Friday, July 19, 2019

Another Word Redefined

As almost everyone knows, our president had recently posted a few tweets that the lunatic left now insists is racist.  Let's look at them.  Here they are all together:

""Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worse, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run.  Why don't they go back and fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.  Then come back and show us how it's done.  These place need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough.  I'm sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to work out free travel arrangements."

Where's the racism?  Please, lefty lunkheads.  Point it out specifically.  Is the skin color of the any Congresswomen mentioned anywhere in these tweets?  Of course not.  You know why?  Because it isn't freaking racist in any way, shape or form regardless of how badly the Trump haters want it to be.

Trump not only didn't mention race in the tweet, he didn't even mention the Congresswomen he had in mind!!  Indeed, there's a great meme I saw on Facebook of a smiling Donald Trump with the words, "I didn't use any names in my tweet and four morons stood up!"  Hilarious!  It is rather funny that these four idiots assumed he was talking about them.  I tend to agree with one pundit who believes he was referring specifically to Ilhan Omar, the anti-semite terrorist defender, but chose to pluralize the target of his comments in order to avoid distracting from his point.  But we're talking about lefties here, and distracting from the point is what they do.  This damned story is proof of that. No one is talking about the point at all, in fact, but instead choose to lie about the tweet being proof of racism. 

And here we see another example of what racism means to the left these days.  It's another example of redefining a word or term to further their evil agenda (yeah..."EVIL").  To the Trump haters, this tweet is racist because of the race of the target of the tweet.  By that standard, Trump would be racist if he singled out these women for praise.  I mean, you can't have it both ways.  To the left, if one speaks negatively about ANYTHING regarding a person of a different race, it's racist.   WAIT!!!  Let me clarify that and be more specific:  If a white person, in this case more than any other, Donald Trump, says anything negative in relation to a non-white person, it's racism.  Idris Elba could drive badly and if Trump points it out, it's more evidence that he's a racist. 

The left needs racism.  They love racism.  Without racism, they'd have to focus more on actual positions and issues and the real underlying components of how things are.  While the left whines about these women being attacked in a racist manner, two of them are known for their seriously hateful and fact-free anti-semitism.  Another rejects any black or brown person that fails to be "a voice" for that which SHE insists are the causes a black or brown person should support.  That makes Candace Owens, Star Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and a host of other conservative black people racist against their own race, or self-loathing or some such nonsense, when in fact, the problem is in the fevered imaginings of this Ayanna Pressley idiot. 

These women, each in their own way, are reprehensible.  That would be true if they were descendants of Scandinavian people but with the same warped and evil positions.  And the only point of Trump's tweets are reflected in another really good meme, the jist of which is as follows:  "So many insisted they would leave the country if Trump won the election.  Now that he's president, the same people are whining because he's letting them know they can leave."  This is another sentiment a great deal of the population holds.  It's not racist at all.  We'd love to see Bernie Sanders leave and take up residence in, say, Venezuela or Cuba. 

Criticizing the nation and its government is no crime.  It's a right, actually.  But the vile crap that we hear from the left these days is an abuse of the right, just as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater is.  But while we can defend the right of any lefty bonehead to say stupid crap, we have the right to suggest they get their ticket and go illegally cross over some other nation's border and live their twisted version of utopia.  That's not racist at all.  The real racists in this case, as always, are the leftists and Trump-haters.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

(Not Necessarily the Top) Ten Reasons Dan Is An Ass.

In what is at present his most recent blog post, Dan Trabue writes of his Top Ten Reasons Not to Be An Ass.  Unfortunately...mostly because Dan's perspective on life and Christianity is hopelessly  skewed in a most delusional manner...Dan is the ass by his typically nonsensical notions of the issue he believes he is defending.  Here I will respond to his top ten points and show how in each case he is indeed the ass, by virtue of his misrepresentations and distortions. 
As an aside, be it known that due to a more recent post at Craig's, I feel it may be likely that to respond at his blog post would result in my comments being deleted, so rather than take the chance, I respond here.   More and more it seems this is how things must be.
Refer to each point at his blog to understand my responses here:

