Monday, December 30, 2024

Jimmah Carter Is Dead.

 Wow!  100 years old!  That might be his best accomplishment!

As is often the case when a president or long serving politician passes, praise is heaped upon them as if there was nothing significant to criticize.  Case in point, Dan Trabue's elementary school worship of the guy (  It's really sickening.  But then, Dan's a moron and not honorable enough to give an objective analysis and assessment of the guy.  "Best man to ever be president"?   Hardly.  Part of being the "best" is being effective and doing more good than ill.  That's wasn't Jimma. 

I offer two essays which present facts overlooked by the left especially, and even by some on the right who look to the Camp David Accords as a great accomplishment.  To some degree is ain't bad, but it ain't perfect either.

The first is from Peter Barry Chowka, who had many up close encounters with the guy:

The second is from the great Andrea Widburg, who claims Carter as the first dude for whom she voted for president in her life, and is happy it didn't help him win

To put it in basic terms, Carter was a clusterf**k.  He did far more harm than good, and our current troubles with islamic extremists has his peanut fingers all over it.  As to those Camp David Accords, he had little to do with a process that was already in progress.  The two parties, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin, invited him to oversee the negotiations, and Carter tried to force Israeli concessions because he was an anti-Semite.  And in the end, what happened?   Well, no more wars between Egypt and Israel, but the Egyptian people still hated Israel and anyone who gave them aid.  Sadat was murdered for his troubles.

So, as idiots pretend Carter was something special, let's look at Dan's Carter quotations in order:

1.  I don't necessarily disagree with this, but Dan does.  I once submitted that a good man is a dangerous man, and Carter seems to echo that reality in this quote.  But he himself wasn't a strong man and our nation was not regarded as strong during his presidency anymore than it has been during Biden's...another clusterf**k Dan praises as a "good and decent" man.   Trump, for example, is accused of bluster, but he whacked a couple of truly evil dudes and our foreign adversaries are cowed by his winning the election.  "Bluster" alone is worthless if not backed up by serious action.  Nothing about Carter, Biden or even Obama was serious.

2.  This one Dan could have said and thus it's really stupid.  War is not "evil".  Assholes starting a war to exert dominance is.  Fighting wars against those assholes is not.  Civilians die and get hurt in wars and unfortunately, except for Carter's and Dan's pals...the so-called "palestinians"...most nations don't target children.

3.  The problem with this quote is the failure to acknowledge those who founded the nation by respecting human rights, particularly those in the Bill of Rights.  Like all moronic lefties, Carter perverted that notion, as we saw by his dedication to islamic thugs.

4.  This is a problem, because we're supposed to be that melting pot we seemingly no longer are.  The concept recognizes the assimilation by people from anywhere to the American experiment and its principles.  What Carter is saying subordinates that to "diversity", which has no tangible benefits to our nation, unless it's diversity of thoughts and ideas, which can be discussed, debated and, if necessary, rejected as the crap they may be.

5.  Failure is just failure if it doesn't lead to improvement and efficiency.  I really don't know what he's trying to say here.  It's not "better" to fail while striving for anything if the result is simply more failure because nothing is learned by the failures.

6.  This is typical lefty marxism, wherein the onus for people to acquire decent housing is on others, not those seeking to acquire it.  But I do encourage governments to stop over taxing and over regulating and over spending which results in a crappy economy wherein fewer have the capability to afford decent housing.  And of course, keep in mind that home-ownership isn't for everybody.

I get leftist praise for Carter.  But there is little which is truly praiseworthy on a world-wide or national scale.  The guy was a dipshit who did a few good things (Habitat for Humanity, for example), but overall was a clusterf**k.


Eternity Matters said...

Carter was a typical “Christian” Leftist. In his earlier days he went with the crowd and seemed orthodox. But as society shifted, so did Carter: Pro-child murder, pro-pervert, anti-authority of scripture, etc. His defining characteristic was being worldly. Oh, and he was inept politically. Sad.

Anonymous said...

To be clear, what I am saying is that Carter was the best human... the most overtly moral, decent, gracious, kind, Godly, saintly, giving, wise Christ-like man who's ever held the office of president.

It's kind of a hard point to argue with, given his (and his wife's) lifetime poured out in graciously giving to and supporting others, beginning with the poor and marginalized.

That is, unless you consider "moral" as merely bowing down to and agreeing with conservative ideology and human traditions.


Anonymous said...


"Part of being the "best" is being effective and doing more good than ill. "

Jimmy Carter personally helped build over 4000 homes. In his free time.

How effective have you been at building houses for the poor?

That ONE statistic by itself shows how good a man Carter was and how effective he was.

Not to mention the thousands he inspired by his words and actions to help house the poor.

Why are you such a bitter and graceless, hateful man...? Why are you such an anti-JC?


Marshal Art said...


You're spot on . His was a facade. It was marketing. That's not to say he didn't do a few good things. But as with most lefties like Dan, it's the overt acts of goodness on which he is judged by lefties, and not the whole of his life and the consequences of his actions, which were disastrous. His policies and proposals were not all that moral. The Camp David Accords, which he merely played host to the two people actively hashing out the details, was something he appropriated as his work. But as so many articles describe, he came really close to blowing the whole thing up in his demand for pallie statehood. The result, while ending wars between Israel and Egypt, was a cold war between the Jew hating Egyptian population and Israel. It's what led to Sadat's murder.

His interference with Iran and the Shah brought us the ubiquitous islamic terrorism.

Dumbasses like Dan cling to the superficial in order to come to the conclusions about the man to which he came.

I do indeed "bow down", in a sense, to conservative ideology...which is far superior and thus far more beneficial for more people than any feel good fantasy of a Dan Trabue marxist. Thinking people dig deeper to gauge the true merit and cut of the jib of political leaders. But then, Dan's a political and theological moron, so...

And I also "bow down" to the Will of God as commonly understood by honest advocates of the Christian faith. Why it would be regarded as a negative in any way to "bow down" to truth and what works best is curious, to say the least. But again, Dan's a moron.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Until Obama and Biden came along, Carter was our worst President ever. Just a couple things off the top of my head:
1. He killed the B-1 Bomber, leaving the Air Force with a plane that was very old and obsolete--the B-52. At least the USAF was able to update the B-52 with more power and modern avionics and such, but Reagan put the B-1 into production and that plane has served very well.
2. He gave the teachers' unions a gift of the Department of Eduction, a department that has done a whole lot of harm to our education system and is still causing much harm. It's a cabinet office which was never needed and has cost taxpayers trillions of dollars wasted.

Although he hated the military, at least he wasn't as bad as Obama/Biden, who have virtually destroyed it.

Eternity Matters said...

Another good summary of the faux “good man” bit —

Also, happy new year!

Marshal Art said...

Again, Dan. You pretend that doing good deeds makes one good, yet you again do so without regard for the harm this man and his policies caused. Neither of us know the extent of his efforts in "helping" to build any homes. I'm not dismissing whatever efforts he exerted. But unlike you, I don't judge people by only the good things they do, especially when so much harm resulted from other things they do. Building homes doesn't mitigate his anti-Semitism. Looking at a person's life objectively doesn't make me "a bitter and graceless, hateful man". It makes me honest in assessing that life.

