Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Can't Support The Pallies.

This appeared on Yahoo this morning.  In my last post, I made the suggestion that the Palestinian people are largely supportive of the hate group that rules them in Gaza, Hamas.  The linked piece seems to support that notion.  The poll shows a 60+% favoring of the Hamas leader for president over Abbas.  This demonstrates a choice for the greater of two evils.  In what parallel universe does one say to one's self, "I choose the guy who insists on using me as a human shield as he constantly lobs missiles at those he insists is my enemy.  I LIKE that idea!!  I'm voting for HIM?"  It's happening in the parallel universe we call "Gaza".

Take off the kid gloves.  Such a people is not worth risking the lives of Israeli soldiers as they seek to end the TOTALLY UNPROVOKED ATTACKS on their fellow Israelis.

This poll should be held up for the world to see (especially given that it was taken by a Palestinian) as Israel tables their surgical military tactics intended to lessen collateral damage, so that they can more effectively kill as many Hamas leaders and subordinates it takes to make them stop attacking Israel once and for all.  Nothing Israel has ever done to the sad and innocent Palestinians was not preceded by heinous and hateful actions against them by the Palestinians.

Right now, we are seeing another example of the intention of the worst elements of islam, as ISIS and their cowardly cohorts just hacked off the head of another innocent victim.  Their "message" is that it is the result of Obama's actions in the Middle East.  It is the same kind of crap Hamas says about why they continue to attack Israel.  It is amongst their favorite propaganda.  When will the world be fed up with this crap?

I have seen videos and articles highlighting muslims who speak out against the insane members of their culture/religion.  Unfortunately, the percentage of such stand up people amongst the savages is less then the percentage of homosexuals.  This means that we can't wait for "good" muslims to successfully alter the culture there.  As far as I'm concerned, they are free to align themselves with us or Israel as we bring the pain.  That is, if we, as a nation, ever grow a spine.


Feodor said...

"In what parallel universe does one say to one's self, "I choose the guy who insists on using me as a human shield..."

We can see it in the US as millions of struggling and stagnant white people for three decades have voted to support the interests of the wealthy and against policies that would have long grown substantial economic, intellectual, and quality of life progress.

Marshal Art said...

What has the idiocy of Democrat supporters to do with this issue? And why don't you include ALL Democrat supporters, such as the majority of black voters who willingly allow Democrats to use them as political cannon fodder without any real reward for that support?

Try to stay on topic and also refrain from trying to appear you're smart enough to form a parallel between what is happening there to what is happening here. Clearly you're not capable.

Feodor said...

Palestinians have been occupied, controlled, and bombed with sophisticated US weapons - bought with US AID - decades now. Name one group of occupied people who did not have terrorist groups in their midst.

But I can name one group of people not occupied, not bombed, who yet became blind with fundamentalist hate and inhumanity - as well as warped rationality: American christian conservatives. A lot of people just like you.

dave b said...

The Palestinians protested in my area for several Fridays during the month when the recent war started over there. Them making me late in getting home on a Friday no less doesn't endear them to me, I must say, especially since it makes no sense for them to be protesting. What can they possibly say at a protest that would make any sense? "Don't let the Israelis pay us back for starting the war! Don't let them defend themselves!" This is the best they can say, and they dare make me late in getting home from work on a Friday by jamming up a major road where I work? Sorry, but I have little sympathy for idiots and bigots who start wars then protest the other side for fighting back, then punish people in a totally different country who aren't even involved. My only wish is that all the Democrats who are so involved in the "Palestinian cause" would just move to Palestine already.

Feodor said...

"Sorry, but I have little sympathy for idiots and bigots who start wars then protest the other side for fighting back, then punish people in a totally different country who aren't even involved."

Like the US in Iraq beginning in March 2003. By your own wish, you should be in Iraq fighting to bring them western democracy. But your puny automobile life doesn't sound like Iraq.

dave b said...

