Friday, March 07, 2014


What kind of person votes for idiots like this?  How info free do people have to be to still believe this is the type of person that would best represent them?  Is it any wonder race relations in this country is so bad?  Is it any wonder why there is such division between the left and right when Dems so easily stoop so low?  How does this buffoon back up such a characterization of his opponents?  Shame on anyone who would cast a vote for this idiot.


Dan Trabue said...

You're not familiar with Alabama's history, are you?

Feodor said...

Marshall is history free for the last four hundred years of the Americas.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I think ANYONE who votes for ANY Demokrat is an idiot.

Feodor said...

And so Glenn keeps revealing himself. He thinks partisanship is so much higher a priority than rooting out racism.

Marshal Art said...

Dan or feodor,

Please feel free to explain the connection between the history of Alabama or "the Americas", and the idiotic implications of this fool. I could use a chuckle.

Feodor said...

That's good, Marshall. The first step always is to admit that you are info deficient. The second step is make a resolution - Lent is a great time to discipline yourself - to get information. Here's a start:

1) Many Thousands Gone, Ira Berlin
2) The Strange Career of Jim Crow, C. Vann Woodward
3) The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
4) Against the Wall: Poor, Young, Black, and Male/Edited byElijah Anderson
5) Some facts: Alabama was the last state in the nation to reverse laws against interracial marriage. (2000). 40% voted against the strike down. And in Alabama and Mississippi, a third of Republicans don't think interracial marriage should be legal. From question 19, it gets pretty funny, Marshall. Have a laugh:

Neil said...

It is always stunning (though not really when you consider it comes from baby killers) to see such moronic comments.

Abortion kills blacks at a rate three times that of whites. That doesn't happen by accident. Look at Margaret Sanger's ideology. Consider how rich, mostly white, mostly male doctors kill babies and mostly white people raise money to fund, advance and protect the cause of abortion.

If that fool really cared about saving black lives he'd fight Planned Parenthood et al all day, every day.

If the Democrats get their wish embodied in their platform, that rate will go even higher. Genocide: You're doin' it right.

“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

Feodor said...

Abortion rates are highest among women living in poverty and undereducated.

Women with family incomes below the federal poverty level account for more than 40% of all abortions. They also have one of the country’s highest abortion rates (52 per 1,000 women).

If you want to reduce abortions, Neil, address the driving cause: poverty and education.

But, no, you want more people living in a hell so you can rest easier in your heaven. Sounds like a Pharisee to me.

Feodor said...

And should we be surprised that Neil racializes a private act he considers a sin? Not at all.

He probably has some "Alabama" in his family.

Marshal Art said...

feodor wants to suggest that poor people are stupid and have no idea that sexual intercourse is how babies are made. How racist and condescending is that? How does having a job alter one's desire to have unprotected sex with someone to whom one is not married? How does being poor justify the murder of one's own child?

I'm not about to read anything you put up, feodor, only to find it does not answer the question of how this buffoon's comment can be justified. I know of no conservative that would change his mind about abortion at all simply because his/her own daughter got pregnant, much less because a white conservative's daughter is pregnant by a black man. It's ludicrous and racist, which is typical of the leftist mind.

Feodor said...

Marshall can't deal with facts, typical of reactionaries, so he wants to label them "suggestions." Science suggests the climate is responding to a thousand-fold increase of carbon in the atmosphere by heating up. But it's just a suggestion.

Yes, poor people (who come in all colors, Marshall, though you can only see black and brown, that's why you think a reference to poor people is racist)...

poor people do make worse health decisions (probably because they cannot afford good ones) just as they make worse nutritional choices (probably because they cannot afford good ones) just as they make poor economic decisions like buying $200 sneakers instead of saving for a college course, or catching up on bills (probably because they cannot afford a future.)

Clearly, studies have revealed to us that poverty affects the brain and the psychology of all kinds of economic judgments.

Yes, Marshall, poverty is a problem. News to you.

Marshal Art said...

That's just the type of nonsensical response I've come to expect (as confidently as I expect the morning to follow night) from one so corrupted as feodor.

He uses poverty as an excuse for bad decision making and immoral choices. He does this in discussions with someone who came from poverty. My mother's parents were immigrants. Her father died young and she and her three brothers and two sisters were raised by her mother, who pretty much scrubbed floors for a living. None of them had kids out of wedlock. None of them turned to a life of crime.