1.  Here he tries to cite Scripture to accuse those who believe in the concept of national sovereignty and security.  But nothing in Scripture suggests we should welcome the immigrant on the immigrant's terms.  Old Testament mandates were rather clear that all were to abide God's Will in the Promised Land.  That is, visitors must obey the laws of Israel...and of God, which at the time is pretty much the same thing.  One couldn't, for example, just start planting his own field as he doesn't have a field yet, nor could one continue to build altars to Baal or sacrifice their kids to Molech.  And the very concept of "welcoming the immigrant" suggests rather plainly that the people have the choice to do so or not on the basis of it being the citizens' land, not the immigrant's.  If this were not so there'd be no welcoming required as the immigrants could just pitch a tent wherever.  It isn't land that belongs to anyone.  But that wasn't the case then anymore than it is now.  Israel was a nation and the land of Israel belonged to God's Chosen.  Welcoming is a courtesy and the other side of that coin is gratitude.  Gratitude in this case would include abiding the laws of the nation doing the welcoming.  Crossing the border covertly, or overstaying a visa, doesn't show gratitude and certainly doesn't show respect for the laws of the land into which the migrant seeks entry.

It is also helpful to remember that the United States accepts about a million new people per year...a number that includes visa holders who take the oath.  So we're already "welcoming" and we welcome quite a bit.  We also accept a good number of actual refugees every year, even though the amount has been decreased in recent years, for good reason.  So only an ass would pretend our actions are in conflict with Christian teaching.

2.  We are in no way treating those in detention in the same manner as prisoners of war, even though so many of them are actual and literal invaders by definition.   Here also, Dan joins with the elite of stupid, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in referring to detention centers as "concentration camps".  This is world-class assholery here of a type we've seen before.  I recall a not too recent discussion at his incredibly fascistic blog wherein he railed against the use of the term "enemy of the people", citing the connection to communist dictators who used the term and thus, by golly, one can only be a dictator himself who uses such a term.  Now, he has no problems with using the term "concentration camp" which has a connotation that conjures images of 70lb Jews in Auschwitz and Dachau in the minds of most every American who isn't an idiot lefty.  And of course again, this is done to disparage as much as possible this president and administration when nary a word was said against the guy who employed them in the last administration.  Some of these "concentration camps" were housing military people at one time, and now they're "concentration camps" because our government is using them to house the throngs of people who have been led to believe they can swarm into the country in whatever manner of their choosing.  The purposeful, deceit in using terms like this is Dan being an ass in a post about reasons not to be an ass.

3.  This one is a new one that likely gave Dan a tingle up his thigh.  "OH GREAT!!  Another thing I can use to show how evil our government, president and laws are!!!"  Who drags their kids for hundreds of miles without bringing these basic supplies?  It's another lame argument by the left, another chance to exploit something to disparage our government, president and just and righteous immigration laws.  And of course, there's this:

4.  "Self-determination" doesn't justify ignoring the laws of the land or national sovereignty.   This BS argument also ignores the self-determination of the American people, who through their elected representatives, enacted laws regulating immigration into our country.  As with other "rights" the left insists exist, here Dan ignores the obvious conflict between what one group sees as their "right" versus the rights another group must subordinate as a result.  The right to defend our borders against invaders, to determine just how much generosity we are obliged to provide...these and other considerations are dismissed to put forth this lame "self-determination" argument Dan believes is a mature and legitimate defense of those who ignore our own "self-determination".  This is another way Dan shows he's an ass.

5.  Only an ass would try to equate the border crisis to the Holocaust or Japanese internment.  There is no parallel here, as we have policies that welcome both immigrant AND actual refugees.  Dan refuses to put a number on how many we're obliged to allow entry, defaulting to the typical childish response of simply "more".  Yet, even with the overwhelming of our systems and the personnel tasked with implementing our policies, we're still eventually getting to find out who is legitimately seeking refuge according to what our just and righteous policies for doing so mandates.  For Dan, it's never enough and we must assume the stories told by asylum seekers are truthful and legitimate.  Dan claims he's all for vetting, but when vetting  is taking place...and those not yet vetted must be detained until they can be...Dan once again lies about the unjust nature of our laws and an ass.

