Friday, February 07, 2025

More Demands From Ducky Dan

 In Dan's Tuesday, February 4, 2025 post submission entitled "Let America Be America Again", he presents a Langston Hughes poem of the same name.  (  Dan's posted it before.  He's got it bad for homosexual communist black men.  They make his lady bits moist.  To each his own, I guess.   I'm more of a Bill Withers or Lionel Richie kinda guy. Throw in some Sylvester Stewart and Stevie Wonder, and I'm good.  Whatever.

I had been working on a post inspired by a suggestion of Bubba, but after one of my semi-random visits to Dan's Blog of Lies, I noticed the above post.  So after noting this reposting of Hughes' poem, I submitted a comment to see if I was correct about him having done so before (I'd say it was within the last year, and possibly no more than six months or so...whatever).  After inquiring, I added the following:

"America is now back on a path toward returning to a place more in line with what it was intended to be. The last for years was a major bump in the road thanks to the unwise like yourself."

 Needless to say, that made Danny clutch his pearls tightly, soil himself and launch into what I will copy and paste below.   It's the usual bile, but it's always comedic.  I present it here for your amusement, as well as to allow myself to respond in my own way without some little 5th grade girl impose her self-serving criteria which if not met fully and to Dan's satisfaction will result in deletion.  You know the drill.  I think I'll be responding in a manner where whatever isn't italicized is my response:


"Marshal: Do NOT comment unless you directly and clearly answer my question in bold below. Anything else will be deleted."

Yeah.  Whatever.

"Hey! Look! You did it! You made a factual claim (even though you didn't support it... it's like you lucked into it.)"

Dan thinks herself clever here, as she's referring to my comment posted above.  Despite the fact that Dan says whatever farts out of his ass without providing any evidence in support, this is just a ploy.  If he believes I've said something untrue, he's free to bring evidence in presenting what he thinks actually is.  But as you'll see, he'll say much which is presented as fact without any support whatsoever. 

"Yes, magop IS back on a path to returning to a place more in line with the original intentions of the majority of the founders. The founders wanted a "democracy" and a "republic" where the people getting to decide things were landed (wealthy) white males. Where specifically women, black people, and of course, LGBTQ people were EXCLUDED from having a voice. By design."

Hey Dan!  Remember when we went back and forth about this very false claim not long ago and you abjectly failed to prove the founders intended to deny people the ability to vote?  Yeah...those were good times!

Dan's argument in that case, to which he alludes here, is the same as arguments about race today as regards incarceration rates, qualifications for jobs or higher education and the like.  This argument is one where the "progressive" sees a problem with a racial component and then argues the suffering is the result of racism.  During the founding, property owners (who weren't required to be particularly wealthy) were seen as those who had the most skin in the game.  While there are other ways one can have skin in the game, such as military service, those with nothing at that time were seen the way many who don't produce now have proven themselves to be...forcing considerations for that which they did little to nothing to earn.  Initially, should any who didn't own property come to own property later, they were eligible, too.  It's not an illogical argument for that era and only slightly less so now.  Personally, I believe the most important qualification for voting is that one isn't a freaking leftist, because most of them are so incredibly stupid.  And that's evident by Dan insisting the point was to deny voting rights, rather than a reasoned determination about who should have voting rights.  Naturally, those who don't qualify are denied, but the denial was not the point or purpose.  Dan, who likes to pretend he's brilliant with regard to "nuance", fails to discern it here.

Anyway, Idiot Boy goes on:

"And yes, that is actively what magop is shooting for, by your own admissions."

This is three "fact" claims which aren't fact at all and requires evidence Dan doesn't bother to provide, while bitching about me not supporting claims (the first exposed above).  What Dan claims is true about the founding is not what what Trump & Co is working to achieve.  That's just another lie assholes like to tell, and this one says it without support of any kind, pretending, I suppose, that it's somehow "self evident".  And naturally, I didn't admit to Dan's fiction in any way.  It's just him trying to be clever, as in "thinking themselves wise..."