After having five kids of her own, she too was widowed and raised us on the wages of a waitress, paying tuition for parochial school for four of us. While a couple of us were less than angelic, we acted more out of a spirit of adventure and never without an understanding of right and wrong. Said another way, we knew when our actions were wrong while we did them. Our economic situation had absolutely no impact on our moral understanding.

It's not economic poverty that affects the brain, it's moral poverty. It's certainly affected yours, just as it has affected the brain of this politician who would dare make such a sweeping statement concerning people of whom he has no actual knowledge.

Feodor said...

"I'm not about to read anything..." This is why you'll stay so stupid, Marshall.

"Poverty is the equivalent of pulling an all-nighter. Picture yourself after an all-nighter. Being poor is like that every day.”

Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function

"Children who are exposed to poverty at a young age often have trouble academically later in life. But according to new research out of the Washington University School of Medicine, poverty also appears to be associated with smaller brain volumes in areas involved in emotion processing and memory."

The Effects of Poverty on Childhood Brain Development

Feodor said...

You should tie up the loose ends, Marshall. As a result of generational poverty (rather than your own rigid stupidity), you have experienced cycles of unemployment and chronically low employment; you don't feel comfortable reading in-depth and complex material; you're satisfied reading those you agree with or please your ears, like aeronautic engineers on biblical theology; and you're a low degree racist and misogynist and an inveterate hate monger.

Now, what if your mother had access to the kind of social net that makes for those happiest of countries like the Norway and Denmark? Now, I'm not saying you'd ever have been smart enough to join liberalism, but that kind of social care may have made for a much more comfortable and happy life for you and generational uplift for you family.

It's not your mother that made for such a patchy working life. And, studies suggest, it's not entirely on you, either.

Marshal Art said...

""I'm not about to read anything..." This is why you'll stay so stupid, Marshall."

I didn't say that, did I, false priest? No. I rejected the idea that I should read anything you put forth, which is a very Geoffrey-like way of dodging the question. I requested of YOU that YOU...

Please feel free to

...and obviously you're not capable. Simply admit it and demonstrate a semblance of integrity. Providing the works of others doesn't cut it when I'm asking for YOUR explanation. Coward.

Your more recent offerings are no more than psuedo-intellectual clap trap. My mother and her siblings did very well in school, as did I and mine. Many have risen out of poverty to be successful in business and investing. Blaming poor performance on how much money is in the bank is a cop out that people of character do not accept from themselves or their children. Try again.

"As a result of generational poverty (rather than your own rigid stupidity), you have experienced cycles of unemployment and chronically low employment"

You do make a hobby out of talking out of your ass, don't you feo? My unemployment situation was a result of an economic downturn which was the result of leftist economic policies.

"you don't feel comfortable reading in-depth and complex material"

I'm not only comfortable, I prefer such material to leftist pablum of the type that forms your corrupted ideology.

"you're satisfied reading those you agree with or please your ears, like aeronautic engineers on biblical theology"

Well, since truth is what I'm after, why wouldn't I be satisfied with that which is based on truth? Truth does indeed satisfy. And I can see you're still hung up on the fact that an aeronautic engineer has a far better grasp on theology than you. You need to see someone about that.

"and you're a low degree racist and misogynist and an inveterate hate monger."

And you've yet to provide one shred of evidence for such a charge. Far easier is it for you to demonize than to provide substance. Typical of the left. Expected from a false priest.

"that kind of social care may have made for a much more comfortable and happy life for you and generational uplift for you family"

That's really stupid and an incredible leap. I never said we weren't comfortable. Our comfort was the result of my mother's hard work. Unlike leftists, she understood that her priorities were the five kids she brought into the world and that loss of one's husband doesn't change that. No one who joins liberalism is intelligent. Joining liberalism is proof.

Now, I know how hard it is for you to distinguish between substance and childish characterizations of your betters, so feel free to embarrass yourself again. Or, demonstrate honor and explain the connection between the history of Alabama or "the Americas", and the idiotic implications of this fool. I won't hold my breath.

Feodor said...

I didn't "put forth" these books, Marshall. Various bestseller lists have. You asked Dan and me to "explain the connection between." Unfortunately for you, many important connections come complex and in-depth. Material that can't be explained in a blog world. I know that that asks you to get your brain off a lazy boy habit, but, again, it's Lent. It's time to go the gym.

