Saturday, February 13, 2016

R.I.P. Antonin

It is with great sadness that I learned that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away.  I am saddened for him, naturally.  But worse is my sadness for our country to have lost such a great member of the Court, one who truly understands the Constitution and how and when it applies.

We now have the threat of stupidity forced upon the nation to a greater degree than it has thus far been imposed.  Obama, the Idiot-in-Chief, the empty suit, the bane of our nation's existence, will no doubt select another brain-dead leftist to pervert the Constitution in the furtherance of leftist ideology.  I don't know if there are enough Senators wise enough to do the right thing in terms of who they are willing to confirm.  There should be no attempt to posture themselves as anything but committed to the most Constitutionally literate and devoted candidate for the appointment.  No more Sotomayors.  No more Ginsburgs.  No more Kennedys.  No more Breyers.  No more Kagans.

We need another Scalia, another Thomas, another Alito.  At the very least, another no worse than Roberts.

We won't likely get one.  We'll get another idiot with an agenda far removed from that of the duty of a Supreme Court Justice.

The passing of Antonin Scalia is a true American Tragedy for both the loss of possibly the wisest Justice we've seen since his appointment on September 26, 1986, as well as for the horror that will follow given who Obama will nominate to replace him.

We are so screwed.


Eternity Matters said...

My thoughts exactly. This country is on a rapid downhill slide. One more Leftist and it will be unrecognizable in 10 years.

Marshal Art said...

And by the way...try to tell me your vote doesn't matter.

Marshal Art said...

Sorry Neil. Didn't expect a comment so quickly. Mine was meant to be an addendum to the post.

Eternity Matters said...

No worries, I figured as such! Yes, every vote matters! If only more believers actually voted we'd be in less of a mess.

Feodor said...

Millions of Christians are voting in the faith that Christ is alive and still revealing to us the loving face of God.

You guys, though, vote thinking you alone know that Christ is trapped in a book and cannot speak beyond it. This, you love hasn't grown much beyond a rigid antiquity.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Well said.

Just another bit of bloviating blather.

Marshal Art said...


"Millions of Christians are voting in the faith that Christ is alive and still revealing to us the loving face of God."

If you're referring to "Christians" like yourself, the truth is that you are voting according to your personal preferences and lying about Who compels them. The rest of us don't entrap Christ in the Book that presents to us His teachings about that which pleases and displeases God. To pretend you've "grown" beyond those teachings is just false-priest-talk for "I'm going to do what I want and to hell with what Christ taught us in Scripture". You haven't grown at all, but merely dismiss those teachings that you find inconvenient. Then you dress that up as "God is still speaking". You ain't fooling anyone but yourself.

Feodor said...

Don't call unclean what God has made clean, Marshall: it shows how you reject love.

Marshal Art said...

I don't, feo. And I'm certain you couldn't explain how or when I did if your life depended upon it. In the meantime, you show, like Dan does, that you don't understand what love is as it is explained in Scripture. That, too, you would find inconvenient. So sad.

Feodor said...

Neither do I understand slavery as explained in scripture. I don't understand how it can be accepted. Thank God that the living Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit has shown us a new way. I pray for your habit of brutality and how it damages Gid's kingdom.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The only thing here damaging God's kingdom is false teacher Feo claiming to be a Christian - which of course blasphemes the name of Christ.

Marshal Art said...

"Neither do I understand slavery as explained in scripture."

You've demonstrated so well over the time you've first made yourself known on these blogs that there isn't much you do understand about Scripture. One so conformed to the world as you are among those who have done immeasurable damage to God's creation, and thus are a mockery to God's kingdom.

By the way, do you have anything intelligent to say about the topic of this post, or are you intent on continuing your habit of spewing drivel and nonsense?

Feodor said...

No surprise that you cannot deal honestly with the fact that the Bible is wrong on slavery and that we have learned better.

No surprise also that you cannot see the relevance to your post. Mr Scalia's originalist position disallows him from having any basis on which to proclaim slavery unconstitutional.

This is a common failure of all kinds of fundamentalism: brutality.

Craig said...

