Friday, February 03, 2023

When The Shamefully Shameless Dare to Shame

 The title above refers specifically to something posted on Jan 10, '23 (  I've been struggling on just how I mean to address the notion of how vile people presume to shame others.  It's a characteristic of "modern progressives", a term to counter the nonsensical term "modern conservative" used by a moron with no understanding whatsoever of conservatism, but who likes to believe there's been a significant change in what conservatism is.  It's rank hypocrisy, sprinkled with no small amount of dishonesty and deception. 

Now, I must say that among the many leftists I know personally, few are total assholes, despite how wrong they are to espouse leftist ideals and support leftist cretins in government.  There's really no excuse for their doing so other than rank ignorance, or the pretense they're actually paying attention to all the facts.  

But back to the point, it is absurd to suffer from the worst of their kind those who dare condescend.  I think I'm just going to list examples which come to mind to illustrate just how contemptible the notion of a lefty daring to shame anyone truly is.  Let's begin:

---Conservatives must condemn George Santos for padding his resume in order to win election, and Donald Trump is a pathological liar whose words no one can trust.

While I know of no conservative or member of the GOP who supports Santos' behavior, I do know that the lefty making this demand....what the hell, it's Dan Trabue here...supported Joe Biden for president over Trump.  But Biden spent his political life padding his resume, too.  (Trump would've been pilloried for this level of crap.  Dan thinks Joe's a pip.)  (I cite this one because it includes references to two other Dems who embellished their backgrounds for professional/political gain)

---Donald Trump is a sexual pervert and abuser of women. (complete with lefties defending his inappropriate behavior with women, but doesn't list the many small girls he made feel uncomfortable)

Oh...and let's not forget:

---Donald Trump is a conman.

Aside from not explaining what the "con" was, or how Trump profited or how the American people were robbed, it's difficult to find a bigger chump than a leftist who votes for leftist politicians, especially one who actually was somehow conned into believing Biden is a better man, a more honest man, than Trump.  But like the many examples above, all it takes is that a lefty supports a lefty by ignoring anything and everything which indicts the character of the lefty politician, while at the same time over-hyping the seriousness of what, by comparison, are minor, irrelevant or insignificant infractions by a center-right alternative.  More examples of this include:

---Trump criminally stole classified documents.

This of course ignores a number of points, such as a president having plenary power over what is or isn't classified, and that power has no rules or regulations for the manner in which anything is classified or declassified, while Biden wasn't president when he illegally stored classified docs in multiple locations with less security than Mar-A-Lago.  In Biden's case, it was "a mistake", while Trump acted criminally.  It's OK with Biden because he was working with the law, while Trump was a criminal while he was engaged with the National Archives with regard to docs in his possession. 


In another goofy post, Dan makes the claim that hiring the disabled improves the profitability of a company.  When someone dares to make a claim of any kind at Dan's blog, he demands one must bring supporting evidence or he'll delete the claim.  But in this case, I've made no claim whatsoever, except to acknowledge what are clear and obvious truths regarding the cost to employers in hiring anyone for anything.  It's always a cost to hire, and to hire anyone with a disability is clearly more costly because of the accommodations necessary for the person to do a given task.  Yet he insists it's a boon to any company.  I simply ask how he supports that claim with evidence of some kind.  For example, a comparison of the bottom line before and after hiring the disabled, a comparison of that between the hiring of an able-bodied person versus the disabled, or some evidence which specifically ties benefits to the employer solely from the hiring of the disabled which no able-bodied person couldn't also provide and at less cost to the employer.  Somehow, these reasonable questions and concerns are an attack on the disabled, despite my continued insistence that I support the hiring of the disabled where it can be done without cost and sacrifice which doesn't too badly impact the sustainability and profitability of the business.  It is absolutely shameful to promote even a good deed like hiring the disabled while crapping on those who wish to know how the benefits claimed are present in doing so are actually derived and can be proven. 

So this guy dares shame me for asking questions which seek to elicit evidence for claims he makes.  I'm supposed to simply accept as true what he says, regardless of whether or not what he says is true, simply because he's again posturing as a caring, compassionate Christian, which is his most major objective in life  (not actually BEING Christian, but posing as one for the praise and worship of all he meets).  

Conversely, there's no claim one can make...even to simply restate that which is, for any honest person, obvious and beyond question...for which he won't demand evidence or data to support if it so much as appears to contradict a claim or premise he's laying down.  This is shameful, hypocritical behavior especially common to him and lefties in general.


---"Historically oppressed" people.

It's never a question there are particular groups of people in history who've been oppressed by others.  What's shameful is citing this expression as a weapon to ward off any criticism for the foolish defense of people who might be among such groups, when the criticism has absolutely no connection to oppression such people have endured in history.  For example, homosexuals have taken crap from normal people for some time.  Few would disagree with this.  But that fact has nothing to do with the fact that despite how people respond to them, they're still guilty of being disordered in their desires and compulsions and immoral in the indulgence of them.  

Another case of this expression being dishonestly presented was with regard to a woman who makes her living getting naked and having sex with men who aren't her husband.  Normal honest people refer to such women as "whores", "prostitutes", "ladies of the night" and in the case of the truly morally corrupt, "sex workers" if it's in any way a noble profession.  Well, when such a woman was presented as a "credible" accuser of Donald Trump, her lifestyle, which has arguably been as sexually immoral as Trump if not more so, I was accused of hating all women by reminding the fool of her profession.  She's a whore and not apologetic about it as far as I know.  This guy can say all manner of disparaging things about Trump, but her chosen profession does not justify accurate labeling as what it is, because, apparently, women have long been oppressed by men in power and therefor are not responsible for choosing such lines of work.  The hypocrisy is that despite her lifestyle being every bit as Trump's is accused of being, she is exempt from criticism.  The real reason, of course, is that she's accusing Trump, a man for whom Dan is filled with grace-embracing hatred.  Have women been oppressed by men throughout the ages?  Sure.  Are all women who engage in prostitution forced into it?  No.  Some choose it because they regard it as easy money.  

There are other examples of this perversion of the notion of oppression and the deceitful use of the term to quiet legit criticisms and objections.  It's part of the shameful penchant for lying so common among the left and this guy in particular.  But while he falsely claims concern for the "historically oppressed", he fully supports policies which continue to plague arguably the most oppressed segment of humanity over the course of human history:  the child.  How shameful is THAT?  Both born and about to be...though with particular disregard for the latter, leftist policies have resulted in death and harm to children no other group has suffered.  This is true because while referencing the two groups above, children suffer when Dan's favored "historically oppressed" groups do.  Children are always impacted by what adults do, for better and worse, and yet Dan's cool with their destruction.  Nothing pisses me off more than the abuse of children.  That is, except for the willful disregard by those who make abusing them more abortion supporters.  And make no mistake...those who whine against efforts to outlaw abortion support the practice, because they benefit by having the ability to off kids.  Shameful doesn't get to it properly.  This is pure evil.

I've more examples.  I'm not sure how many more I'm going to bother with in an additional post.  We'll see.  The point is clear already, that few are as shameful as the "progressive" who dares shame others.  It's hard to come up with examples of harm to our nation and its culture which isn't the result of leftist policy.  They have no room to dare shame anybody until they first atone for the all the shameful things they've done and continue to do which brings so much harm to all.