Friday, July 19, 2019

Another Word Redefined

As almost everyone knows, our president had recently posted a few tweets that the lunatic left now insists is racist.  Let's look at them.  Here they are all together:

""Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worse, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run.  Why don't they go back and fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.  Then come back and show us how it's done.  These place need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough.  I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to work out free travel arrangements."

Where's the racism?  Please, lefty lunkheads.  Point it out specifically.  Is the skin color of the any Congresswomen mentioned anywhere in these tweets?  Of course not.  You know why?  Because it isn't freaking racist in any way, shape or form regardless of how badly the Trump haters want it to be.

Trump not only didn't mention race in the tweet, he didn't even mention the Congresswomen he had in mind!!  Indeed, there's a great meme I saw on Facebook of a smiling Donald Trump with the words, "I didn't use any names in my tweet and four morons stood up!"  Hilarious!  It is rather funny that these four idiots assumed he was talking about them.  I tend to agree with one pundit who believes he was referring specifically to Ilhan Omar, the anti-semite terrorist defender, but chose to pluralize the target of his comments in order to avoid distracting from his point.  But we're talking about lefties here, and distracting from the point is what they do.  This damned story is proof of that. No one is talking about the point at all, in fact, but instead choose to lie about the tweet being proof of racism. 

And here we see another example of what racism means to the left these days.  It's another example of redefining a word or term to further their evil agenda (yeah..."EVIL").  To the Trump haters, this tweet is racist because of the race of the target of the tweet.  By that standard, Trump would be racist if he singled out these women for praise.  I mean, you can't have it both ways.  To the left, if one speaks negatively about ANYTHING regarding a person of a different race, it's racist.   WAIT!!!  Let me clarify that and be more specific:  If a white person, in this case more than any other, Donald Trump, says anything negative in relation to a non-white person, it's racism.  Idris Elba could drive badly and if Trump points it out, it's more evidence that he's a racist. 

The left needs racism.  They love racism.  Without racism, they'd have to focus more on actual positions and issues and the real underlying components of how things are.  While the left whines about these women being attacked in a racist manner, two of them are known for their seriously hateful and fact-free anti-semitism.  Another rejects any black or brown person that fails to be "a voice" for that which SHE insists are the causes a black or brown person should support.  That makes Candace Owens, Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and a host of other conservative black people racist against their own race, or self-loathing or some such nonsense, when in fact, the problem is in the fevered imaginings of this Ayanna Pressley idiot. 

These women, each in their own way, are reprehensible.  That would be true if they were descendants of Scandinavian people but with the same warped and evil positions.  And the only point of Trump's tweets are reflected in another really good meme, the jist of which is as follows:  "So many insisted they would leave the country if Trump won the election.  Now that he's president, the same people are whining because he's letting them know they can leave."  This is another sentiment a great deal of the population holds.  It's not racist at all.  We'd love to see Bernie Sanders leave and take up residence in, say, Venezuela or Cuba. 

Criticizing the nation and its government is no crime.  It's a right, actually.  But the vile crap that we hear from the left these days is an abuse of the right, just as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater is.  But while we can defend the right of any lefty bonehead to say stupid crap, we have the right to suggest they get their ticket and go illegally cross over some other nation's border and live their twisted version of utopia.  That's not racist at all.  The real racists in this case, as always, are the leftists and Trump-haters.

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