I don't know what it is about the left. They are incredibly over-sensitive.
All sorts of stuff gets posted on Facebook. Aside from that which speaks to personal events in the lives of those on one's friends list, there are many things related to the political. One fellow seems to do nothing but post things from a conservative perspective. I often wonder where he gets it all and how much time he spends posting it. Naturally, listing hard to starboard as I do, I click the "Like" button on most of them.
But another dude posts things of a decidedly leftist nature. Some of them provoke from me a response because, being of a leftist bent, they are so stupid and false. I then go on to explain why.
This dude is someone who, for a time, was a band-mate. His regular band is one of which I am a big fan. I look forward to an opportunity to again be entertained by his band. This dude, who I'll call "Rick", since that's his name, has recently taken his leave of me, Facebook-wise, due to a particularly goofy post to which I responded. It was an idiotic quote from the idiotic Noam Chomsky. To paraphrase (since I can't seem to find the post in question for some reason), "Everyone's talking about doing something about terrorism. It's simple: don't participate in terrorism."
Yeah. That sounds profound to the left-leaning individual. Shame on those who participated in terrorism by being victims of it!
So I contributed my two cents. Such idiotic comments provoke responses from me more vitriolic than what is usual. The result? Rick was insulted. Not long after, I found I was "de-friended". That's too bad. It was very recently when we both agreed that dialogue was important, and here he is cutting it off because he felt insulted.
Insulted. The irony is strong with this one. It apparently never occurred to him that his posts might be insulting to those the memes intend to insult. One of his postings stated, "I think, therefore I am not a Republican." Yeah. Nothing insulting about that! But this is typical of the leftist, whether the leftist realizes it or not. They so often do that which they accuse the other of doing. They so often ARE what they accuse the other of being.
Most importantly, however, is the fact that the dialogue is now suspended, if not ended. Yet it remains open here, and I invite Rick, and his band-mate Jon (especially Jon) and his former band-mate Phil to feel free to respond to anything they might find provokes them to do so here. I welcome it as I always have. I sincerely hope they do. I sincerely fear they won't. It's been at least a week since I've appealed to Rick and Jon without response. Leftists always run away. (Except for Dan Trabue).
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Yep, that's happened to me quite a few times. They are rather thin-skinned. It is the result of living in a Leftist education / media / entertainment cocoon their entire lives.
I find it interesting that there is a tendency of those on the left to "de-friend" or ban for pretty amorphous reasons mainly just for disagreeing with them. But by the same token when someone on the right allows hundreds/thousands of comments, asks those on the left to engage in some degree of adherence to standards, explains why over and over again, then finally as a last resort moderates, bans, or deletes comments it's the conservative who is the bad guy.
Fortunately, I don't have those sorts of people as "Friends" of FB. However, one of my friends does have friends who are of that sort, and when a post gets shared by my friend, and I "fix" it, the ire comes out immediately. They just can't handle the truth.
Dan does run away, just not permanently. He just keeps coming back as if nothing ever happens. As far as Facebook goes, I don't have problems with what friends post so much, but family is another story. I just ignore it and really try to stay away from getting into controversy on FB. It's hard enough on blogs and e mail. FB just isn't worth it.
Some of them provoke from me a response because, being of a leftist bent, they are so stupid and false. I then go on to explain why.
Perhaps it's not so much a left/right thing as it is people don't want to have friends on facebook who act like jerks and arrogant know-it-alls? Perhaps it's your behavior, not your political stance?
I have left and right wing friends on fb. One Leftish friend of mine acts rather jerkishly when talking politics on fb to Rightish friends. He often gets unfriended. I, on the other hand, strive to be polite, while still making some of the same political points (occasionally - I'm not nearly as political on fb, it's a fun place for me, not a political one...). I don't get unfriended. Sometimes, it's all in your presentation. Not saying that's the case with you, just raising it as a possibility.