In the meantime, you'll focus only on that which you find objectionable about Trump and conversely ignoring all the good he has done, both privately and politically. That's because you're a liar and truly anti-JC.

But let's say Carter was the wonderful saint you tell yourself he was. What good is that when in a position of power and nothing done was truly beneficial? A "moral" person in power who is stupid is not worthy of the praise you heap upon him.

Here's another link-filled article about the idiot you praise:

Only a Jeff St moron would regard this guy as a moral stalwart. His actions were disastrous and we're still feeling the effects today.

Here's yet another:

This article indicates either a liar or an incredibly stupid person. The consequences of his actions overwhelms the building of homes, for which he gave one week per year. This is significant info, as there's no way he was involved with the building of 4K+ homes with only one week per year set aside for the purpose. One week per year...if we assume he began his contribution at age 25, the best one can say is that he "helped" build or renovate 75 homes. How many of those homes were begun and completed within that one week's time? That's not to dismiss the charitable contribution of time and effort put in by the Carters. But to purposely inflate his contribution to having "helped" (I put the word in parentheses because it's an undefined term) build or renovate over 4,000 homes is deceitful. However, it's just the kind of self-marketing some insist was common to Carter. And it's certainly the kind of hero worship those like a Dan Trabue perpetuate in order to pretend he was better a man than he was, just as Dan does all he can to demonize Trump as a far worse man that he might be.

Marshal Art said...

More good contributions on the topic of St. Jimmah by both Glenn and Neil. I have more as well:

Be sure to click on and read the Lewis Amselem link within the link above. Much like Neil's offering, it provides insight into the man's truer character not exposed by worshiping lefties and hoodwinked right-wingers.

When one considers that, aside from our own US of A, Carter was a direct cause of great human suffering in Iran, Venezuela and Israel (not to mention the falsely self-identified "palestinians"). He was basically a horror show and even if he personally built 4K+ homes for the poor all by his lonesome, that hardly mitigates the great damage he caused since his failed presidency.

Again..."Best man" to be president? Only a lying, moronic Louisville fake Christian could say so. Give Biden's dementia, I'd say Carter retains the crown of worst president in my lifetime.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Here's an excellent article demonstrating what a disaster Jimmy Carter was as President. And my flag will not be flown at half staff for a President who was traitorous in many of his politics.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I just finished reading the article you linked to. AWESOME!! Just more evidence of how horrid Carter was as a President, let alone as a so-called Christian.

Dan Trabue said...

Sadly, you and yours appear to have a broken moral compass. YES, those who daily/regularly/yearly do good for others ARE good people. By definition. Just because you disagree with their policies on some topics does not make them immoral by virtue of disagreeing with your personal policy preferences. Just as you disagreeing with my (or Carter's) policy choices makes you an immoral person. You see, the great thing about Carter and people like him, we believe in Grace and extending grace, even to those with whom we have political differences.

Jimmy Carter, Sunday School teacher, peace broker, healthcare promoter, home builder, faithful parent and spouse, public servant, all-around good guy IS a saintly, moral man.

I'd advise you to look at what Jesus and others in the Bible have to say... BY THEIR ACTIONS, we can know if someone is a good follower of Jesus or not. The Carters are modern day heroes of morality and decency, by definition, by observation.

Daring to disagree with the Pharisees or with modern conservative religious types does not make one a bad person.

Joking about sexual assault and actually assaulting/molesting women and children... THAT makes one a bad person. Using one's life to merely accumulate more and more and more, boasting about that wealth, using that wealth to avoid paying contractors and workers... THESE are the fruits that tell us a person is a bad person.

Your collective partisanship has broken your moral compass.

Dan Trabue said...

If not for the truth, one would think people like you would at least choose to be quiet at the death of a saintly man. To see modern conservatives grovel at the feet and defend the "honor" of your pervert king while attacking an overtly good, decent, Godly man... You'd think you all would at least recognize how deviant and perverted you all are presenting yourselves as and choose to be silent and thought a fool rather than opening up your mouths and proving it.

But you all just don't see it, do you? You are insipidly incapable of recognizing, on the face of it, that this Sunday School teaching, lifelong Christian, loving and faithful parent and husband... one who's dedicated his life to public service and especially working for peace and against poverty... you all are just incapable of seeing how very on-the-face-of-it GOOD the Carters were and how the majority of the nation and world recognizes that, while also not seeing how very overtly evil, corrupt and grossly immoral your serial cheater rich man president is?

You all read the many warnings about the rich oppressors found in the Bible - words that appear to be written directly and exactly about wealthy deviants like Trump - and you just don't see how very unGodly and evil he is on the face of it.

It boggles the mind.

I mean, it's one thing to disagree with his job as president. I don't think it's nearly as bad as many people think... but it can be debated how effective he was as president. But to actually suggest he was not an overtly good, saintly person, that's just mind-boggling.

Marshal Art said...

December 31, 2024 at 3:43 PM

Dan continues with his ongoing devotional to perversion, depravity and incomplete assessments of deeds in order to portray like minded assholes as good people, while focusing on every little sinful thing by his opponents to render them as evil.

"Sadly, you and yours appear to have a broken moral compass."

My moral compass points North towards God and His Will in all things, even while I fail to be perfect. You, Dan, outright embrace that which is clearly evil believing some good deeds will be enough to hide that evil from honest people.

"YES, those who daily/regularly/yearly do good for others ARE good people. By definition."

No, they're not. They're simply people who strive to daily/regularly/yearly do good for others.

"Just because you disagree with their policies on some topics does not make them immoral by virtue of disagreeing with your personal policy preferences."

When those policies and opinions result in great harm to others and/or are clearly and unmistakably contrary to the Will of God, that makes them immoral. This is true of you and Carter, and Biden, and Obama, etc.

"Just as you disagreeing with my (or Carter's) policy choices makes you an immoral person."

It might if my positions were or could be shown to be harmful or contrary to the Will of God. Yet, especially...are notorious for refusing to accurately state our positions and the true consequences of them. You make shit up.

"You see, the great thing about Carter and people like him, we believe in Grace and extending grace, even to those with whom we have political differences."

No, Dan. Here's how it works. If the most heinous human being alive is wrongly accused of something he didn't do, grace means defending him against the wrongful accusation. But when those like you advocate for policies like murdering one's child in utero (Carter, like the typical lefty coward, pretended he personally opposed abortion, but defended laws allowing for such heinous infanticide), sexual perversion of the LGB(and now)TQ deviants, anti-Semitism on a degree which has resulted in on going terrorist activity since the fall of the Shah of Iran and a host of other acts of evil, we're not longer talking about mere political differences. We're talking about the consequences of your policies so plain to see yet still perpetuated and supported by your kind. That sort of crap gets no grace from me. You're evil and need to stop it.

"Jimmy Carter, Sunday School teacher, peace broker, healthcare promoter, home builder, faithful parent and spouse, public servant, all-around good guy IS a saintly, moral man."