Feodor, you're the one who should be in Iraq since you atheist religion says Muslims are always right, being poor victims, not on account of being depraved murderous lunatics, but on account of the West being mean and daring to be more financially successful than a bunch of stupid thugs who spend all day murdering each other and and beating women for showing any more than their eyes in public. Go ahead and move over there, and see how your precious "vulnerables" treat liberal homosexuals like you up close and personal.

Feodor said...

So you don't mean what you write? Or you don't understand what you write?

Marshal Art said...


Welcome, or welcome back, though I'm not sure that you ever posted here before.

Don't mind feo. He's a troll and a false priest. He says all kinds of goofy things. He thinks he's an intellectual. He'd be funny if he wasn't so pathetic.

Obviously, rational people would agree with your comments. To protest our support of the nation they attack, hate and wish to wipe off the face of the earth suggests mental issues.

Feel free to visit anytime.

Marshal Art said...

"Palestinians have been occupied, controlled, and bombed with sophisticated US weapons - bought with US AID - decades now."

As well they should be for all their unprovoked attacks on Israel. And note that this post refers to a poll that suggests most of the civilian pallies support for president the leader of the thugs who invite retribution whilst hiding behind them. They are thus complicit in the attacks on Israel. And as they think it's a really cool thing to know their own kids died in suicide attacks, I see no reason for the Israelis to even own kid gloves, much less ever wear them.

But you support senseless attacks on Israel and their civilian population. I get that. You're a scumbag.

"But I can name one group of people not occupied, not bombed, who yet became blind with fundamentalist hate and inhumanity - as well as warped rationality: American christian conservatives."

And you're a lying scumbag to boot. I'm not blind, but see reality quite well. I don't hate people, but hate what some do. These people do the most hateful things, out of their hatred for Israel and I hate that they do. I even hate that the best strategy is to annihilate them or deliver them so much pain that the thought of attacking Israel ever again makes them wet themselves in terror. Perhaps then they will beg for a peaceful solution, even offering to serve Israel for all eternity. Then maybe there will be a chance that peace will come to the region and Israel can get back to living life without bomb shelters.

There's nothing inhumane about destroying hateful people who attack our allies like Israel and their civilians. We're talking hateful people who are willing to see their own people killed to garner international sympathy. Do you get this you lying scumbag? They WANT to see their people die so that the world will feel sorry for them. You're an idiot and there is none better at it.

Feodor said...

So you were for bombing the hell out of the Irish, huh?

Marshal Art said...

Oh, yeah, feo. That's exactly what I'm saying. Idiot.

Feodor said...

"There's nothing inhumane about destroying hateful people who attack our allies like Israel and their civilians."

1993 truck bomb exploded in London's financial district killing 1 injuring 44. IRA was responsible..

Wasn't the first time by far.

"here's nothing inhumane about destroying hateful people who attack our allies like Israel and their civilians."

Your words and claims, if they can't stand up when applied to analogous cases are just bullshit if you apply them only with personal whimsy. Your mind is stupid cold whimsy. Like Cool Whip.

Marshal Art said...

Has the IRA ever had the support of the Irish that Hamas has from the Palestinians? I don't think so. Certainly not now, and this is what this post is about. What's more, the IRA did not engage in the same tactics as Hamas that would require full military action, such as constant missile attacks on Great Britain, despite receiving a degree of it from authorities. Your weak attempt to draw a comparison between the IRA and the entirety of Jew-hating islamists is not surprising from someone who cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And to presume that I would defend an organization like the IRA on any level without any rational evidence is just another attempt by you to project onto me some negative aspect to which you can point from your fraudulent and delusional posture of moral superiority. What can be so wrong in your life that you feel such a compelling need to do that to anyone? I feel so sad for you.

Feodor said...

1200 British soldiers and civilians died of bombings and assassinations by the IRA. Their identities protected by their neighbors, information on the British troops spread from neighborhood to neighborhood, funded by the Irish, the American Irish, Libya, and the PLO itself, the IRA and their children should have been bombed out of existence.

But, oh no! They're white people!

You can't defend your own inflammatory rhetoric because you can't reason out anything.

So you turn, predictably to a smoke and mirror game of new and ad hoc conditions.