Perhaps it's your behavior, not your political stance?
Since I am Art's FB friend I can verify this is NOT the case.
Yeah, that does tell us a lot. No offense, Glenn, but you tend to come off as a bit crass, graceless and arrogant, yourself. Mr "I can't be mistaken on this..." does not leave much room for other opinions but yours and God's (but I repeat myself)
And there goes Mr. heretic Trabue again with his lying and baseless accusations.
You did say "I can't be mistaken on this point," speaking about your hunches about what God thinks about gay guys marrying. IS that false or accurate? It's true.
My point is that you are a very combative guy towards those with whom you disagree. Do you disagree with that point?
If we can agree on that much, then perhaps you can see how your testimony about how Marshall's behavior on fb is sweet and polite might not be the most effective or believable testimony?
Regardless, happy new year to you, sir. May God's blessings be upon you.
Take my quote in context, PLEASE. Don't practice eisegesis with my words the way you do with Scripture. If I remember correctly, I even gave an example as to knowing when I can't be in error and I used 2+2=4. And YES, in THAT particular issue you note, my quote is correct, but I would never use a statement like that for everything I believe.
It isn't any "hunches" about what God thinks about homosexual practitioners "marrying," it is what the Bible says in no uncertain terms very perspicuously. And Because I AM accurate about what God thinks of the topic, then I can be trusted to defend Art against your false charges.
Oh, and your subjective idea of what is "combative" is something I certainly disagree with. I "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." That can be considered as being "contentious" perhaps, but not "combative."
Please go troll elsewhere
I'm calling "combative" when you state in opinion and then go on to state that you - a mere, fallible human - cannot be mistaken in this opinion. That your opinion is a fact when, in fact, it is ONLY an opinion, and all those who disagree with your hunches - your immoral, crazy, nutty hunches - are themselves liars and of Satan and wrong. that is what I'm calling combative... Insisting that your opinions and hunches, even your immoral and irrational ones, are facts.
You are proving yourself to be a fool. It is NOT my opinion; it is the Word of God. The Word of God as has been understood for over 4000 years until homosexualists minions of satan, such as you, decided to enable an abominable sin and rebel against what God so plainly spoken. You are the irrational one who continues to claim that 2+2=4 is just a hunch or opinion while 2+2=5 is your fact.
I will not continue this discussion because I am not to answer a fool according to his folly. Get behind me satan.
Thanks for proving the point:
You are proving yourself to be a fool. It is NOT my opinion = combative.
You conflate your immoral and whimsical hunches to "facts" and "god's word" and get angry and demonizing as soon as somebody dares to point out reality. Literally calling people satan.
I do appreciate you making the point so well, you're a peach!
Happy new year, bub.
Well folks,
This comment string just proves that Trabue is a false teacher/heretic who projects things on people which aren't even displayed in comments (e.g., the claim that I was angry - and I'm laughing all the time at his foolishness). He also proved what he thinks of God's Word--that to say God's Word calls homosexual behavior is wrong is nothing more than "immoral and whimsical" hunches. And if you dispute him you are labeled as combative and angry.
This nonsense is why he is banned from so many Christian blogs, and why we who ban him will continue to expose him for what he is.
This comment string just proves that Trabue is a false teacher/heretic who projects things on people which aren't even displayed in comments (e.g., the claim that I was angry - and I'm laughing all the time at his foolishness).
My apologies if I found your harsh words (fool, satan, "homosexualists minions of satan"!) to indicate anger when it was only intended to be mockery. Perhaps you can see how the mistake could be made? Regardless, that I mistook your mockery for anger does not "prove" I am a false teacher, any more than you interpret some OT texts to mean that God opposes - as a point of fact - gay folk marrying "proves" it is a fact.
It is, of course, only an opinion, and a weak one in my mind, but you are certainly welcome to your own opinions. Just not your own facts.
And again, thanks for proving my point.
