Saturday, January 30, 2021

Don't It Always Seem To Go...

As the horror of the new administration manifests over and over again (and in so short a time, too), it is helpful to remember just what we lost by the election of Joey Plugs over the far superior Donald Trump.  What follows are links listing the many accomplishments of Trump that has benefited this nation in ways most who refused to support him never knew, never sought to know and for many, simply disregarded for reasons moral, rational people still struggle to understand.  The first is a rather long list of accomplishments, most focusing on the moral issues.  For those who found Trump's character such that they couldn't "in good conscience" cast a vote for him, I'm left to wonder how they resolve that position with these acts made directly by him or came about as a result of actions he took:

I'm especially interested in knowing how someone who would presume to write a cryptic post entitled "No Return" would at the same time oppose a president so beneficial to the disabled.

What follows isn't actually a link, of course, but was within an email newsletter I received on Jan. 20.  But it is brief list for those with a short attention span:

Built over 400 miles of the world’s most robust and advanced border wall.
Became the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.
Launched Operation Warp Speed to initiate an unprecedented drive to develop and make available an effective vaccine by January 2021.
Nominated and confirmed over 230 Federal judges including three Supreme Court Justices.
Stripped discretionary Federal grant funding from deadly sanctuary cities.
Suspended refugee resettlement from the world’s most dangerous and terror-afflicted regions.
Reversed the previous Administration’s disastrous Cuba policy, canceling the sellout deal with the Communist Castro dictatorship.
Completely rebuilt the United States military with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020.
Defeated 100 percent of ISIS’ territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria.
Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, ensuring that taxpayer money is not used to fund abortion globally.
Launched a new pro-American lesson plan for students called the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education.

This next is a bit longer, and now we're getting to a point where some accomplishments will be repeated, but so what?  Those who refused to vote for the guy need to have their mistake repeatedly stated:

This next had been posted before, and was offered in a comment by Stan.  But the benefit to America wasn't enough to make a difference to him.  The list was put together by Wayne Grudem and provides more detail about each point on the list, explaining the beneficial nature of each:

This last is notable for two reasons.  First, it is from Trump's first year alone and shows how much good he did in such a short time.  Secondly, at the top of the article, it provides a decent definition for "accomplishment" with regard to a president's work:

As the last link allows, "accomplishment" doesn't necessarily mean each act is a good thing, though I would challenge anyone to look at these lists and try to make the case there isn't far more good than bad in any of them.  I mean...really...good luck with that. 

More importantly, each list proves...not merely provides evidence for, but actually proves Trump was not simply competent as president, but competent in a way most presidents haven't been, and certainly more competent than either his predecessor or his successor, neither of whom could provide a high bar for Trump to overcome.   Neither is or was at all capable.  Neither is or was as committed to what best for all Americans...assuming they've ever had any degree of such commitment at all. 

74 million or more Americans understood what we've lost.  The rest?   

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Threatened By Whom?

 Back in June 2020, rioting in D.C. sparked by, among other things, the false narrative that George Floyd was "murdered" by police rather than done in by his own drug us, Trump brought in troops to help quell the violence.  He was attacked by those like the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, as well as by some military officers.  Actual rioting and destruction was taking place which overwhelmed local police and clearly was enabled by D.C.'s moronic mayor.  To be even more clear, destructive violence and threats to human life was taking place at the time.

Fast forward to the present.  25,000+ troops have been brought into D.C. with the complete approval of those same people that derided Trump, despite the fact that no violence is taking place.  The narrative is that it must be done to thwart the violent intentions of...wait for it...the Cult of Trump!  Yeah.  They're a clear and present danger.  Sure.  Lefties lying again.

To be sure, due to the valid concerns about a stolen election, due to constant derision by leftists of inferior character (I know...that smacks of redundancy..."leftists", "inferior character"), due to promises of doing away with all the great policies enacted by Trump which have vastly improved life for all Americans, as well as now known plans to re-institute policies which were proven failures, as well as constant rhetoric suggesting a level of fascism never before seen in this nation, one would be justified in believing victims of all this hatred from the left would not be tolerated forever.  But the history of such actions from the right is scant to say the least. 

I agree with those who see this military buildup as a threat by this administration to those who disagree with them.  All indicators suggest it's a more than valid fear.  Trump...the man attacked as Hitler-like...never did anything like this.  He attacked a miscreant leftist-press, but never, like Obama, did anything more than call them out.  But now we're hearing and seeing all sorts of nasty things which are distinctly threatening to one segment of our society simply for opposing the new regime. 