'The thing is: The US as it was founded has grown past its racist, sexist, vulgar oligarchy rule of rich white men.'

Certainly not while Trump and/or true conservatives are running the show. 

"We are NOT going back - no way in hell - to the times of rule by rich white men. Y'all have lost that argument and we're not going back."

No.  Biden's not in charge anymore and for the time being, Democrats and other socialists aren't in the majority.  It's YOU who lost that argument, Sister. 

"No matter how much you may praise those efforts."

 I don't praise those efforts.  I voted against them by voting for Trump.

 "That kind of racist, sexist, irrational anti-human rights thinking is a relic of an evil past.

Says the weak sister who constantly references stupidity like "white privilege/nationalism", promotes, defends, enables and celebrates sexual perversions of all kinds (farmers, keep a watchful eye on your barnyard animals!) and doesn't care about the lives of people in utero or those murdered, raped and robbed because of criminals you invited into our midst.  Asshole.

"But thanks for being honest about it all, as far as that goes. And even if you noted it unintentionally."

Thanks for lying about my positions and what's actually happening as a result of Trump's worthy victory in November.  You do what liars do, Dan.  Constantly.

 "But here's your chance to at least being to save your soul, Marshal."

I'm saved by my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, not by appeasing moronic requests from fake Christians from a store front chapel on Jeff St. in Louisville, KY. 

"Trump nominated a man who..."

 Get your facts straight, Danielle.  Trump nominated him twice.  The man you're about to disparage worked in Trump's first administration.  Oh yeah, he worked for your racist pervert king, Joe Biden, too.

 "has met with white supremacists and who said

"competent white men must be in charge."

WILL YOU UNCONDITIONALLY CONDEMN THIS RACIST PERVERT and call for his removal, acknowledging that this kind of open racism is NOT something that you will support in even the slightest?

I'll get to the dumbass question soon enough.  But first, I would be remiss if I didn't offer some clarity:

I have been doing some research about this guy, Darren Beattie and have found little to hold against him beyond the snarky way he sometimes expresses himself, which I don't hold against a person who does it well.  I must have looked at two dozen sites trying to find details about his "racist" comments, and as is usually the case, they all referenced the same handful of quotes, none of which offered anything in the way of context.  Now, part of that is that some of the comments were tweets, and I haven't linked to his X presence to see how much of it I can find to see if they're stand alone comments (in which case they were likely stated to piss off the right people), or if they were part of a larger discussion about which there is no mention in any of the articles I read.  Some context can be inferred, as the "competent while men" comment was seen with another referencing wokeness and DEI quotas.  The message is that competent white men are denied in favor of women and minorities, with the implication that it opens us up to having less competent people in places where actual competent people would be of better and greater service.  It's the problem with DEI initiatives and it's the only explanation which makes sense barring a more detailed explanation for what he was trying to express.  He seems to reject requests for comments for further clarification, but given the sources stating he was unavailable suggests to me he isn't keen on giving leftist media the time of day.  Good on him, but I have been thus far unable to find anything from any of his own sites or blogs or such to see if he might have addressed these issues in a more detailed manner.  I subscribed to his Substack page in the most basic manner, which means I'll get emails for current stuff.  I don't know if I'll be able to access any archive without coughing up cash.

This "met with white supremists" bit is not exactly truthful.  It refers to the H.L. Menken Club for which I've found some info from the extremist conservative news source "The Village Voice" (now happily defunct).  Even this source dismissed the charge that the group is actually racist as a point of any mission statement, but is simply a group of most older conservatives who gather to discuss and debate ideas.  They're certainly opposed to stupidity such as DEI, particularly how it's practiced by the racist left, but the Voice considered them basically a group which says and/or favors much of what is said on outlets like FoxNews, which means they're mostly wonderful people.  The problem is, good conservatism often leads to attracting even assholes, like Richard Spencer, who most recently rejected Trump in favor of Biden and Harris, which clearly makes Biden and Harris racists scumbags according to Dan. 

I did find a copy of the speech he gave to this group...the reason Beattie was in attendance at all, and I doubt he cared that among this group might be a few assholes like Spencer.  His speech had absolutely nothing offensive, except perhaps to some conservatives, because the speech was about conservatism specifically, not anything related to racism in any way (a pretty heady speech since he's no idiot and was speaking to a group who aren't idiots, either.  I'm going to have to read a few more times to get a better grasp of what he was saying.  It's that kind of speech.)  Here are two links which provide info for both him and the Menken Club, both from outrageously conservative sources.  Before I do, I'll first give you an example of his snark:

This story mentions his founding of Revolver, which not only gave a solid argument for the fake bomb threat story of January 6, 2021, but also had an awesome compilation of videos from private phones and other devices which by virtue of their time stamps alone, gives an equally solid description of exactly what had gone on, providing good reasons to concede Democratic hands in the instigation of most, if not all, of the rioting which took place on that day that will live in leftist imagery.  If nothing else, Darren Beattie is a worthy individual based on his low opinion of Dan's kind alone.  I like him already.

It's abundantly clear that Dan has once again chosen to hate on a guy simply for his daring to be a Trump supporter and not an asshole like Dan and those he prefers to Trump.  It's the usual case of, "we've no policies or track record of any merit or value, but we can demonize the better people in hopes there are enough morons like us who will believe our lies".  That's called "embracing grace" and it's what scumbag progressives do best.

So what of Dan's question, which is actually a demand that I be like him (I just puked a little in my throat)?   Well, Dan wants a direct answer, so I'll give it now.  Here's his question again:

"WILL YOU UNCONDITIONALLY CONDEMN THIS RACIST PERVERT and call for his removal, acknowledging that this kind of open racism is NOT something that you will support in even the slightest?"

Sure, Dan.  And I'll do it in exactly the way you condemned a couple of selections by Biden, such as a out and proud Satanist:

This perv anti-Semite and racist:

And this overt Jew hating piece of shit:

And of course, Tyler Cherry isn't the only sexual pervert of the Biden appointees, but Dan's totally into that shit so to list the others would only be regarded as good appointments in Dan's reprobate mind.  Thus I'm sticking with these other scumbags.  And of course, Biden's history of racism is well known and was acknowledged by the cerebral Kamala Harris in her first failed bid for the presidency before being tapped by Biden for VP on the basis of her being a "woman of color". 

So how did Dan respond to any of these appointments?  Shit.  I can't think of a single post wherein he even mentioned these several pieces of shit whose bigotry is far more obvious, ingrained and out there by virtue of actual evidence than the occasions of snark and politically incorrect expressions by a guy who appears to be far more intelligent than anyone in the Democrat party.  That means, Dan didn't condemn a damned one of them, and thus I will do as Dan did and not condemn this clearly morally superior individual. 

 "Save your soul, Marshal. Take a step into the light."

I'm already saved by accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior, which mean I'm already in the Light.  YOU?  You're gonna need at least a dry book of matches.  You're given over.

"Again, don't bother commenting unless you unequivocally condemn this and demand that Trump remove him."

Note that I never make such petulant, grade school girl demands at this blog.  Since I'm not going to pressured into lying as you demand I do,  I provided an answer to your dumbfuck question here and you're free to try to dig yourself out of this massive hole of your own making.  Good luck.


Craig said...

The whole "denying the vote" claim is a very simplistic, shallow view of the founders intent.

Starting with the fact that the founders were literally crafting a government that had never existed before and that the founding documents recognized that changes would happen and accommodated them.

1. The principle they operated under was that those with a tangible stake in the new country should be the ones to have a voice in it's governance. As a general rule, I don't disagree with the premise. How often do we see people treat the things that they've gotten for free with less respect than that which they worked for?