It has nothing to do with political positions. You are neither Republican nor conservative, in the end. it has to do with your bigoted and hate driven paranoia: it corrupts your reason. And this is a demographic thing, not just you. Undereducated, under-striving white men have increasing mortality rates. And given the lack of rationality, rational people just have to leave at some point.
But this won't help you. The ghosts you think you see are nothing. The true ghosts you refuse to see are killing you.
Glenn is a zombie long way back.
I don't know what it is about the right. They are incredibly over-sensitive.
All sorts of stuff gets posted on Facebook. Aside from that which speaks to personal events in the lives of those on one's friends list, there are many things related to the political. One person seems to do nothing but post things from a liberal perspective. I often wonder where he gets it all and how much time he spends posting it. Naturally, listing to port as I do, I click the "Like" button on most of them.
But another person posts things of a decidedly nasty conservative nature. Some of them provoke from me a response because, being of a rightist bent, they are so stupid and completely false. I then go on to explain why, almost always with a link to the facts to rebut.
It's the exact same story, and it has nothing to do with left or right. It has to do with being nasty and not having the courage to admit that you are wrong. And it isn't limited to Facebook.
"Perhaps it's not so much a left/right thing as it is people don't want to have friends on facebook who act like jerks and arrogant know-it-alls? Perhaps it's your behavior, not your political stance?"
I don't know, Dan. When a lefty posts a meme that says,
"I THINK therefore I am NOT a REPUBLICAN"
...who would you say is the arrogant know-it-all jerk? Here's another nugget that eventually led to my "de-friending":
Personally, I see no reason why I must let such stupid things stand without rebuttal. If correcting these blatant falsehoods and misrepresentations and distortions of reality makes me arrogant, or a "know-it-all" or a jerk, so be it. I think it simply makes me unwilling to stand for nonsense and trash talk against otherwise decent and generally more intelligent people.
Worse, when his like-minded friends voiced their responses to mine, they were not "gracious" in the least. Yet, I'm the one who is banned from commenting. Typical.
What's more, Dan...your own "style", shall we say, provokes far more than you have been fortunate to receive from your opponents. One could make the case that true anger and nastiness toward you is justified based on the manner in which you engage in discourse. Consider yourself blessed that they simply choose to shake the dust from their sandals and ignore you, refusing to throw pearls before swine, so to speak.
So sad to see you are still wallowing in your fantasy world. When you can provide evidence of hatred, bigotry, paranoia or a lack of rationality, I'd be more than willing to see it.
Of course that will never happen, because your assertions are mere projection, you sad false priest.
One need be proven wrong before one is obliged to admit being wrong. When you can do this, you'll have no problem seeing a conservative step up and do so. Go ahead. Try it and see. The person to whom I refer in my post had posted a number of things that were, to say the least, questionable. One of them I intend to address in a post, time permitting.
All in all, if I hadn't hit this point in my post, the memes that drew my attention and comments were insulting themselves. That is to say, it is ironic that I would be given the boot for defending myself and my fellow conservatives against the insulting memes he posted. Not just ironic, but hypocritical. This is so typical of the left.
When a lefty posts a meme that says,
"I THINK therefore I am NOT a REPUBLICAN"
...who would you say is the arrogant know-it-all jerk?
Sounds like an obvious joke to me, not an arrogant claim. Clearly, whoever wrote that almost certainly does not actually think that Republicans are incapable of thought. It's a joke. Like the anti-Obama meme that shows Darth Vader pointing to Obama and saying "The stupidity is strong with this one..." It's an obvious joke. I wouldn't bother responding to or taking offense with either.
On the other hand, when I had a family member post on fb that Obama and liberals "hate America..." I did respond because she was not joking. I clarified that I was one who she would consider liberal and yet I do not hate America and asked her if she understood this. She never backed down. I don't mind jokes (even bad ones) at my side. What I object to is people who don't understand the difference between a joke and a claim.