It's really that that you resist, given your capacities.

Thankfully, I did not experience a downturn from the Bush implosion. Wonder why?

and you're a low degree racist and misogynist and an inveterate hate monger.

"And you've yet to provide one shred of evidence for such a charge."

You reject studies that have bearing on the role of race in Alabama history, Alabama socio-cultural reality... right out of hand. Without a moment's hesitation.

It has the appearance of avoidance. Goes toward proving my case.

How did your father, die, Marshall? Sounds like he died early. As did mine, at 56, having worked for the railroad all of his life.

Many things killed him early: childhood of poverty, nutritional and smoking habits that triggered diabetes, heart disease, desk job by 35 in a smoke-filled office, working nights for a decade (very damaging to health), etc. I'm an only child but all my cousins in his side remain in poverty or low-income jobs in north Texas. Little in the way of retirement savings or none at all.

This common story in an "exceptional" and "great" superpower.

Marshal Art said...

"I didn't "put forth" these books, Marshall. Various bestseller lists have."

Really? Did some compiler of bestseller lists commandeer your comment or force you to list those books? You're an idiot and a poor liar.

"You asked Dan and me to "explain the connection between." Unfortunately for you, many important connections come complex and in-depth."

Nice dodge. Try again. I don't need to read any books to understand blatant black racism and hatred of conservatism. Alvin Holmes is an idiot who made an incredibly idiotic and baseless statement, and you and Dan are trying to defend it with some weak appeal to the history of Alabama, which is even more idiotic.

"You reject studies that have bearing on the role of race in Alabama history, Alabama socio-cultural reality... right out of hand. Without a moment's hesitation."

Again, you're an idiot. I reject studies that have no bearing on the challenge I put to you regarding the ludicrous charge of Alvin Holmes. I am likely, however, to reject out of hand anything that YOU would recommend given your proven inability to grasp reality. I don't need books when I ask for YOUR explanation for defending an idiot like Holmes. I need YOUR EXPLANATION. When you can show that I lack understanding on race relations, that will not only be the day, but I assure you that I will seek out someone with actual expertise on the subject. That excludes you.

In the meantime, you've seen nothing that proves your baseless case.

I have no interest in either your father's biography or in relating to you the life of mine. But aside from that, your final sentence makes absolutely no sense.

Feodor said...

This is how stupid you're determined to be, Marshall. Dan and I suggest that Mr. Holmes comments are rooted in the racist history of Alabama and the nation. You ask for explanation.

For a thorough and masterly explanation, I give you five sources, four of which are prize winning historical research that present data and records - expert commentary that give the terrain sculpting how Mr. Holmes can say such things.

Experts - noted writers who have the data at hand - you won't look into precisely because you cannot lend my suggestions any legitimacy. But my thoughts are what you desperately want.

Stupidity non pareil.

You trip over yourself showing how information and knowledge is absolutely what you don't want.||

God, what a buffoon.

Marshal Art said...

You totally miss the point, idiot. There is nothing in the past that justifies an allegedly intelligent man in the present making an idiotic statement such as that which Holmes made. You absolutely cannot provide anything from history that compels such stupidity. It is a stupid thing to say even if it is true, considering the possibility that there exists in the state of Alabama a leftist, normally Democratic voter that isn't a total idiot like yourself a and Holmes. Conservatives wouldn't tolerate such a remark from a Republican candidate, but lefty chuckle-heads like yourself and Dan are willing to attempt to justify it. Amazing, but not the least bit unexpected.

The real stupidity is expecting me to truly consider that such ignorance and hatred could possibly have any justification. I would more likely expect the authors of your sources to slap the crap out of you for daring to suggest that their work provides excuse for such a low-class individual as Holmes.

So try again, coward. Use that allegedly highly educated pile of manure you call a brain and construct a concise and cogent explanation of the connection between the history of Alabama or "the Americas", and the idiotic implications of this fool. Don't try to avoid your obligation by suggesting it is too deep and complex an issue for such a simple task.

You trip over yourself showing how lacking in intelligence you are.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


it isn't "partisanship," rather it's the platform of the Demokrats being so evil. You know, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual agenda, 100% socialists, redistribution of the wealth (theft), enviro-nazis, anti-Christian, pro-Muslim, anti-Israel, pro-Muslim, pro-Muslim, pro-Muslim.

