Friday, September 20, 2024

More On The Clownishness Of Pervert Dan Trabue

 I want to add a thing or two to the previous post, but as it's long enough as it is already, I decided to do so in a new post.  

As we saw last time, Dan wants to pretend there's something wrong with Trump/Vance mentioning Aidan Clark when referencing the abuse of power by the Harris/Biden administration (H/B Ad) which has led to tragedies like the death of this child, and any other children harmed when the illegal immigrant Haitian rammed the bus in which they were riding.  Dan thinks it's just awful that Trump/Vance ignored the partisan pleas of the partisan hack father of this child, who would likely not be getting his fifteen minutes of fame if it was Harris or Walz doing the same thing if the kid died as a result of Trump/Pence (or Vance, as the case may be) policies.  Dan, like this dude, pretends Trump/Vance mentioning the dead kid by name is a political stunt, despite their concern that this should never have happened and should never happen again.  It's a fair cop, given how many Americans have been killed because of illegal aliens allowed to be in the country.  These assholes dare suggest that Trump/Vance has no real concern for dead American kids, but are simply playing political games.  

 Well.  That's the kind of thing we expect of Democrats, as they do this a S.O.P.  As I reminded, they're off to the races anytime there's a shooting death, falsely asserting the bad behavior of the criminally minded which lead to shooting deaths would be impossible were it not for the GOP and conservatives in general defending our God-given right to defend our lives, the lives of our family and friends and our private property.  They'll scream, "TRAYVON MARTIN!  SAY HIS NAME!"  It's quite all right to exploit the dead when it furthers the Dem agenda.  It's just not OK when reminding people of the unnecessarily killed when it's intended to connect them to actual deadly policies of the left.  The right is trying to stop the deaths.  The left is trying to deny the rights of the people.    And to that end, an old video of Harris proudly insisting she'll force her way into the homes of gun owners to ensure compliance with nonsensical laws passed by assholes like her: old_footage_reveals_that_kamala_harris_intends_to_barge_into_our_homes_to_see_how_we_store_our_firearms.html

But as if that wasn't bad enough, not only does Dan and Nathan Clark spew vile crap about better people, but others in the Dem party do as well, such as asshole Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (D-Texas):

How galling to suffer the constant puke from "progressives" and other marxist lefties!  These rat bastards don't want the names of the dead remembered.  By extension, they'd prefer the dead weren't remembered and recognized at all.  It's a lot harder to "move on" from the consequences of fatally stupid policies if the dead are dismissed and ignored as they're trying to do in these situations.  

Worse, they truly don't give a flying rat's ass about the illegal aliens, because so many of them are victimized in so many ways as well.  Like Dan, they'll continue to pretend every damned one of them is an innocent person fleeing life-threatening oppression (until they're forced to alter the story toward "self-determination" and other bullshit excuses for forcing this crap upon an nation which hasn't consented to any of it.

I've done a couple of recent posts about why leftists/progressives/marxists/Democrats (all the same thing) shouldn't be involved in crafting immigration policy.  If only that was the only thing at which they totally suck.  Sadly, they suck at everything. 


Craig said...

I just noted a typo in your title. Shouldn't the first word have been "moron"?

Marshal Art said...

Good catch! :D But that might have been too confusing know...morons.