Friday, May 10, 2019

A Loose End

While I await Dan's response...or my response at his blog following my last post, I now wish to demonstrate how his rectal itch, feo, lies once again.  In this case, he had insisted I hadn't provided my definition for what makes one human or a person or whatever term he chooses to use to further pretend he's "winning".  The fact is, he continued to make this false claim well after he had received my definition.  It is as follows:

It's pretty cut and dried. A person is the product of the procreative act between a man and a woman. It is a person by virtue of the fact that it took two persons of the opposite sex to unite their procreative donations for the purpose of bringing forth a new person.

This comment was posted on March 23, 2019 at 1:03 PM in the comments of this post.   By March 29, 2019 at 3:13 PM, he was still pretending I hadn't provided my explanation, stated above in words so simple even a highly educated, well read seminarian like feo should be able to understand.

Not being one too into cheap the pro-abort crowd feo and Dan defend as if their "Christian" duty...I don't cotton to those they put forth.  The arbitrary and subjectively chosen lines of demarcation between what is or isn't "fully human"...designed to allow one the ability to maintain a claim of moral character after offing one's own children...hold no appeal to me as examples of intelligent justifications.  They aren't. 

Science demonstrates that from the moment of fertilization, a new human being exists.  As such, a new person exists...person and human being being two terms meaning the same thing by definition.  It's not a matter of "philosophical ethics".  It's not a matter of consciousness.  It's not "potentially" a person.  That's a matter of absolute fact.  All potential refers to all that which further development will reveal, but personhood is not one of them.  That's a done deal by virtue of the fact that this new person is the result of a man and woman engaging in the very act designed for the purpose of bringing into existence a new person.

There is no need to abort.  EVER.  No example exists whereby an abortion was required to save a pregnant woman's life.  It can't be proven where abortionists insisted there were.  There is only their word for it. 

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