You meant to say terrorist groups that do not start with an "I" right?

Marshal Art said...

You're truly a sad a pathetic person! I feel so badly for you. To pretend that there is some equal parallel between the IRA situation and that of the Palestinians, whose leaders publicly state their goal of total annihilation of the Jewish people is so incredibly ludicrous. Worse, is your desperate attempt to suppose skin color plays any role whatsoever in my position on such matters. I maintain, and your brief presentation fails to contradict, that support for IRA activity does not in any way equate to the support by the Palestinians, and likely islam in general, in terms of scope or manifestation.

A far better comparison would be Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany in WWII. I support both the atomic attacks on Japan and the bombing of Dresden, neither of which is based on something so insignificant as race or nationality or religion. Both, along with radical elements of islam, compare in terms of their goals of world domination.

The IRA? They wanted the British to piss off and that's about it. They had no designs on the entirety of the British Isles. They had no plans to extinguish the British people from the face of the earth. They had no plans to subjugate the British people, using their own people as canon fodder in the process. You go ahead and falsely believe I suffer from the very racism that moves your dark soul. My conscience is clean. Yours doesn't exist.

Feodor said...

"There's nothing inhumane about destroying hateful people who attack our allies like Israel and their civilians."

Now you want to say, "nah, it's not all THAT bad. Only when they want world domination."

Newsflash, Mr. make-it-up-as-you-go: neither the PLA nor Hezbollah have claimed a desire for world domination.

Marshal Art said...

"Now you want to say, "nah, it's not all THAT bad. Only when they want world domination.""

An entirely inaccurate representation of my position. But you seem to want to believe that I would NOT oppose the actions of the IRA, simply because they do not rise to the level of Hamas, or are supported by the same percentage of Irish as Palestinians for Hamas. You'll pretty much say anything, won't you?

"Newsflash, Mr. make-it-up-as-you-go: neither the PLA nor Hezbollah have claimed a desire for world domination."

Newsflash, Mr. I-wish-I-could-convince-just-one-person-I'm-as-intelligent-as-I-wish-I-was: No other religion is as determined to force compliance to their's as is islam. It is a part of their religion to work to that end. And all terrorist groups who identify as islamic desire world domination, to make the world islamic. Where Christians seek to convert through preaching and evangelizing (and hopefully example), islam is prepared and willing to convert by force.

Feodor said...

Christians in this country hijack voting rights, gerrymander racial districts, close down health clinics, and find rape to be not so horrible that pregnancy -- virtually impossible from rape, your kind says -- should not be terminated.

If you think these things aren't violent, anti-human rights coercion, then you're an idiot.

Well.... I guess so.

Feodor said...

And let us not forget that your kind of christians are fine killing the earth. Very islamicist of you guys.

Feodor said...

"Mr. I-wish-I-could-convince-just-one-person-I'm-as-intelligent-as-I-wish-I-was..."

You know what's interesting about this is that all along I've been showing you simple common intelligence mixed with critical reasoning just in order to get you to use your brain so you're not stuck on dumb. We're always in 101 here. Because of you. I've never claimed anything of intellect except the simple fact that you write with such idiocy that it's easy to feel smart.

And you do the same thing with the gospel. The gospel yearns to show you how to be more loving. But in your stubborn, cold commitment to be hateful and resentful -- and your fear of departing your home-made, helicopter engineering "scholars," you stick on unloving.

The Christ finds no way in your life. But the red letters of old habits go by that name in your head.

Marshal Art said...

"Christians in this country hijack voting rights, gerrymander racial districts, close down health clinics, and find rape to be not so horrible that pregnancy -- virtually impossible from rape, your kind says -- should not be terminated."

Wow. If you don't have anything to say that contradicts my post, just say so, or, better yet, say nothing. But this desperation is just too pathetic. Are you trying to make some kind of comparison of America Christians (not like you---REAL Christians) to islamic radicals and their massive support amongst the palestinians?

-No voting rights have been highjacked nor are their anyone not of the leftwing trying to do so.

