Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tales From The Spam Folder

There are three of us (four if you count Dan, but for obvious reasons, he can't be included) who have to suffer being inundated with the unjustly arrogant commenting attempts by feo.  feo isn't content with being ignored by just one of us.  He feels the pathetically desperate need to be ignored by all of us..."us" being Craig, Stan and myself.  feo fills our spam folders.  Sometimes I read them before emptying the folder of them, because he never fails to entertain.  Here's one I found especially amusing:

"RE Stan’s latest:

You: “ Chick-fil-A stores have never discriminated against anyone.”

Facts: “Chick-fil-A, the Georgia-based fast-food chain known for its juicy chicken sandwiches — and for its executives’ conservative strain of Christianity — has continued donating to anti-LGBTQ charities through its foundation despite claiming it had no political affiliation.”

You’re not the brightest bulb on the moral porch"

The problem here is who is labeling the charities as "anti-LGBTQ"?  Most likely, given feo's moral corruption, it would be another enabler/supporter/champion of sexual immorality.  That is, a morally corrupt source. 

I guess one can say that to be for one thing...say, the true definition of marriage...means that one is against the opposite...fake "same-sex" marriage.  But it isn't honest to regard the former by the latter.  That is, it would be dishonest to label feo as "anti-honest" because he's so in favor of the lies he spreads.  It would be honest to simply call him a liar. 

Of course, more importantly is the lie feo tells by the above.  Stan stated a fact: Chick-fil-A doesn't discriminate.  That is, they serve everyone who can pay the tab for a chicken sandwich.  They don't refuse service, even to the blatantly sexually immoral or disordered. 

Donating to charities who support long-standing, traditional notions of morality and virtue by their actions...such as adoption agencies who acknowledge the best placement of children is with husband/wife praise worthy, even if the result of their practices is that the sexually immoral are denied...because they're sexually immoral and therefore, in the moral eyes of the charity, not the best people with whom the children in their charge should be placed. 

feo lives to prove he's intellectually superior to those like Craig, Stan and myself.  He fails miserably with incredible frequency, but continues in the attempt due to his fragile ego as well as his need to avoid facing his chosen path to perdition...his defense of the immoral.  He dared suggest Stan is "not the brightest bulb on the moral porch".  feo is the stubby, charred wick of a candle burned to the base which is unable to illuminate at all. 

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