Monday, March 11, 2024

Craig's Pro-Trump Posts: Chapter 5...The Finale

 This one will be the last, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to scroll through the entire year or not at the moment I'm typing these words.  To go over the reason for this series once again, and with no concern for the absolute accuracy of how it went down (because I'm now kinda confused about it), I've been concerned about anti-Trump sentiment from Craig (and Stan, too, for that matter) and my position on Trump is simple and direct:  his record as president in the aggregate is such that he was entitled as any president has been of a second consecutive term, and now a second term in '24 since he was cheated out of it in '20.  Those concerns most of us had prior to his first election were, for me, proven to have been unrealized, save for his unique style which is not what has been common from presidents throughout the ages.  So to speed ahead, I was concerned that I never heard any positive comments about Trump from Craig who insists he gives credit when credit is deserved and I stated that I recalled no such posts to that effect with regard Trump.  Having stated I was willing to go through all four years of Trump's presidency and Craig's blog posts during that time to find these posts of Trump praise and he encouraged me to "feel free".  

Since that time, and in more recent discussions, a few curious things have taken place.  

1.  After posting the first few "chapters" of this series, I've been criticized for believing that Craig's post is the only place where he may have made these professions of support and praise.  My response was simply that I had no reason to suspect that any praise would not be posted somewhere among his many offerings, but that I probably would do the same with his Twitter archives and I know of no other such places where he might post such laudatory expressions.  That would have been nice info to have when I first proposed my search.  

2.  I had clearly recalled Craig stating on more than one occasion...and I admit at my more advanced age that perhaps I could be wrong in my recollections...that Craig doesn't support Trump and never voted for him.  Within the last month, however, he has stated he voted for Trump twice.  I was stunned.  Is my memory really that bad to be 180 degrees off on this point?  But then, not sure of where I had left off, I came upon this post:

"Thursday, September 12, 2019

“Your President”

I find this obsession with labeling Trump as “your president” laughably pathetic.  I have precisely the same relationship with Trump that I had with P-BO.    I didn’t support or vote for either of them during the election cycles, but once they were sworn in, I supported actions or policies I agreed with, and criticized the actions I didn’t."

Note that last sentence.  Now I'm confused again. 

3.  Also very recently, Craig stated that he finds the notion of posting on a president doing good things he expects a president to do is boring to him.  But this contradicts the claim that he applauds the good things done.  OK.  Which is it?  And were I to move on to Craig's Twitter archives, this statement suggests I'd be wasting even more time than I already have.  Was this the point?  To knowingly allow me to spend time in this fruitless search when a simple statement like this at that time could have prevented wasting the limited time I have left in my life?

I have a personal response to all of this which I'll save for later.  For now, I will proceed to the last year of Trump's presidency...or at least some of it, because I don't like knowing I'm wasting my time and wasting it anyway:

Sunday, January 12, 2020
"Random Tweets"

Not a support for Trump, but support for young blacks who support Trump.
Friday, January 24, 2020

Here Craig isn't supporting Trump necessarily (he's good with any means of getting rid of Trump so long as it's legit), but defending him against the scurrilous lies of the Dems trying to impeach him.  But this should have been the attitude of all honorable Americans whether they supported Trump or not, so I'm not calling for a pat on Craig's back here.  Meanwhile, clearly, Dan proved what we already knew about him at the time, and further demonstrates it constantly.  He's dishonorable.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
"Remember when..."
An acknowledgement of something good Trump did which wasn't acknowledged by the opposing party or their media sycophants.  Not praise for Trump's aid to Puerto Rico so much as criticism of his political opponents.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
"Is there anyone in the history of the US who is so horrible and needs to be convicted of a crime so badly that they should be deprived of their right to be tried in front of a fair and impartial jury?

While we're on legal theory, is there ever a point where we can balance the current/recent actions of a person with the past actions/allegations and base judgement more on the recent?"

The above is the entire post for this date.  I'm most concerned with the second part, though the first isn't irrelevant to the point I want to make.  When I speak with Craig and/or Stan about casting their votes for Trump in the general, as they should have in 2020, this second paragraph is a question I've basically been presenting in support of the notion.  Apparently Craig, and ostensibly Stan, would answer "no" to this question, as they aren't truly basing their decision exclusively on the recent with regard to which I mean his first term and how good it was.  This question, then, <i>demands</i> support for Trump in November, unless one wishes to pretend the insignificant overwhelms the significant.  

Sunday, February 23, 2020
"Saw this this morning"

Craig said,

"I’m noticing a trend among my friends.   We’d rather see bad things happen to our country, than see Trump win."

The irony here is that this is unintentional praise for Trump's record.  But it's also the position both he and Stan are taking in fact.  I can say this because so many bad things have happened to our country since they rejected Trump the last time, and if Trump is unable to get around or over all the many more hurdles put before him now, more bad things will absolutely happen to our country because of it.
Thursday, March 26, 2020

This one is supportive of Trump against the unChristian petition by less than Christian clergy.  Trump expressed optimistic hope and the clergypeeps referenced it as an actual date to open up churches.   So I appreciate the support for Trump expressing optimism.  One would think few shared that optimisism.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
"Another damn racist"
This is just a quote of Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones—A Democrat--endorsing Trump for president and why.  I add it because the posting of it suggests praise for something Trump's done through the words of this black guy.  I'll count it.