-Gerrymandering goes on by both parties, and mostly by the left who can't risk dealing with issues to maintain their political power.

-Abortion mills are NOT health clinics. And most of those shut down were due to legitimate health concerns---a good Christian thing to do.

-And you further lie by supposing Christians (REAL Christians, not you) find rape "not so bad". What an absolute lie from the false priest!! And it takes a morally bankrupt false priest to suppose that aborting a child, simply for being so unfortunate to have been conceived during a rape, is a good thing. May God forgive you. The REAL God, not the one you've made up for yourself.

"And let us not forget that your kind of christians are fine killing the earth."

Yeah, we do it with handguns. Handguns with large capacity magazines. Yeah. That's the ticket. What the hell are you talking about now?

Marshal Art said...

"...all along I've been showing you simple common intelligence mixed with critical reasoning..."

If only that were true. Instead, I spit up my pop. Thanks for the laugh.

"...I've never claimed anything of intellect..."

And once again you lie. Sure, you haven't done so recently. And by now it would be really foolish to do so. But you began your visits here posing as an intellectual and you've really never gotten beyond it. You continue to attempt to "correct" me, but your failure has become famous and so routinely followed by insults rather than focusing on truly proving...well...much of anything, really.

"The gospel yearns to show you how to be more loving."

Get off it. Don't confuse my annoyance with you as typical of my attitude with the general public. Have I blocked your visits here? Aside from deleting your most inane insults, do you not still have a place to go where the host patiently awaits mature discussion? No. You prefer to pretend you're "lowering" yourself to my level, when you've been at your current low character level since day one. Yet, here I am, still pining for the day when you cease your childishness. I wait in vain.

The hate and resentfulness if yours, small boy. It is evident in your condescension to "helicopter engineers" as if you have EVER taken moment 1 to rebut any of their positions with something akin to the scholarly wisdom a highly educated and well read person like yourself should easily present.

It is evident in your constant charges of racism and hate that never brings with it anything in the way of evidence.

My conscience is clear, false priest. And my understanding of Scripture, such as it is, has nothing to fear from yours, as yours does NOT align with Scripture at all.

Feodor said...

Boy, you really don't like to think thoughts through do you? You like your hand held the whole way.

Voting Rights:


Refusing the right of a woman to choose:
This from the 5th circuit court of appeals in Mississippi: "The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that states may not impose an undue burden on a woman's right to access abortion up until the fetus would be viable outside the womb, or around 22 to 24 weeks into the pregnancy. Attorneys for Mississippi's Department of Health had argued that when the state's last clinic shut down, women could still access abortion by driving to a neighboring state. But the court ruled on Tuesday that a state cannot "shift its obligation to respect the established constitutional rights of its citizens to another state."

"Such a proposal would not only place an undue burden on the exercise of the constitutional right, but would also disregard a state’s obligation under the principle of federalism -- applicable to all fifty states -- to accept the burden of the non-delegable duty of protecting the established federal constitutional rights of its own citizens," the court wrote."

On rape, Republicans have such a inhuman record:

"Rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable, relax and enjoy it." Clayton Williams

"If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that thing down." U.S. Representative Todd Akin

"Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation." Rick Santorum

"Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." Richard Mourdock

"In the emergency room they have what's called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out."
Jodie Laubenberg

"If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist's pursuit of sexual freedom doesn't (in most cases) result in anyone's death." Lawrence Lockman

Republican climate change deniers:

Marshal Art said...

"Boy, you really don't like to think thoughts through do you?"

This has been shown to be a deficiency routinely manifested in your comments and is once again evident here. The only alternative is that you're a bare-faced liar. Either one is as likely as the other, but not as likely as they're going hand-in-hand. Attempting to project this upon me is symptomatic of your condition. Let's review:

Voting Rights: Your link here does not speak to the reasons various voting related legislation was put in place. For example, voter ID laws are NOT restrictive except to those who do not have the right to vote. Eliminating same registration is NOT restrictive, except to those too lazy to get registered previous to election day. The other situations referred to in your link also have no legitimate complaint against their implementation, but the argument refers to the lifting of those policies. Thus, that the policies might be restrictive isn't the problem unless one first reviews the reasoning behind the policies in the first place. Your link doesn't do this in the least. Those of us who care about the nation prefer that any who vote be well informed. Those of you who want "motor voter", no ID, same-day registration, are simply looking to gain power without regard to how you get there. Thus, you'll take the vote of any idiot you can bribe, coerce, or motivate regardless of their knowledge and understanding of the candidates and their positions. Thus, this point is BS.

