Wednesday, February 19, 2020

It Is I!!! RAPEBOY!!!

"Marshal, you are a coward and a pig and a defender of rapists. You are the enemy of women and shame on you, you low life rapeboy. You will NOT comment here again until such time as you apologize to women for your pathetic, misogynistic attacks on them and promise to never utter such words again, at least here.

Do you kiss your mother/daughter with those filthy lips, you pig?"

So, apparently, to call a porn actress "a whore" is somehow misogynistic.  To call women who, by their own admission, engaged in sex with a married man "sluts" makes me an enemy of women.  Wow.  I wonder what my disgust with the married man makes me?  Is it OK to refer to them by words defined by their actions?  Can I call them adulterers without having scorn heaped upon me?

Worse, these words I correctly apply to the women in question reflect a proven reality, while "rapist" is merely an accusation leveled by a fake against Donald Trump without any evidence whatsoever.  That is, without proof, Dan Trabue accuses the president simply because Donald Trump won the election as a Republican and continues to do great things for the country.  This is what really drives "progressives" like Danny-boy absolutely nuts.  It's bad enough that the nation elected a rude, crude, socially unacceptable guy like Trump (after twice electing the racist, Marxist defender of abortion and sexual immorality who preceded him).  It kills them that the dude is doing such a great job.  Indeed, the more he succeeds, the more it infuriates them and thus, the more they inflate the egregious aspects of his character to levels satanic!  Yeah, Danny-boy...we get it.  He's a scumbag.  But he's earned a second term and I intend to vote for him so that he gets it. 

But I'm done defending my wise and righteous choice of Donny over Hillary and soon, Donny over whomever floats to the top of the Democratic cesspool of candidates.  This post is about the idea that calling a whore a whore is somehow an attack on women...that it is somehow misogynistic to do so.  And what is a whore?  The word is a synonym of prostitute, though it is also used to describe any sexually promiscuous woman, as well as to simply disparage the character of a disliked female.  I used it in reference to Stormy Daniels, who, after claiming to have had an affair with Trump while he was married, was paid a sum to shut up and go away rather than further disrupt Trump's campaign for president.  Dan loves this woman.  She provides him with another reason to blast Trump's character.   He doesn't care about Daniels.  He only cares about exploiting her story to further denigrate Trump, as if it matters now that he may have indeed had an affair with her, something he denies.

So why call her a whore?  Simply because she is one.  A whore takes money in exchange for sex, and that's how she made her taking money to engage in sexual behavior in front of a camera to sell to those who love pornography.  The same is true of Playboy model Karen McDougal, who by posing nude for money also earns the title. 

"Slut" is also an appropriate word to apply to women like these two.  Setting aside Daniels' career choice, which alone makes her a slut, these women, if we're to believe their allegations, admit they had sex with a married man.  And here's the thing:  there's no way to look at these situations and regard these women as anything other than whores and/or sluts.  It's not misogyny or an attack on women to tell it like it is.  They don't get to claim victim status after having chosen to engage in the affair.  They don't get to play the damsel in distress after accepting big bucks to keep their mouths shut about their alleged affairs that were consensual, which also cements their reputations as whores, considering they took money later. 

To pretend that these women are victims is a true attack on good women everywhere.  To defend their actions as if they did not engage in immoral behavior is insulting to women of virtue.  Again, these women were not "exploited" if they chose to engage in the affairs they insist took place.  Indeed, if there was any exploiting going on, it seems it was at best a two-way street, and at worst, a case of these women seeing Trump as a potential payday...which it became, even if not what they may have had in mind.  They knew that Trump left one wife to marry another.  It's not so hard to imagine that they saw the potential that he'd do it again with them being the new Mrs. Trump.  There's simply no way to regard these women as worthy of defense. 

Frankly, being accused by someone like Dan, for whom "embrace grace" is just lip service, doesn't at all compel to me to reassess my position on these women.  I have no intention for apologizing for speaking factually about the situation and Dan, like his troll, want to believe that these women are somehow more worthy of their support than Trump.  That somehow, their word is more trustworthy.  They're blatantly sexually immoral, they broke a contract into which they entered and received money and now we're to believe their accusations against Trump rather than his denials of those allegations.   Dan supports the ongoing murder of unborn females, as well as the harm suffered by so many women who have and will abort, and he dares suggest I'm the one about whom women should worry because I call a spade a spade and a whore a whore?   That's laughable. 

New Addition

Introducing a new addition to my "Right Ones" blog roll, Rational Christian Discernment.  Jesse's new to the blogosphere, jumping in recently in 2016.  Give him a read.

Saturday, February 08, 2020


I continue to advocate for the re-election of Donald J. Trump, and with a plethora of great reasons, all of which make irrelevant the personal distaste most opponents of the right-wing have for his past personal history and ongoing style and manner. 

(Who does the left think they're kidding?  They don't care about his manner and they don't care about his horndog history.  They hate that aforementioned plethora far more.)

So I just read the following while wasting time on FB (I've wasted a lot of hours today on the computer...I'm amazed I got anything productive done at all!) and felt it speaks well as to why that advocacy should spread amongst all on the right and among true Christians as well...maybe even primarily true Christians.  It's a response to that distaste and does it well. 

(Obviously, by "true" Christians, I'm clearly NOT referring to "progressive" "Christians".  They clearly prefer the least moral candidates and policies as a matter of routine.)

Thus, I present the following piece from ChristianPost: