Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Quits! ...And The Nation Is Spared! (?)

So Sleepy Joe will now have uninterrupted nappy time after January 20, 2025.  He's dropped out of the race and...*snicker*...backs Harris!  

I'm still trying to get details on this development, and can't get to the television for a while.  But just this much is...I don't know what it is.  Surprising?  Shouldn't be.  The guy shouldn't have been president at all...EVER...much less run for a second term after the mess he's made of the nation.  He selected Harris more as an insurance policy (the way Obama selected him for VP) rather than because he believed her competent to take over.  I don't know any Dem who would've been a better choice than her, anymore than I don't see any Dem as having been a better choice than Biden.  

What matters at this point is how this impacts the election.  Many were falling away from Biden because he's about to drop dead at any minute, not because of his career and presidency of incompetence.  Will any be invigorated by Harris?  We know that the superficial is what counts most for progressives.  They'll see a woman of color and then pretend she's competent for the job so they can have a woman of color in the position.  

I believe the Dems will offer other alternatives, but would they be serious about and "let the best candidate win", or would it be nothing but a token gesture because they fear the outcry of "THE FIRST WOMAN OF COLOR" is rejected because she's a total buffoon? 

Again, I believe the stupidest voters in America will be energized by the mere fact that the Dead Man Walking dropped out of the race.  "NOW Trump's gonna get it!"  The stupidest voters in America would elect road kill rather than risk a safe and prosperous nation.  So real Americans aren't out of the woods yet.  They weren't before Joe bailed.  The Dems will still cheat. 

Whomever the Dem nominee is, the threat of increased suffering should that specific jackass win is still very real.  As bad as Joe is, it's the party which needs to bail, too.  

This changes nothing. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

It Was Just A Matter Of Time

By now, few could claim to be unaware of the attempt on Trump's life yesterday.  I praise God it was unsuccessful, but another life was taken by the shooter, who was also put down like the dog he chose to be.  

There's not a lot I've heard confirming motivations of the shooter.  I heard he was very young, I think he was a white guy and that's really about it.  Details regarding security, or lax security which resulted in this kid getting on a roof in close range to Trump are all sketchy as well as I write this.  I spent the morning at the beach, so upon my return, I have not seen anything more definitive about the details.  I've seen the video enough that I don't need to see it again.

As to the kid, I heard something about him being Antifa, but that also hasn't been confirmed.  Despite Trump being the target, that alone doesn't make the kid a lefty.  But it would be surprising to find otherwise given the rhetoric of the left toward Trump, the many manifestations of assassination fantasies by leftist actors and singers, the constant reference to Trump as some evil, Hitler-like incarnation intent on "destroying our democracy"...blah, blah, blah.  

And when one stops to consider all the false charges his political opponents have level against him in attempts to impeach or convict him of actual wrongdoing, it's hard to believe it took so long for someone to try something like this.  By whatever means, right lefties?

Then I got to thinking about other assassinations and attempts, and I wondered how often we've seen an attempt on a Democrat or other leftist by a Republican/conservative/"right-winger" and decided to do some research. 

I initially intended to look at attempts as well as successful assassinations, but the list of assassinated politicians was long enough.  Then I decided to focus on just Dem victims, though I did find one Republican whose assassin was a friend and campaign worker, which suggest a Republican, though no other evidence was present in reports I found.  But this was more a run of the mill murder than an assassination.

And here I wish to pause to discuss the word itself.  It denotes the murder of an important person, generally a political person or for political reasons.  Some regard John Lennon's murder in this way, but I don't.  He was murdered, not assassinated.  With this in mind, the list of assassinations I reviewed included many cases of simply murder, or murder for reasons other than political, and thus no clear evidence to determine the political leanings of the culprit was found.  So I disregarded such cases. 

I also decided to narrow it down further to relatively recent cases...the 1930s to now...though I did look at earlier cases to see if anyone stood out.  Aside from the one case just mentioned in the previous paragraph, I found only one.  His name was Byron Looper, and he spent most of his life as a Dem, until changing parties to run for a specific office.  His record of performance in politics before and after the party change say the least...poor and after reading what was offered about his bio, I don't think party mattered as much to him when his ability to win positions failed to garner the authority he sought. 

It seems that conservatives don't engage in this behavior.  This group considered by morons to be oppressors, aren't really so oppressive and don't respond to oppressive political action by murdering the politician in charge.  Even Democrats are murdered by Democrats.  No.  Republicans/conservatives/"right-wingers"...probably the largest faction of gun owners and 2nd Amendment defenders...choose to vote political opponents out of office.  I know it's a strange concept, but that's how we always thought it's supposed to be done. 

Hell...we're not even prone to lying about our political opponents, much less threaten their lives!  We don't need to when their actions are reason enough to rid ourselves of them.  We reject "by whatever means", and go with "by moral and appropriate means" and hope we succeed that way.  Killing ain't our thing and chances are, a lefty will do it eventually.  They are, after all, the Death Cult Party.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Progressives Still Too Stupid To Involve In Border/Immigration Policy Legislation

The above article describes the dangers inherent in illegal invaders' attempts to circumvent state established obstructions to illegal invasions across the state/Mexico border.  These deaths, which are none too few by any compassionate standard, are the sole responsibility of those who do nothing to oppose the Dem open border policy which makes this all too possible for way too many.  

No.  Instead, as is clear in an example near the end of the article, the leftists suggest that the mortal sin of protecting one's borders is responsible for the deaths, because illegals who insist on forcing their way into our interior, the success of which they believe will insure their ability to stay, seek areas with the least obstruction.  These areas are usually the most dangerous due to their environments.  Deserts typically are dangerous even for those equipped for the journey.  The article supplies a great analogy of this leftist lie.  Paraphrasing:

Dan Trabue secures his doors and windows such that one seeking entry can't find access on the ground floor.  The intruder sees an open window on the second floor and believes he can reach it by climbing a nearby tree.  In the attempt to succeed in this endeavor, the branch onto which he steps breaks and he plunges to the ground, breaking his neck.  By the leftists' logic, Dan is responsible for this guy's injury because he didn't leave his first floor doors and windows unlocked.

This stupidity plays out in basic arguments for change.  Because we're only allowing so many in through legal means, we're forcing those too impatient for whatever reason to sneak in any way they can.  Their criminal travel agents...the cartels...have no concern for the health and safety of the invaders, and thus are willing to take their money and get them close enough to the border to then take their chances crossing at dangerous points of entry. 

So the leftist argument is thus:  The current laws suck, so we'll just invite all to come and blame those with concern for OUR safety when the invaders die attempting to invade.  The progressives are too stupid to consider how much easier it would be to accommodate the very, very few of the millions coming here if those millions weren't possessed of the impression that they have a chance of getting in and not being sent away.  They get this impression by the progressive asshats and those they elect.  Blocking their entry by any avenue not approved, as well as deporting all who are found to have entered through those unapproved avenues, will eventually send the message in no uncertain terms that the door is closed and entry is impossible without approval before crossing the border.  It's the only way.  And then those who are actual refugees fleeing actual danger can be properly helped out.

In the meantime, Dems/leftists/progressives/marxists/America-haters (all the same things) should just shut the hell up and leave immigration policy to honest, moral and intelligent adults.  They don't have any.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Supporting Trump: Part 3

 I was going to post this as a comment under one of Craig' blog posts, but as it's so long, decided to post it here.  It stands as an argument against Biden and as long as it is, it's woefully incomplete.  It's from the brilliant Robert Gagnon's FB posting:

A godly Christian FB friend whom I respect (has a theological Ph.D., and holds the biblical position regarding homosexual practice and transgenderism) posted affirmingly this ridiculous meme: "I'll take the guy who speaks the truth with difficulty over the guy who clearly enunciates his lies, any day of the week." My response:
Dear friend, Biden speaks the truth? You have got to be kidding me. Trump had many exaggerations and lies, certainly. But Biden is far from clean on this.
In the debate with Trump Biden lied about:
● the Border Patrol endorsing him (they immediately issued a categorical denial that they would ever endorse him for President).
● saying that there were now lower numbers of illegal aliens coming into the country than Trump ever had (what a whopper from the person who is responsible for an unprecedented wave of illegal immigration involving 8-18 million unvetted persons coming into the country).
● saying that Roe (in combination with Doe v. Bolton) restricts abortion to a child’s pre-viability (it allows it till birth, for the mother’s “health,” loosely defined as including the mother’s “emotional” and “psychological” health).
● not supporting abortion past fetal viability (he supports the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” which guarantees precisely that).
● Trump calling Nazis and Ku Klux Klan "good people" (even left-leaning Snopes admits this).
● Trump saying “Hitler has done some good things” (even Snopes said there is “no proof” that Trump ever said this, and Trump denies it).
● Trump calling dead soldiers "suckers" and "martyrs" (even Snopes admits there is insufficient evidence for this, and Trump vehemently denies he ever said it, with witnesses).
● saying he (Biden) was the first president not to have any US military killed during his administration.
● saying he brought insulin shots down to $15 from an average of $400 (it was capped at $35 and the prior average was $440/year, not per shot).
● intimating that his son Beau was killed in action in Iraq when in fact he died from brain cancer.
● claiming the unemployment rate was at 15 percent when he came into office (it was 6.4 percent).
● claiming inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office (it was 1.4 percent).
● claiming that he “didn’t” raise taxes for “anybody making less than $400,000 a year” (he raised the tax burden for those making as little as $20,000/year).
Biden also grossly exaggerated when he claimed that Trump told people they would be cured from COVID if they injected bleach into their arm. And he exaggerated when he claimed that Trump wanted out of NATO; Trump was merely pressing Europe for a fair financial contribution to their own defense.
Beyond the debate, consider Biden's extreme failings as President:
Biden has been the biggest promoter of "LGBTQ" causes of any President and has done the greatest amount of harm. Biden issued an executive order that changed “sex discrimination” in Title IX to include “transgender discrimination,” mandating “trans girls” (biological boys) in girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and sports. He has high-profile “gay” and “trans” persons in his administration, and has regularly welcomed to the White House the most garish possible “trans” persons, including men with beards identifying as women and “drag queens.” His administration is challenging Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors. His “Department of Justice” is seeking to prosecute a Texas doctor who blew the whistle on “trans” surgery for minors. He supports state-sponsored child abuse through his "trans" policy (chemical castration and surgical mutilation of minors), puts males in female private spaces and sports, promotes the forced indoctrination of children in "LGBTQ" immorality, wants to put parents at risk of losing a child that identifies as "gay" or "trans" if they don't approve of the identity, and threatens both free speech (compelling "trans" pronouns) and free exercise of religion in a way that nothing else does, especially by promoting the so-called “Equality Act.”
The foisting of “LGBTQ” laws and ideology is one of his two main idols. The other is to overturn Dobbs and reinstate Roe and Doe, promoting the gruesome slaughter of innocent life (supporting, as I mentioned, the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” which makes an abortion a right for all 9 months of pregnancy). He has promoted the use of taxpayer money to fund abortions. His Department of “Justice” has made a special point of prosecuting and sending to jail peaceful pro-life protestors.
He has promoted on social media sites government censorship of views at odds with the ideology of the Democratic Party, and attempted to establish a permanent “Disinformation Governance Board” that would have further restricted free speech.
His court appointments will solidify this extreme radical sexual agenda and abridgment of civil liberties for Christians for decades to come. His female nominee to SCOTUS can't even define what a woman is, so wedded is she to "trans" ideology.