Saintly people don't defend laws allowing the unnecessary murder of children in utero, they aren't virulently anti-Semitic, don't defend LGBTQ perversions, don't interfere in elections in places like Venezuela, which allowed a thug to attain power and destroy the nation while pretending the election was legit. That's just a short list.

"I'd advise you to look at what Jesus and others in the Bible have to say... BY THEIR ACTIONS, we can know if someone is a good follower of Jesus or not. The Carters are modern day heroes of morality and decency, by definition, by observation."

There's tons of foul, rotted, maggot infested fruit on that tree, and you want to pretend it's in good shape regardless. That's not grace. That's crapping on the Will of God...which is how you roll.

Marshal Art said...

"Daring to disagree with the Pharisees or with modern conservative religious types does not make one a bad person."

More Dan bad fruit...pretending a comparison between conservatives (about whom he has no understanding) and Pharisees is appropriate.

"Joking about sexual assault and actually assaulting/molesting women and children... THAT makes one a bad person."

Lying about a man sexually assaulting and actually assaulting/molesting women and children proves your evil.

"Using one's life to merely accumulate more and more and more, boasting about that wealth, using that wealth to avoid paying contractors and workers... THESE are the fruits that tell us a person is a bad person."

More TDS crap. The amount of one's wealth does not oblige one to pay for bad work or broken contracts. But you, being a hater of the worst kind, and one who opposes God by playing favorites against the wealthy, choose to believe without actual unassailable, incontrovertible evidence that Trump simply tried to stiff everyone. That's how Dan embraces grace. That's how Dan extends grace to those he hates so vociferously.

"Your collective partisanship has broken your moral compass."

It's not about partisanship. It's about not overstating someone's character beyond reality...something you do in both directions depending upon your own partisanship.

Marshal Art said...

December 31, 2024 at 5:18 PM

"If not for the truth, one would think people like you would at least choose to be quiet at the death of a saintly man."

The truth is that he wasn't "saintly". I feel no reason to remain quiet in the face of morons praising a guy who wasn't nearly as saintly as they want to pretend he was. You should at least have had the grace to be glad I didn't spoil your drool-fest at your Blog of Lies.

"To see modern conservatives grovel at the feet and defend the "honor" of your pervert king while attacking an overtly good, decent, Godly man... "

No conservative grovels at Trump's feet. Perverts like you grovel at a gravely flawed man and dare refer to him as "saintly" despite his many egregious policies which led to actual death and other harm. I mean, refer to yourself as a Christian and that's clearly not true, so your referencing this moron as saintly is pretty rich.

" You'd think you all would at least recognize how deviant and perverted you all are presenting yourselves as and choose to be silent and thought a fool rather than opening up your mouths and proving it."

Oh look at that! A fool daring to accuse me of being a fool! How ever will I sleep tonight? Given everything I've said about the guy is factual, easy to find when you pull your head out of his virtual ass and far more accurate a description of the guy about whom you clearly know no more than what his self-serving marketing revealed, I'm not at all concerned what a vile perv like you believes about me. You've been given over to your corruption long ago.

"You are insipidly incapable of recognizing, on the face of it, that this Sunday School teaching, lifelong Christian, loving and faithful parent and husband... one who's dedicated his life to public service and especially working for peace and against poverty..."

Lots of people, yourself included, profess to be Christians...even teaching it to unassuming kids, while being wholly in rebellion against the Will of God. You really think you're shaming me by running this crap after all the info I, along with Neil and Glenn, provided to reveal the true nature of this guy? You're far worse than a mere fool! How did he work for peace and prosperity? I presented his abortion level foreign policy which has led to anything BUT peace in the Middle East ever since. This buffoon tried to pretend it was HE who brought Egypt and Israel together when it was they who allowed him to join in the effort. And what policies of his while president or after, have led to widespread prosperity and the elevation of the poor out of poverty? I'll wait while you ignore yet another relevant question.

Marshal Art said...

"you all are just incapable of seeing how very on-the-face-of-it GOOD the Carters were and how the majority of the nation and world recognizes that, while also not seeing how very overtly evil, corrupt and grossly immoral your serial cheater rich man president is?"

This is more unGodly Trump-hating bullshit. We can easily see the superficial nature of his goodness. That was his purpose, to posture as better than he is for his own aggrandizement. If I was the only one who failed to worship at his feet, I would be the only one with an accurate understanding of the guy about whom yours is infantile.

Moreover, you can't there's nothing about Trump which is deserving of the vile, Christ-hating hatred you heap upon him, particularly when he actually DID lift many out of poverty by his economy expanding policies, when he helped to broker accords between Israel and other arab neighbors, and protected the lives of Americans by his righteous and logical border policies. Pro-abortion and pro-homosexual policies alone make one overtly and indisputably morally corrupt. So does Carter's and your anti-Semitism and defense of Jew-hating islamists in Gaza.

"You all read the many warnings about the rich oppressors found in the Bible - words that appear to be written directly and exactly about wealthy deviants like Trump - and you just don't see how very unGodly and evil he is on the face of it."

No one is more oppressive than baby-killers like you. I see clearly how unGodly and evil YOU are. Repent while you still have time.

"It boggles the mind."

You need a mind before you can say yours is boggled.

"I mean, it's one thing to disagree with his job as president. I don't think it's nearly as bad as many people think..."

That's because you're completely stupid or would agree with his disastrous and extremely deadly policies. You evil people stick together.

"but it can be debated how effective he was as president."

Not hardly. I must say, however, that because of him we can make our own beer in our own homes. I consider that one of the few plusses on the plus side of his political ledger.

"But to actually suggest he was not an overtly good, saintly person, that's just mind-boggling."

Only to liars and the stupid who are too lazy to do any research about the guy.

In any case here, what we're seeing is a liar again ignoring what he doesn't want to believe in order to praise a far less than saintly man, as you do with MLK JR. You do just the opposite with Trump. It's false, inaccurate and not proper for an alleged adult to judge people on such incomplete (mostly purposely) info. But're a well known liar.

Marshal Art said...

Dan, who truly doesn't know shit from Shinola, and even less about Jimmy Carter, believes himself more Christian despite revering a poor example of one as if "saintly". Of course, Dan's no Christian, so it's understandable he'd have difficulty identifying one. I mean, imagine judging a good tree by the few good branches or leaves while ignoring the rot which infests it. That's Dan in a nutshell.

I present two examples of two very different men. One Dan thinks of as one of Christ's twelve, and another Dan needs to believe is the devil incarnate. Each of these two relate that which I've seen in numerous articles about each dude, but Dan ignores anything which conflicts or contradicts his false narratives and heresies. Yes...Dan's heresies aren't limited to religion:


Dan will find ways to insist these are both partisan pieces, but as I said, these types of stories about the true character of each man are many indeed.

Trump's not a poser like Dan's favored lying Democrats are. Warts and all, what you see is what you get and what you see is visible because he doesn't play bullshit games so necessary of most Dems and many RINOs to appeal for support. He's a regular guy despite his wealth and celebrity, which only adds to his appeal. No one dismisses his flaws or suggests they don't matter. Honest people simply put things in perspective and when the general welfare is at stake, no honest person pretends the insignificant matters, even when what is insignificant is personally so much was with me the first time around.

The description of Carter's true character harkens to similar critiques about Hillary Clinton by SS staff. He Hillary...thinks his peanut infused shit doesn't stink.

Dan can pretend Jesus just passed away if he wants to. He's just that stupid, that partisan and that much a liar. Better people know better.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another article about Carter and how this great "Christian" hated Israel and Jews.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another excellent examination of how horrid were Carter's beliefs and policies.

Marshal Art said...


Thanks for the contributions. It's amazing how there are so many from those who have a far closer relationship or association with this guy who seems to me to be a far greater scumbag than I thought he could be. I can't say that my basic position was more or a view of Carter as a very stupid, but good man. He was certainly the former, but evidently not so much the latter, just because he ladled out some soup for poor folk now and then.

Here's something else I've come to take as certainty: the end of the Not The Bee piece suggests Biden is vying for the title as the worst president ever. I leaned toward him being so since he was wrongly put in the White House. But the more I read about what Carter was, together with what we're hearing about how early on (before the 2020 election), Dems knew Biden was senile, I have to insist Carter is still the worst ever. He wasn't senile, so he has no excuse.

These articles put me in mind of the many negative traits applied to Trump by his hateful detractors, like Dan. Carter seem far more the nepotist than Trump ever has demonstrated himself to be. The greater difference is that Trump has done more good for our nation than Carter, who actually next to nothing to make our lives better.

And as I stated in not so many words earlier, the left...especially Dan...inflates the "good deeds" of Carter while completely ignoring the incredible amount of harm Carter has done both here and around the world. My offerings document much of it. He was an arrogant piece of shit who did nothing to justify his high self-regard. Trump at least gets things done which benefit us all.

Carter set the stage for the incompetence of the Obama years. That makes him worse than Obama himself, though I don't doubt Obama would have vied for the title with or without any input from Carter. And while Biden had fifty years of incompetence in American politics, he was always a moron, while these two stains on America...Carter and Obama...are regarded as brilliant people. Also a clear falsehood.

But of course, it is natural for a liar like Dan to pretend Carter is a saint. He ignores his greater list of misdeeds to focus on the few good things he had done...a scant few. It's how Dan rolls. It's how all liars roll.

Craig said...

Jimmy Carter did NOT personally help build over 4000 houses in his lifetime. That would seem to mean that he physically worked on 100 houses per year of his post presidential life. As someone who has some direct experience with this, I can say that it is almost completely impossible. Carter's role with Habitat for Humanity is one of the most misunderstood pieces of information about Habitat. I say this as someone who has personally helped build over 350 houses in just over 10 years for Habitat. So, I'd say that I've been reasonably effective by the Carter standard and likely more effective that you. Carter was a figurehead who raised awareness and did build some houses for Habitat, which is not a bad thing, but I've personally worked with individuals who've done and much or more that Carter, yet will largely go unrecognized. Carter's effectiveness was limited to lending his name to an already worthy cause. To be specific, the yearly Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter work project, is only effective because of the massive amount of work done by others so that Jimmy and Rosalyn could (especially in recent years) show up to pound a few nails and pose for pictures.

To be clear, I'm not criticizing him for his involvement, just pointing out that his involvement was more about PR and fundraising than anything else.

Marshal Art said...


Craig! I think I accidentally deleted your excellent comment regarding the self-promoting nature of Carter's involvement with H4H! Your personal work for H4H gives you far credibility than anyone else here, especially low bar Dan. Please re-write it and I'll be more careful.

Craig said...

I think it published as a response to Dan's comment.

Habitat for Humanity is getting harder and harder to support as an organization, at least our local chapter. They've intentionally moved away from seeing the organization as a ministry and moved towards being a non profit. As this has happened, they've pushed faith organizations aside and focused on corporations and government funding. This has led to not only stopping the gift of a Bible at the dedication, but a wholesale dive into every left wing fad and spending large sums of the budget on lobbing and not on housing. Their idea of "affordable" housing as $500,000 houses, with roughly half of that figure being a forgivable loan. If $500k is now "affordable" things are in pretty bad shape.

But yes, Catrer's involvement was much more about photo ops and PR, than actually building houses. Not denigrating that in the least, it was beneficial. But to pretend like Carter was that responsible for 4000 houses is absurd.

Craig said...

I think it published as a response to Dan's comment.

Habitat for Humanity is getting harder and harder to support as an organization, at least our local chapter. They've intentionally moved away from seeing the organization as a ministry and moved towards being a non profit. As this has happened, they've pushed faith organizations aside and focused on corporations and government funding. This has led to not only stopping the gift of a Bible at the dedication, but a wholesale dive into every left wing fad and spending large sums of the budget on lobbing and not on housing. Their idea of "affordable" housing as $500,000 houses, with roughly half of that figure being a forgivable loan. If $500k is now "affordable" things are in pretty bad shape.

But yes, Carter's involvement was much more about photo ops and PR, than actually building houses. Not denigrating that in the least, it was beneficial. But to pretend like Carter was that responsible for 4000 houses is absurd.

Dan Trabue said...


Your personal work for H4H gives you far credibility than anyone else here, especially low bar Dan.

You should know that I was involved in Habitat many years ago. Our church founded the local chapter in Louisville. So, maybe you should not presume so much.

If you're interested in knowing more about Habitat: You should know that Millard Fuller was the founder of Habitat, and he got the idea while living at Koinonia Farm, which was founded by Clarence Jordan.

From Habitat's website:

The idea that became Habitat for Humanity first grew from the fertile soil of Koinonia Farm, a community farm outside of Americus, Georgia, founded by farmer and biblical scholar Clarence Jordan.

Jordan, in turn, attended the Southern Baptist Seminary in the 1930s and, while in the seminary, he spent time volunteering at the church that would become Jeff St Baptist - my church. He left from service in urban ministry in Louisville to head to Georgia to found an interracial farm - Koinonia Farm - in Georgia, just down the road from Jimmy Carter's home, who was a friend of the Jordans as well as with the Fullers.

If you're familiar with the Cotton Patch Gospels translation/paraphrase, those were written by Jordan, a saint well-versed in the Bible (having a PhD in Greek New Testament) and in dealing with the problems of poverty.

All of which to say that I and my church are well-connected and well-familiar with Koinonia Farm, Jimmy Carter, Millard Fuller and Habitat. So, I am glad (and frankly, not surprised) to hear that Craig has some connection with Habitat, but you should not presume what you are ignorant of, Marshal.

Craig said...

Well, Dan has to try to one up other people, while showing his ignorance at the same time. Unfortunately for Dan, Habitat is gradually leaving behind the Christian foundation of the organization in favor of the secular/left fads of the day. But hey, some people Dan knew did some things with one small HFH chapter decades ago, and someone else was involved in the founding of what is now Dan's church so he knows everything about HFH. I guess working for one of the largest HFH chapters in the US for over a decade is only "some connection" with HFH. Not to mention that I still have friends in our local chapter and a decent relationship with Jonathan Reckford. But I get it, Dan is in show off mode and he's determined to win.

Marshal Art said...

I found it, Craig! Whew! I thought I f'd up big time!

Marshal Art said...

"If you're interested in knowing more about Habitat"

No, I'm not, but you're going to bore us with useless information, anyway. This post isn't about H4H, but about what a scumbag Jimmy Carter truly was rather than the saint you unjustly choose to regard him as having been.

Craig said...

As I watch Dan copy/paste from various HFH websites as if he wasn't doing Google searches to come up with these bits of trivia, I have to note his obsessive attempts at establishing dominance over Art. His assertion that the only way, or at least best way, to have credibility on this topic is to do something that Dan hasn't even done, and volunteer for one organization for decades. I get it, Carter was a big name who latched on to HFH and brought publicity. Yeah, he pounded some nails for photo ops, etc. But to give him credit for personally helping to build over 4000 houses is absurd. Ignoring that HFH, Carter, and the rest significantly altered their view of "christianity" is either ignored or praised. Anyway, this attempt to establish some sort of dominance second, third, and fourth hand is bizarre. Ignoring the harm Carter caused, Iran being only one example, as if it's offset by his other works seems bizarre, but it's clear that Saint Jimmy the redneck is to be Canonized without regard to the harm he did. Just think how many would be alive and not brutally oppressed had Carter stopped the ayatollahs from taking over Iran.

It's a strange thing to watch.

Marshal Art said...

I posted, then deleted one of Dan's unnecessary descriptions of the founding of H4H because the lying son-of-a-bitch chose to use it as another opportunity to connect racism of the time to conservative Christians, proving again he doesn't understand either conservatism or Christianity. Then of course there's the unjustified condescension.

My working with H4H would do nothing to change my justified opinion of Jimmy Carter, nor would it help Dan's unjustified worship of the pig.

Just noticed he made another false claim about the "nature of conservatives back then and still today", so I'm gonna delete that one, too.

Dan. This ain't your bullshit laden Blog of Lies. Don't come here and lie about better people. You will now, from this point on, be given the Dan Trabue treatment, with the exception that it will happen because you actually lied or misbehaved in a manner deserving of it. A truer Dan Trabue treatment would mean I'd delete you for expressing an opposing POV I couldn't shred. That never happens.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig, why did you try to turn this into some pissing contest? I was addressing Marshal's literally ignorant attack about you have presumably having more connection to Habitat than I do and I was noting that Marshal was making that assumption in ignorance, that I indeed have a long and storied background with Habitat. I said nothing negative about you or your time there. I of course, did not know how many years you had some connection there so I merely noted that you had "some experience," as well as I did. There was no judgment. Indeed, I noted that it didn't surprise me that you might have some connection with Habitat because I knew you worked some on housing issues.

You, then, had to jump in and join in Marshal's meaningless and ignorance-based attack for no reason. Why?


But to give him credit for personally helping to build over 4000 houses is absurd.

You're right. I should have said he was personally responsible for helping tens of thousands of houses, by his role modeling helping the organization and inspiring others to help out in a similar way.

I never said that he single-handedly assembled 4,000 houses with just his hammer and a bunch of nails. Anyone who knows how Habitat works knows that. I noted that, "Jimmy Carter personally helped build over 4000 homes. In his free time."

AND HE OBJECTIVELY, FACTUALLY DID. WHY in the name of all that is holy and good and decent are you joining in to attack a man who has just died who was easily, far and away the most moral, giving, Christ-like president we've had in our lifetimes?

What is wrong with you all that you let your partisan divisiveness take you to such ugly, hateful places?

You all are exhibiting JCDS (and that could be for Jimmy Carter or that other JC).

Lord have mercy.

Craig said...


If you're interesting in learning more about HFH as it is today, LMK. If you're interested in the background of HFH, do what Dan does and search it on Google. At least you'll get information that's not curated to further Dan's obsession with dominance.

Dan Trabue said...


Just noticed he made another false claim about the "nature of conservatives back then and still today",

You are speaking, still, from a place of ignorance. The childhood of my 60s in Kentucky (and regular visits to Georgia to visit my church-going cousins, aunt and uncle there) was not far removed from the South of the 40s. Things were better, of course, in the 60s and 70s, but of course, the church going racists were very often quite conservative in their belief systems.

You can't be an adult man and not know this. Are you choosing ignorance?

This is, of course, slightly off topic, except for the reality that Carter is someone raised in the very ultra-conservative, ultra-religious Southern Baptist world of the South in mid-century 1900s. HE was able to overcome in large degrees the racism that was endemic to that world. Another star in his crown.

Why do you have this need to attack good people?

I mean, you object to me being harsh with Trump, but at least, there is no doubt that he is overtly, on the face of it, a bad, bad, greedy, selfish narcissistic human. But trying to kick Jimmy Carter is like trying to kick an innocent child, by comparison. And in the week of his passing, no less.

Shame on you. Be a better man.

For what it's worth, my ultra-conservative cousins from Georgia STILL honor and recognize the obvious Christ-like nature of Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. In spite of their partisan bias against progressive people.

Dan Trabue said...


..."moral" person in power who is stupid...

"...This article indicates either a liar or an incredibly stupid person..."

..." I can't say that my basic position was more or a view of Carter as a very stupid, but good man..."

All these ignorant claims about Carter being "stupid," only reinforce your ignorance in all areas of his life and humanity. Carter had a genius IQ and was a renaissance man, as has been noted by many people. For instance:

"If ever a Renaissance man occupied the White House, it was Jimmy Carter. In addition to being a politician, an engineer, a naval officer, a businessman, a furniture maker, a mountain climber, and a runner, he wrote many books on a wide variety of subjects. He was also a poet." (and he spoke Spanish and even delivered speeches in Spanish, even if he wasn't exceedingly fluent).

Again, you are free to your personal flawed human opinions about the man (that you clearly hold from a place of ignorance, informed not by reality but by conservative echo chambers you listen to), but you're not free to your own reality.

Carter was smarter than any of us here, more well-educated than any of us here and more fluent in more skills than any of us here. According to the data.

Marshal Art said...


I deleted your comment to Craig because you...of all people...dared to call him "deviant". Between the three of us, you are indeed truly and by definition "deviant" or "perverted". Indeed, don't disparage any of my visitors, even those like you.

Anonymous said...


"I deleted your comment to Craig because you...of all people...dared to call him "deviant". Between the three of us, you are indeed truly and by definition "deviant" or "perverted".

I, the Sunday School teacher, deacon, worship leader, faithful husband to one woman for 40 years, loving father, lifelong Christian, man who works with and for and alongside those with disabilities, the homeless, the immigrants, for God's creation, etc... I am a deviant... but your pervert prince is golden... (all the while being an imperfect humans being)...???

Your moral compass is deeply broken.

You ignorantly judge Carter and people like me perverse and deviant, WHILE defending the most overtly corrupt, dishonest and actually deviant passant to hold office in our lifetime. .?

There's something deeply broken with your moral reasoning.


