Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Enemy Action V

 News of Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty on all charges brought against him should have been reason for widespread, unanimous celebration.  To absolutely every sane, honest person of any persuasion paying attention to the case, there was absolute, unequivocal video evidence supporting his plea of self-defense as true, and absolutely nothing whatsoever to contradict that fact.  Justice prevailed.  An innocent was vindicated.  

But from the very beginning of this trial....actually before the events which led to it....the leftist media proved once again, and continuously, the fact they are the enemy of the people.  President Depends expects rational people to believe it's "white supremacy", but really that's nothing compared to the threat to America the leftist press has proven themselves to be.

From the arrest and shooting of thug Jacob Blake, to the aftermath of this trial, the lefty media has lied repeatedly.  Even within the last week or so...and it could've been just yesterday (I didn't mark when it occurred) was reported by a lefty outlet, I believe ABC News, that the "protests" in Kenosha (that was a lie, as it was rioting, not peaceful protests) were over the "killing" of Blake.  How does a news outlet get that wrong?

On Tucker Carlson's show, he had two guests who were covering the "protests" (again, a lie as they were riots) from the jump and they attest to the carnage which ensued almost immediately.  Yet the lefty media routinely tried to pretend the violence was secondary to "peaceful" protesting of a vile and overt lie regarding the Blake situation being another case of a black man being a victim of racism, which the media also falsely affirmed as true.

Throughout the trial of Rittenhouse, the media continued to portray him as violent, a racist, a militiaman, illegally possessing a weapon brought across state lines.  All lies intentionally told.  I say "intentionally" because their job is to get the facts straight, and they choose to push the lefty narrative on any story by which such a push favors and benefits the leftist cause...which is harmful to our nation to a very dangerous degree.  The division it stokes alone cannot continue unabated without disastrous consequences for all...even for other leftists.

Now that the trial is over, and their target has been proven innocent, this same group of lying bastards are trying to pretend it will provoke vigilante-ism and black people will be at greater risk because "white supremacists" will be enabled.  More gun control is advocated while bail reform is as well, demonstrating just how stupid these morons are, as well.  

Here's an interesting note:  Glenn Greenwald lives in Brazil.  He states the three largest news outlets reported on this case...just in the last week or so...that the criminal assholes trying to kill Rittenhouse before the kid shot them were black men!  What's more, he attests that other European outlets were reporting the same thing.  Thus, not only is our leftist media lying to people here, but they are the American outlets from which foreign news outlets get their info!!  THEY'RE LYING TO THE WORLD!!!  They're enemies of people world wide!!!!

Of course they aren't the only lefties lying about this case and promoting false presumption.  We hear the same lies, threats and nonsensical concerns from Democrat politicians from the president on down, as well as by the moron lefty actors and athletes.  Haven't any of these idiots actually followed this case?

That's not all the enemies of the people have been saying.  I've seen a collection of reports wherein their "journalists" have been promoting the notion that inflation is a good thing.  All in all, they promote the stupidity of Biden's economic policies as that which will bring about rainbows and candy for all.  At what point do these America haters actually investigate anything?  Where's the concern for truth?  

We need a free press.  We don't need a press which abuses that freedom to purposely lie to the American people.  Those who defend the lefty news outlets are every bit aiding and abetting their criminal behavior because they believe the lies themselves and demand others do as well.  They must be mocked for the liars and morons they truly are for the sake of the good people who will suffer should their moronic lying hurt more people. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Rittenhouse Case Exposes The Left Even Further

Like all normal, honest Americans concerned with actual Constitutionally protected rights, I was pleased as punch to see Kyle Rittenhouse exonerated of the woefully false charges against him which threatened his freedom for nothing.  There was so much video evidence of what happened that night to render the charges against him laughable lies.  I still don't understand what compelled the prosecutors to even bring the charges against him, and then to compound that stupidity by that crap sandwich of a strategy, fraught with all manner of legal blunders.  I have to wonder if these guys ever actually convicted an actual criminal given their clownish attempts to railroad this clearly innocent kid.  Indeed, if I was actually arrested for actually having committed a crime, I would certainly hope I'd be prosecuted by the likes of these bozos.  I'd really like my chances for acquittal. 

But aside from having two morons fail to find a way to unjustly frame the kid, this trial exposed so much which is frightening about our nation.  