2. They were people of their time. Worldwide culture was different then and while they broke many norms, they left some of the changes to subsequent generations. There is no indication that they intended that women/blacks/etc be permanently barred from voting.

3. The concept of the family was different. The assumption at the time was that the husband/father was voting as the representative of his family and with the interests of his family/community/state foremost in mind. It's almost like they saw the family as a micro version of a representative republic or something.

These sorts of shallow, simplistic slogans passing for serious argument don't really help anything.

Marshal Art said...


That's it in a nutshell, isn't it? But Dan is intent on perverting every statement of positive expectation of the new administration into something evil, as if his preferences for government has been moving us toward better times and times which better mirror the founders' intentions...which is patently absurd and "demonstrably" (as Dan would say, but actually so) false. Dan's is a variation on the common leftist theme when someone speaks of the "good old days" in one context or another. "OH! You mean when women were barefoot and pregnant chattel?" and stupid shit like that.

A motivating factor in Dan's tired and boring race-baiting is his family history of slave ownership embarrasses him, because as lefties wallow in guilt by association, he wants to atone for his family doing what was common for the people of their time, as if it would be held against him. Now he goes over the top to prop himself up and posture as a champion of the oppressed and curse those who aren't as "championish" as he is. But as this post illustrates, he once again demands that which he has never done for his own, nor has he so much as personally vetted his own to discern if he ought to. No. He heard about this Beattie guy from some lefty source, took it as abject fact and away he went presenting it as proof of the evil of Trump world.

Beattie denies being a racist, and I found nothing which suggests he is, though it's possible. I don't think the type of snarky crap put forth as proof proves anything more than he's snarky. I loved the bit about his response to being let go by Biden. Classic stuff.

Dan Trabue said...


They (the founders) were people of their time. Worldwide culture was different then

Well, I did not criticize the founders who were, indeed, patriarchal, racist, sexist people of their times. We have greatly improved since that era when racism, slavery, sexism, misogyny, etc were strongly baked into many/most cultures. I thank the founders for setting up a system that could grow with enlightenment. I had no harsh comments of the people of that time being people of that time.

What I was clearly saying was that the maga crowd long to go back to the "good old days..." in responding to what Marshal stated correctly:

America is now back on a path toward returning to a place more in line with what it was intended to be.

It was INTENDED to be, by design, a place where landed white men were the ones who made decisions. Specifically, literally. That is exactly what it was intended to be.

Where am I mistaken?

I'm just noting that we are NOT as sexist, racist, okay with slavery, patriarchal, etc, as we were back then and we will NOT go back to the way it was initially literally intended/written to be.

What's wrong with that? Presumably you can agree that we as a world/as a nation do NOT want to go back to where only landed white men could run the country, right?

Make yourselves, clear. In an era when Trump is hiring people who say "competent white men must be in charge..." NOW is the time for reasonable conservatives to step up and distance themselves from language like "competent white men must be in charge" and going back "to how the founders intended the nation to be..."

Do you agree that

1. NO, HELL NO, not only "competent white men should be in charge..."? and

2. That NO, HELL NO, we will not go back to the day when only landed white men could vote or run for office?


3. We should loudly and clearly condemn and oppose anyone advocating for such an evil because it is a great anti-liberty evil?

Step up. Save your souls, friends. Take a stand for human rights and liberty and decency.

Marshal Art said...

February 7, 2025 at 12:31 PM

"Well, I did not criticize the founders who were, indeed, patriarchal, racist, sexist people of their times."

Oh, no! There's nothing at all critical about broad-brushing all founders as "indeed" patriarchal, racist and sexist people of any time. That's just dandy. And while you offer no proof of this wild claim about any of them, you think their 18th century attitudes are akin to those of our times labeled in the same way, but are somehow worse now as if all other aspects of that time and ours are equal.

