Sunday, April 10, 2022

More Truths With Which The Left Struggles

 My post on Friday, March 25, 2022 was intended to discuss how the left has no fealty to truth and honesty.  At least it was before Dan T took it on a tangent to Pervland.  He was challenged to provide the definitive studies or proofs which debunk the truth "transgendered" people are disordered.  His last failed attempt was on April 7, 2022 at 10:09 PM and I don't know if he'll make any additional attempts.  One would think if such evidence existed, it would always be at the ready for those like Dan and other enablers to shove in the faces of better people.  But alas...

During that little debate, while I presented all manner of rebuttal which shredded his links, or demonstrated why they weren't the evidence Dan thought they if he actually read them seriously...there was one video in particular which I was keen on finding and posting, but could not find it.  Then, as I was seeking other info for use to further make Dan look stupid, I came across it.  I also came across something else which is just as good for what it says.  I will post them both here in just a bit.  First, I want to re-post a couple of links from that debate which were among the first I presented there.  The reason is because like the new links I'll be posting here, these two have similarities in the sense they all ask questions of logic which are provoked by the "evidence" the LGBT activists/enablers in the psych and medical communities present to support the lies of the Agenda That Doesn't Exist.  As you study them, you'll see what I mean, but I'll cite quotes from each as examples along the way.

The first is from Robert L. Kinney III, who holds a doctorate in pharmacy from Purdue University and an M.A. in philosophy with a concentration in bioethics from Franciscan University of Steubenville, which for Dan isn't good enough to comment on the subject.  But Dan's a buffoon and any honest person can see the guy makes solid points of contention regarding that which the "experts" Dan likes insist is evidence LGBT people aren't disordered.  Here it is:

It's rather lengthy, but well worth the time to study, as this excerpt clearly proves:

<i>an abbreviated version of Kinsey's argument looks like this:

  • 1.  In human beings, homosexuality has been demonstrated to be more common than previously assumed;
  • 2.  Therefore, there is a normal variation (or a normal “continuum”) of sexual attractions.

By replacing homosexuality with the examples of body integrity identity disorder and self-harm/self-mutilation in Alfred Kinsey's and the APA's argument (that is, if we follow the logic of Kinsey and the APA) the argument would be as follows:

  • 1.  In human beings, it has been observed that some people are attracted to and desire to cut themselves and remove their healthy body parts;
  • 2.  The attractions to cut oneself and remove one's healthy body parts have been demonstrated to be more common than previously assumed;
  • 3.  Therefore, there is a normal variation of attractions to self-harm; there is a continuum of normal variations of orientation to harm oneself.

Hence, we can see how illogical and deficient Kinsey's and the APA's argument is; the observation that a behavior is more common than previously assumed does not automatically lead to the conclusion that there is a normal continuum of behaviors. One would have to conclude that every human behavior observed is simply one normal behavior on the “continuum” of human behaviors; if the desire to harm oneself or the desire to remove a healthy limb is shown to be more common than previously assumed, then (according to their logic) such behaviors would be part of a normal continuum of self-harm behaviors and orientations.</i>

The paper if full of these kinds of flaws of logic in the "evidence" for arguing LGBT folk are "normal".  But Dan insists his arguments are invalid because Kinney isn't specifically in the field of pro-LGBT science, as if he needs to be in order to see the half-assed work put forth as "solid data/evidence".  This is why Dan's a buffoon.  Logic eludes him.  The arguments of Kinney, as well as the rest of those I'll present are chock full of logic, reason and indeed, OBVIOUS counters to the fraudulence of the LGBT activists.

The next is from John Conlin who I falsely identified as JD Rucker, who simply posted this article in the Clarion News.

<i>But if there were more and more babies being born with hands like this, we would aggressively investigate and try to fix whatever was causing these birth defects and we would be right to do it. In doing so, however, we would not be negating my father’s identity in any way. 

There would be even greater urgency if these defects were concentrated in specific communities. Is it something in the water? In the air? If we discovered it, something would quickly be done because this isn’t the way a hand is supposed to be.

Yet in what can only be described as societal insanity—driven primarily by activist groups, a willing media, and using people’s innate goodness against them—we do just the opposite with gender dysphoria, or what is more commonly called transgenderism.

In all other areas of medicine—every single one—the overall goals are diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.</i>

Conlin doesn't appear to have any psych background, but he easily exposes the incongruous nature of the pro-LGBT narrative.  Indeed, no such background is required and no "expert" of the type Dan worships has yet brought forth a single rational argument for suggesting there's something unique about the LGBT conditions which justifies treating them differently than all other abnormalities.  Certainly appeals to an alleged history of "oppression" doesn't do it, no matter how often Dan tries to make that appeal matter.

Now we come to the two pieces I just recently found.  I'll lead with the newer of the two...the one I'd not seen before.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it, but it made a great point among many of the great point presented in rebuttal to the narrative, which is how we're told we should not push children toward gender specific directions.  By that I'm referring to blue blankets, trucks and baseball for boy babies, toddlers and pre-adolescents, versus pink blankets, dolls and dresses for girl babies, toddlers and pre-adolescents.  But what are we seeing with those with allegedly "transgendered" minors?  A boy who insists he's a girl is enabled with all manner of female accoutrements.  Indeed, they are encouraged to do so by the "experts" who are no better than LGBT activists pretending to help.  I'm really sad that I can't find the article from which this problematic falsehood is exposed, as it lists a number of similar counter-intuitive claims of the pro-trans activists.  Should I come across it, I will add it to this post.

Finally, is the video I've been trying to hunt down since I first saw it and wrongly believed I had saved it.  It is from a talk given by Gina Rippon, who
is a British neurobiologist and feminist. She is a professor emeritus of cognitive neuroimaging at the Aston Brain Centre, Aston University, Birmingham. Rippon has also sat on the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychophysiology.  I pray that's "expert" enough for the likes of a Dan Trabue, but certainly she's expert enough for rational, honest people.  I don't have time to sit through another viewing of the video (actually it's split into two vids, with Q & A in the second).  As they are vids, I'm not going to quote anything specific because again, I've not the time to view them again for that which is akin to all of the above.  You're looking at about an hour and a half total time, and within that you'll find those points which are of the type the above links provide, as well as actual science which shreds the claims of the more activist types in the various connected fields of science.  She uses the term "neurotrash", coined by another person, to describe the types of studies which give Dan such a tingle in his lady bits.  

 Enjoy...she's actually entertaining in:


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'll have to get back to view a lot of the links but for now I just want to point out that Kinsey himself was a pervert and has long been exposed as a fraud. His claims that at least 10% of the population is homosexual has proven to be one BIG lie; the actually data shows only about 2-3%.

I highly recommend the following books by Judith A Reisman, Ph.D:
Kinsey, Sex and Fraud
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

First link:
Psychology is a fraud invented by perverts. It is unscientific and anti-God. Which explains their support of sexual deviancy.

Psychiatry is only valuable for actual organic brain issues but too often is involved with nothing but pill-pushing to make people feel better rather than address their actual issues. But this field is also based on false ideology. They also want to support sexual deviancy regardless of the harm it causes.

The whole psych field is biased towards sexual anarchy. The discussions for Freud, Kinsey, et al were all demented perverts and want to make it look like their beliefs were based on “science.”

Second link: Outstanding analogy as well as the commentary.

The videos were very interesting and proved that men and women certainly are different in many ways other than just the physical. But the LEFT can’t let such facts get in the way of their agenda.