Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Leftist Shamefulness: Word Abuse Edition

This is a subject I've been wanting to address for some time.  As I stated in my last post, there's just so much horrific modern progressive harm being foisted upon the nation these days that it's hard to pick one example for analysis and discussion.  But a recent inappropriate description of two poll workers/election officials as "heroes" compelled my decision to move forward with this issue.  It happened...where else?...at Dan's blog ( http://throughthesewoods.blogspot.com/2023/08/this-is-not-normal.html ) after lying about Rudy Giuliani "admitting" he lied about the two women.  He didn't, of course.  He simply said he wasn't going to contest their claim that he was.  It was a legal move by another from Trump's team who must cover every direction from which incoming fire is originates.  At this point in time, Dan's hypocritical refusal to support that truth claim has remained in force.  Instead, he offered all manner of nonsense to defend the two women.  I don't know if it can be proven that what Giuliani alleged is accurate, as it is unlikely he'll be given a fair chance to make the case, nor will it be likely we'll see the other side prove the two women were angelic in their implementing of their duties and did nothing wrong.  For this discussion, that's not the issue, but just the set up for it.

As I continued to do battle with Dan over that which he falsely insists on promoting as true, and with most of my comments unfairly deleted for rank bullshit reasons that are also mostly lies, he eventually saw fit to label these two poll workers as "heroes".  Therein lies the issue now on the table.

Apparently to Dan, these two are heroes for merely showing up to do the poll worker thing.  The job ain't dangerous.  They don't have to throw themselves on live grenades hurled in from the street through the window.  The building isn't being shelled, or attacked by BLM/antifa thugs.  They're just, ostensibly, counting ballots.

To be as fair as possible...you know, "embrace grace" and all...Dan points to their claims of having received death threats.  His "support" for this claim is that they live in the south, so racism.  Then he points to reports of "thousands and thousands" of death threats having been directed at an unknown number of election officials/poll workers.  Neither the smearing of the entirety of the southern states of the union, nor the allegations of what appears to be a really small number of people charged with threatening election officials, with only two, maybe three convicted of actually doing it, Dan's not offered anything remotely resembling actual evidence these women actually were threatened with death by anyone at any time.  They said it, the likely perpetrators in Dan's mind must be Trump supporters, so we've no reason to suspect two black women in the deep south are anything but perfect angels speaking truthfully after having been suspected of foul play in ballot counting.  Thus, they're "heroes".

(Side bar:  I tried to find out the names of poll workers in my state, in other states, anywhere in the country.  Aside from the top election officers in each of about a dozen counties in my state...bupkis.  Who is exposing the names of these people such that so many claim to be receiving death threats?  A Colorado case resulted in a guy from Lincoln Nebraska being sentence.  For threatening someone in Colorado.  How did he come to find someone in Colorado to threaten?)

Anyway, calling these women "heroes" for doing nothing truly heroic is not untypical of the modern progressive.  In this case it's Dan once again elevating one of his own to the status of one among the Heavenly Hosts, in order to contrast them with the evil Trump supporters.  Because in DanWorld, hoards of BLM/antifa thugs are "outliers", while a few right-wing miscreants are emblematic of the entirety of conservatism.  But hold that thought while we get back to the abuse of the word "hero".

Dan perverts this word the way leftists pervert so many other words.  We've seen what they done with "marriage" and "family".  Heck, you can do whatever you like and if you say you believe in Jesus, you're a Christian!  "Love" encompasses every act of lust to the leftist.  A man can be a woman simply by saying so.  Dan uses "pervert" as just another pejorative against Trump, while defending, celebrating, enabling and supporting true perversion in the form of LGBTQ+ behaviors.  Those are perversions by definition.  And naturally, one of the first words they bastardized was "gay".  

Then there are expressions or slogans, like "the War on Women" meant to assert that the right-wing is misogynistic for doing noble things like defending the right of the conceived to live because they're people, too.  There's the "Inflation Reduction Act" which the Liar In Chief admits wasn't about reducing inflation.  Most Dem bills they seek to pass are equally fraudulently named.  The "Equal Rights Act" isn't about equal rights.  Then of course, there's "toxic masculinity" which is a total invention meant to "put me in their place" so to speak.  It's a totally feminist fallacy.  It's used mostly when men do what men are supposed to do which can conflict with the agenda of the radical feminist.  And there was the lie promoted by modern progressives as the "Don't Say Gay Bill" which nowhere within it was the word "gay" in any way prohibited anywhere at any time.  As such, it was a GOP bill which the lying left chose to rename to stoke criticism and objection by the morally bankrupt and the stupid who won't investigate what their lefty overlords tell them.  

