Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 The following contains a video of a black voice to which all should listen:


When a black woman regards most black women in power as stupid, it validates the reality seen by our own eyes.  I don't know every woman on Widburg's list, but I don't think there's a one who is not a Democrat or, as such people are now proudly labeled, "modern progressives".  Each is a moron in her own right and I think it's not at all a stretch to suggest their sex and race were the most important factor in installing them in their positions of authority, not anything akin to intelligence.  It's a sad state of affairs and I know there are bright and intelligent black women in this country, if for no other reason than the laws of averages and probability demand that there must be.  I would wager none of them are Democrats.

Just as true is the lack of intelligence of any other woman with a "D" next to her name regardless of color.  Tulsi Gabbard seems to have some smarts, or at least enough to git from the party while the gittin's good.  Pelosi ain't stupid, but she's evil and a moron for backing crap policies.  As she's never been in it to promote the general welfare anyway, her smarts ain't a bonus.  

But the woman in the video, who seems like just an average every-woman covers a lot of ground and nails it on every inch of it.  Her comments about Obama are priceless.

P.S.  I stole the title for this post from Craig.


Jesse Albrecht said...

This video was intended to be a cut down of Joe Biden:


However, the narrators seem to miss an element of irony in their assertions. Who knew that Trump was going to get beat twice by this guy in 1980?

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Marshal Art said...

Clearly off topic, Jesse, but it's another vid from Trump's younger years which shows he's a far more intelligent guy than TDS sufferers so desperately need us to believe. Yeah, he was talking about the type of politician Joe Biden has always been.

That Aussie news source is pretty solid from what I've seen, though limited my exposure has been. I don't know that there were even any Democrats back in 1980 who would have imagined what their party would do to this nation only forty years later!

Jesse Albrecht said...

He is the smarter and better of the two, but try getting that into the heads of progressives. Instead of even attempting rational discourse, they call you names like fascist, misogynist, Hitler, racist, or whatever. Democrats are so full of hatred that they are not able to comprehend how abnormal their behaviors are.

Craig said...

I'd prefer to think that I graciously allowed you to borrow the title, and will expect royalty checks to be showing up in the near future.

I haven't watched the video, but I can predict that the Dans of the world would tell us that she's not "really" black, that she's confused, and that they'd make up some bullshit reason why she's to be ignored.

Spencer Smith said...

I feel like butting in a thread where I have no business replying.

"Clearly off topic, Jesse, but it's another vid from Trump's younger years which shows he's a far more intelligent guy than TDS sufferers so desperately need us to believe."

As if YOU'VE got anything important to say. As if YOU are an authoritative voice on anything. He and yourself are not that intelligent.

"Yeah, he was talking about the type of politician Joe Biden has always been."

Yeah, well Trump is just as much of a loudmouth as they come. He's the biggest loudmouth I have ever seen and acts like a spoiled child.

"That Aussie news source is pretty solid from what I've seen, though limited my exposure has been."

None of these talking heads has anything worthwhile to say. I may be a dumbass, but at least I am smart enough to come to conclusions of my own without listening to these big-headed bobble heads. I don't need the farts of these rich bitches to fill up my head to create my own opinions.

"I don't know that there were even any Democrats back in 1980 who would have imagined what their party would do to this nation only forty years later!"

Who knew?!?!? Sensationalism of this kind has always been popular. These political types are always shoving their heads up the asses of various politicians and spouting off talking points without any actual substance.

You. Are. So. Typical.

Marshal Art said...


"I'd prefer to think that I graciously allowed you to borrow the title, and will expect royalty checks to be showing up in the near future."

I donated it to my most favorite charity in your name. I'll be buying another box or two of 9mm this week!

"I haven't watched the video, but I can predict that the Dans of the world would tell us that she's not "really" black, that she's confused, and that they'd make up some bullshit reason why she's to be ignored."

Of course! Why would they deal with the substance of her opinions! She's probably just an Oreo!

Marshal Art said...


Welcome. You seem like such a gracious and even-tempered fellow!

"As if YOU'VE got anything important to say."

You clearly don't think so. That's your right. I just record my thoughts on my blog and allow for responses.

