Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Trump's Biggest Flaw Is...

 ...that he's Trump.  Trump being Trump made it easy for the low intellect lefties to rip on him without acknowledging the many great things he did for the country while still in office.  Being Trump wasn't the negative they need to believe it was, but it was and remains just so hard to truly criticize is work that criticizing the man was the low hanging fruit they needed.  Hell, it wasn't "low hanging".  It was just laying there on the ground!  

No doubt, if Mike Pence had been president and had done all the same things Trump did in that capacity, the loony left would have had a much tougher go of it.  Sure, they'd find something that didn't matter and blow it up.  That's how they roll.  But it would've been much harder to pretend he was the worst, as they falsely pretended was true of Trump. 

Thus far, the best Biden's been able to do are those things Trump implemented which Biden either didn't eliminate or returned the remain in Mexico policy.  Yet, lefties actually expect people to believe he's improving things!  

The left.  Do they ever stop toking?

Monday, September 06, 2021

Our Butthead In Chief: A Series Begins

 It's just about seven and a half months (as I type this) since Joe Biden was installed as president and took the oath of office.  And my, what a difficult time I'm having with this already, as a term I first typed to describe the horror that is his administration is not family friendly.  I will struggle to keep it clean.  

I've been thinking about this post for a while, since before the most recent debacle in Afghanistan which is all his doing alone.  There was quite a bit about which one could write and justifiably criticize, there being so little to praise that such a posting would be about as long as this post is at this point.  It would probably be about his suits or something along that line because I've seen nothing he's done as president that justifies a single vote he received, even if all that was said about Trump was actually true but far worse.  In short, Biden is...well, there again I was about to type a word on the level of profanity which Dan and his troll so easily drop at the blog's of others.  So I'll just leave it as "the worst", as in Biden is thus far in his brief seven and a half months, the absolute worst president in American history, a title he'll surely hold so long as to put Frances Keddie to shame.  

But how to go about it?  There's so many angles and issues which easily and unmistakably illustrate his incompetence, and I don't even have to mention his inability to climb a flight of stairs.  I'm being flippant about a serious topic, certainly, so I'll start with a few foolish arguments given for casting a vote for him and see how long it goes.  This seven months of stupidity can easily fill a book.

1.  He's a moron.  By that I mean his mental competence is more than a little questionable.  When Trump was still early in his term, "experts" weighed in with long-distance psychological diagnoses.  Where are those chuckleheads now?  This dude is either senile or acting like he is, which makes him a liar...which we know he is.  His pronouncements are unreasonable and irrational.  During his campaign for the job, he insulted multiple citizens who asked questions of him and tried to hold his feet to the fire.  Since he got the job, he's continued to act irrationally with reporters and recently insulted millions who remain un-"vaccinated" for reasons he's too stupid to know or understand.

It's dude says he's reasonable while also insisting he'll need to be pushed to see reason and indeed can be pushed to see reason.  Seems to me a worthy candidate is one who doesn't need any pushing to see reason.  I don't get that incongruity. 

2.  He picked another moron as vice-president.  Kamala Harris was just another box checked, which is the manner in which Biden appointed just about everyone in his cabinet (a great joke on Facebook was "I've seen smarter cabinets at Ikea!").  But her record as California attorney general was horrific.  Because of her, a cop killer didn't get the death penalty.  Because of her, wrongfully convicted people were denied justice.  Because of her, police misconduct went unpunished.  Because of her, bills put forth by the Legislative Black Caucus to mandate body cameras on cops were declined.  I seem to remember people up in arms about police misconduct and here was a top cop who enabled it.  Biden appointed this piece of waste to be his vice.  But then, he appointed a host of incompetents or re-hired those who worked for his former boss, the stumble-bum Obama.  

3.  Biden is clearly a low character dude.  His lies are legendary and to the list are added a number of lies he told regarding his Afghan debacle.  My personal favorite is his attempt to get the Afghani president to lie along with him.  Like every Democrat, he promotes, defends and enables all the social goals of depravity and immorality.  Like every Dem who pretends to be Roman Catholic, he pretends he personally opposes abortion, but won't impose his (*snicker*) "religious beliefs" upon the nation.  What a pip!  He has the bully pulpit and can't encourage loose women to have their babies?  Yeah.  He's a "decent human being".  I find it the height of egregious arrogance for a lefty to speak of human decency yet still vote Democrat.  What a joke.  