Of course we can't forget all of the wonderful, loving, tolerant social media liberals blowing up twitter and Facebook with posts filled with glee over Scalia's death and hopes that Thomas would die soon as well.

Feodor said...

Which doesn't quite match the irrational nut jobs on the right claiming that the President had the Justice killed.

Craig said...

Because calling for the death of a Supreme Court justice is a completely rational mainstream thing to do.

Feodor said...

Because you missed it, I'll spell it out: I agree with you that such people are mean-spirited.

And because you cannot acknowledge it, I'll repeat it once more: you have insane people on your side.

Feodor said...

Turns out your boy Scalia loved to be treated free by those with business before the Supreme Court. Wonder what the Constitution framers would think of such low ethics.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you all simply assume that the President's nominee will be acted upon in normal order by the Senate. I'm glad to know that you remember civics.

Marshal Art said...


You might want to be more specific. I'm wagering he loved it no more than anyone else would, while being less likely to let any such treats taint how he rules on any case before him.


I don't know who here thinks the Senate is obliged to do anything about whomever Obama nominates. Obama isn't even required to nominate anyone.

Anonymous said...

"Obama isn't even required to nominate anyone."

What does the word "shall" mean to you?

Marshal Art said...

It doesn't matter what it means to me. It does matter what it meant to the states that ratified the US Constitution back in the 1700's.

But let's concede the point for just a moment. Assume that our president isn't an asshat with the worst of intentions for our nation, as does Barry Obumble. Assume this fantasy president who is actually a servant of the people, instead of a crap-for-brains with delusions of grandeur, simply isn't impressed with the qualifications of available candidates for the position. What then? Are you suggesting he is to select from a pool of bozos, as we often must as voters? I don't see where in the Constitution the president is required to nominate someone, for example, like YOU, if you were the best of the bunch (pardon me while I laugh at the thought). The implication of your question suggests the president is allowed no discretion, but must fill the slot at all costs. I don't think it works that way, but I'll tell you what: While I await your proof that it is that way, I will continue to research the point to the best of my ability, as time and my quickly decaying computer allows.

Feodor said...

Mr Obama is the first President since Eisenhower to be elected with at least 51% of the vote twice. And he just nominated an Apellate Judge who was unanimously approved for on a bipartisan basis with a hearty endorsement by Orin Hatch.

But Republicans long ago abrogated responsibility to govern.

Marshal Art said...

That percentage means very little if fewer people voted. Only 62.3% of eligible voters bothered in 2008, but then dipped to 57.5% in 2012. Bigger turnouts for either GW Bush years, but too many thought voting for just any black man was a big deal worth turning out for.

Nonetheless, your last statement suggests you find the nominee was a bad choice then and now. For once, you're right about something.

At the same time, the Dems ain't been no prize considering the power now abdicated to the Supreme Court. That wasn't simply Repubs dropping the ball.

Feodor said...

What? Too much beer, MA.

Marshal Art said...

I'm sorry that you drank so much beer than you can't comprehend simple English. I'm willing to clarify if you point out what you find so difficult to understand.

Feodor said...

25 million more Americans voted for Mr Obama in 2008 than for Mr Reagan in 1980. 20 million more than for George W Bush just 8 years previous. Here's the drunken part: "if fewer people voted." Clearly no the case.

And your entire middle paragraph. The last was a snore as you dropped into a rhetorical stupor.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Gee, I wonder if Feo ever stopped to think about the size of the population in 2008 compared to 1980. And don't forget all those dead people who vote Demokrat!

Nevertheless, the number voting for Obama only demonstrates the depths of depravity to which Americans have descended, and the horrid liberal education they've been given which makes everyone think they are entitled to some sort of government hand out. Only depraved people would vote for a person who thinks two people of the same sex make a marriage and that an unborn child is worthy of murdering.

Feodor said...

Glenn, stop and wonder at you bad reading and poor logic. Give it time, maybe ask MA for help, and you will see your errors in due time.

Feodor said...

And to your inability to spell Democrat correctly, it's no surprise. Clearly you and your kind prefer the KKK and a Nazi to an exceptional person like Mr Obama.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'm not the one who has reading and comprehension problems, and my logic is perfectly sound.

I know how to spell Demokrat correctly -- the way in includes what they teach and believe, which is rank Marxist socialism (theft from the workers) as well as total depravity of promoting the homosexual agenda and the abortion industry, as well as everything else which is ungodly. The only thing exceptional about Obama is this incompetence compared to any previous President.

Marshal Art said...


"Here's the drunken part: "if fewer people voted." Clearly no the case."

The "fewer people voted" part referred to Obama's second term compared to the first. And I did mention the difference between turnouts for his compared to GW's election. But his skin color accounts for the turnout, butthead, not his "message". He could have said "more cheese for everyone" and his race-conscious supporters would have voted for him anyway. Stop pretending there was something more than skin color that was significant in his story.

While Glenn touched on it, false priest, what do you find so exceptional about Obama? I could use a laugh.

Feodor said...

Sorry, I spent the afternoon with my daughter at the Morgan Library to see an exhibit of Andy Warhol's self made books. Then we ate at a Korean buffet in little Korea. Tomorrow, of course, is mass at Trinity Wall Street. Isn't New York great! Of course, terrorists don't like us. And you guys. Huh. What do terrorists and you guys have in common? Religious extremism is the only guess.

Thanks, though, for clearing up your drunken confusions now that you're sober again. Sadly, there is no truth in beer as you've kept your racist, misogynist, misanthropic ways.

Mr. Obama and his family are everything you and your kins say you want in a President. Successful as a student, apologetic for his mistakes, faithful to a terrific woman, beautiful children. And yet you and your kind have attacked him non-stop. And attacked him for ludicrously personal reasons that you share with Donald Trump. The only rational way to see it is that his skin color is a deep, ingrained, unconscious problem for you. You really, deep down, can't stand black people.

Marshal Art said...

You seem to think you are impressing me with your itinerary. Couldn't care less. I'm sure you impress the hell out of yourself, though.

I would like to know if you and your daughter were toking hard on the crack pipe because the rest of your comments suggest you're high on something.

If only you were a religious extremist. Then you wouldn't be such a false priest, pretending you see evil where it doesn't exist, while seeing goodness where you want to see it. I wish I was more an extremist devoted to Christ. Christian extremists are the best people in the world. They're the most loving, most giving, most tolerant of fools like yourself, and more caring for the mentally disturbed than enablers like you could ever be on your best days.

But faux-christians like yourself can't see the chasm-like difference between the Christian extremist and the islamic extremist, because you falsely claim there is some parallel between the two. Christian extremists don't push homosexuals off buildings, mutilate the genitals of their women, hack off body parts of other human beings for various perceived crimes, nor do they have any respect for people like you.

Speaking of you being false, you continue to accuse me of racism and have yet to provide any evidence that I am the least bit racist. Must be the crack. And I don't recall you ever calling me a misogynist before. That's a new one. From what foul cavity did you pull that one?

But if you want to see a true misanthrope, just look at your golden boy, Barely Obama. Doesn't much care for his own people. He thinks releasing Gitmo detainees is a good idea and those released seem to go back to the battle grounds. He doesn't care about securing the borders while illegals come to this country and commit crimes and take lives in various ways. While he welcomes muslim refugees by the thousands, he gives no attention to the many Christians muslims are slaughtering in various parts of the world. And he's done nothing to ease racial tension in this country, pretending like all other lefty asshats that black are being killed by the millions at the hands of white police officers, when blacks continue to kill each other in his own home town. And you toke away.

I don't know about Obummer's personal life, but there have been rumors for some time that his marriage is more than a little rocky. True or not, there are no rumors of my marriage to that effect. Why are there of his? Must be a vast right-wing conspiracy, eh Hillary?

For which mistakes did he apologize ? Bombing doctors? Insulting special needs people? He's made so many other mistakes...he apologized for which ones? From what I can tell, he thinks he's doing a great job. Do you buy your crack from the same guy Barry does?