Feodor said...

So to put it in constitutional law terms, Glenn, what you mean to say is the platform of the Democratic Party is anti-sexist, individual rights based, freedom of religion respecting, separation of church and state committed, honoring the sacredness of creation, and protective of the rights of all our citizens to have the means to pursue life and liberty and happiness... not just for the 1%.

I can see that.

What's always hard for me to fathom, though, is how your deep, inchoate anger blinds you to the fact that your interests are probably best represented by the Democrats. Unless you're a millionaire. Which you could be.

Feodor said...

There is nothing in your past, Marshall, in all likelihood, as hermetic and stagnant as it seems to be.

But in his past, bearing the scars that all black men bear - especially in the South - there is an indelible psychic mark that bears witness to present truths. Like the wounds in Jesus' hands shown to Thomas.

But, then, you don't have the open heart that Thomas had.

Marshal Art said...

Wow. feo lives in quite the fantasy world.

Dems anti-sexist? Really. They think free abortion pills is pro-woman, while they abort so many women-to-be every year.

Dems individual rights based? Except if you haven't been lucky enough to have passed through the birth canal. Except if you're a person of faith who would prefer not to provide his personal property or abilities in the celebration of perversion.

Dems respect religion? Are these the same Dems that booed God at their convention? Those Dems?

There is nothing Constitutional about the separation of church and state. The feds are not to establish a religion, nor are they to interfere with religious expression. Neither prohibits Nativity scenes on public property.

Dems honor the sacredness of creation? Not really. They pretend to in order to further their aim to redistribute wealth and to inhibit the abilities of the private sector.

Dem policies and proposals have never done a damned thing to protect the rights of anyone to have the means to do much of anything. They do get in the way with a regularity that suggests they mean to.

No one's best interests are served by Dems, except the Dem politician and the rich people that bribe them.

Marshal Art said...

You know nothing of my past, false priest. You know nothing of the black experience that justifies stupidity like that displayed by Holmes. You like to think you're down with the black cause, but if you're educated at the feet of race-baiters, and swollen with an imaginary sense of your own intelligence, you will spew meaningless nonsense like that of your last comment to me.

If there exists some "indelible psychic mark" borne by black men, then they need psychiatric counseling. I know too many black men that would smack the crap out of you for the mere suggestion that they suffer in such a way. You're just a racist chump.

Feodor said...

Behold: the new science for modern women:

"More than half of pill users, 58%, rely on the method at least in part for purposes other than pregnancy prevention. Thirty-one percent use it for cramps or menstrual pain, 28% for menstrual regulation, 14% for acne, 4% for endometriosis, and 11% for other unspecified reasons."

[For someone who so ignores the divers past of all peoples, Marshall, you seem so determined to live in a small, white enclave of 1952.]

Marshal Art said...

I've dealt with those issues before in other discussions of the Pill. The Pill is neither the only, nor the best option for dealing with any of those issues.

"[For someone who so ignores the divers past of all peoples, Marshall, you seem so determined to live in a small, white enclave of 1952.]"

My many non-white friends and associates would disagree. But then, the people I know are not racist chuckleheads.

Secondly, I don't ignore the past as I find great wisdom in the statement regarding those who do likely to repeat the same mistakes. But I don't find that what happened in the past to anyone justifies stupidity as that shown by you and Holmes. Pretty simple, really, but apparently way over your pointy head.

Thirdly, in the 50's, the black family was intact. It seems clear that you and the blacks you know have ignored their own past.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


The Demokrat platform is very sexist, have no respect for individual rights that don’t fit with their agenda, do not respect freedom of religion, promote unconstitutional “separation of church and state,” do NOT honor creation, and protect the rights of only those who are part of their agenda. You are so very brainwashed.

You again, as usual, lie about me; I have no “inchoate anger.” But you are too stupid to see reality. There is NOTHING in my worldview best represented by Demokrats. I’m not a socialist, atheist, queer, evolutionist, or union member. I believe in personal responsibility.

And, no, I COULDN’T be a millionaire, although virtually all Demokrat congressmen are, as well as the Demokrat boy president who thinks he’s an emperor.

Feodor said...