Marshal Art said...

January 2, 2025 at 2:15 PM

"You should know that I was involved in Habitat many years ago."

I don't care and had no need to know it.

"Our church founded the local chapter in Louisville."

I don't care about this value-free bit of info, either.

"So, maybe you should not presume so much.":

Says the arrogant POS who presumes much about better people as if paid to do so.

"If you're interested in knowing more about Habitat"

Again, I'm not the least bit interested.

"All of which to say that I and my church are well-connected and well-familiar with.... Jimmy Carter."

Yet you overstate his efforts, his character and his value to mankind nonetheless. But's you and your church, so it's not unexpected.

"but you should not presume what you are ignorant of, Marshal."

Haven't done it yet, so I don't know what you're referencing.

Marshal Art said...

January 2, 2025 at 3:58 PM

"Craig, why did you try to turn this into some pissing contest?"

Uh...that would have been you, Mary Lou. It was evident in your first comment alone. You need to be far more respectful if you expect the least amount of respect for yourself.

"I was addressing Marshal's literally ignorant attack about you have presumably having more connection to Habitat than I do and I was noting that Marshal was making that assumption in ignorance, that I indeed have a long and storied background with Habitat."

I'm not gonna say I actually said that, but I'm gonna say I'll stand behind it nonetheless, just because you're a lying POS and nothing you say is worthy of being believed without solid proof.

"You, then, had to jump in and join in Marshal's meaningless and ignorance-based attack for no reason."

What "meaningless and ignorance-based attack" are you referencing? Be specific with date and time, as is you requirement and obligation here.

"You're right. I should have said he was personally responsible for helping tens of thousands of houses, by his role modeling helping the organization and inspiring others to help out in a similar way."

Yeah...speaking truthfully is always better, but even this "correction" isn't good enough. It still gives him more credit than his name and one week per year deserve.

I was quite well enough aware of H4H long before I was aware of Carter's association with it, and indeed never automatically connected him with when I heard any reference to H4H. I know a couple of people who volunteered with a former roommate of mine...and I believe they...and I'm guessing Craig, too...did not join up because of Carter's association with it. Indeed, I believe they'd all have joined up regardless.

"I never said that he single-handedly assembled 4,000 houses with just his hammer and a bunch of nails. Anyone who knows how Habitat works knows that. I noted that, "Jimmy Carter personally helped build over 4000 homes. In his free time.""

Exactly. And stating it that way suggests his personal involvement with all 4K+. This is another case of you whining about conclusions compelled by your own words. It only becomes an absurd notion when one learns he gave only one week per year.

"WHY in the name of all that is holy and good and decent are you joining in to attack a man who has just died who was easily, far and away the most moral, giving, Christ-like president we've had in our lifetimes?"

There's nothing at all "good and holy and decent" in lauding an anti-Semite who defended and supported islamic terrorism.

"What is wrong with you all that you let your partisan divisiveness take you to such ugly, hateful places?"

What a stupid question from a amoral loon. There's ugliness and hatefulness in corrupt presentations of history and a man's character, as is common with you. We're dealing in actual facts regarding the guy without ignoring positives, few as they may be.

"You all are exhibiting JCDS (and that could be for Jimmy Carter or that other JC)."

That might be true if our criticisms weren't based on historical fact, which they are. And to dare suggest that those like us are further from the teachings of Christ than you is a new degree of condescending stupidity. You abuse and corrupt His words. We abide them.

"Lord have mercy."

If you repent, He just might.

Marshal Art said...

January 2, 2025 at 4:07 PM

"You are speaking, still, from a place of ignorance."

Not at all. But you're speaking from a place of abject dishonesty. Every time you try to link conservatism with racism, you prove what a liar you are and how absent any understanding in you of conservatism there is.

"the church going racists were very often quite conservative in their belief systems."


"You can't be an adult man and not know this. Are you choosing ignorance?"

I know that you continue to take any opportunity to link your true character to that of conservatives. I know you continually choose lies and falsehoods.

But this has nothing to do with the post regarding your laughable deification of Jimmy Carter.

"Why do you have this need to attack good people?"

I don't. That's YOUR thing. I'm correcting your false portrayal of Carter as some angelic saint...which I've done very effectively. But as is always the case, if the subject is a Dem or any form of leftist, there's no amount of evil which can matter to your worship of the person, while if the subject leans right, there's no amount of good deeds which can mitigate your hatred and focus on character flaws and misdeeds. Case in point:

"I mean, you object to me being harsh with Trump, but at least, there is no doubt that he is overtly, on the face of it, a bad, bad, greedy, selfish narcissistic human."

There's plenty of doubt that he's anywhere near the devil incarnate you choose to believe he is while pretending to "embrace grace".

"But trying to kick Jimmy Carter is like trying to kick an innocent child, by comparison. And in the week of his passing, no less."

As if his passing and when it happened could make any difference here. But I'm not "trying to kick" Carter, but actually in fact giving a more honest report of the guy that lefties never give even if they know the facts. That's not how your kind rolls at all. He's no innocent child and my links describe clinical narcissism in the guy.

"Shame on you. Be a better man."

Kiss my ass. My tolerance of your crap on my blog contrasting with your fascistic canceling and deleting at your is alone evidence I'm a better man than you. Indeed, as perverse and morally bankrupt as you are, you're a fine one to shame anyone.

"For what it's worth, my ultra-conservative cousins from Georgia STILL honor and recognize the obvious Christ-like nature of Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. In spite of their partisan bias against progressive people."

It's worth absolutely nothing. In fact, you owe me. I doubt your cousins are "ultra-conservative" but I hope they are. That would mean they're actual Christians and not fakes like you. But I wouldn't fault them for buying into the lie of Carter's "sainthood". Many who don't investigate for themselves believe him to be a far better man than what he was. I did as well until I started seeing all these testimonies from those with years long contact with the guy. He was a prick.

Craig said...

"Craig, why did you try to turn this into some pissing contest?"

I didn't. that was you after my initial comment regarding my extensive experience with HFH, and you felt like you had to take credit for something your church did at some point in the past. I'm merely pointing out your hypocrisy.

"AND HE OBJECTIVELY, FACTUALLY DID. WHY in the name of all that is holy and good and decent are you joining in to attack a man who has just died who was easily, far and away the most moral, giving, Christ-like president we've had in our lifetimes?"

I'm not attacking him or anyone. I'm simply pointing out the unlikelihood of Carter having a significant impact on the actual construction of over "4000 houses". Noting that he'd have had to have personally worked on over 100 houses per year every single year after his presidency for this to be mathematically accurate. I know from personal experience that regular volunteers in high capacity chapters rarely work more than 100 days per year, and that they rarely work on more than 5-7 individual houses per year. Again, merely using my experience in a high capacity (top 5 in the US) chapter to draw reasonable conclusions.

Now if your new point is that Carter engaged in photo ops and PR for HFH, which "inspired" others to build houses, then that's exactly the point I made. My correcting you, isn't attacking Carter.

"What is wrong with you all that you let your partisan divisiveness take you to such ugly, hateful places?"