" As if YOU are an authoritative voice on anything."

That depends on the topic. Here I'm just pointing out the obvious.

"He and yourself are not that intelligent."

If you say so.

"Yeah, well Trump is just as much of a loudmouth as they come. He's the biggest loudmouth I have ever seen and acts like a spoiled child."

You're free to think so. I hope you vote for reasons more substantive than this. I can't help feeling you don't.

"None of these talking heads has anything worthwhile to say."

You watch Aussie television enough to know?

"I may be a dumbass," ("MAY be"?) "but at least I am smart enough to come to conclusions of my own without listening to these big-headed bobble heads."

What makes you think I or anyone else who supports Trump do so because of what TV commentators say? How can you prove you even know any people who only supports a politician because someone on TV told them them do so? That's pretty presumptuous of you. Moreover, it's not what compels a conclusion, it's the conclusions themselves which matters. If you've concluded we're better off with another four years of Biden rather than of Trump, that doesn't suggest you're smart at all given the fantastic degree of degradation of our nation since Trump was unlawfully replaced by Biden!

"Who knew?!?!? Sensationalism of this kind has always been popular. These political types are always shoving their heads up the asses of various politicians and spouting off talking points without any actual substance."

Please point out the substance in any of your comments. If you can make the case that life in America has improved since Biden took office, do so. I'll allow it has nothing to do with the topic of this post. But I don't expect you're capable. Please try, though. I love to laugh.

Mr. Atheist said...

White men feel the need to mansplain to black women. They get off on it.

Marshal Art said...

You're too much of an asshole to dare refer to anyone else as an asshole.

The video is of a black woman doing the 'splaining. How did you miss that? You're not very bright. But hey! Thanks for at least staying on topic.

Craig said...


You draw such interesting, erudite, well informed, well spoken, grace filled readers to your blog.

Marshal Art said...

It's a gift.

David said...

Could you please call out some of Jesse Albrecht's anti-Catholic nonsense? Please refute his articles they are hurtful.

Marshal Art said...


Why would you ask me to do that? Can you not defend your own beliefs? Your name is not a hyperlink to any profile, so I can't see who you are. You link to no specific article and point out what specifically is troublesome for you. I'm not Catholic. I regard myself as Christian and leave it at that, without any specific denominational identification. Though raised a Catholic, I have my own issues with the RCC. Maybe if you feel harmed by his articles, it might be an indication he speaks a truth you don't want to hear.

Craig said...

More of the high quality engagement you've been getting recently.

Marshal Art said...

Nothing but the best.

Jesse Albrecht said...

Who the heck are these people? I would just delete them all.

P.S. I hope Craig isn't including me in his sarcastic reference to "high quality" engagement.

Craig said...

What bait do you use? I just keep getting visits from the troll.

Marshal Art said...

Evidently, there must be some chum in the water, but I don't know how it got there. One thing is certain...they're all too cowardly to do more than drive-by commenting. None are linked to any blogs of their own, and like the troll, likely wouldn't have any visitors to them if they did.

I've gotten a few farts from the troll recently. Probably the same you've gotten. It's his way to pass gas around as many blogs as he can in hopes someone will publish them. So far, it seems only Dan will out of some lunatic notion that the putz deserves to be heard.

Jesse Albrecht said...

I continue to get comments by "Feo" every time I post a new comment or article. He has been asked to stop, but proceeds to do so anyway. He knows he is in the wrong, but does not care.

Marshal Art said...


You're probably getting the same comments he tries to post here, at Craig's, likely at other blogs of more conservative people and also at Dan's, where Dan will actually suggest feo's a smart boy. It's sad and pathetic.

Craig said...

I occasionally get comments from the troll. Fortunately, he's free to spew his excrement at the cesspool and hopefully that's enough.

Marshal Art said...

And of course he does so, because he is free to do so there. I've just received a couple more and will be heading over to the Blog of Lies to see if he posted the same comments there. He should know that I venture over to the BoL often enough that his comments won't get any more attention regardless of where I come upon them. Yet, it's not uncommon to occasionally read what he says if the comment isn't too long. The longer they are, the more boring they are and the more they are rife with his arrogance, condescension, insults and falsehoods. I've saved the last couple, however, and will retrieve one of his from Dan's (or all of them if they're all there now) to present again what it looks like when an arrogant fraud is so cocksure of his intellectually superior fantasies of himself.