Gentlemen (and I use that term in the tone suggested by Proverbs 25 and Romans 12), some data that blows up your prejudiced positions:

1st chart: "Despite unprecedented austerity at the state and local government level, it’s now clear that the US has recovered from the Great Recession better than any other economy..."

2nd chart: "Despite unprecedented austerity at the state and local government level, it’s now clear that the US has recovered from the Great Recession better than any other economy..."

3rd chart: "The deficit has come down at a rapid pace, without tipping us back into recession. And a key indicator of future debt – the cost of healthcare – is looking much better..."

4th chart: "by 2014, after the worst recession since the 1930s and after the huge debt pile-up in the Bush years... the US would be growing steadily, gaining energy independence, and cutting its deficit deeply, I’d have been amazed. We’ve so easily forgotten the extraordinary crisis Obama inherited."

And then there's this fabulous news from the Pew Research Center: 61 percent of 18- to 29-year-old Republicans say they support legal marriage for same-sex couples—a 39-point gap over Republicans 65-and-over.


Hooray for America and human rights!!! Even Republicans - albeit the next generation of leaders - see the obvious.

But this leaves you two isolated Duck Dynasty to decay and blow away with your other ghosting friends.

If only, Marshall, you could read. Michele Alexander, as I've noted before, could enlighten you on what your black acquaintances have forever known (you can't lie to us by claiming black friends).

And Glenn, you racist ("boy"? how I pity you), and ignorantly using political terms like "emperor." If he thought he was emperor, Ted Nugent would have been dead a couple of years ago.

Feodor said...

Oh yes, and as for respecting women, Obama won the female vote.

But I'm sure you're both now set to tell us how you know better than women what respect is. just like you can tell black folks what racism is and scientists what science is and biblical scholars what the bible is and God what love is.

You guys are real masters.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feo, you are such a fool.

"Boy" is not a racist term - it describes the childish manner in which Obamanation is handling the presidency. But Libs like you make everything a racist issue because that's all you know. I don't care about Obama's skin color (he isn't any more black than he is white, by the way - it is the racists who call him black), I care about the inane policies he is dangerously putting in place. He is a rank socialist and has demonstrated his hate for America. And he does indeed behave as if he wishes he were an emperor.

I don't care if 99% of the population thinks same sex fake marriage is okay - God says it ISN'T okay. Majority opinion doesn't make something suddenly true.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Oh, and Obama did not win the "female vote." stats will say whatever the statistician wants them to say. He got the vote of the leftist feminists, just like he got the vote of ever other entitlement-minded lemming.

What does that prove? It proves there are stupid men and women - gender doesn't matter when it comes to stupidity. And only stupid people vote themselves into more slavery to the government.

Feodor said...

Everything you write, Glenn, is what the racist and misogynist says.

But, then, you have to read historical records to know that. So ignorance is your comfortable, world veiling blanket.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I'm quite versed in history, thank you.

And your claims about what I write only show what a fool you are.

Feodor said...

Your words to me are like star dust falling from the heavens lighting the way forward. That you think what you do is divine confirmation that I am right to hate your world of hate. Glenn.

Feodor said...

I forgot to include the link on the economic numbers that you both will be unable to deal with:

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

More lies from the false priest Feodor. The only hate in my world is the hate of sin - like God hates sin.

Just like your hero Oblabla, everything comment you make is full of lies.

And a link from Andrew Sullivan is supposed to be truthful?!?!?

Feodor said...

Doesn't matter who it is. 2+2 = 4.

Unless you're an intellectual idiot like you.

Marshal Art said...

You can present as many books as you like, feo. None of them matter when it was you to whom I put the challenge, not them. At the same time, you couldn't, if your life depended upon it, cite anything in any of those books that would justify any who rises to the level of a state representative saying the things Holmes said. You'll find race-baiters who believe there's justification. But you won't find men of honor who will defend such idiocy.

This would of course exclude you, since you have no honor, accusing me of racism for so long without ever providing any evidence that I'm the least bit racist. No. People like you simply throw around accusations like that and then pretend there is some latent racism within me of which I am not even aware, which is psuedo-intellectual crap, a favorite food of yours.

And it is typical of your ilk to suppose that I am lying about having black friends, because that exposes you as a liar and nowhere near the brainiac you try desperately to believe yourself to be.

Feodor said...