Here's another nugget that eventually led to my "de-friending":
Personally, I see no reason why I must let such stupid things stand without rebuttal.
What is stupid about it? If a Muslim is told by some in their religion to kill someone and they do it regardless if it were right, you'd certainly agree that there is a difference between morality and their religion. It's a reasonable statement that you almost certainly agree with in some circumstances (with other people's religions, anyway). What I would suggest in response to that comment is something along the lines of "Unfortunately, this is too often true... but thankfully, not always..." and we'd find some agreement, no doubt. Why would there be a need to knee jerk "not let such stupid things stand..."?
I will agree that too many commenters on blogs and on fb quickly embrace insults instead of reasoned discussion or even joyful joking around. But that's true on the left and on the right. I certainly was reamed and called all manner of names on my beloved family member's site (not by them, but by their friends) for daring to respectfully disagree with conservative opinion. It's a shame when that sort of thing happens, whichever side it's coming from.
"Sounds like an obvious joke to me, not an arrogant claim."
Well, that just shows just how dishonest and lacking in grace you are. If you're really trying to suggest that "jokes" like these aren't meant as a direct insult, that they are not indeed a true reflection of the poster's beliefs about the character and policies of Republicans, than you are indeed dishonest, or replacing "REPUBLICAN" with "Dan Trabue" in that meme would at least be accurate.
Memes such as this one serve to cement the notion in the minds of others already not willing to truly take the time to understand the positions of center-right Americans. Look at all the years we've been debating and how little understanding of conservatism YOU routinely demonstrate. It is a "joke" based on actual belief of unthinking leftists.
"What is stupid about it?"
--Religions, even false ones like islam, work from the position that morality is something that exists regardless of whether or not we do. Teachings on behaviors are based on this, not, like leftists, a matter of wondering what one's feels and presuming that dictates morality.
--Religions teach morality. They don't act in conflict with it.
--Western leftists conflate all religions in order to get away with denigrating the only religions with which they have any knowledge and understanding...as limited as that always is with them. Said another way, the people who post these types of memes are trying to once again crap on the Judeo-Christian traditions so essential to the founding and growth of this nation.
--The meme is another way of saying that one does not need religion (Judeo-Christian traditions) to understand right and wrong. But the truth is they abide those Judeo-Christian traditions that are not inconvenient for them personally (equally true of "progressive" christians, as well). The intent is to pretend they can determine what is moral without religion, when they aren't doing anything of the kind. They are simply giving themselves license to do act immorally where it pleases them to do so, rationalizing the behavior to an extent where they can claim it isn't immoral...very much as you do with homosexuality.
In responding to these purposely insulting memes that distort truth and reality, I am acting in the spirit of Edmund Burke and doing something. I respond to bad jokes, bad philosophies and bad policies. And while I seek to open dialogue, it quickly deteriorates to snark and nastiness when the lefties again fail to defend their words. Not so very different than what I go through on the blogs.
Also, memes like these aren't posted simply to make people laugh. They are posted because the message is believed by the poster and those who find it funny. No one laughs at that which isn't true. So when the insulted person takes offense, it is because a lie is told, a falsehood that attacks the character or intelligence of the offended. When dealing in the political or religious, it is dealing with who we are and all that we base our lives upon, what we teach our children and how we hope to be thought of and remembered. There's a big difference between joking about the intelligence of a person who doesn't look where he's going and falls into an open manhole, versus joking about his life philosophy.
It wasn't a joke. It was an intentional insult, as well as an attempt to put forth lie as truth. It's what lefties do.
As regards the discussions with your family and friends, I would have to believe that those with whom you've had issues have the same issues with your manner and style as all of us who have suffered through your blogged positions and philosophies. I'm not apt to fault them at all without seeing the discussions...which I'm not likely to do anytime soon.