First, KR was indicted for actions which took place during a riot by defenders of a true punk...a criminal...who was justly shot by cops attempting to arrest him.  Jacob Blake is but one more thug true assholes wish to portray as a victim of racism.  And once again, it seems quite clear to me that if one wishes to make a case of innocent people being killed by racists...cops or would behoove one to find a victim who is not a criminal shot and/or killed while doing criminal things.  BLM would have a far better chance of hoodwinking intelligent people if they didn't constantly riot over such people who invited their own suffering by their criminality.  Let's review:

Travon Martin---the impetus for BLM, shot by a neighborhood watch captain he was trying to beat to a pulp.  Here's a kid who would have had a more solid police rap sheet if not for a foolish policy which allowed him to avoid consequences of his punk level criminality.  An impotent president defended this joker.

Michael Brown---the Ferguson dude who robbed a convenience store and thought assaulting a cop was a good idea.  His death due to being an asshole provoked other assholes to riot.

Eric Brown---another low level punk who died resisting arrest.  The punchline here is this moron was resisting arrest for a really stupid misdemeanor.

Rayshard Brooks---died for resisting officers who woke him from his drunken stupor in a Wendy's drive-through lane.  

George Floyd---another with a criminal history who died while in police custody because he was high as a kite with drugs which caused him to behave in an erratic manner forcing the cops to restrain him.

All of the above are examples of people who provoked protests over racism and police brutality, though their fates where the result of their own actions...not those of cops or citizens like George Zimmerman.   With the KR case, we see the same thing.  Three people shot, with two of them dying as a result, because of their actions, not anything the kid had done.  They attacked him.  Rittenhouse didn't attack them.  AND, all three had some degree of criminal behavior in their background.

And just like those listed above, these three chuckleheads have been defended as victims by the leftist media, morons in the entertainment world and various leftist politicians including our current Flatulence-In-Chief.  Just like the cops and Zimmerman in the cases above, the kid has been vilified by all the leftists defending the criminals.  

The left has always been quick to defend the wicked, but this is really getting out of hand.  All of these people are criminals and none of them were shot unjustly.  NONE OF THEM.  (And we can add Ahmaud Arbery, who despite not having as clear video evidence as in the Rittenhouse case, died while assaulting a guy with a gun...a gun he has the right to have and carry openly in his state.)

The Rittenhouse case could not be a more clear example of the moral bankruptcy of the left.  This kid is a freakin' Boy Scout.  Those he shot were the exact opposite.  To hear media people and entertainers smear this kid's character and weep over the deaths of the assholes he shot and killed while defending his life against their attacks is an indictment of just how far gone one half of this country is.  They've been doing it since at least the Trayvon Martin incident.  

I don't know what it will take to get these people to see the light.  They are the reason we're a divided nation.  They wish America to be a place that cannot survive because what they believe has no basis in truth, fact or reason.  It's shocking and disgusting to see how the left responds to these incidents, but there's no understanding it.  It's a level of insanity that couldn't be imagined even fifty years ago.  No one would have thought we'd come to this.  

Here in the blogosphere, we've debated these differences and have gotten nowhere, as the leftist continues to pretend those who abide long-held notions of values and character are somehow now to be their fevered bigots, haters, and other nonsense.  Yet, they are the defenders of perversions, immoralities and criminal behaviors.  Perhaps the world truly is in the End Times. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Dark Clouds Hovering

I've been hearing protestors are so loud they can be heard within the courthouse.  They intend to intimidate the jurors into finding an innocent kid guilty as if doing otherwise is some indication of "white privilege" or whatever crap these lefty race-hustlers are excreting now.  Why they've been allowed to congregate so closely to an official building, which after Jan 6 I'm given to believe is some sort of mortal sin, in order to engage in such intimidation is beyond my understanding.  It's not like Rittenhouse was beating a dude's head against the sidewalk for daring to watch over his community.  It's not like Rittenhouse was resisting arrest while high as a kite.  It's not like Rittenhouse struggled with a cop after strong-arming a convenience store worker.  It's not like Rittenhouse was struggling with cops after being confronted again for illegal cigarette sales.  It's not like Rittenhouse was resisting arrest for assaulting a woman and then going for a knife.  It's not like Rittenhouse was awakened while in a drunken stupor in a Wendy's drive-through lane and then resisted arrest.  No.  It's not like any of these situations where a low-life thug was shot or killed while cops were doing their sworn duty.  This kid was chased by rioting assholes, his life was threatened by them and he defended himself as is his God-given right.  

Now the media Dan defends pretends it would be different if he was a black kid, as if a black kid caught on film running for his life before defending against life-threatening attacks with lethal force would be treated any differently.  These morons seem to think everyone is a lefty.  