Right, so let's see.... no ability to deal with the facts of the economic numbers of Obama's Presidency (thus giving the lie to either the ignorant claim that Obama is a socialist OR that a little socialism is all that bad...

and no ability to deal the fact young Republicans recognize the human rights issues in this country for gay community...

and a lot of bluster that "of course I've got colored friends"...

Wonder why they don't show up in your defense here. No one backs you up but other racist, misogynist, homophobic Pharisee-hearted haters, Marshall.

Feodor said...

Marshal Art said...

Right, so let's ability to defend the idiotic statement made by Holmes as he engaged in blatant racism. Only diversionary attempts to alter the course of this thread. And how does the fool do this? By offering an analysis by a supporter of the president, as if contradictory analyses could not be offered in abundance. Contradictory analyses that the false priest would dismiss anyway.

Holmes' statement is not rooted in racism of the past. It is rooted in the leftist tactic of keeping racism alive so as to use it as a bludgeon against his betters. Like other race-baiters such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and feodor, he tries to stoke the fires of black resentment toward fellow Americans for the purpose of power and vote collection. It goes no deeper than that. Nothing so stupid possibly could. The sad part is how people like feodor and too many in the black community buy into such crap as if there was a shred of truth in it. Pathetically sad. feo lives on pathetically sad.

Feodor said...

I gave you a defense of Holmes; you've chosen not to avail yourself of it. Undoubtedly because it involves reading thorough studies.

Marshal Art said...

That was no defense. It was a cowardly dodge, because you know (and how sad if don't) that there is nothing that excuses the stupidity of Holmes in making that statement. It is based on his own racism, his own low regard for whites of a conservative bent, assuming it is not toward whites in general. This is a guy who has risen to state representative and yet he is so twisted as to think his statement bears any semblance of truth. And if it is a case of him believing that is what truth is, then shame on those who worked with him to secure his position, and the on the people who cast their votes for him.

But again, I did not ask the authors of any of the books you've offered. I asked you, Dan and any other reader of this blog who cares to respond. Both you and Dan chose to type throw away excuses as if they had any merit, but neither of you has the stones, the intelligence, nor the facts to support the contention that anything from America's history provides legitimacy for the racist remark Holmes made. Once more, you are incredibly pathetic. All those books...all that sad it resulted in you.

Marshal Art said...

One more thing regarding your weak sauce posturing as an expert on the black experience...

I find it typical of such as yourself that you would dismiss my claim regarding minority friends and associates, but expect me to believe that you are married to a black woman (as if expecting me to believe any woman regardless of race would think you a good life partner).

As to your dodge, if you had any true sense of there being justification for Holmes' idiocy, I would fully expect a bright boy like yourself would be able to articulate that justification without the need to rely on the books of others, as if reading them would truly answer the question. But no, you're both too lazy and too cowardly to make the attempt knowing that no such justification exists for stupidity, just as none exists for yours.

Feodor said...

Well, the reason I pointed you to experts on the black experience is so you could get your answer.

If you were to ask me why a single Chinese mom in Sunset Park thinks that Brooklyn Lab School will determine life or death for her daughter, I'd send you to sources to digest over time.

This is the only way to absorb the news for your question.

So, clearly, I am not presenting myself as an expert on the black experience. For that you should absorb news from.... black people.

Therefore, you lie in saying that I claim expertise. But if what you are getting at is that I know that you are a thousand times more illiterate than I am on the black experience? Count on it.

Here you are, still insisting on avoidance and ignorance.

Feodor said...

I think you're afraid.

And among the things you are afraid of in this world is a white man with a black wife.

I think in some subconscious place in you it feels like a threat. And it is at some level. A threat of change and subversion to values of the past, to truths that were not true, but instead were ways to wall off a big world when one has a small heart.

Marshal Art said...

"Well, the reason I pointed you to experts on the black experience is so you could get your answer."

A number of problems with this "reason":

-I didn't ask for answers from someone else. Since you and Dan put forth the ridiculous notion that racism in America's past justified Holme's idiotic statement, it is natural, reasonable and logical to expect that you have some idea of how that might be true...unless, as I suspect, you just like throwing around idiotic statements of your own, expecting that shit to stick to the wall.