He has created a border situation that has allowed an unprecedented 8-18 million illegal aliens into the country without proper vetting, all in an effort to turn Texas blue and to cheat future national elections. In this Biden did not enforce the immigration laws of Congress, shirking his responsibility as chief executive.
Biden is the head of the Democratic Party, which has gone after Trump, prosecuting Trump in the manner of a Banana Republic with ridiculous lawsuits, posing a far greater threat to democracy than anything Trump had a hand in. He made a point in the debate to emphasize that Trump was the only convicted felon to run for the Presidency. Yet even some key Democrats (like New York’s former governor Cuomo; also, a couple of CNN commentators, a Yale law professor) view the New York felony conviction as an unfair politicization of the justice system. Trump rightly noted that a key member of Biden’s Justice Department suspiciously transferred to District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office in New York. The Biden Justice Department’s special prosecutor has indicted Trump for possession of classified documents (something that Biden also did, and that when he was only Vice President) and for an alleged conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. In public statements Biden has supported the prosecution of his chief political opponent at the state and local level.
Biden attempted to illegally wipe out billions of dollars in student debt, a prerogative of Congress (not the President), which the Supreme Court struck down. It was a transparent attempt by Biden to buy votes from the young college-educated, even though it transferred the gigantic debt to the country as a whole, including people who never had the opportunity to go to college.
There is no way that he could not have known that Hunter was receiving millions for influence peddling with his father, both from the Ukraine and China, and he threatened the Ukraine with loss of aid if the prosecutor did not stop investigating his son. Biden’s “Justice” Department let the statute of limitations run out on the most serious charges against Hunter.
He has a history of making false statements to pad his own bio, for example, claiming that he graduated at the top of his law school class when he was at the bottom. He also falsely claimed that he was a fierce civil rights activist in his youth (including the false claim that he had been arrested during a desegregation protest in Delaware during the Civil Rights era), that he had an uncle who fell prey to cannibals, and that he used to drive an 18-wheeler. In an early campaign for President he had to drop out because it was discovered that he had plagiarized whole speeches.
As regards foreign affairs, his handling of the Afghanistan affair was an unmitigated disaster that probably encouraged Putin to view the US as weak and ineffectual, and so to risk an invasion of the Ukraine. He also rescinded Trump’s restoration of United Nations sanctions on Iran, making it possible for money to flow back into Iran, which in turn funded the brutal Hamas attacks on Israel.
Inflation has risen 20% since Biden took office (food prices 25%), though this can be partly blamed on the end of COVID and the Ukraine war (but partly too on Biden’s excessive spending). When Trump left office, inflation was at a very low 1.4% (due in part to COVID slowdown). Still, in the first 3 years prior to COVID, the Trump administration presided over a consumer price index of 2-2.5% while under Biden it hit a peak of 9.1% in 2022 (since the end of 2023 it has come down to about 3%).
As regards unemployment rates, Trump had achieved a 49-year low just prior to COVID (2019), including for Blacks, though the unemployment rate for Blacks has been slightly lower under Biden for the last two years. Biden has brought the national employment rate down to a level close to what it was in the pre-COVID years of the Trump administration.
The deficit is more complex. Yes, Trump had the worst deficit-spending year (contrary to what he claimed), the year that COVID struck (2020, $3.13 trillion), but his 3 prior years as president averaged much less (0.8 trillion, though a little worse than Obama’s prior 4 years but better than Obama’s 4 years before that). Biden’s big COVID year, 2021 had the second highest deficit ($2.77 trillion) but he has less of an excuse for averaging in the two years following nearly twice ($1.54 trillion) that of what Trump averaged before COVID.
On top of Biden’s disastrous policies and court appointments, Biden clearly doesn't have the mental wherewithal to continue in office for another 4 years, meaning that he would be replaced by someone even worse: Kamala Harris.
I strongly urge you to reconsider your political position.
As anyone who supports Biden or any other Democrat should.  
Dan will not find fault in much of this because Dan's as morally corrupt as any Dem, and likely more given his insistence he's a devoted Christian...which makes his support for these positions all the more immoral.  