I find doing so personally entertaining.

Marshal Art said...

As I figured, he posted the same comments at Dan's, so I dealt with them there. I have no confidence they'll remain undeleted, but what the heck. I was bored and had nothing to do.

Craig said...

It's interesting that he's convinced himself that the reason why he's blocked is not because of his behavior or his tone, but that we fear him. It's quite the delusion he's built for himself, and speaks to his immense pride and self centeredness.

This pride and inability to conceive that they could be wrong, is something shared by both of them. One takes pride in his education and book learning (it's almost as if his education is what is worshiped), one takes immense pride in his Reason.

What's interesting is the fact that they seem to disagree significantly, especially on the supernatural. One prates endlessly about the Holy Spirit and about how the Holy Spirit does all sorts of supernatural work in believers without reference to any previous communication from YHWH. While the other, seems very skeptical of the supernatural. Taking the approach of Thomas who demanded physical, objective, proof. Yet somehow they coexist, rarely disagreeing. I suspect that on the one hand, having a place/host who will uncritically allow the spewing of virtually anything without comment is attractive to someone who seems to thrive on being the smartest person in the room, and beating others over the head with book learning. On the other hand, I can see the attraction to having one commenter who won't contradict you or push back on anything you say.

I honestly appreciate the fact that while we (Art, Stan, and I) mostly agree on things, that we are able to have strong disagreements about certain things and still remain on good terms.

Craig said...

And the idiot wonders why he's moderated.

Craig said...

What does it say about someone who is unable to engage with others without their default position being to belittle or attack those they desperately want to engage with.

Craig said...

After a quick visit to the cesspool, really just a format for the idiot to pontificate with no one to control him, I noted his claim that he isn't moderated because of his behavior. There are many things that are obvious about the idiot, but this clear evidence of insanity is something new.

For anyone who complains that Trump is a narcissist, head over to the cesspool and see a narcissit who puts Trump to shame.

Craig said...

It's fascinating to see Dan ignore the idiot's hyper literal takes on scripture, while Dan bashes anyone else who simply claims that scripture says what it says. Dan essentially "denies" both any sort of literal interpretation of scripture, as well as anything supernatural, yet says nothing to his pet when he spouts both of those things. It's just one more instance of Dan demonstrating his double standard.

Craig said...

The multiple repeats of comments have returned. But it's not his behavior at all.

Marshal Art said...

The troll employs the time-worn "baffle 'em with bullshit" technique to make his nonsense sound more intellectual. Really sad. More so is his claim that we're cowards in the face of his "intellectual might", but he doesn't have the sack to restore his blog and run it like someone truly interested in serious debate. Really sad.

Craig said...

I've never experienced anyone who has ever been so obsessed with me, and with imposing their will on me. It's almost like things like Truth and reality have no place. Lies, fantasies, misinformation, are all fair game in this bizarre obsession.

Marshal Art said...

I'm sure Stan gets a copy of the same crap feo sends to the both of us. Jesse now states he's gotten those special visits, too, and I wouldn't doubt that Glenn does as well. But it's not so much that he's obsessed with any of us, but rather that he's obsessed with convincing others that he's brilliant. As you say, a truly narcissistic disorder is clearly present in the dude.

Jesse Albrecht said...

I've asked him to stop and he just keeps returning without any shame :(

Craig said...

Shame is not a word I'd ever associate with Dan's pet troll. His inability to take responsibility for his actions, combined with his massive ego, would seem to predict that shame is nothing we will ever see.

Marshal Art said...

He's far too arrogant and prideful to feel shame, except that he does and it only provokes a more arrogant and prideful behavior to mask it. This is a far more accurate analysis of his psychopathic personality than any laughable attempt to project onto us that which he needs to believe afflicts us, so that he can feel superior. But then, I guess when one is so clearly inferior, it's to be expected that one will push back as feo does.