-I work far too many hours of the day, have too many personal obligations, to waste time reading books recommended by people whose understanding of reality is known to be suspect, as evidenced by your weak-sauce explanations of Scripture. Like your Siamese-twin Geoffrey, I've no confidence that you would get the point the authors of your recommendations are trying to get across. Thus, the chance of my time being wasted by reading your recommendations is extremely high.

-I would need to know that any of the authors of your recommendations have also made similarly stupid remarks of such sweeping generalization to even consider that they could indeed possibly have an answer to the challenge, if I even cared about their answer to it, which I really don't.

-There is no way the answer to this challenge could be so complex that a bright boy like you couldn't provide a concise explanation, especially since I know the answer already: Holmes is an idiot and a racist who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

"Therefore, you lie in saying that I claim expertise. But if what you are getting at is that I know that you are a thousand times more illiterate than I am on the black experience? Count on it."

No true difference here. You know only what black racists tell you and what you want to hear in order to feel you have some superior insight into the "black experience".

"Here you are, still insisting on avoidance and ignorance."

I'm avoiding nothing but your attempts to divert the point of the this discussion, which is for you to defend your defense of this idiot. And you have yet to come close to proving ignorance on my part. It is only a desperate and childish attempt to demonize one who has your number.

"And among the things you are afraid of in this world is a white man with a black wife."

Wow. You'll say pretty much anything, won't you? First, I'm not convinced you have a black wife. Secondly, I cannot think highly of any woman, black or wife, that would consider you someone worthy of marriage. She couldn't be very bright. Thirdly, how desperate you must be to wish that I would be afraid of something like a mixed marriage. The real fear is that you are again being exposed as the fraud you are.

"I think in some subconscious place in you it feels like a threat. And it is at some level. A threat of change and subversion to values of the past, to truths that were not true, but instead were ways to wall off a big world when one has a small heart."

That's your first problem: you think. That is, you think, therefor you make an ass of yourself. I know you need to believe that people like me feel threatened. But to assume that I held values you need me to have held in order to make your twisted fantasy work is indeed, just another sign of how pathetic you truly are. Someday, you'll really have to put on your big boy pants and try to prove your accusations and perceptions. I could use a laugh.

Feodor said...

Your post complains about "info free" people. I've pointed you to the best sourced information for how to view your issue.

But you choose to remain info free.

First, by blaming time demands - who doesn't have time demands, wad? - and second by demanding from me - whom you deflect as "false" - what you yourself - since you are a rigid ego trusting only yourself - can read and evaluate: expert material.

So, decrying info free people, we see how committed you are to be such. This is called a vicious circle. No surprise that is circumnavigates your life.

Marshal Art said...

I don't need you to "inform" me on anything beyond the direct questions I ask of you. If you can't do that without referring me to the words and opinions of others, then you are dodging the question. I already know full well there is no justification for the stupidity espoused by Holmes. I asked for you to explain your position that such justification exists.

You have no idea of the extent of my knowledge and understanding of life and the topics about which I write, because you are too busy trying to pretend you are superior in knowledge and understanding without benefit of the heavy lifting of proving yourself so. This is called "fraudulent posturing" and is quite easy to see through. In other words, you fool no one, except yourself.

What I can read and evaluate for myself---the books you cite in hopes will relieve you of your obligation to defend your own words---is not what my challenge hoped to acquire. Even if I read each one of them, studied them as if they were as Scripture, it would not satisfy my request, for I would have to assume that it provides what you will not offer up willingly.

But what if none of them provides justification for the idiotic statement of Holmes? What then? No doubt you would assume fault in me, that I lack the ability to understand the authors in question. Very convenient and a likely result based on your record here.

No,"wad". The fact is you know damn well there is no justification for Holmes, but merely side with anything that is not right wing and all too willing to stir up racial animosity under a false cover of racial understanding that you can only wish transcends that of your betters.

In short, as always, you've got nothing but masturbatory self-delusions. Have fun with that. I find it both boring and boorish.

Feodor said...

You just want to piss, you don't want to learn. And thus the state of the Republican Party.

Marshal Art said...

You just want to piss. You don't want to explain your positions in a manner that might just inform and persuade, typically because there is no honest way to do that. And thus the state of the Democratic Party.

This is fun. Keep painting yourself in a corner.

Feodor said...

We know the thread is done don't we, Marshall, when you're reduced to just repeating what I've written. It always happens that you've run out of vocabulary and ideas by comment 28.