Trying to help you accurately represent Carter's role with HFH is "ugly and hateful", really? Or is disagreeing with your Canonization of Carter what's got you all worked up?

"You all are exhibiting JCDS (and that could be for Jimmy Carter or that other JC)."

No, but the fact that you have to make shit up to accuse me of because I had the temerity to not blindly agree with your made up stat, tells me all I need to know.

Marshal Art said...

January 2, 2025 at 5:29 PM

"All these ignorant claims about Carter being "stupid," only reinforce your ignorance in all areas of his life and humanity. Carter had a genius IQ and was a renaissance man, as has been noted by many people."

Yet the presidency of this "genius" was a disaster, just like your other beloved one-timer, Joe Biden. He couldn't improve a crappy economy. Trump did. He couldn't keep the mullahs at bay. Trump did. He couldn't tell whether it was Israel or the Gazans who were the murderous, terrorist war-criminals. Trump did.

""If ever a Renaissance man occupied the White House, it was Jimmy Carter. In addition to being a politician, an engineer, a naval officer, a businessman, a furniture maker, a mountain climber, and a runner, he wrote many books on a wide variety of subjects. He was also a poet." (and he spoke Spanish and even delivered speeches in Spanish, even if he wasn't exceedingly fluent)."

None of that makes him a genius, particularly if one feels compelled to add "mountain climber" and "runner" to the list in order to pad it. What's more, other presidents had personal histories of similar types without destroying the American economy while in office and needed admit being chumped by Russia. No sycophantic links of your can improve upon the truth.

"Again, you are free to your personal flawed human opinions about the man (that you clearly hold from a place of ignorance, informed not by reality but by conservative echo chambers you listen to), but you're not free to your own reality."

GFY! The reality is that he was an incompetent as a president and a dangerous butt-insky afterward. He did very little to improve much that outweighs his long list of failures. The reality...not the reality you wish exists, but actual that he's not all worthy of the praise stupid people like you shower all over free as you may be to be so stupid.

"Carter was smarter than any of us here, more well-educated than any of us here and more fluent in more skills than any of us here. According to the data."

Well, he may certainly have been smarter than you...THAT'S a low bar, to be sure... but I think it would be pushing things to dare compare him to all of us here. His record of incompetence makes the claim directly insulting.

Craig said...

Thanks. Although I can take Dan's ad hom attacks on me, they happen so regularly that I just kind of acknowledge them as the actions of someone who has nothing of substance and is left with bullshit, made up , personal attacks.

Craig said...

"All of which to say that I and my church are well-connected and well-familiar with.... Jimmy Carter."

This is exactly the hypocrisy I'm talking about. That Dan can draw some tenuous "connection" between "his church" sometime in the past, and somehow impute that connection to himself and impute some kind of special relationship to Carter that those of us who've only met him could never possibly have, shows his desperation to engage in the "pissing contest" that he started.

Craig said...

"and I'm guessing Craig, too...did not join up because of Carter's association with it. Indeed, I believe they'd all have joined up regardless."

For me, if anything, Carter's association with HFH was a slight negative to my decision to work there. Yet I was involved in a Carter build, was with him, and saw that the majority of his involvement was photo ops and PR, not actually building houses. AGAIN, not that those are bad or unimportant, just that the image of Carter actually engaging in the construction process of "4000 houses" is exaggerated. It also demeans that thousands of regular volunteers that spend hundreds or thousands of hours per year volunteering at build sites and actually completing homes.

FWIW, the entire Carter Build event is much more about PR and fundraising than about actually building houses. The last one involved much more work being done by paid contractors than volunteers, and volunteers spending less time from their day actually building than on a normal build day.

AGAIN, not bad, just not accurate.

Marshal Art said...

January 2, 2025 at 6:41 PM


"I deleted your comment to Craig because you...of all people...dared to call him "deviant". Between the three of us, you are indeed truly and by definition "deviant" or "perverted"."

"I, the Sunday School teacher, deacon, worship leader, faithful husband to one woman for 40 years, loving father, lifelong Christian, man who works with and for and alongside those with disabilities, the homeless, the immigrants, for God's creation, etc... I am a deviant..."

Oh, absolutely, and your constant reposting of this far less than accurate description of yourself will never work here where truth is put above such self-aggrandizement. It pains me to keep seeing you say you were allowed to teach children in Sunday School, given your many perversions of Scripture you regard as accurate representations without true evidentiary support. Those poor little kids! There's a millstone with your name on it somewhere.

And clearly, support for sexual deviancy...possibly due to your own private desires in that direction...proves the charge accurate as well, and that's not even considering the perversions of Scripture you indulge in order to rationalize it.

Pretending there's some question about the full humanity of people in utero...and that their innocent, defenseless lives are merely of value on the whims of their parents...if a far worse perversion than your laughable defense of SSM.

And of course perverting the bio of Carter as you've been doing, as you do your own, in order to highlight whatever you think justifies Craig referred to it....canonization of the man qualifies, too. This is a very short list given your decades of self-indictment as a pervert and deviant.

"but your pervert prince is golden... (all the while being an imperfect humans being)...???"

I keep telling you...I never supported Joe Biden, nor did I support Obama or Clinton if you meant them.

But person I did support since 2016, Donald Trump, has not displayed any overt manifestations of perversion while in office, and I don't regard simply being hot for babes particularly perverse, even if clearly immoral when acted upon. Normal men are hot for babes. That's as it was meant to be for without such desire, humanity would have died out thousands of years ago. Conversely, were most men hot for men, the same result would have occurred.

Marshal Art said...

"Your moral compass is deeply broken."

Says the most immoral person who visits here. My moral compass does not tolerate the unjustified murder of innocent unborn under the many failed rationalizations assholes like you hold up as legitimate. Lies are never legitimate unless one perverts the meaning of "lies", as you clearly do.

My moral compass doesn't lie about sexual orientation being beyond one's ability to overcome, especially for those truly in Christ. It doesn't lie in daring to suggest God would bless, favor or tolerate SSMs when the underlying behavior is abomination, as if "marriage" makes it OK. Only fornication between a man and a woman can be made "OK" by the two of them marrying (as it's the only true definition of marriage there is: one man to one woman), but that means only the sexual relationship is OK after vows are exchanged, not before.

My moral compass doesn't allow for perverting Scripture to rationalize personal preferences as you so clearly have done for years on these blogs.

And my moral compass doesn't find it necessary to overstate either the good or bad in a politician to make a case for or against him, especially when the facts well known so plainly do that for us.

You're a pervert and a deviant, Dan, in so many ways. Repent now while you still can.

"You ignorantly judge Carter and people like me perverse and deviant, WHILE defending the most overtly corrupt, dishonest and actually deviant passant to hold office in our lifetime. .?"

Once again, I did NOT support Biden, Obama or Clinton, so please stop saying this. But thanks for more validation. You pervert what is so clearly present in my words in this post and the comments following. I assess Carter's presidency and character on actual facts of record, as well as testimonies of those with closer association with him than you had.

"There's something deeply broken with your moral reasoning."

Says the pervert liar, Dan Trabue.

