Friday, June 29, 2018

Shameful Behavior Month

As June comes to a close, I am left feeling there is something seriously wrong with a society that devotes a month, as well as parades, to celebrating a sexual compulsion.   Even for those who take delight in acting on that compulsion, how do they come to feel it appropriate to march around proclaiming their sexual compulsion as if it actually deserves public applause? 

I get it.  The idea is supposed to be that there's no reason to be ashamed (not true...there's plenty reason), that they should not be judged in a negative manner (though their compulsion is to act immorally).  But to march around, designating a month of the year?  That's just plain goofy, to say nothing of perverse. 

When I see T-shirts that say something like, "Proud to be Irish", or I hear of "Black Pride", I think, "What did you do to become Irish or Black?"  Did you work hard to be born Armenian?  Was there a special test?  Again, there's no reason to be ashamed of one's race or heritage, even if one's race or heritage has a bad rep.  That is, Germans of today don't need to be ashamed because of all those nazis back during WWII.  But to be proud to be a German? 

Or one can be proud to be a part of a people that has done great things, more or less being proud of those members of one's people who actually did the great things, rather than being proud of having been born into that group.  But either way, these things are just accidents of birth and are no reason to be "proud to be a...whatever".  Did YOU do something great?

But this is different.  This is being proud because one feels like doing something.  Or worse in this case, actually having done it.  A sex act.  "I'm proud to have sex with my significant other!  Let's have a parade!"  Doesn't make sense.  Are these thirteen-year-olds?  "Check it out, dudes!  Me and Ellen did it!  I'm gonna celebrate it annually!" 

Of course, the reality is that it is just another attempt to convince normal people that these particular celebrants are normal, too (though they most certainly aren't), that they're no more or less moral than normal people (though they most certainly are celebrating immorality).  It is meant to enable the guilty and coerce everyone else into accepting the dysfunction.   It is meant to ram their idea of morality and normalcy down the throats of the general population, without the consent of the general population. 

Here's a really goofy aside:  I turned on the radio as I was about to drive in to work and a sports talk show was ending.  One of the two sports dudes was talking about how much fun he had at the city's "Pride" parade, and how his wife continued to hang out there while he had to go to the radio station for his show...and how the station needs a float or something in next year's parade...and how everyone at the station is down with the idea (or so he believes, anyway).  Good gosh! 

Hell in a handbag, my friends.  Hell in a handbag.

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