"We have greatly improved since that era when racism, slavery, sexism, misogyny, etc were strongly baked into many/most cultures."

That's not only debatable, but those like you and your anal cyst, feo, argue against that claim.

"It was INTENDED to be, by design, a place where landed white men were the ones who made decisions. Specifically, literally. That is exactly what it was intended to be."

You've never proven this at all. You've provided nothing which so much as hinted that this was their intention. Ever. You simply assert it because the productive were logically assumed to be best qualified for running the country. We see that logic playing out even today, as those who are enamored of government handouts are essential for the electoral success of Dem candidates. Even if it is true that "Specifically, literally. That is exactly what it was intended to be," surely you could have produced some documentation of that. Most importantly, YOUR argument is that it was meant to DENY those who weren't landed people. Thus, the reasoning for limiting voting rights to the landed is what is necessary for you to make any case that there was anything untoward about this claim. In any case, most who vote are far more like the landed than not, even those who rent, because of the onerous taxes your kind has placed upon us. It's just the lower end of the spectrum, who are recipients of government largess are those whose commitment to voting for what's best for all is mitigated by what's best for them personally.

But again, I'm far more concerned these days that the problems we face as a nation would be more quickly resolved without the interference of stupid people like you voting.

Marshal Art said...

"Where am I mistaken?"

Asked and answered.

"I'm just noting that we are NOT as sexist, racist, okay with slavery, patriarchal..."

YOU are sexist in the most despicable manner with your love of perversion. You pervert sexuality by your enabling of the perverse.

YOU are racist in your every accusation of white fragility, nationalism, privilege and other inventions. You expect whites to subordinate to non-whites in some leftist fantasy that it will lead to some balancing out of issues no longer a matter of racism in the first place.

YOU are definitely OK with slavery as it continues even in this country today thanks to your open border policies which have enabled cartels and other assholes to abuse women and children to serve their ends.

Patriarchal? No. In this case you're far, far worse. You're a feminist who doesn't have what it takes to even know what's best for all.'re among the very stupid who should never go near a ballot.

"What's wrong with that? Presumably you can agree that we as a world/as a nation do NOT want to go back to where only landed white men could run the country, right?"

What's wrong is your dishonest intention of foisting this moronic corruption of what is meant by "the good old days" as the intention of those who long for them. Only an asshole like you would immediately think of all the negatives of bygone days and project that into the longing for "the good old days". You damned well know that's not at all what was meant by that longing, but you lie anyway because that's what grace embracers from Jeff St do. Lie.

"Make yourselves, clear. In an era when Trump is hiring people who say "competent white men must be in charge...""

I made myself crystal clear and you're lying that you don't know. I found no context which suggested this wasn't more than a criticism of competent white men being overlooked on the basis of sex and race. You provided NO context for it in order to more easily suggest something nefarious about the comment. That is, you're fucking liar and no one here is fooled by your shit. Keep it at your Blog of Lies where lies are cherished if they can convince anyone to side with your grace embracing evil.

1. 1. NO, HELL NO, not only "competent white men should be in charge..."?"

I say again and you've no basis for challenging this truth, it was said to state the obvious truth that competent white men should be in charge where the other options are less competent people chosen for their sex and race. Prove this is not what Beattie meant. I'll wait here while you don't.

"2. That NO, HELL NO, we will not go back to the day when only landed white men could vote or run for office?"

Prove this claim that anyone meant that when they expressed a longing for "the good old days". Prove it, liar. Show some integrity for just a change of pace.

"3. We should loudly and clearly condemn and oppose anyone advocating for such an evil because it is a great anti-liberty evil?"

Says the lying, grace embracing fake Christian who said nothing about the racism and anti-Semitism of those mentioned in my post who were part of your Biden administration. YOU have no grounds to criticize Trump or anyone until you fess up that the only problem you have is Trump and your peeps can be as disgusting and immoral as they like because they're NOT Trump.