And how does one measure his success as a student when one cannot see his grades? I've been looking and haven't been able to find anything definitive. Perhaps you have a link you could share. What I have found suggests he was no better than average, likely the beneficiary of affirmative action at least at some point or points, and moving from one institution to the next during a period of lowered standards...even at Harvard.

Marshal Art said...


I and "my kind" have attacked him for legitimate reasons. You desperately need to believe it's simply because he is half-black, but that's only because you're so simple-minded and a race baiter. The thing is, I don't know Obumble personally, so attacking him for personal reasons isn't really possible. All I have to go on is his record. I was aware of his record as an IL state senator before he ran for US Senator. It wasn't special (to be gracious). He did little else but campaign for president once he became US Senator, and his record as president is abysmal.

The fact is, you like him for sad reasons, such as his skin color and the mere fact that he's a leftist. You don't much care about his record and like Trump supporters, easily and quickly ignore that record to a laud him as some kind of messiah figure. Too bad he hasn't done a thing to save this nation from itself. He could start now by doing nothing more until his time is up. It would amount to the greatest thing he will have done for the nation.

Feodor said...

Disregarding your angry white resentment blather, loaded with unconscious racism and misogyny, I need only say this regarding dehumanizing views of a President who righted the ship after Mr Bush left us on the shoals of a great depression and a mess in the middle east and now the damage to all of us of a destroyed Republican Party:

Matthew 7:5.

Marshal Art said...

If your next comment, either here or on any other thread does not include evidence that I am in any way racist, possessed of whatever the hell "angry white resentment" is or support for any accusation you wish to level, it will be deleted at my earliest pleasure. You don't have the skill to know when you need to pee, much less have any idea regarding the thoughts, intentions and motivations of others.

You don't even live in the real world if you seriously believe that Obama "righted the ship". That's about as laughable as your lofty opinion of yourself as more sophisticated and intellectual than anyone here you insult by merely showing up. So along with evidence to justify your accusations about me, you now also need to provide evidence that Obama has improved anything by being president.

I'm guessing you won't ever again have a comment NOT deleted. You don't have the character or courage.

Feodor said...

1. Didn't give up on finding bin Laden, which Mr Bush did.
2. Saved the US automobile industry - now leads the world in profits.
3. Created six times as many jobs as Mr Bush. Let me say that again. Mr Obama created six times as many jobs as Mr Bush.
4. 2014 was the best year of jobs creation in this century. And yet in 2014, new taxes on the wealthy and corporations kicked in to help 16 million Americans gain health insurance. Completely contradicting Republican arguments.
5. Now 19 million Americans have health insurance that didn't have it before.
6. While cutting 600 billion from long-term debt projections. Debt that will now never accrue because of what Mr. Obama has done.
7. Health spending is at a 50 year low after skyrocketing in the first decade of the century.
8. 2014 is the first year of economic growth where carbon emissions didn’t increase in 40 years.
9. Unemployment is now 2.7 percentage points lower than it was in January 2009, when the president first took office in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Historically, the jobless rate is now better than it has been most of the time since 1948. The historical median is 5.6 percent.
10. Long term unemployed is 600,000 lower than when Mr Obama took office.
11. The number of job openings has increased 106% since Mr Obama took office.
12. New businesses have been opening up at a 20% faster rate than under Mr Bush.
13. The average yearly rise of consumer prices under Obama of 1.9 percent is less than half the post-World War II average, according to BLS figures. Between 1946 and 2008 the average yearly rise in the CPI was 4 percent, measured from December to December. In the most recent 12 months, the CPI has gone up only a little over 0.2 percent.
14. 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. The net gain under Obama now stands at 13.5 million — and it’s slowly declining as the economy improves.
15. The price of gas.

By any measure, Mr Obama has righted the ship that Mr Bush foundered. Granted the ship is not moving forward very fast, yet. But I did not say it was moving fast; still, Mr Obama has prepared us to do so now.

The only way which someone, like you, can disagree is to ignore facts. And why would you ignore facts? Well... I've covered that in a different comment on another post.

Feodor said...

Mr Obama taught constitutional law for 10 years in the same law school where Mr Scalia taught. Pretty high standards the U of C law school has.