OK.  I got through at least the latter half of July and I'm done.  I'm bored with this, especially given what I posted at the outset of this chapter.  Unless Craig has something in his mind which stands out as absolute support and praise for a specific Trump policy between July 2020 and Inauguration Day of January 2021, I think it's safe to say that there is no such thing, aside from that which I've posted in each chapter.  

As to my personal response, there's a lot more I intend to say in subsequent posts regarding the upcoming election.  How Craig may or may not have voted in the previous presidential elections matters not at this point, as my focus is on November 2024 and the denial of any Democrat from being sworn in in January of '25. 

Recently, it seems I've run afoul somewhat of both Craig and Stan, particularly as regards Trump as president, though with Craig on one or two other things as well.  Shit happens, but for me, I still look to both of these guys as allies and far better men than the sorry lefties with whom any of us contend.  Sure, that's not saying much, but that wasn't my meaning.  They're both great guys, I support them both and continue to follow their blogs.  They're allowed to be wrong now and then, and I'm told I can be as well, though I can't for the life of me think of a time...

Anyway, like the GOP, those of us on the right have no problem smacking each other around and when that happens it means very little to us to go through it, and more importantly, it means we give a flying fuck.  Unlike the lefties, we're not sheep.  We think for ourselves and are willing to defend ourselves as much against each other as we in defending ourselves against the likes of the demented, evil left.  It won't stop, at least not for me, for I seek to persuade or be persuaded. 


Craig said...

While I applaud your efforts to wage this campaign of parsing my posts and concluding that they're all negative.

I'll have to note that your "gotcha" quote about my voting for Trump very well could be an example of me poorly phrasing my comment. I did not, in fact, support Trump during either election cycle (the primaries), yet held my nose and voted for him in the general election. I apologize for phrasing that poorly. I had no idea that my comment would be given a rectal exam years later.

The point of the comment was that, regardless of who I wanted for POTUS, that the winner automatically became "my president" because I am a US citizen. It was to contrast the "trump is not my president" idiots, with the reality that the president is always "my president".

But I'm glad you are amusing yourself.

Marshal Art said...

Once again, Craig. This entire exercise was prompted by your claim to have supported/praised politicians (in this case, Trump) when they do good things as well as criticizing them when doing detrimental things. I expressed wonder while recalling no such positive expressions regarding Trump policies from you. Then came the suggestion of seeking out such positive expressions in your archives for the period of Trump's four years in office, to which you said something along the lines of "feel free".

Clearly in my "parsing" I've presented that which is positive in tone...I consider defending Trump against stupid claims by lefties such as Dan and others as "positives"...but not necessarily these alleged expressions of praise for any of his good deeds (except where given the benefit of the doubt for those not boldly supportive). All this "parsing" would not have been necessary had you simply provided an example or two of such praise for policies, which would have for me at least narrowed down the search to the time frame surrounding the policy itself. No. You chose not to offer any such assistance to back up your own words. That's fine, as I chose to do the search. What's problematic is that your very recent comments that you find it "boring" to post about that which you expect politicians to do would have suggested such a search was wholly unnecessary as the recent comments suggest the search would have yielded nothing.

The point of your comment was irrelevant to my astonishment compelled by the comment's conflicting message regarding support for Trump in voting booth. "Election cycle" was indeed a poor word choice as I would suspect most people would take that as a general election cycle as opposed to the primaries. As I've stated consistently, I did not vote for him in the primary prior to his 2016 election, there was no primary to speak of for the 2020 election, as Trump won all but one delegate with two others winning nothing whatsoever. I wonder which of these had your vote then. But clearly, your comments suggesting no support for Trump more than implied that you didn't vote for him the general, either, and I also...much more confidently...recall no comments which stated you voted for him in the general. I'm not saying anybody is required to do so, but you pretty much implied such by constantly expressing you didn't support him, despite all who read such supposed to have understood it meant only the primaries. To then hear you voted for him twice, then, was most surprising. I guess I should be a better mind-reader.

In any case, while I meant solely to determine that what you had been saying with regard to supporting the good things Trump did actually I could recall no such's so nice to suffer your condescension for presuming to take you at your word. I fully expected to find what I now learn I never could have even if you were happy to see good things were done by the guy.

"Rectal exam". So nice.

I'm not at all amused at having wasted so much time because you're afraid of being seen as a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form. I keeping thinking of "character matters". Apparently only in political candidates. It's easy to trash, and easier still to trash those one dislikes. Character includes acknowledging when those one dislikes does well, not pretending doing so is "boring".

Mr. Atheist said...

ALL religions are cults:

Marshal Art said...

Mr. Atheist is clearly a moron with no ability to think for himself. His link is laughable in it's meaninglessness. It really wants to label all religion as akin to a cult without having the stones to actually do it. If the writer of the essay can't tell the difference between true religion and a cult (and she offers no real definition aside from an idiotic, pseudo-intellectual one from someone else), then perhaps she shouldn't be writing on the subject in the first place.

Now, "Mr. Atheist" you have anything intelligent to add to the topic of this post, or should I simply deleted all future off-topic comments as a rule of thumb.

Here's an idea: Whether honestly by your own name or behind an alias, initiate your own blog where you can dictate the topics of interest to you and I'll visit and post off-topic comments of my own.