But the differences between one Dem and the next are insignificant, particularly as they are loath to go against party policy.  Dan likes to pretend Trump supporters are conned, but those like Dan have conned themselves in believing all the crap they support and promote.   Should America fall, it will be the result of Dem/leftist/marxist Americans.

Thus, I support Trump. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Great Replacement Is Happening

I haven't checked out all the links in this article:

...but I've seen quite a few articles referencing illegals voting in American elections.  This should never be happening.  I don't even want foreign visitors with green cards or work/student visas to vote in our elections, and I don't care how long they've been here or what they think of our country.  They're free to speak on any issue, but without citizenship, they need to stay the hell away from polling places and ballots.  They have no right.  None. 

It wasn't very long ago that some like Tucker Carlson were berated for suggesting a leftist movement called "Replacement Theory" (or some such).  It was said to be a conspiracy theory of the right-wing extremists...whoever the hell they are.  Yet the Dem policy regarding the border, along with these many stories of state and local bodies allowing non-citizens to vote seems a very blatant proof that yet another claim of "conspiracy" turns out to be nefarious Dem reality. 

We are supposed to be a self-governing nation.  Not only to we have too many who leave governing to politicians based only on what letter follows their names, or by leaving circumstances in the hands of if we have no roll in our national destiny...but now some feel just fine with leaving outsiders to govern us by allowing them to vote.  

This doesn't happen with good conservatives (or even middling conservatives) in the majority in all levls of government.  It just doesn't, because conservatives understand what made us and will again make us great as a nation.  The left doesn't.  The left is evil.  This is just one more manifestation of it and center-right political animal should be a part of it, or stand by and let it happen. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Coincidence!

I had just posted my previous bit about "Pride Month" when I decided to check the usual blogs I routinely visit for new entries and comments.  And what do I find at Dan's Blog of Lies?  His own celebration of perversion:

In his joy regarding a day/month honoring abject deviancy and perversion, he lists a number of quotes which he feels are appropriate for the occasion.  Like the abomination he reveres, they pervert.  Let's review:

He begins with a picture which is a favorite of pervs and their enablers as it intends to suggest they're "holier than thou" in their "welcoming" of that which is abjectly sinful.  It says "Everyone Is Welcome Here".  I don't know what "Here" is, but it ain't Heaven. 

In the text of the post, he begins with anti-Semite and "Liberation Theology" promoter, Desmond Tutu.  (My responses are those in parenthesis throughout this list of quotations) 

"Goodness is stronger than evil."
(Goodness is that which pleases God.  LGBTQ behaviors and activism isn't goodness.  It is evil itself.)
"Love is stronger than hate."
(Loving abomination is not love.  Lusting is not love.  Encouraging all to abandon, rebuke and cope with their temptation for His sake is not hate.)
"Light is stronger than darkness."
(Christ is the light of the world.  Abiding God is light.  Promoting and enabling sexual immorality is darkness.)
"Life is stronger than death."
(Deut. 30:16-20, Romans 6:23  Life is obedience to God.  Death is disobeying God.  LGBTQ behavior is death because it is sin.)
"Victory is ours through God who loved us."
(Throughout the OT, God provided victory to those who obeyed His Will, not to those who blatantly rejected it in favor of personal preferences.)

The next is from James Baldwin, civil rights activist, anti-Semite and homosexual.

"Love him and let him love you.  Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"
(Yes.  Loving according to the way God wants us to love.  Not the way LGBTQ people do.)

Next up is Audre Lorde, radical feminist and leftist.

"and when we speak we are afraid
our words will not be heard
nor welcomed
but when we are silent
we are still afraid
So it is better to speak
we were never meant to survive"
(It's really important what we have the courage to say.  To speak in a manner which promotes, defends, celebrates and/or enables sinful behavior...especially in these craven to speak evil.)

What follows is most egregious, because it's a citation of Christ and perverted to enable perversion.

"This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you."
(Christ did not love anyone in a manner which suggested their sinfulness could continue without condemnation.  He routinely told people to "Go and sin no more."  He will not regard those who embrace their sin as worthy of Heaven.  He will say, "I never knew you.")

Dan includes Harvey Milk, homsexual sexual predator of teens and young men...Dan's favorite kind.

"Hope will never be silent."
(It is my hope that all LGBTQ people will be granted the epiphany they so desperately need, turn from their deviancy and perversion and do so before their lives are forever destroyed.  Christ can help with that.)

Almost done, we now have Bayard Rustin, homosexual and activist.

