Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dying By The Hands Of Their Own

The above is an essay dealing with the moral aspect of collateral damage.  The subject has come up in recent discussions regarding the slander that Israel is guilty of war crimes because of civilian casualties resulting from their just response to the murderous aggression of the Gazastinians.  Some would say the civilian people of Gaza are somehow not linked to the Hamas animals they elected to lead them and thus should not be considered the aggressors in this conflict.  That's abject crap.  While it's not to say that civilians should be targeted, or that hate for Israel would not increase were they to cease the incredibly Christian-like concern for them their military has and continues to show them, to lie about culpability being upon the IDF for Gazastinian casualties must be mocked as the willful and intentional lie it is.


Craig said...

I just saw a recent poll which shows that Hamas still has significant support in Gaza and that people overwhelmingly support the actions on 10/7. As the information for Shifa hospital becomes more clear, I can't seem how anyone can ignore the role that Hamas and their supporters play in their own destruction. The notion that Israel carries the entire (or majority of) responsibility for collateral damage is patently absurd and should be ridiculed. Anyone who refuses to support the elimination of Hamas, the return of the hostages, and the surrender of Hamas leaders as a condition of any cease fire, is simply supporting using rape, torture, and kidnapping as negotiating tools.

Biden Is Awesome... said...

I am getting really excited for the upcoming progressive supermajorities in Congress this fall. I am almost wetting my pants over it:

Marshal Art said...


I'm right there with you, but with one caveat. I don't want a cease fire. I want the total destruction of the Hamas apparatus, if not the total destruction of anyone even slightly allied with them. Normally, I would offer one other option for them....their total and unconditional surrender. The problem with that option is how well known it is for those scumbags to use a cease fire of any kind to gather their resources for the next attempt at savagery and murder. Thus, total annihilation is really the only option which makes any sense.

Netanyahu claims all but five units (I don't recall the specific name of them...if they're divisions or some other military term with a specific number of "soldier") and they're intent of putting an end to them as well. They go after the major group ("divisions" or whatever), then do clean up to get those not killed in the major mission. I think the remaining groups are in Rafa.

In any case, I've heard our Puppet-In-Chief and/or his admin, wants Bibi to restrain himself from going after these remaining units of murderers. I don't know why Democrats hate Jews and Israel. It makes no sense that any Jew insists on voting for these assholes.

Marshal Art said...

"Biden is Awesome"

You must be a moron, or a comedian. Only a moron would want a Dem majority...or a Dem anywhere, given all the shit they've done to this country in the last 20 years or so, with the shit getting deeper and more vile during Biden's admin.

Thus, I'm going to assume you've got mental problems, you're an abject liar or you're just a wise ass trying to pretend you're funny. In any case, I hope you enjoyed your comment being posted. It's your last unless you can get an adult to help you compose something intelligent and substantive.

Craig said...


I'm only using the term cease fire as it is what's being used by the Hamas defenders. I agree that unconditional surrender is the ultimate goal. Unfortunately Biden has chosen to roll over and put his legs in the air on this one. failing to put an end to Hamas as a cohesive group is simply begging for another 10/7 or worse. The fact that the APL has gone all in on this pro Hamas bullshit is disturbing. Remember when Dan claimed that raping babies was the worst possible thing that could be done (or something like that), well now he's on the side of the baby rapers whether he wants to admit it or not.

Marshal Art said...

Again, normally I would accept an unconditional surrender. I don't believe there would ever be anything more than a pretense of surrender with these animals, and as such they need to be destroyed completely. Surrenders and cease fires are always nothing more than a ruse.

The left is a horror unto themselves and a clear and present danger to our republic. We are now in the throes of death by a thousand cuts, and the left wields the blade. To pretend there is any rationalization for defending the Gazastinian/West Bankers while accusing Israel of war crimes is moronic at best and sinister at worst. I do believe a significant portion of those who march under the flag of the fake "Palestinians" are too ignorant of the facts and too lazy to learn them. It's pretty much how they roll on all issues of the day.

Good call about Dan and his baby raping bullshit.