the aforementioned social issues and other left-wing policy lies is far better for the country than to continue to vote for someone strongly believed by his supporters to be a victim of a sham.

Should the people of Alabama take you up on this suggestion, it will only lead to more right-wing candidates being accused of evil behavior anytime they have a solid lead on the lefty who opposes them.  Allegations and accusations are proof of nothing more than someone is alleging and accusing.  What is known about Jones is far more harmful to the nation than what is alleged to have happened to three young women forty years ago.

"But with Trump and Moore, we have men who, by all the data we have available, are men who've abused, mistreated, oppressed or sexually assaulted or harassed women."

But that's the thing, you more-than-casual liar.  You have no data that is stronger than allegation.  That can't be good enough for honest people.  There must be more based upon our American philosophy for judging guilt or innocence.  Your pretense of honor is not fooling anyone.

"I don't need to know anything else about the candidate or his opponent if I know he has abused/mistreated women/girls."

But YOU don't "know" anything, especially about Moore, except that you dislike his positions on your favored sexual immorality.  That's enough for you to gin up these allegations to known fact...which makes you a liar.

"When the stories about Bill Clinton came out, there were two... then three women"

More like eighteen.

"People of Alabama, the evidence against Trump and, now Moore, is greater than that against Clinton."

Bull.  There is no comparison, except for perhaps Trump and Clinton, but even then, to say it's greater requires an in depth study for another post.  Feel free to do so, but make sure you use actual evidence rather than progressive sources.

Your plea to the voters of Alabama is crap, Dan, and I'm not at all surprised by it.  Your objections to Moore have nothing to do with these allegations from forty years ago, but are simply due to his accurate understanding of Scripture on human sexuality, his reasonable concern about voting for muslims for public office in our federal government and these allegations provide you with cover to encourage his supporters to abandon him in favor of someone who supports the same lies and abominations you do.  That's no casual lie on your part.  It's far more heinous.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Dan has long been a pathological liar, so what can you expect from his open letter?

Feodor said...

1. You’ve forgotten what s letter is.
2. This is a screed, plus lies and vile posturing.
3. Thank god idiot hate like this lost in Alabama. If only by 1.5%. Shows how many sick in the head white people there are who think they prefer to live when slavery was around.

Marshal Art said...

1. You've forgotten that you're a blithering idiot who knows nothing about your opponents.

2. When you can find a lie and the spine to point it out and explain why it isn't true, it'll be a first for you. Good luck.

3. Hate is what you do, Rachel. It is the basis for all your nasty comments about...well, pretty much everyone, including those for whom you regard yourself as champion. You prove yourself a liar by trying to pretend anyone said they'd prefer to enslave anyone. But lying is what you do.

Feodor said...

Good news. Your lying, racist screeds are getting markedly shorter.

Marshal Art said...

The length of my comments is always remarkably appropriate and not in any way dependent upon or related to the lack of truth or intelligence in yours. "Good news" would be finding any of either in yours. After all this time, I've given up all hope that you'll ever include either. All those books...all that're a walking mockery and indictment of higher education.