"Step up."

Shove off.

"Save your souls, friends."

My soul is saved by my acceptance of the actual Jesus, Son of God and not your fictitious version of Him.

"Take a stand for human rights and liberty and decency."

I did. I voted for Trump...the guy who actually improved life for all decent Americans...even the perverts you envy so much.

Marshal Art said...

BTW, seems it's me who's living rent free in YOUR mind, and feo's too, given his many failed attempts to post here.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Danny boy just keeps making stuff up to start fights and he is blown away by your proof of his ignorance and stupidity.

Marshal Art said...

Yes, Glenn. The Lie is strong in this one. It's how Dan rolls.

Craig said...

"It was INTENDED to be, by design, a place where landed white men were the ones who made decisions. Specifically, literally. That is exactly what it was intended to be."

"Where am I mistaken?"

It was not necessarily intended to be so in perpetuity. If was founded in that way because they believed that people with an actual stake in the success of the enterprise would be more inclined to vote in ways that furthered the success of the enterprise.

Both common sense (people tend to value that which they are given less than that which they earn) and subsequent history (people being able to vote themselves largess from the public treasury) have demonstrated that the principle behind that decision was not mistaken. Further, as I noted, the very concept of the family was different and this treated the family as the basic unit of the republic.

Your notion that the founders intentionally chose to make the US what you claim, as opposed to what you think in 2025, is absurd. They clearly knew that slavery was going to be abolished and laid the groundwork for that to happen. Yet, in general, those things are lesser in Western society today than they were back then. But that's because society was how it was back then, not through some choices of the founders.

Craig said...

Dan has done an excellent job of simply presenting his narrative as if it much be blindly accepted as factual, and leaving.

Marshal Art said...

Craig...yours is generally the same points I made in response to Dan, but more concisely with less snark. There's a huge difference between the intention behind granting privileges to one group in this context versus assuming the consequences for other groups was part of the intention. "Skin in the game" is always a logical reason to allow privileges for one group who has it while not at the same time allowing it for those who don't. It's that "skin" which matters in this case, and as you allude, very much still does if we expect the best to be put in office. We know that the Dems pander to the have-nots in order to get votes, while the GOP...particularly the constitutional conservatives among them...knows doing the right thing better serves the have-nots by the resultant shifting of them to the "haves", by virtue of sound economic policy. It's not a denial of any "have nots", as they are capable to the best of their ability, effort, discipline and perseverance, to have more themselves. Going back to "the old days" reflects THIS fact, not Dan's perverse attempt to impute nefarious intent upon better people than he.

Craig said...

Dan adding some version of "Save your soul." when discussing these sorts of things really makes me wonder two things.

1. Does he really believe that the salvation of my soul rests on my agreeing with his hunches on various political social issues.

2. What exactly is he advocating saving my soul from. He clearly doesn't believe in anything remotely akin to the Biblical notion of punishment for sin, so what is my soul being saved from and why does he care?

Marshal Art said...

"Dan has done an excellent job of simply presenting his narrative as if it much be blindly accepted as factual, and leaving."j

Well, that's how he rolls, isn't it. What brings him back is another truth against which he needs to pretend is false or some goofy thing pops into his mind he thinks will turn the tide.

When he takes his ball to run home, he postures as one who can't make someone see "the truth", but it's really the truth as he wishes it was or demands it must be.

Marshal Art said...


1. Evidently so, but he is incapable of coming anywhere near close to explaining how agreeing with him is the same as embracing truth or facts.

2. That's never been explained by him.

Craig said...

Its' strange. He's argued for years that salvation isn't determined by having the correct view on a particular doctrine, yet now he seems to be arguing that "salvation" (from what and to what we have no idea) is solely based on agreeing with his political/social views on one particular topic.

Explaining things simply, unequivocally, and with detail has never been his strong suit.