6.  This is one of the worst points, and truly indicates what an ass Dan is.  One can "if" until the cows come home and that doesn't have a damned thing to do with what is.  The crisis is not as Dan pretends it is.  Interviews with caravaners indicate very few are "fleeing danger", but instead simply want a better gig.  Fine.  Wait in line.  Apply for a visa in the manner one is supposed to from home instead of knocking on the door as if law-abiding hopefuls aren't here already doing things the right way.  We just saw the sad story of the man and his little girl drowned trying to line jump.  As usual, people like Dan try to blame our president, government and laws for this guy's impatience in trying to get what he might not even be entitled to have.  But to Dan, wanting is all that our government must consider and by that wanting entry must be allowed.  That's idiotic. 

So how many lives are truly threatened?   Hard to say.  Dan won't agree to dissuade the rest from crowding them out from our ability to address their claims.  So, if my family was being threatened directly and I sought refuge elsewhere, I'd be freaking pissed that I can't get through the tens of thousands of people who aren't fleeing danger at all, but instead insist they are once caught breaking the law.  So I turn the question back on Dan.  How would YOU feel if your attempt to seek refuge was inhibited in this way?  Don't be an ass.  Support our nation in this crisis and you'll be better serving those who truly need our help.  Or, continue being the ass and lie about how evil we are.

7.  Here Dan simply asserts that we're the asses simply because we choose to abide the law and desire the law be enforced, since the law is for OUR benefit...immigration is for OUR benefit.   Dan is also an ass for lumping together "seeking a decent life" with those truly fleeing direct harm, as if all those who are showing up at the border have been harmed at all, have been threatened with harm or were ever in any danger at all except in danger of not making enough money.  The vast majority of those at the border are NOT running for their lives.  Dan is an ass for pretending otherwise.

8.  Dan claims data does not support the claim that illegals are taking jobs from Americans.  Yet, he offers none of the data he says contradicts the claim.  Just like an ass.  What's more, the reality is more along the lines of jobs not being offered because some businesses can get away with paying really low wages to illegals because they won't complain and risk being deported.  Americans won't work for those low wages, so those jobs are no loner open to Americans.  Without the illegals, the businesses would be forced to pay better to get the help they need, or pay to automate where they can.  That's pretty basic stuff. 

He also likes to pretend that illegals working here spend their money here.  While that may be true, they don't spend all of it here.  They send a great deal of it back to their home countries.

9.  Here, like an ass, Dan relies on skewed and incomplete info to insist "data" proves immigrants commit less crime.  And this is after he pretends the "rapists and murderers" argument is worthy of dismissing outright.  But assuming...just because I understand graciousness and how and when to apply it...that even illegals, who have broken the law just by being here, commit less crime than Americans once they get here, the very notion that there would be less crime had they not come should be obvious even to a liar like Dan...if he chose to be honest.  The "argument" is more about importing criminals when we have quite enough of our own, thank you very much.

Properly vetted immigrants granted access are typically quite law abiding.  But we're not talking about such people.  We're talking about illegal aliens.

10.  Only an ass would bring up the amount of space we have to legitimize the idiotic notion of total welcome of any and all who wish to enter.  Space isn't the issue, and not all areas of the country are conducive to easy living without displacing the wildlife these same idiot lefties believe are more important than people.  It's amazing how there is no one or nothing that can't displace actual Americans in the disordered minds of the "progressives".  The issue is how many can our economy support without burdening it to the point that we become the very situation these people came here to escape...for whatever reason?  We are not a bottomless pit of wealth.  And there is no way an intelligent person can believe that everyone who comes here will be a productive and beneficial addition.  I would submit that the likelihood would be that more than not would be a burden.

Finally, Dan insists we're engaging in "a great national sin".  Bullshit.  We're dealing with a situation compounded by idiocy from idiots like Dan...non-thinking, self-satisfied posers pretending to be Christian on the dime of another...and then daring to take credit at the same time!   And like the complete ass he is, he claims he's workign for basic human decency.  One cannot do so by acting unlawfully, which is what those like Dan are doing in enabling the unlawful. 

Dan doesn't provide reasons "not to be an ass".  He provides instruction in how to be one.

During the course of putting this post together, Dan has gone on to provide more proof that he's an ass.  There may be a "Part Two" to this post soon.