Friday, June 24, 2016

By The Numbers

The above is a short film put out by the Clarion Project about the actual numbers of those who claim to be "moderate" muslims versus the entirety if islam.  It demonstrates what many have been saying for some time with regards the notion that "not all" are extremists or jihadists or even in agreement with those who are.  It speaks to the incredible task of finding those among the muslim population who are actually more like us than not in terms of rejecting the vile and barbaric beliefs and practices that in recent days have resulted in the murder of 50 people in a club in Orlando, FL. 

There was a recent post by leftist looney Dan T regarding what he hailed as a historic event to which someone from his church (if I recall correctly) was a part.  This conference saw itself as one that is "doing something" to end the violence associated with the teachings of islam...teachings which many claim are not truly the teachings of the "prophet" at all.

Dan also has done much trash talking about Donald Trump and his call to halt immigration and the flow of refugees from countries with muslim majorities...countries known to have a large radical muslim population or are under radical muslim control.  This suggestion has also been put forth by people like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, and between the three of them the suggestion shows far more concern for the welfare of the American people than anything proposed or implemented by the current administration and those of his party seeking to step in when he thankfully steps out. 

And about that... a curious thing.   In 2009, the Obama administration did exactly that which is proposed by those three with regard to halting the flow of refugees from, I believe, Syria.  Don't recall too many lefties whining about that being un-American, as if allowing just anyone into the country is what America, or immigration for that matter, is all about. 

Immigration policy is not for the immigrant.  It's for the host nation who allows immigration.  It's for OUR benefit that we CHOOSE to let anyone into the country at all.  It is NOT anti-American to deny entry to anyone for any reason whatsoever.  Nor is it "unChristian" to totally seal off our borders until such time that we, based on reasons that make sense to our own national security and the benefit and general welfare of our own people, choose to open them up. 

It has been the fashion to label Trump as racist for his stance on immigration and border control.  That is, it has been the fashion of the typical center-right hating liberal (not that Donnie is a conservative or anything) to so label anyone who dares suggest we take a step back until such time as we can secure those borders, improve the efficiency of our vetting process and find those who have overstayed their visas.  That isn't racism at all, regardless of who it is we want to more thoroughly scrutinize.  It's called "protecting our own people". 

The boneheads who have failed to prevent terror attacks in this country (since Obama first became president) speak of needles in haystacks as regards finding the small percentage of scumbags willing and eager to perpetrate more Orlando crimes.  FBI Director Comey has even suggested some of the hay becomes needles.  Dan, Obama and other leftist pinheads want to bring in more hay and hope for the best.  They think our refusal to do so would incite more muslims to radicalize.  What a joke!  They don't need an excuse.  They are already successful at recruiting and inciting and influencing the stupid to do what they insist they intend to do to the world. 

The numbers are too great.  Talk percentages of the total all you like and it doesn't change the fact that the numbers are too great.  Unfortunately, the numbers of idiots who think like Dan and Obama are great as well.  We need conservatives (read: smart people, courageous people, leaders) in positions of authority in this country.  All we have right now is Trump, but on this issue, he is correct and Hillary, Bernie and the Idiot-In-Chief don't even understand the situation...AND THEY HAVE ALL THE INFO THAT SHOULD INFORM THEM!!! 

Loretta Lynch, who has no business speaking to the friends and families of the Pulse shooting (that's not her job), said something stupid about fighting terrorists with love.  This administration is killing their lame notions of how to deal with the issue of terrorism.  They want it to be about guns.  With this latest crime they want it to be about homophobia.  They don't have the brains, the honesty, the integrity to properly deal with the issue and thus protect the people they are sworn to protect. 

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