Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Last Minute Post Before Temporary Shutdown

 I haven't time to peruse the link within this link, from which it's info comes, but the summary is bad enough.  The willingness by the "progressive" left to lie in order to promote perversion and disorder is not new at all.  References to the earliest studies who how true that fact is, as those earliest studies did not rely on solid methodologies, but were focused on the outcome they needed.  It still goes on:


Side note: as I said in the previous post, I'll be shut down for several days, but anyone can still submit a comment which will sit in moderation until I have the ability to check them out.  Were it not for a certain troll who abused the welcome to participate in discussion here, comments would show up immediately.  But as we know, lefties are why we can't have nice things. 


Eternity Matters said...

So Blogger doesn't let you moderate commenters? Wordpress lets you list out emails, names or IP addresses in two categories: Comment moderation (you have to approve those individually) or Disallowed comments (automatically blocked). I'll let you guess which category gets the comments from my Superfans.

Marshal Art said...

I actually signed up to Wordpress and transferred my posts over as well. I never followed through because at the time, I wasn't able to truly understand how to use it to my best advantage. I may try again later. I'm currently able to hold comments in moderation until I approve them. There's no in between as it seems Wordpress has, wherein I can make sure a certain troll never gets to post while everyone else can see their comments posted immediately. That would indeed be nice.