Sunday, January 06, 2019

UPDATE ALERT!!!! A Loon(ie)'s Desperate Plea!

I just got an email alerting me to an attempt by the buffoonish feo that I just have to share:

"My plan for gun significantly reducing gun deaths in this country has been on the front of your own blog just a few inches down since July. You copied most of it. Craig got a the last missing bit. And the superiority of its practical and moral sense has pretty much shut down your blog ever since. Suck on it idiot coward."

He's clearly referring to the 20 lame suggestions that alone or altogether would have no impact whatsoever on reducing anything but a law-abiding citizen's ability to protect himself...not to mention the liberty of all Americans.  I really don't know what he means regarding what he gave to Craig, but one thing is certain:  "superiority", "practicality" and "moral" are words that have no relation to much of anything this false priest says, to say nothing of his gun grab nonsense. 

I'm quite certain my blog has been in operation without interruption the whole time, even if I don't post anything.  Whether or not I post anything has absolutely no connection to anything this sad and pathetic man-child has ever done or could ever do.  He's about as insignificant as one can be.

Nonetheless, I've been waiting patiently for him to provide his alleged plan, and if they include all or any of the twenty points about which I easily proved are worthless in achieving his stated goal...indeed they have no relation whatever to it...I'd still love to see it.  Because, what the hell, I'm always up for a good laugh and a chance to remind him how lacking he is as a thinker. 

But that's never going to happen, because as you can see from the quote above, he's not willing to play like a good boy.  His eagerness to prove he's no true Christian is an urge he hasn't the character to overcome, and as such, even if he sent me an actual plan, it would likely be so filled with his typical hateful condescension and arrogance that it would not be worthy of publishing.  He'd have to do it at his own blog and I don't give it the time of day anymore.  So, he'll continue to be looking in from the outside, sitting in his own waste, pretending he's showing me up.   *Yawn*

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