If only Trump didn't tweet so much.

Sidebar:  I also agree with those who've said ordering in 25,000+ troops was the only way Biden could get more than a dozen people to show up for his inauguration.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

What Incitement Looks Like

Many have been denouncing Trump for inciting the violent breach of the Capitol last Jan. 6th.  Some of them were even Republicans who, like rats on a sinking ship concerned only with their own political lives, have joined the chorus of liars.  Stan provided for me a link to a transcript of Trump's speech and rally on that date.  I read it looking for the words one might try to claim are the very words that drove otherwise peaceful protesters (TRULY peaceful, unlike those of the BLM/Antifa persuasion) to march uncontrollably toward the Capitol building with ill intent.  There were none.  There was nothing in that speech that was any more inciteful of criminal behavior than a typical half-time pep talk by most every coach on every sports team of every kind since the dawn of sports in our country.  We here the phrase "we must fight"...or words to that effect...with regularity in a host of ways without anyone daring to suggest that someone who moves from that point to criminal violence was incited by the hearing of them. 

Yet, because it was Donald Trump who uttered some words, and violent criminal behavior took place...beginning before he was even finished speaking...we're to all join in the clown car of buffoons that are trying to pin yet another false claim on this eccentric individual.  It's shameful and disgraceful and contemptible.  Nothing he said justifies the assertion that he bears responsibility for what transpired and to insist as much is to be a liar worse than what they like to say Trump is.

Here's two examples of what "incitement" truly looks like:

Nothing Trump said comes anywhere close to the full-throated instigation demonstrated in these videos of leftists and "justice warriors".  And worse, they are all based on proven lies.  Trump's rally speech deals with the concerns held by 74 million Americans plus 30% of Democrats regarding the integrity of the election.   Concerns justified by mountains of evidence, some of which I've presented in previous posts. 

And now, we're seeing so many in politics and Big Tech exploit this lie to further attack Trump in a variety of ways, exposing their true selves like never before as the vile, America-hating self-centered scum they are.

Thank you to all Dems and Trump-haters for bringing about this fascism we're already beginning to suffer.  May God forgive you.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Some Stuff For Your Perusal

There's been so much going on, and I've been responding to an incredible amount of comments on social media such that I've had a hard time deciding what to cut out and what to pursue.  While trying to decide I've been pursuing it all, as well as other aspects of my personal life.  Some issues I've wanted to address here, but as they were piling up, I couldn't decide which I should take on first.  To "cull the herd", so to speak, I'm doing a round-up as Stan and Neil commonly do at their blogs.  So here ya go:

"Have Fun Stormin' The Castle!"

The following link is a video from Andrew Wilkow in which he addresses the hypocrisy and hyperbole of those asserting the breaching of the Capitol building following an incredibly huge Trump rally was on par with Armageddon.  Basically, he's speaking of people like Dan.

Oh Baby!

This next one is something upon which I just stumbled while composing this post.  I don't know the person hosting it, but she's talking about my new favorite Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard.  The weird thing is that I seem to recall she, despite being very much a babe, turned my stomach.  Something she said during the primaries in her quest for the presidency.  I don't recall what it was, though I remember also thinking I could handle her lefty crap given her fine features.  Shallow?  Who cares.  She's very attractive. 

But I digress...because she's kinda hot. 

The point here is, despite the above mentioned infatuation, what really turns me on is how conservative she's been acting in the past few months.  This video highlights four positions she's promoting that would suggest to the uninitiated that she's another brilliant conservative woman.  I reign in my digging of her face to keep in mind that it's merely four initiatives.  I'm not ready to suggest I'll vote for her in the '24 Presidential.  But if this keeps up, we may have a new Republican soon.

Not That This Is Really News, But....

This is another that I stumbled upon and was the one that led me to do a round-up (and by the way, if this round-up causes cancer, there's some legal options advertised on TV for just that complaint---or they might be referring to weed killer.  Anyway...).  It refers to the extremist drift further left of the Democratic party and the "progressives".  Notable is how it compares them to the CCP, which is especially ironic given Joey Plugs is so tight with them.