"To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true."
(This people are truly afraid of the truth.  They don't speak it in defending, celebrating, promoting and enabling sexual perversion.  Today, the problem is they're NOT afraid, but bold in their advocacy of sinfulness and evil.  The truth is that God has no place for the unrepentant reprobates.  That should make them greatly afraid.  Sadly, it doesn't.  "...their blood will be on their own heads.") 

Finally...and ain't it about time? more from Audre Lorde.

"Without community, there is no liberation."
(I prefer a more Godly community where there will be true liberation from evil and depravity.  Dan does not.)     

Of course, the worst part of these people...and Dan of the threat to the souls of children who will be corrupted by their lies and false assurances.  Our culture is not in the least bit enhanced by having given in to the demands of the sexually impure, particularly these "LGBTQers".  And as always, the most unfortunate are the children the left always harms most with their evil.  There's a special place in hell for them.

PRIDE MONTH SPECTACULAR!! (Speaking of "Evil")

It's half-way through Perv Month and I thought I'd submit a few links in "celebration" of this particular manifestation of evil:

This first one features two stories, equally abhorrent.  The latter is, for me, local and as suggested, seems less likely than it would have been back home in Hellinois.  But the pervs seek to pervert wherever they can and no place is truly safe:

This next one features an incredible perv running against Nancy if Pelosi isn't bad enough.  Of course, as the article suggests, the true nature and severity of this dude's perversion isn't made known by the "journalists" highlighting him.  Of course not.  Even the left knows perversion is hard sell if presented honestly:

We can't do this right without listing the many ways "the community" suffers oppresions every day.  It's just awful:

This satirical presentation accurately illustrates their intentions for us all.  Taste the Rainbow!:

This last one could easily provide for a post all its own, given the many manifestations of perv promotion listed herein.  Are they after the kids?  Of course they are and anyone who tries to say otherwise is a lying Trabue:

As I do for other subjects, I have files in which I store information about this particularly heinous topic.  That means I could provide quite a large sample of articles which report on the move to further degrade our culture with this evil.  This will surely be sufficient for now.  May God have mercy on us for allowing this vile crap to proliferate.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Giving Up On The Evil Ones

Sometimes my blog post titles come after I write the post.  Other times, the title is what springs to mind and the post follows.   In this case, the title was compelled by one thing and then another came up over which the title is equally appropriate.  I'm going to try to blend them, and if it turns out the post weighs too heavily in one direction over the other, I'll do a "Part II".

Over at the Blog of Lies, otherwise known as "Through These Woods" (aka "A Pained Shallow Visit"), Dan Trabue posted the following offering just prior to the verdict from the latest sham trial of rank political persecution:

It was a short post, basically two sentences, which illustrate Dan's grave dishonesty.  They are as follows with my response to them:

"IF the verdict is Not Guilty, I will be disappointed, but I won't be in the streets protesting and calling it a sham."

Why should he, given a "not guilty" verdict would have affirmed it was the sham trial it truly was?

" IF, on the other hand, he's found guilty, you can count on anger and protests from Trump and his allies."

This wouldn't surprise honest people, because there was no legitimacy in this proceeding, just as there hasn't been in the other trials against Trump.  All four are examples of political persecution, at least two of which were prosecuted by likely affirmative action rogues who campaigned on putting Trump in jail.  Right there, you have two people who in their corrupt hearts and minds consider Trump guilty before they even investigate him. 

Americans, by and large, and even among the lunatic left, are infused through what remains of a culture in which justice means something, and legal abuse provokes great outrage.   What we're seeing in these trials are manifestations of evil by evil people.  How can it be otherwise given the many overt abuses so apparent to even legal experts who voted for Hillary Clinton?  Even one of CNN's legal experts firmly stated this particular trial presided over by the rogue, Trump-hating judge Merchan, is unConstitutional!  Now, when a scumbag like Dan Trabue wants to put a fine point on his accusation of moral corruption on the part of Trump, what does he do?  He cites "conservative" pundits, like George Will.  Will he back off his celebration of this verdict because of leftist legal eagles roundly criticizing this trial for its many procedural errors?   Of course not.  Dan's morally bankrupt, steeped in his hatred of Trump, know...embrace grace!

