Monday, April 12, 2010

Northern Wisdom

I saw these articles over at Wintery Knight's blog. He always has such good material and is worth a gander with regularity. These Canadian articles were so good that I had to link to them here. Read them. They're excellent.

The first is an article by a guy named Rex Murphy and is an article explaining to the Canadians who Sarah Palin is. I put it here because he understands far better than do so many of her fellow Americans and quasi-Americans.

The second is also a Rex Murphy piece and it speaks to a different matter altogether. In this one, he reports on the state of human rights in Canada. It's an important piece because of what it portends for us if we continue to adopt the same inane attitudes regarding what does or does not constitute "human rights". It's important to remember such as this:

"The core concept of human rights is the protection of the irreducible safety and dignity of the individual from the massive and arbitrary power of the state. Not, the state wandering in, with its apparatus and procedures, its boards and tribunals into the doings, or speech, of the individual."

This is not merely a Canadian concept here, but something that is very American in understanding the place of the state versus the value of the individual. Murphy speaks of two specific cases of politically correct insanity (both involving "different" people) that cannot help but be in our own future should the wrong people (read=Obama &Co) be in charge for too long. He then asks,

"For this, did the great armies of the West storm the beaches of Normandy? For this, did Solzhenitsyn and Sharansky endure their endless nights of hell in the gulag?"

Indeed. What passes for rights these days would make many of bygone days roll over in their graves.

Finally, Howard Levitt followed up the above Murphy column with one of his own regarding employment. This, too, has implications for our country as this administration plays footsy with the unions. What results is a confusion over rights. Namely, who has them?

To say that we are headed in the direction the second and third articles describe is hardly a point of debate. We see it all the time in the constant whining for "gay" rights and the debate over Card Check and investigations into SEIU. We're only six and one half months away from correcting the drastic mistake of the electorate in November of 2008. Only 6.5 months to hold off this administration from further damaging our nation. And this administration will continue to berate those who see things clearly and speak with logic and common sense. People like Sarah Palin for example who, like Murphy understands all to well, is far more intelligent than the Obamaniacs have the courage to admit.


Anonymous said...

These columns were awesome. Can you believe that this guy is actually a news person for CBC? That's the Canadian version of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation or the British Broadcasting Corporation. It's government-owned!!!!!

Of course, he wrote those articles in the National Post which is centrist.

Marshal Art said...

It's just really nice to hear this type of commentary from someone outside the US, particularly the one about Palin. That one seems without bias one way or the other, just a guy giving an opinion as an outside observer. Some Palin supporters can seem over-the-top in their support in a manner not so much different than the goofy Obama supporters. But Murphy just lays it out there in a totally impartial manner.

His piece about human rights is just outstanding. He has totally trashed the hate-crimes/thought-police attitude of the leftist Canadian liberal, and by doing so, all liberals as well, without putting his own butt on the line. That had to have weighed on him to some extent considering how easy it is to fall on the wrong side of it in Canada. It really resonated in me the idea of what has become of what so many great people suffered and died for. What a mockery some intend to make of that suffering and those deaths by their self-serving notion of what constitutes "rights".