Gerrymandering: This is a practice not relegated to either party, and if you have any knowledge of Illinois politics, particularly Chicago/Cook County, you'd know it is especially popular with the Democratic Machine. But your biased link does not speak to the reasoning behind Republican efforts. Are they solely to ease their assent to power, or are they attempting to mitigate the Democrats' previous attempts to that end? Typcially, we see Dems accusing the right of the worst for merely attempting to correct the worst that Dems have already perpetrated. Your point fails.

more coming now...

Marshal Art said...

On rape, liars like you take great pains to misrepresent. Because you are liars.

Clayton Williams---His comment is not in the least bit unique to Republicans, even if a concession is made that they all feel this way, which is stupid and a lie. Indeed, it was rather common not so long ago. These days, I support women arming themselves in whatever manner they feel most comfortable, as well as to train in self-defense and fight back.

U.S. Representative Todd Akin---While clumsily stated, Akin's remark is based upon the fact that stress negatively impacts ovulation. His biggest mistake here was allowing himself to be baited into answering a question that is irrelevant to the issue of abortion given the incredibly low percentage of abortions resulting from rape pregnancies. His answer should have been as such.

Rick Santorum---Where's the issue here? Isn't this sound advice for anyone dealing with a difficult or negative situation? I have no doubt he was referring the pregnancy that might result. Only an evil bastard would suggest that abortion is a legitimate option in rape cases.

Richard Mourdock---A slightly less clumsy response with which any professed Christian should have no problem given its truth. He was clearly referring to the pregnancy, not the rape, though the lying leftists need to lie and say he meant the rape. Nonetheless, even the evil committed by humans and the suffering of others is part of God's plan, whether we understand the plan or not. Here, the move to abort does not square with anything Biblical.

Jodie Laubenberg---Arguably the worst comment by a Republican on the issue, but not as bad as her defense of it. She still suggested that abortion-like procedures are available and could be used, so what's the difference?

Lawrence Lockman---Here, while he backed away from his comments, there is a logic that he should have defended. The rapist forces himself on his victim, but we allow a woman to force her will on her own unborn in a way that always results in the death of the unborn.

All in all, what you desperately want to portray as Republican indifference to rape victims is really a great compassion for the unborn. But that doesn't work for those with no compassion for the most vulnerable of our kind. It doesn't take much to think through the reality of what these people were trying to do, but it wouldn't serve your purpose of defending abortion.

As to climate change, using Obama's website to argue your position indicates your incredible inability to think things through. You use a liar to defend a lie. Few on the right deny that climate changes. But to pretend that 97% of scientists believe man causes it in the way this site claims is inane.

Pardon me for not actually holding your hand as I explained reality to you here. There's no telling what vile things you've done with that hand.

Feodor said...

You and I read differently.

I read.

You shoot the messenger.

Marshal Art said...

You and I read differently (as evidenced by your extremely poor understanding of every bit of Scripture you've ever dared suggest condemns my positions).

I read completely, seeking the truth of what is written.

You read superficially, hoping to find that which you believe you can use to demonize others, like false priests are wont to do.

Feodor said...

"as evidenced by your extremely poor understanding of every bit of Scripture you've ever dared suggest condemns my positions..."

All one has to do is read the new comments on your newer post. Typical of your inability to read. Your eyes see the words, but your mind is nervously repeating to itself the safe words of Sunday School platitudes.

Marshal Art said...

I'm sure you'd like to believe that's true. That's the only way you can maintain your heretical positions. How extremely sad and pathetic.