Here's where the other provocation for this post comes in:

Dan's evil.  That's my conclusion based on the Christ's teaching of knowing a bad tree by its fruit.  Dan's into bad fruits.   In the comments following this laughable post, he mentioned trying to submit a comment to Stan, who rejected him as Stan routinely does because Dan's a puke.  He desperately needs to get as many others to hate Trump as he does, and Stan wouldn't go for it, even though Stan's opinion of Trump really isn't much better.  Neither of them will ever support Trump, though it isn't out of the question that Stan might support a particular policy or two of Trump's.  They both, however, regard themselves as in good standing with God for rejecting Trump at the ballot booth, despite his great record as president the first time, versus the clear and obvious degradation of our nation since the 2020 election was stolen, allowing Biden to continue "fundamentally transforming" our nation into a raging if that likelihood wasn't a guarantee.

But Stan's only tainted by evil.  He agrees with Scripture which affirms man's nature leans toward sin, so it's not an outrageous thing to say about anyone.  But that's not the point to which I refer here.  I believe that the best of men can make really bad choices in good faith, and doing so is the result of evil influence.  God works in mysterious ways, it is said, and so does the Father of Lies.  Look again at the consequences of rejecting Trump and how all those who rejected him as president foolishly focused on his personal life as opposed to his political platform (2016) and then his political track record (2020&24).   That focus resulted in the suffering we endure today.  Yet most of those who did so believed they were doing good, acting to please God, but the dangers were not hidden, they were not without being forewarned.  In the end it's worse than I imagined it could be even while knowing it will be bad.  How could it not be?  It's freakin' Joe Biden and even his old boss warned, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." 

But I don't want to go off anymore on Stan.  He's a good man and a great source for info and insight on Scripture.  If you want a dumbfuck to explain Scripture, that's what Dan and his diaper stain feo are for.  Stan's just dead wrong beyond argument about not voting for Trump.  Severely so.

Getting back to the trial, I mentioned it being a sham and referred to it as akin to the show trials of Stalin, Mao and Hussein.  Dan protested that comparison by suggesting that because the trials are happening here, they're automatically honest, just and pure as the driven snow.  Only an evil asshole would dare suggest such an obvious lie.  The Innocence Project has worked to see many falsely convicted people released from prison and have their convictions overturned.  Would Dan suggest that all these people were truly guilty simply because they were tried in American courts with honest and impartial judges and juries?  I doubt it.  Indeed, he'd be more likely to say just the opposite about these convictions, regardless of whether or not the judges and juries acted in good faith.

But it's Donald Trump who was convicted, so it must be true.  Those courts couldn't possibly be corrupt, despite the many legal experts who found fault ran rife throughout.

I can't pretend any longer.  I don't feel I'm obliged in any way to act as if evil isn't at work in some and deeply ingrained in Dan, the Democrat Party, Hamas and a host of others. 

Some have difficulty in using the word "evil" and applying it to actions and/or the people who commit them.  But to refuse to acknowledge it makes it that much harder to combat it.  Failure to combat it serves no one, and puts many at risk.  The culture of our nation has degraded far too much, and is likely beyond hope.  We may be closer to the End Times than we'd like to consider, but one thing is certain:  complacency in the face of obvious evil hurries it along.  I don't believe we're to hurry it along.   Scripture does not describe it as especially enjoyable, and I'd like to think it's at least a half-dozen generations away at least. 

Evil taints us all.  We are by nature predisposed to serve ourselves over the Lord.  We struggle with any number of temptations.  We may indeed succumb to a few while battling against others, and certainly while battling against evil which seems more and more ubiquitous in this day and age.  I'm not willing to give in to it.  I'm not willing to appease any of it.  And I'm not willing to ignore those who promote evil around us. 

I'll likely have more to say on this subject.  I've been struggling with just how to broach it, and have started this post over a few times.  Now, I've simply decided to post it as is without further editing.  Take it as you like.