I'm for law enforcement and the National Guard repelling any rioters with whatever means their behavior provokes...from water cannons to rubber bullets to live ammunition if necessary.  No fires started, no buildings or other property damaged or stolen, no citizens assaulted.  If they can't truly "protest" PEACEFULLY whatever the hell they think is worthy of "protesting", then whatever results is self-inflicted.  And good riddance!

I hope the jury stands tall against threats made against them.  This is what the world has become...where good people must confront true evil even at the risk to their own persons simply for doing what circumstances require.  I'd hate to be in that position, but I hope I would have the stones to do what's necessary for the sake of law, order and the good of my community and/or nation.  

But this is what leftism has wrought.  They speak of "progressivism" but the reality is they are among the most backward, primitive and carnal people around.  Nothing at all "progressive" about a damned thing they do or hope to do.   They corrupt and despoil everything they touch and the result is MORE racism, MORE suffering, and MORE cultural decay...all from and because of them.  The left is fast becoming the very people God washed away with the Great Flood.  The rest of us must steal ourselves for what lies ahead if nothing is done to stop them.

Monday, November 08, 2021

Dan's Questions Answered In Full

 What follows are responses to questions Dan asked me in the comments section of his Nov 3 offering.  It's rather lengthy, but as he deletes all my comments these days because he hasn't the stones to actually deal with them, I decided to copy and paste them here before I post them there, where he'll no doubt delete them rather than rebut or debunk any of it like a man.  It refers to Jesus saying to the rich young man, an episode appearing in three of the Gospels, there is no one good but God.   It's pretty straightforward and therefore troubling to Dan, who can't seem to provide an alternative explanation for what Jesus meant, because Dan wants to believe he's good (despite his lying, heresies and support for immoral behaviors) and that he knows "good" people so therefore Jesus was wrong or something.  None of has anything to do with the post to which it's attached, but Dan digresses when he thinks he can score points doing so.  Anyway...


"Are you even reading what we're writing?"

Yes.  Question 1 answered.

"JESUS refers to people as GOOD."

Not in any of the verses you listed.  That's what I was asking you to provide.

"He commands people to DO GOOD."

Not the same as being good.  It's a goal to which we're to aspire and strive.

"CLEARLY, Jesus believed in Good people."

Even MORE CLEARLY, Jesus said there is no one good but God.  Why, one can actually find a verse where He says just that!

"BEYOND THAT, we can look around us and  see Good people."

BEYOND THAT, we can look around us and see people WE pronounce as "good" people.  We've already covered that.  Still looking for Jesus referring to some specific person as "good".  You don't seem to have such a verse to present.

""Marshal... "Here again, you're doing no more than speaking of how we refer to each other relative to others.  Christ isn't doing that."


Says me, based on the fact that it's exactly what you're doing.   

"I GET that YOU PERSONALLY, in your mind, when YOU read  this, YOU INTERPRET this to be Jesus is literally saying that ONLY GOD is Good in ANY WAY and that any people are NOT GOOD."

I'm not "interpreting".  I'm repeating what Scripture records Jesus as having said, which is that there is no one "good" but God.  But your addition to my words "in ANY WAY" seems very much like your lie about Lev 12:22.   

"YOUR are choosing to interpret it woodenly literally, even while you don't do the same for "poor" and other words."

I have the same sound and accurate understanding of this verse as I do every verse in which the word "poor" appears.  Can't say the same for you. 

"You don't gouge out your eyes as Jesus literally commanded." 

Now you're just lying again, because Jesus didn't tell anyone to gouge out their eyes.  EVER!  He merely said it would be better one did rather than sin through them and suffer eternal punishment or hell (whichever was the case in the passage where He mentioned eye-gouging).  Didn't you say you seriously and prayerfully studied Scripture?

"You don't take ALL words literally, but you are CHOOSING to interpret this one literally and literally is the ONLY way YOU personally are guessing is appropriate to interpret it."  

I never said I take ALL words literally.  That's what you want to believe I do.  I said I take Scripture  literally, or the teachings therein.  And again, I'm not "interpreting" this verse.  I'm repeating it.  There's no guess work involved or necessary because it's so crystal clear.  Perhaps it's your guilt over not being a good person that is the problem with your objection.  That I can understand.  None of us are.  It's just that some of us try to be, and you're a heretic.

"But just because YOU PERSONALLY think it doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that no one else's opinions are invalidated by your random, whimsical hunches."

"Whimsical hunches."  That funny as well as pathetically desperate.  My opinions are spot on until someone can persuade me otherwise.  That takes evidence.  Got any?

"Now, I'm done giving you grace."

OK, that's even funnier!  You delete my comments.  Where's the grace in that?  "I'm done giving you grace."  That's a stitch.

