By now, few could claim to be unaware of the attempt on Trump's life yesterday. I praise God it was unsuccessful, but another life was taken by the shooter, who was also put down like the dog he chose to be.
There's not a lot I've heard confirming motivations of the shooter. I heard he was very young, I think he was a white guy and that's really about it. Details regarding security, or lax security which resulted in this kid getting on a roof in close range to Trump are all sketchy as well as I write this. I spent the morning at the beach, so upon my return, I have not seen anything more definitive about the details. I've seen the video enough that I don't need to see it again.
As to the kid, I heard something about him being Antifa, but that also hasn't been confirmed. Despite Trump being the target, that alone doesn't make the kid a lefty. But it would be surprising to find otherwise given the rhetoric of the left toward Trump, the many manifestations of assassination fantasies by leftist actors and singers, the constant reference to Trump as some evil, Hitler-like incarnation intent on "destroying our democracy"...blah, blah, blah.
And when one stops to consider all the false charges his political opponents have level against him in attempts to impeach or convict him of actual wrongdoing, it's hard to believe it took so long for someone to try something like this. By whatever means, right lefties?
Then I got to thinking about other assassinations and attempts, and I wondered how often we've seen an attempt on a Democrat or other leftist by a Republican/conservative/"right-winger" and decided to do some research.
I initially intended to look at attempts as well as successful assassinations, but the list of assassinated politicians was long enough. Then I decided to focus on just Dem victims, though I did find one Republican whose assassin was a friend and campaign worker, which suggest a Republican, though no other evidence was present in reports I found. But this was more a run of the mill murder than an assassination.
And here I wish to pause to discuss the word itself. It denotes the murder of an important person, generally a political person or for political reasons. Some regard John Lennon's murder in this way, but I don't. He was murdered, not assassinated. With this in mind, the list of assassinations I reviewed included many cases of simply murder, or murder for reasons other than political, and thus no clear evidence to determine the political leanings of the culprit was found. So I disregarded such cases.
I also decided to narrow it down further to relatively recent cases...the 1930s to now...though I did look at earlier cases to see if anyone stood out. Aside from the one case just mentioned in the previous paragraph, I found only one. His name was Byron Looper, and he spent most of his life as a Dem, until changing parties to run for a specific office. His record of performance in politics before and after the party change say the least...poor and after reading what was offered about his bio, I don't think party mattered as much to him when his ability to win positions failed to garner the authority he sought.
It seems that conservatives don't engage in this behavior. This group considered by morons to be oppressors, aren't really so oppressive and don't respond to oppressive political action by murdering the politician in charge. Even Democrats are murdered by Democrats. No. Republicans/conservatives/"right-wingers"...probably the largest faction of gun owners and 2nd Amendment defenders...choose to vote political opponents out of office. I know it's a strange concept, but that's how we always thought it's supposed to be done.
Hell...we're not even prone to lying about our political opponents, much less threaten their lives! We don't need to when their actions are reason enough to rid ourselves of them. We reject "by whatever means", and go with "by moral and appropriate means" and hope we succeed that way. Killing ain't our thing and chances are, a lefty will do it eventually. They are, after all, the Death Cult Party.