4.  Biden is among those morons who believe climate change is an "existential threat".  He "listens to experts".  Yeah.  He does as well about Covid.  The problem is, being a moron, he listens to the wrong "experts".  He listens to those who are down with the leftist cause which requires perverting science to garner support for their vile agenda.  Climate change is a money grab.  It's a sham.  Not that the climate doesn't change, but that there's anything mankind can do of any significance, even if Biden manages to get his Chinese masters to get on board.  Like that's gonna ever happen! 

Whenever a lefty mentions "experts", it means you have to shut up.  It doesn't mean the "experts" referenced are worth a damn or are somehow the best source of info on whatever policy is being shoved down the throats of Americans.  It means they're chumps referencing liars or buffoons.  Biden is one of those chumps, and worse than that, he repeats what he's told as if he knows what he's talking about, in that tone that implies you're the moron.  You're not as smart as he thought you were if you don't agree with him despite him allegedly not being into childish name calling. 

A perfect example of a buffoonish "expert" is Anthony Fauci.  Among Trump's small list of missteps (in only seven months, Biden's tally far exceeds four years of Trump's), hiring Fauci is one of the most miserable.  This is a guy whose lousy track record of performance and "expertise" goes back to the AIDS crisis.  His flip-flopping...written off as natural alterations based on "the science" evolving or being discovered...would be understandable if it didn't happen with such regularity and seemingly based on convenience and whatever pushes whatever the hell their agenda is...which isn't public health.  

But Biden's "experts"...indeed the "experts" often cited by the left, regardless of who leads them at the time...are, as I said, more about moving the agenda forward rather than providing information gleaned from objective, fact-seeking research.  In almost every case (being generous here) their "experts" are not only contradicted by other experts, they're most often made to look foolish when their pronouncements are proven wrong.  The issue of ivermectin, HCQ and other safe drugs to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 is but one example.  Ivermectin alone has many solid studies and examples of actual successes to the degree that the Emergency Use Authorization for the the various "vaccines" should have been rescinded.  Many of those who died could have been saved had the "experts" listened to front line medical people successfully using these other drugs.  The "experts" would not profit.  I wonder if "the Big Guy" gets a cut.

5.  Biden's spending plans are already costing us plenty.  Inflation is a foregone conclusion now and will only worsen if his plans are fully implemented.  We have only Joe Manchin and maybe Kirsten Sinema to prevent that, if they can withstand party pressure.  Lefties like to pretend the Dems do a better job with the economy.  That's rank stupidity.   The numbers don't back that nonsense in the least.  Our only hope is the midterms, where if we can flip the House at least, we can prevent a great deal of Biden's economic destruction if it isn't implemented before we get there.  Again, we need Manchin to hold tight.  It wouldn't hurt of one or two other Dems in the Senate to wake the hell up.  

6.  Another of Biden's incredibly moronic that sends a tingle up the thighs of low intelligence the practice of appointing cabinet members by race, sex or sexual proclivities.  This pandering push to make the administration "look like America" is a destructive one.  The party has long been comprised of factions, which is different than the GOP being comprised of those of every group.  The distinction here is the pandering to the factions.  Each identity group is represented.  What isn't represented is true expertise.  To hire a black dude, for example, does not help if the black dude is not competent.  Condi Rice was competent.  Lloyd Austin is a clown, but he checked off the "black dude" box, so he's now Secretary of Defense, and we're less safe as a result.  We've got a host of other such bad picks based on box checking with none having two brain cells to rub together.  (I guess Joe needs other morons around so he doesn't look so bad)  Then again, did he actually pick them or were they chosen for him and he just pretends it's his choice?  Don't ask him...he'd only lie to you anyway.

7.  Among his selections to fill out his crew are a few from the Obama administration.  This demonstrates he doesn't recognize incompetence in others, and frankly, they're probably running the show, continuing Obama's policies if possible.  Thus, the swamp remains filled with swamp vermin.  

