Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Real Threat

It's been said that the greatest threat to "our democracy" is "white supremacy", "MAGA Republicans" or some combination of the two depending on who's talking at any given moment.  Recently, an FBI whistleblower has come forward accusing his superiors of acting to inflate the numbers of those who can be legitimately regarded as "domestic terrorists"...another term bandied about by Democrats (like Biden and useful idiots among the populace) order to further support Democratic attempts to impede GOP/conservative advancement in the political arena.

Of course this is all bullshit.  Bullshit is an important tool of the left, as truth, facts and evidence so routinely confound their intentions.  With that in mind, I need to put forth one caveat before I continue:  I am not seeking to imply there are never any acts of violence perpetrated by right-leaning individuals.   Not in the least.  But it's clear they are the least threatening of Americans.  They are far more likely to do their fighting in the voting booth or the debate stage.  Conservatives don't even hardly ever protest or march.  To suggest they are lying in wait for some opportunity to lash out is absurd and is something for which there is no real evidence...certainly not on any grand scale.

But leftists are a whole 'nuther story.  A recent example is the case of the dude who killed a young man because of some perception the young man is conservative.  And of course we all remember Steve Scalise almost dying because of the murderous intentions of a leftist.  

Not all of it is overtly political...that is, politics as motivation.  But I think an easy argument can be made that the political leanings of the most violent are to port.  The question is how many of the most violent actually vote.  I have no idea, but where they do, it's not likely they're voting for law and order...a conservative plank.

The recent passing of Colin Flaherty removed from us one who unabashedly reported on the phenomenon of black violence in America.  While I've not read or watched all of what he had produced in his life, I can say with confidence his effort was not a racially motivated one, but rather to highlight how racially motivated the suppressive nature of media response to black violence has been...a media largely run and ruled by leftists.  He had a standing reward for anyone who could document the type of incidents he reported, but by white people or even other non-black people.  No such example had been produced while he yet lived.  We see so many examples today of violence and looting perpetrated by black groups of people and what's most alarming is how little we hear from black people about it.  Sure, we hear from those like Candace Owens and a few others.  But more often we hear excuses and rationalizations from the more race-hustling representatives of the black community.  How can this be?  If there were routine incidents of criminality perpetrated by handsome Polish-Americans, I'd be out front railing against such behavior as it clearly makes people distrustful (at the very least) of those like me.  But it wouldn't help to focus on the response of those not handsome and Polish toward perpetrators.  I wouldn't be doing any good with such a response.  I would have to speak to the perpetrators and insist they understand just how damaging their behavior is to how the rest of society regards us.

But then, I'm not a leftist.  I put the blame where it belongs and I'm of the mind that we must clean our own houses.  And what does the left do?  Just the opposite.  The issue here, again, isn't race, but the fact that the left enables this behavior for whatever reason.  Leftist race-hustlers welcome it to a great extent, by their policies and proposals.  A group of Chicago survivors of violence protested to moron Kim Foxx regarding her lax response to crime, her choice of whom to prosecute or not and the consequences of her abject stupidity and racism.  Most of these survivors were related to victims of homicides perpetrated by those who should have been in a cell instead of out on the street.  The aforementioned asshat who ran over the conservative kid is out on a $50,000 bond (he was white, so...) instead of in jail.  It's what the left's been doing...making us victims of the worst of our kind under the bullshit premise of "equity".   Laws have been changed, punishments lessened because the people being jailed for violent crimes were black people and there were allegedly more of them than non-blacks jailed, as if their freakin' race matters.  Hey, black lives of criminals don't matter more than any of their victims regardless of the race of the victim.  I couldn't care less if a victim is black, white, striped or paisley, nor do I give a flying rat's ass about the race of the perpetrator.  I want the criminal punished and punished hard.  And what do the leftist politicians want?  They want the law-abiding to be unarmed and unprotected.

Again, I've no doubt there are non-black murderers, thieves and rapists.  That's not the point.  The point is why any of them would be walking freely to murder, steal and rape again.  Who is allowing that?  Leftist politicians and those who so stupidly voted for them.

And it gets worse.  Biden trashed what was a fairly effective (trying to be objective here) border policy and what has been the result?  Millions of invaders bringing drugs and crime.  Indeed, the demise of so many of the non-violent and non-criminal of these very people is the fault of Biden and those who allowed him to become president.  Dead are washed up on the banks of Texas rivers, stinking up trailers and rotting in the desert.  Women and girls are raped while trying to enter the country illegally and for all of that, the most evil of criminals...the cartels...are raking in huge sums, enabled by Biden's moronic, Trump-hating policies.  How many times must we hear of Americans and even illegals killed by illegals, by MS-13 assholes and by the fentanyl so easily brought in through a border with no obstruction to prevent it?

Oh, but that's not all.  While our worst enemy, China, increases its ability to become the foremost world power, our Commander-In-Chief has appointed a complete asshat to oversee our military, making it "diverse" instead of deadly, filled with perverts and the disordered rather than the most effective soldiers possible for our defense.  And do we have enough to defend against attack from more than one direction...even one freakin' direction?  I don't want to find out the hard way.  Not while this asshole is in office and this party in the majority.  

There is really no angle from which one could stand and not see the reality as regards the real threat to the nation.  It is not a few white racists.  It is not "MAGA Republicans".  It is not the right at all.  It is the left, the Democratic Party and all who vote for them.  They are the true threat to our existence and I've only scratched the surface here.  Black or white, young or old, born or about to be, there is no greater threat to our lives than the left.  There's no denying it.  There's no argument which can be made to debunk this reality.  I challenge anyone to try.

Addendum:  A timely example of what I was talking about:


Eternity Matters said...

Their plan is to blame Conservatives and use these thinly-disguised accusations to harm citizens instead of protecting them.

Then again, their #1 goal is being able to crush and dismember their own children, and, failing that, to mutilate them after convincing them that they aren't their real gender.

Marshal Art said...


I am remiss in not adding abortion to the list of harms to our nation, as well as the LGBT lies. But as I said, there are so many ways their ideologies threaten our republic and they're all happening at once.