Marshal Art said...

The thread was done on March 7, 2014 at 9:12 AM, when you chose to crack wise rather than enter a substantive comment. You then confirmed it by dodging my question with a list of books that don't provide justification for stupid statements people like Holmes can't help but make. But you go ahead and keep masturbating. It's what you do.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Isn't it wonderful how cowards can comment anonymously with their ignorant ad hominem attacks? Ad hominems which are not even close to reality, by the way.

Marshal Art said...

That's who they are, Glenn, and that's what they do.

Feodor said...

I'm pretty sure Glenn is (unconsciously but unerringly) referring to this cowardly and ignorant ad hominem attack (out of the mouths of babes):

"What kind of person votes for idiots like this? How info free do people have to be to still believe this is the type of person that would best represent them? Is it any wonder race relations in this country is so bad? Is it any wonder why there is such division between the left and right when Dems so easily stoop so low? How does this buffoon back up such a characterization of his opponents? Shame on anyone who would cast a vote for this idiot."

Feodor said...

And then, of course, Marshall is (unconsciously but unerringly) referring to himself with this (out of the mouths of babes):

"That's who they are, Glenn, and that's what they do."

Feodor said...

Marshall, one of your mentors has died:

Marshal Art said...

Incredible, but not unexpected from one who has exposed himself to be such a false priest, to use falsehood as his sole weapon of choice in discourse, having no truth in him or behind him to do otherwise. Let's take it from the top:

"I'm pretty sure Glenn is (unconsciously but unerringly) referring to this cowardly and ignorant ad hominem attack (out of the mouths of babes):"

This says so much about feo. It begins by his presumption of having any ability whatsoever to see inside his opponent, as if there is some hidden motivation he, in his imaginary wisdom, can perceive. He mistakes projection with vision. He wants and needs his opponents to be villains against whom he can take a stand, but as usual, can find no real evidence of he makes it up.

As such, Glenn refers to a substance free commenter whose unnecessary and idiotic words I deleted. feo can be forgiven if he was unaware of this comment, but doesn't have the character to seek forgiveness for idiotically assuming Glenn was referring to me. A stupid notion to be sure, but again, we're dealing with an infantile mind short of character.

Then there's the incredible irony of the comment, given my words highlighted by feo, were in reference to an ad hominem attack by Holmes on white Republicans in general. An attack of the type that, if pointed toward any of the black race would be followed by screams of RACIST!!! which Holmes clearly is. I stand fully behind those highlighted comments of mine. The questions still stand and feo hasn't clue one about how to answer them.

Next, feo makes another infantile remark accusing me of doing what the anonymous commenter did, and truly, what feo himself does and continues to do here: make unsubstantiated charges against people like myself, who stand ready, willing and totally able of defending our position without such cowardly and desperate tactics such as referring opponents to books, hoping there might be found in them something that could possibly relieve me of my obligation to defend things I say. But that's who feo is, and that's what he does, because he's false and cowardly.

Finally, he points to the death of Fred Phelps and projects yet again, that Phelps could possibly be a mentor of mine, when he has so much in common with feo...particularly his left leaning politics and his blatant twisting of Scripture to support his false teachings about God.

This from a childish-man who dares suggests he studied Scripture in seminary and led a congregation (much like Phelps). This from a childish-man who insists he is highly educated in universities and scholastic and literary works. The result is feo, a legend in his own infantile mind, devoid of any true wisdom and a poor excuse for a Christian if ever there was one.

I pray God will allow him time on earth to realize what a complete jackass he really is before his end has come. A tall order indeed.

Feodor said...

You really don't know what the word, unconscious, means do you?

Feodor said...

“The way to prove you love thy neighbor is to warn them they’re committing sin,” he told the central Pennsylvania newspaper The Patriot-News in 2004. “You’re not going to get nowhere with that slop that ‘God loves you,’ ” he added. “That’s a diabolical lie from hell without biblical warrant.”

Definitely sounds like you.

Marshal Art said...

"You really don't know what the word, unconscious, means do you?"

That's pretty funny considering you're the one misapplying it.

"Definitely sounds like you."

Perhaps if you need it to. Of course that isn't the sum total of Phelp's routine, is it, liar? But if you can find some superficial resemblance that enables you to believe I am like him, you go ahead and run with that if it helps you sleep better in your jammies.