There's a belief that the GOP produces more criminals...more people indicted for something.  Well, as we saw with two Trump impeachment circuses, the Dems are quick to show you the crime if you show them the man.  This is something the GOP needs to learn to do, especially given the clear misbehavior so routinely perpetrated by leftists.  That is, when a Dem clearly does wrong, as Hillary did with classified documents, the GOP needs to go after them and hold them accountable and punish them if punishment is deserved.  Unlike the Dems, they're not likely to need to make shit up in order to put someone away.  They just need to see justice done.  The Dems will find a reason to hang you while the provide reasons they should be hanged.  Dem supporters, being low intelligence lefties, believe whatever they're told, so they think the GOP is more criminal than they are.  But the reality is simply a matter of which party is keen on seeing the other criminalized.  The Dems are always demonizing their opponents because it's easier than debating issues, as they have no good arguments to defend their stupidity.  It will be interesting to see if the GOP will look into the Afghan fiasco should they take the House (and hopefully the Senate as well) in 2022.  If ever there was legit reason for impeachment, there are more than one from that episode.  

8.  "Amtrak" Joe is a liar and playing this role is just another example.  The guy is far richer than a Senator or Vice-President's salary provides.  How did that happen?  We all know.  Ask his coked up son.  The tired trope regarding Trump was that he cared only about himself.  But this crook has made his millions by public service?  Gimme a freakin' break!  He's been in it for himself from the very start.  Coincidentally, I just saw something on TV today which referenced him when he was really young stating his goal in life was to become president.  In and of itself, that isn't a bad goal I suppose.  But to vocalize it doesn't suggest serving the public.  It suggests megalomania, perhaps, or narcissism or entitlement.  I can't think of a policy or bill he promoted that was truly beneficial to anyone.  

9.  Nearly 90 retired generals and admirals called on Biden's guys Milley and Austin to resign.   I haven't checked yet, but their probably among the 124 who signed a letter questioning both the outcome of the 2020 election and Biden's competence to serve as president.  Since the Afghan debacle, we're starting to hear some Dem members of Congress criticize his "leadership" (in referring to Biden, that word can only be used with quotation marks bookending it).  Like his former boss, Barack Obozo, Biden has proven himself a divider.  And he's taking us in a forward direction straight to hell and impotence as a nation.  His approval ratings are falling faster than I've ever seen them fall for a president.  He's doing it in record time!

10.  This putz had a leftist propaganda arm, known as the leftist media, who loved him as they do anyone who's a leftist.  But even now they're beginning to wonder.  He's been less than enamored with them as they begin to ask him about more than his favorite flavor of ice cream.  He's curt, easily angered and insulting to them.  And they're on his side!!!  Trump dealt with the same press corps and only returned fire on the most severe assholes among them...namely Jim Acosta.  Yet, he was constantly open to their questions.  Biden isn't allowed to speak to them, and is incomprehensible when he does.   He doesn't make himself available and why would that be?  What does that say about his opinion of the media?  

Trump was correct that the leftist media is the enemy of the people.  There's mounds of evidence to support that fact, as I've presented several times.  But now Biden is more and more likely to be a target of friendly fire from those insults to journalism.  Chances are he'll never call them enemies of the people.  He'll call them Republicans or some such.  Or he'll avoid them more and more. 

That's about it for now.  I'll be leaving town for some R & R and recon for a new home.  But upon my return, I'll be doing more posts about how we're totally screwed by having this absolute buffoon, this well known buffoon, this buffoon who's incompetence was not only on display for the last 50 years, but was pointed out repeatedly for most of it, and certainly during the campaign for 2020.  I'll detail some of the most serious damage he's already done, damage which will befall us if we can't find a way to prevent it (which is almost impossible until 2022 when we have a chance to take the House and Senate) and I can do that all without even mentioning Afghanistan...though I'll be doing that as well.  Who knows how much worse that will get while I'm gone. 

I'll also be speaking to who's responsible for this abomination of a presidency.  Stay tuned for that.