"Do you know any good people?"<i>

I know many people I refer to as "good".  Question 2 answered.

"I'm asking you do you know any good people as good is defined in the English language?  Answer the damn question."

I just did. Question 2 asked again and answered again.

"Define Good as you are using it. Give a definition."

That's a demand, not a question.  The issue isn't how I define the word.  The issue is that there is no one good but God, according to Jesus...someone you pretend to follow.

"Does that mean that others who aren't perfectly good can't possibly still be good?"

Compared to some, yes.  But it's only a reference...a means to describe someone's character.  I wouldn't use it to describe you, specifically, but I know plenty of people about whom I would use the word because they're better than most people.  But I believe what Christ says because...well...He's the Son of God.  I want Him to like me.

Question 3 answered.

"And if so, based on what?"

Actually, I'm sure I made this clear several times now, but what the hell...based on comparisons to other people and my understanding of what constitutes a good person generally speaking, though there is really no one good but God.

Question 4 answered.
"Your say so?"

Given you're asking me my opinion of people I know, yes.

Question 5 answered.

"Jesus regularly refers to good people..."<i>
Not that you've demonstrated.

"or humans doing good."

Doing good and being good are not the same.  Bad people can do good.  Indeed, given there is no one good but God, that clearly isn't the least bit uncommon.  He wants us to do good.  

"Do you think Jesus was speaking metaphorically in all those places?" 

No.  Question 6 answered.

"Which seems to suggest that any humans defining Good are only using their own made-up definitions.  Is that true for you, as well...or are you an exception?"

Doesn't suggest that in the least.  Everyone has there own ideas of who qualifies for the word.  Consider how many mothers of dead thugs cry about the thug being "a good boy".  And no, I'm not using a made up definition, but applying the actual definition to human beings, none of whom are actually good according to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...who ought to know.  He is the Son of God, after all.  He's not totally dim.  Question 7 answered.  

"Jesus and other biblical writers referring to Good people or telling people to be good..."

The other biblical writers don't matter given the issue revolves around what Jesus said.  None of the verses you've provided satisfies the one question you're dodging...what did Jesus mean when He said there is no one good but God?  I gave you the only two possibilities (both of which I believe are true).  You think He was "messing" with the rich young man.  And now, you post a bunch of verses which do not provide an example of Him referring to any person as "good".  Fictional people referring to other fictional people as "good and faithful servant" is a specific person Christ Himself is referencing as "good".  Encouraging people to be good, isn't the same as saying anyone is good.  Speaking of how a good person behaves  (should behave, actually) isn't the same as saying some specific person is good.  

"(So, you're saying that God's a liar, Marshal. Got it.)(Or are you saying a man can be "BLAMELESS AND UPRIGHT" but still not Good??!)(The utter arrogance!)"

What's with all the parentheses?  It's not arrogance to speak the truth.  It's arrogance to say a sin isn't a sin, which is what you do.  Here, blameless and upright doesn't mean the same as not being a sinner or one with a sin nature, which a good person can't have.  

Question 8 answered.

Also, there's this: 

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  Romans 5:7

This suggests a difference between righteousness and goodness, and thus, one can't be quick to regard "blameless and upright" as the same as "good"...especially since Jesus said there is no one good but God.  

"... and of course, I could go on and on."

Please don't...unless you actually have a verse that will prove your point.  If you do, why didn't you lead with it?  

"Now, about people doing good things, Marshal says, "Encouraging folks to be good or holy doesn't mean they are."

That is what MARSHAL thinks. But Jesus rebukes Marshal's foolishness, saying...

"A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him"

So, who should we believe? Jesus or Marshal?

Marshal or our own eyes?"

Those last three are actually the same question, so I'm going to take the chance of calling them all Question 9 as I answer it now:

Jesus' words there doesn't rebuke me and thus, in this case Himself when He said there is no one good but God.  Once again, He is speaking of what a good man should or does do, not that there is a good man.  That is, if you want to be a good man, there first must be good stored up in you (as opposed to lies, heresies and support for immoral behaviors) in order to be able to bring out good things.

So Dan, you've totally failed yet again, pretending to have a different explanation for the especially clear and direct statement of Christ's, while not providing it at all, and then trying to pretend He meant something different by providing 13 verses which don't do what you said they do (and yet can go on and on).  

Jesus said there is no one good but God.  I know you believe yourself to be on par with God.  You often expect Him to subordinate His will to your liking.  But I choose to believe Jesus because I want Him to like me.  You want Him to change enough for you to like Him.  Good luck with that.