The other problem with these Facebook memes is that all too often they get re posted regardless of how accurate they are. I'm sure that this to some degree transcends political philosophy, but the recent one about the dividing the 1.5 billion dollar power ball jackpot among the US population certainly got spread by way to many of my lefty friends. Of course I didn't see any "retractions" when the math was proven wrong. There is a lemming like mentality on Facebook where too many just re post stuff without giving it much/any actual thought just because it comes from someone who shares their political philosophy.
I have to say that if I had see the "I think..." meme that I would not necessarily jumped to the "it's a joke conclusion", but I guess it's theoretically possible for it to have been a joke. The other thing I see quite often (from the left) is that you will see a meme like that one which could be taken as a joke, then you start reading the comments and the vitriol really comes out. From my experience the memes are just lemming like, but where you really see the reality is in the comments.
It's like the tolerant loving lefty who suggested that the dentist who shot Cecil the lion should be "stripped naked, equipped with a tracking collar, and hunted down" there is no possible way to try to excuse that kind of thing, but I guarantee I could find plenty of other folks on the left saying things just as egregious in the comments section of these "joking" memes.
"This scumbag isn't human and should be hunted down like he has hunted animals for a sport."
"It's only fair that you get hunted by lions and torn limb from limb."
"Every single tooth of this guy should be ripped out with pliers while he's awake. Then take rough sandpaper and smooth out his gums!
Then let an anaconda suffocate him, but barely keeping him alive. Bring in starving lions to tear his body apart.
Then bring in vultures to feast on whatever flesh is left on his corpse."
"Praying an angry mob finds this cowardly sissy and drags his sorry ass out into the streets where "nature" can really take its course."
"If Dr. Palmer is so keen on hunting lions, then how about we let a lion hunt Dr. Palmer? One on one on an island, broadcast live on PPV."
"I proposed we reverse Cecil's misfortune by putting Dr William Palmer DDS (naked liked Cecil) in the Florida's Everglades, with a broken pocket knife, with a bounty on his head"
Just a few examples of the tolerant American political left.
It wasn't a joke. It was an intentional insult, as well as an attempt to put forth lie as truth. It's what lefties do.
Wow. I thought conservatives were all against political correctness and okay with jokes, even if they were insulting. I thought conservatives had tougher skin than that.
Q: How many Democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Just one, but it really gets screwed.
Q: What happens when you cross a pig with a Democrat?
A: Nothing. There are some things a pig won't do.
Q: What's the difference between a Democrat and a trampoline?
A: You take off your shoes before you jump on a trampoline.
Those are insulting, and they are jokes and they are at least a little bit funny. I take no offense at that. I don't confuse that joke about jumping on Democrats as a claim that they think we actually ought to jump on Democrats.
Lighten up, man, it's a joke. Laugh at yourself and your side sometimes.
Do people believe there's an element of truth in the jokes/memes like this? Sure, that's part of what makes them at least a little funny. Do they think Republicans really don't think? No, of course not.
As to the examples from the American left, well, of course, there are examples on all sides of people misbehaving. Like this tea party guy speaking about Obama...
"Assassinate the fucken n***** and his monkey children”
Or this one about Muslims in general...
"all Muslims as barbaric terrorists that need to be hunted down and killed."
Or the ones who call to "kill them all and let Allah sort them out..." (you can find it on Tshirts in a three second google search).
Vitriolic comments come from all sides, unfortunately. Liberals are wrong to engage in the deadly level of vitriol when they do it, just like conservatives are wrong when they do the same kind of thing. That level has left the joke realm and moved to ugly, hateful vitriol, although I'm sure there are some who say those sorts of things as a "joke." I just would not confuse the issue by suggesting it's only liberals who do this (and I'm sure you're not doing that, just making the point).