This Maskerade

The title of this one comes from a post Stan did on Dec 29.  The link below adds more reason to reject the mandate whenever possible, and it provides one more reason for explaining why I choose not to wear one simply because I'm told to.  As some have said, and even Stan has affirmed, there is a downside to always being forced against one's will to wear one.  This article speaks to problems I've never considered before, except in a very vague manner, mostly referring to communicating with children.  We acknowledge it affects communication between adults.  But this officer show just how far to the negative direction that concept can go.  It's more info that should be imparted to those frightened grandmothers about whom Stan is so concerned.  (Frankly, I think there's far more irrational fear among the young than among the elderly)  This article I found rather startling.  I would still recommend those who are fearful for their health to go ahead and mask up if it makes them feel better.  But there's far less reason to recommend them as a viable defense against any virus with the info provided therein.

There's more I would like to add to this round-up.  Or I may do another.  We'll see. 

Thursday, January 07, 2021

A Riot Is The Language Of The Unheard.

The title of this piece refers to the lame reasoning given for the unjustified rioting of BLM/Antifa people over the course of the last year or more.  Now, with unrest at the Capitol building in Washington, no such consideration is given the protesters by the lame person who thought of co-opting MLK's words for the purpose.  The great irony, however, is that the expression is more appropriate now than it was to enable and support the BLM/Antifa rioting.  Indeed, it is more comparable to the state of things back in King's day. 

Back then, riots by black people, though still abhorrent as all rioting is, took place at a time when police actually were treating black people unfairly.  Peaceful protests led by King were often met with violent responses...dogs, fire hoses, nightsticks, etc.  The people weren't being heard when complaining of actual mistreatment, so that sentiment was to a large extent justified, if not always accurate for each and every instance of alleged abuse.  It was enough that it was still happening with far too much frequency. 

That's not the case with the BLM rioting.  Their premise is false in the first place.  To whatever extent there has been any racial animus at the heart of police response, they have instead chosen to lament the deaths of thugs as examples of it.  These low-life individuals died as a result of their criminal activity and/or criminal response to lawful police action.  They weren't innocent people minding their own business.  Even Breonna Taylor's demise was brought about as a result of her connections with criminals.

But like the rioters of the 60's, those in Washington who stormed the Capitol Building were acting on the fact that their very real concerns about a very real problem with the election had gone unheard.  That is, ignored, as if "only" mere conspiracy theories.  The massive amount of evidence had not be scrutinized by those who should have given it serious scrutiny.  It was all simply dismissed without a true hearing.  (I've asked for links to stories describing actual court cases where such scrutiny has taken place and am still waiting.  I've been unable to find any on my own thus far.)  The blacks of the 60's had actual cases of unjustified and often unprovoked police brutality.  The protesters here have actual cases of fraud.  I've presented a great deal of it already.

Unlike the some, who have insisted they don't need to reiterate their desire for only peaceful protest when asked why they won't condemn BLM/Antifa burning, looting and assault, we who are conservatives are now required to condemn these protesters, as if we've ever promoted such things in the first place.  I, for one, am sickened by it.  Not just because it's never justified and now there may be some on my side of the divide who are acting like typical leftists/Democrats/progressives, but now lefties think they have proof of one of the lies they've been telling about Trump all this time.  They're going to exploit this for all they can squeeze out of it, and it's begun already.  

 One of the usual suspects, who is suspect all the time, thinks conservative bloggers haven't responded fast enough.  This is a guy who has to have his condemnation pulled from him like a bad tooth when it concerns the black voices upon whose every word we must hang.  I've heard Doc Rivers and Steve Kerr blame conservatives for this, as if they've been outright encouraging it in the way Dems like Maxine Waters, Kamela Harris and others have continued to incite anti-Trumpers over the years.  These are hypocrites and liars and those who simply don't pay attention, and are culpable in the rising rage among the right as they perpetuate all the lies and demonizing of people who simply won't condemn the nation that's been the best place in the world for their entire lives, regardless of ideology. 

I don't in any way support rioting by anybody.  I will never say that again because I shouldn't have to simply because some jackass on a blog demands I do what should be demanded in the first place.  And especially since that jackass is part of the problem and never part of the solution to what ails this nation.  This election was a travesty and a stain on our democracy and these leftist asshats are even corrupting that fact to their own ends.  People are fed up with leftist crap and weak and spineless Republicans.  How much are they supposed to take before they snap?  How many more lies and false accusations will be leveled against them? 

This is the language of the unheard.  Own it, lefties.  It's your doing, not Trump's.  As Steve Kerr had the gall to say to those smarter than he, are you happy now?