And that's really the point.  They mess with words and phrases to deceive.  If some GOP majority legislature chose to attempt to pass a "Ban Abortion" bill, it would be clearly a bill seeking to ban abortion.  They wouldn't, like Dems, dress up the name to make the lazy believe it was going to do something different than banning abortions.  The left does it constantly because the truth is not in them.  The truth is a great problem for them, now more than ever.

So getting back to individual words, I earlier mentioned BLM/antifa.  Their destructive and often murderous behavior was regarded as "mostly peaceful protests" and "the voice of the unheard".  A few hundred pissed off Americans at the Capitol are called "insurrectionists" and rare instances of property damage and physical assaults, most possibly responsive in nature.  Large groups of punks can rob merchants in broad daylight and the left regards it as "reparations", as if they have any such coming.  

I had intended to make a list of all the various ways the left perverts words.  I'm sure anyone who cares to comment can provide a number not listed here.  Heck, I could make a list of just the words DAN perverts!!  The point here is that it's a widespread and intentional strategy of the left to lie in this way in order to draw support for their America destroying policies.  

So here's what needs to be done:  When a lefty misuses a word in order to demean you or another of like mind, challenge him aggressively to justify the use of the word.  If they call a rich guy "greedy", force them to provide evidence of actual greed.  If you're called "racist" by one of them, demand the rationale.  You won't ever get it, because everyone's a racist now.  And that's the problem with the "hero" crap.  It alters the meaning and exclusive nature of the word, regardless of whether or not the word is "good" or "bad" in nature or its natural use.  I'm not a hero for showing up for work.  I'm a hero for taking a bullet for Dan. (No wait...that doesn't make me a "hero".  That makes me a moron.  But I digress.)

Words mean things.  Honest people use them to convey truth.  Then there's the modern progressive who uses words to push a vile agenda.   Always.   Don't let them get away with it. 


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

This article sort of goes along with your noticing wrong use of words.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Another interesting article today, along the same lines.

Craig said...

These sorts of words are constantly applied where they are not deserved. It happens all the time in sports when it comes to "elite", "greatest", "hero", and the like. It's almost like there is a desire to cheapen greatness, heroics, or being elite. You're right, the pilots and crew of torpedo squadron 8, were heroes. Someone who shows up to work is merely doing the minimum needed to avoid being fired. I can't help but think that this need to diminish True heroism is intentional. Maybe it's a way to make someone like George Floyd a hero, instead of a drug addicted criminal. I don't understand it.

Marshal Art said...


I was aware of a couple recent columns in AT regarding the left's abuse of language. As I'm often writing my post late at night, I don't often feel like hunting down relevant pieces, so I thank you for submitting yours. I'll check them out soon. Pretty sure I already read the AT piece, given the date. It looks familiar.

Marshal Art said...


I don't know if they intend to cheapen true greatness. I think they seek to elevate anyone they believe they can use to push their agenda. They don't want to look at election tampering, so they'll talk about what wonderful women alleged to have done the tampering. Of course, note the "alleged". Why not look at the charges and then determine if Giuliani was wrong. There was no investigation, but only the assurance there was no tampering and to the left, that's proof the allegations were wrong. Strange how those who saw it differently might get upset. I can't imagine that anyone doesn't love getting blown off as a kook without the slightest bit of effort to defend that allegation.

As to the George Floyd types, this is done as a matter of routine. It's difficult to find a case where someone related in some way to the dead suspect didn't speak fondly of the suspect as a wonderful person, possibly trying to "turn his life around". They elevate the character of those people (possibly rightly, though there's no way for the general public to know) and we're to simply accept that side of the story.

But as they do this, they actually do cheapen the word and what being an actual hero really is. We say an athlete is a heroic figure and most people understand it as rank hyperbole. The left doesn't do that. They intend it to be taken seriously. Then, any criticism can be dismissed because those being discussed have been labeled "heroic". That's what Dan was doing in the cited discussion. There's something wrong with any who wonder about the truth of an allegation because the women are "heroes" in the context of a climate of justified suspicion of widespread election tampering.

Craig said...


I think that there is a desire (maybe not overt) to diminish superlatives in our culture. Or to elevate the ordinary to the point that it becomes superlative.

Marshal Art said...


I can't imagine what reason would motivate the diminishing of superlatives. Elevating the ordinary does necessarily cheapen them, regardless of the intention behind doing so. It's similar to the "participation trophy" in that the least thing gets one a trophy simply because one chose to participate. Here, one is a hero for showing up to do what one agreed to do.

I believe it also is done for the personal benefit and satisfaction of the person who so elevates the ordinary. Such a person can now posture as...forgive the use of this expression..."embracing grace" by showering such praise. But it's what we do for small children to teach them the value of doing the right thing, be it finishing their meal, saying "please" and "thank you" or putting away their toys. They did nothing extraordinary, but they don't know that what they did is good without the praise. Adults shouldn't need such praise for doing the ordinary as if it was extraordinary and honest people don't confuse the two.