Do people too quickly grab memes and post them on FB as if they were facts? Sure. My conservative and beloved family member recently did this about three times in a row. One example was when she posted a meme about what Alinsky (and by extension, Obama) believe where she "quoted" some very marxist-sounding Alinsky "quotes" which, as it turned out, weren't from Alinsky at all. But even after pointing it out to her and providing the data (including snopes.com) to demonstrate that it was a false claim (and I did so very lovingly and respectfully because this IS a beloved family member) she and her conservative commenters kept insisting it was real and they didn't really "trust snopes all that much..." ! Yeah, anyone on any side who posts false claims as if they were real... they/we all need to watch out for that sort of thing (a conservative politician just wrote an editorial in my newspaper where he charged Planned Parenthood with "selling baby parts" even though that has been disproven repeatedly.
Hopefully, we can all agree to keep our claims factual
our jokes funny
laugh at our "side" more often
and be clear about the difference between a joke and a claim.
"I thought conservatives were all against political correctness and okay with jokes, even if they were insulting. I thought conservatives had tougher skin than that."
It wasn't a joke. It was an insult. It was intended to insult, and in the manner it was crafted, elicit guffaws from like-minded lefties certainly, but it was primarily an insult. It wasn't "two nuns walk into a bar". It was "Republicans are stupid". And here's the thing: I can handle "Republicans are stupid" if it is accompanied by some argument that defends the proposition. That's exactly what I do when I point out the stupidity of those on the left. It's why my doing it isn't ad hominem and the meme is.
Your list of jokes are indeed jokes. But they differ from simply saying that those who think aren't Republicans. Sure, I could say "I think, therefore I am not Dan Trabue", but again, I don't look to make fun of Dan Trabue, I intend to provide evidence to show that Dan Trabue's positions lack intelligence, logic or basis.
You're an asshole, Dan. There. Funny? How is that different from suggesting Republicans are incapable of thought? Tone? So what? It's a joke, Dan. Laugh your ass off.
"Do they think Republicans really don't think? No, of course not."
The point is that Republicans aren't intelligent. That's the point of the meme. It is what the left needs to believe and wants to believe, without having true basis for believing it. They talk themselves into believing it, are raised to believe it without the encouragement to investigate whether or not it is true, and given false reasons to maintain the belief. Thus, they believe the core message of the "joke".
More to the point, however, is how these types of memes were posted and the expectation, apparently, was that those who were targeted by these "jokes" were to simply accept them without rebuttal. To point out the falsehoods, to prove the alternatives and to then conclude that continued accusations presents another unflattering truth about those who post and laugh and agree is simply bad form? Only to the left.
And by the way, I meant to add that I'm not all that impressed with tales of your family members, regardless of the leanings you attribute to them. After all, you are the only representative of the Trabue family of whom I'm aware. Get the joke?
I read these sorts of things and I think of your nervous breakdown:
It's amazing you can read at all. But in doing so, you allow yourself to believe all sorts of things that counter reality. Typical of the left, and more so of the self-loathing white man and false priest, like you.
I don't know where you get any sense that I'm experiencing, or about to experience, a nervous breakdown. I'm quite happy and content as a general rule with all God has given me thus far in my life.
However, that does not force me to deny certain realities, such as the very harmful direction this nation is headed thanks to people like yourself.
Another reality is that people like yourself prefer to attribute such clear understanding to that which has no bearing. It does not bother me if our country is lead by or made up mostly of "non-white" people. What bothers me is that such insignificant factors are even considered as possible reasons for any frustrations ANY citizen might feel, particularly white people (since you think this article has any wisdom or insight).
Character is the issue, feo boy. Specifically the lack of it. THAT is what frightens thinking people in this country more than anything else. If you could actually think, you might notice the lack of quality character traits in too many in this country, particularly yourself and those like you who stand for all things insignificant and selfish.
You continue to demonstrate just how sad and pathetic you are. It would have been nice had you returned after your long absence demonstrating some improvement in your character. You could use a nervous breakdown.
So you're saying your bunker is comfy, huh? Well... enjoy.
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