Craig said...

"I, the Sunday School teacher, deacon, worship leader, faithful husband to one woman for 40 years, loving father, lifelong Christian, man who works with and for and alongside those with disabilities, the homeless, the immigrants, for God's creation, etc..."

Wow, that's quite the collection of "good works". It's almost like you're suggesting that these "good works" qualify you for something, what would that something be?

Of course what got your comment deleted was your ad hom attack aimed at me, not for anything related to Trump. But I understand how important excuses are when apologies would be more appropriate.

While I wouldn't refer to Carter as "deviant", I would say that his religious views deviated from much of Biblical, historic Christianity as he embraced a much more progressive christian philosophy as the times and culture changed, he changed to accommodate those changes. His increasing antisemitism also seems at odds with your characterization. But all of that is irrelevant, he was a mediocre (at best) president, who had the good fortune to lose to Regan before his foreign policy disasters got any worse, and who has gotten some great PR for his charitable engagements after he left office. I don't understand this attempt to Canonize someone who's likely disagree with your attempts to paint him as worthy of Canonization.

"I am a deviant... but your pervert prince is golden... (all the while being an imperfect humans being)...???"

Given that neither Art nor I have ever even hinted at this pile of bullshit, I see that your willingness to lie about others remains intact.

Craig said...

For someone who paints himself as such a wonderful person, he sure exhibits a lot of pride, doesn't he?

Craig said...

My "moral compass", how I react to it, is affected by my sin nature and by my desire to place my own desires before those of YHWH. My compass still points to True North, I just choose (all too often) to ignore it in favor of following my own path.

It's strange that Dan regularly uses language like "moral compass' and "target" that assume a fixed, unchanging, standard that we are to follow or ail at while simultaneously arguing that no such standard exists (or that it is impossible to accurately know what that standard is).

Craig said...

I mean if we're really going the "pissing contest" route based on stuff our churches did years ago, I'm guessing that major sponsor of a HFH home during the first Carter build, half a million for low income housing, starting a ministry to provide low income housing, half a million for a clinic on the Congo, and significant financial investments in micro lending, would be a good start. Oh, and an ongoing relationship with John Perkins.

But, we're not doing that, apparently only Dan gets to claim credit for that kind of stuff.

Craig said...

So, because Dan's church "many years ago" "started" a HFH chapter he must have some sort of extensive magical knowledge of HFH.

"Jordan, in turn, attended the Southern Baptist Seminary in the 1930s and, while in the seminary, he spent time volunteering at the church that would become Jeff St Baptist - my church."

So, because one guy spent some unknown period of time "volunteering" at the church that "would become" (but wasn't then) Dan's church, Dan gets to claim some magical connection to founding the entire HFHI organization.
Maybe not quite "stolen valor", but definitely not much for a "pissing contest". Why start a "pissing contest" with so little "piss"?

Marshal Art said...


Whether it's prideful or simply one of many ways in which Dan inflates the goodness of those he this case, seems incredibly unnecessary given how often he's chosen to use that uncompelling manner of self-defense. At this point, no one here is unaware of this list which purposely omits that which isn't Christian and that which he'd rationalize as being Christian. It fails in the face of all he's said over the years to leave him worthy of praise.

It's similar with Carter. There's no way an honest person can suggest that Trump has never helped people out or engaged in some form of charity toward those in need. I've listed many which are easily confirmed by an honest investigation of the type Dan never attempts, lest he be forced to concede Trump ain't such a bad guy after all. Can't have that! Oh, no! Trump must be crucified!

But Carter, MLK JR, Biden...these are all absolute angels of the type to which Trump should aspire but could never become.

Bullshit. Dan's favored have much for which they will answer before the Judgement Seat, and honesty denies them all the level of praise...particularly as compared to Trump, Reagan, and a host of other right-wing figures.

Marshal Art said...

I came across an article about Jimma upon which I will give my brilliant opinion later, once I've properly digested it. Until then, it occurred to me that my complaint about saying Carter helped build 4K+ plus homes for H4H...which is a more than justified complaint at that...could easily have been avoided by Dan or anyone else who hoped to speak well of this guy without having to overstate his contribution as if it was truly special. I thought about this before and decided to offer this better choice, which could easily have said this way:

Habitat For Humanity, since its inception, has built or renovated over 4000 homes, providing affordable housing in the process. Former President Jimmy Carter supported the efforts of H4H through among other things, volunteering one week per year to swing a hammer to that end, as well as generating funding by his connection to the charity.

Wow! Sounds like a really great thing to do without giving any impression he personally built more homes than he did. I'm still wondering if he ever participated in building a home from start to finish, but whatever. One week per year for the charity of one's choice? I give props for that...though if he wasn't so busy interfering where he would never do any real good, he could have given a week per month and been more helpful to mankind.

Marshal Art said...

So as promised, I now present this article from

It's extremely difficult to take this guy's "Christianity" seriously when he does what most every Dem does when dealing with the subject of abortion: He equivocates and pretends there are legitimate justifications for it. Oh...and he started another taxpayer funded program instead of enacting economic policy which would have resulted in expansion, leaving fewer with financial concerns as an excuse to seek out a hit man for their unborn.

While "Thou shalt not murder." is a well known principle of the Judeo-Christian tradition of God, opposing abortion by an alleged Christian who happens to be president is not in the least a church/state issue, fraudulent as that argument is. While he is uphold law as president, he's under no obligation to support a law...especially such a heinous law as Roe had been. His position on this issue did not align with the claim of his "extreme care for each and every human at all times" anymore than his arrogant dismissive behavior toward subordinates was.

This is just more fact which belies the claim of sainthood bestowed upon him by stupid people.

Craig said...

The problem with beatifying those you mention, is the it ignores their many flaws and failing, while playing up their virtues. With Trump, it's a matter of ignoring his virtues (To be fair, he does his charitable stuff more quietly.), and playing up his vices. They, and we, are all sinful/imperfect/flawed humans who are not the one sided caricatures Dan needs to portray.

Craig said...

As I pointed out earlier, Dan's very view on morality denies the existence or accuracy of a "moral compass", but regardless our "moral compass" always points to "True North", we just choose to ignore it. How can a morality that is not "universal or objective" produce a "moral compass" that points in the same direction for everyone and provides a standard to measure against?

Marshal Art said...


When dares question our "moral compasses" and references other such terms as he scolds us for our righteous, well-supported views, it's just a fake exploiting such terms to assert he is somehow, most inexplicably, speaking from a "moral" highground. It's just another ploy. It's an insult implying we've done wrong, rather than demonstrating that we actually have. Note again the continued reference to him of only positive traits in those he favors, while at the same time referencing only negative traits never actually proved to be true in those he hates. And of course, he never considers any good traits, qualities or actions on the public record of those he hates, because the point is to foster hatred for them in others as he wallows in hatred himself. But oh...don't worry how many died as a direct result of Carter policies and actions! No, no! Just focus on what saintly man he was for hammering a few nails and never divorcing his wife.

We simply must remember when we deal with Dan, we're dealing with a legitimate fool of low character and intellect.