Monday, January 31, 2022

I Don't Care If You Find This Post unChristian

The turnout for the funeral of the murdered NYC cop, and the sad and passionate lament of the cop's wife is an egregious indictment of the state of our society.  The constant attacks on police by leftist activists and politicians has made the safety of the innocent and law-abiding more tenuous than I've ever seen it.  The enemy of the people...the lefty media...mocks accurate reports of how bad it truly is, and we see examples on a daily basis, this remarkably well-attended funeral but one of them.  

---This cop and his partner are two of at least half-a-dozen cops shot in the last two weeks across this decaying nation.  

---While Mayor Lori Lightfoot concerns her dumbass with moronic Covid restrictions ("Show me your papers, old man"), denying people their God-given right to do business and to patronize businesses as they see fit, Chicago is breaking records for murder.  Small children have been the victim of about eight of them in recent months, like Melissa Ortega, 8, who took two in the head while she and her mother tried to flee the gunfire from a 16 yr old Latin Kings punk who was on probation (rather than rotting in jail) for THREE armed car-jackings in the past year.  Last September, 4 yr old Mychal "M.J." Moultry Jr. was killed when shots tore through a front window of his home.  SAY THEIR NAMES, YOU DEM SUPPORTING ASSHOLES!!!!

 ---While we're on the subject, cities are reporting a stiff increase in car jackings.

---Thanks to funding by Lord of Evil George Soros, we now have District Attorneys who are refusing to prosecute punks and thugs who victimize people and businesses.

---Lefty mayors and city councils have "reformed" bail policy by doing away with it, or lowering bail so much as to allow assholes to continue roaming the streets and attacking citizens.

---These same assholes allow people to steal up to $950 worth of other people's stuff without anything more than a misdemeanor arrest, if they're arrested at all, and generally aren't bothering to prosecute when they do. 

---And of course, no list of criminality allowed by Dems would be complete without mentioning the now millions who cross our borders, get a free bus, cab or plane ride to the destination of their choice, so long as it isn't Wilmington, Delaware or the Hamptons.  Many of these invaders have criminal records, have been deported at least once before, bring drugs to traffic and girls, too, and are violent gang-members or known terrorists.  

This is by no means a comprehensive list.  Don't forget the rioting and looting in the summer of 2020!  But make no mistake:  THIS IS WHAT COMES FROM VOTING DEMOCRAT!  Democrat policy has put us all at risk in a variety of ways, but this post is a focus on crime...which can kill you. 

So what to do?  Well, I was pleased to see a video of a jewelry store owner defending against a couple smash and grab assholes by confronting them and then pulling out his handgun.  There have been two or three stories of a citizen shooting assholes who try to jack their cars...some with videos.  There's nothing more gratifying than seeing a criminal get what he asked for in not so many words.  (Well, seeing them turn to Christ would be better, but I'm referring to what should happen to those in the act of committing crimes.)  Some would call this "vigilantism".   But it's not.  A vigilante goes out to track down criminals as a cop would.  These people are merely defending themselves as is their God-given right.

We need to oppose all district attorneys, mayors, legislators and even police chiefs who allow criminals to run amuck in our communities, and have them removed for office...and possibly sued or indicted.  REfunding police is essential.  REinstate qualified immunity.  Support cops who fire on criminals and ignore the lamentations of the morons who failed to raise them properly when they had the chance.  Eliminate failed gun control laws which have done absolutely nothing to reduce crime, but have made hapless victims of too many law-abiding citizens.  Increase penalties and bail requirements.  REinstitute stop-an-frisk and broken windows policies. Re-incarcerate all violent thugs released from jails due to covid or overcrowding.  Mock and belittle morons whose efforts and activism for police and prison reform has resulted in the increase in crime we're suffering today and who have exploited the deaths of thugs by cops who were arresting or detaining them as if they were innocent angels minding their own business.  The race hustlers who did that are evil bastards who should be held responsible for every riot they're racist, cop-hating rhetoric has incited.

And most of all, make crime hurt the criminals who perpetuate it.  Punishments should be severe.  They must be made afraid to live a life of crime, to strut around as proud members of some animal street gang or organized crime outfit.  

We need an America which is safe for Americans and I don't give a flying rat's ass for the suffering of those who seek to oppress and victimize the innocent.  

Harder To Scratch The Itch

 I like engaging in "lively debate" and discourse...even if it's only at Dan's alternate reality of a blog.  But I have to admit that I find dealing with opposing points of view more personally entertaining, and there isn't much available for such except Dan's world of wonder.  Depressing.  There used to be so many options, but not so many now.  On the blogs, Dan's the only leftist left, so it's really like having only stale bread to eat when one is hungry.

Even on Facebook, the lefties have fled.  There weren't that many on my friend list, and among the few who were, most have stricken me like the cowards they usually are.  Lefties don't like being forced to defend their points of view.  So they run away.  The same is true of the lefties that were on my lefty blog roll.  I don't get it, except that it's most likely they're confronted by that which they know is true, but aren't happy it is so.  Better to flee and pretend it doesn't exist.  And I don't require Dan does...but only that one present a coherent defense of their positions.  

I think many would still be around if I never questioned their positions...if I "agreed to disagree"...a moronic proposition if ever there was one, because that's not really what they want.  What is wanted by those who say this is to not be allow them to carry one with beliefs and opinions they couldn't defend if their lives depended upon doing so.  What they really want is to just not engage any longer, because that's easier than looking at their goofy opinions and seeing just how goofy they are.  

I began trying to engage in the comments following stories on AOL.  Like other home pages, stories scroll across.  Yahoo had it, too, for a while and then discontinued the option out of some bullshit concern for civility.  AOL has limited which stories allow for comments.  Stories about LGBT issues no longer allow comments.  There's simply no option for it.  Some other topics deny as well.  Now, I've run into another issue there, which may be related to my computer or may just be their own shortcomings technically.  What happens is that when one leaves a comment, it stores responses under a notification drop down.  Click on any given notification, and it would take you back to that story and go right to the comment to which a response was given.  It won't do that anymore...or at least hasn't been for a couple of weeks.  It will bring you back to the story, but it only presents three or four comments of people with whom you didn't engage, and then it appears to have a link to all the comments the story generated from readers.   But not only does it no longer take you to your conversation, but when you click on the hyperlink, nothing happens.  Thus, one can't carry on with a conversation, or even know if the respondent is in agreement or opposing.  Very frustrating.  

So I guess I'm left with Deletion Dan. 


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Who is Colin Flaherty?

Has anyone who still reads this blog ever heard of Colin Flaherty?  He just passed away at 66 of cancer.  I wondered why I hadn't seen anything from him in awhile.  As reported by Thomas Lifson of

"Colin was a fearless crusader, taking up one of the most taboo stories in modern America: the rising tide of Black violence directed against other races, egged on by racial grievance-mongers.  This was long before BLM." 

You can read Lifson's eulogy here:

I've read most (never counted to know for sure) of his offerings at AT, and even visited his web-site, where he posted lots of videos of events turned violent at the hands of "youths".  Of course, he pointed out what the media wouldn't, that the "youths" were black youths.  They aren't always young people, either.  What's more, he had a standing challenge of big bucks for anyone who could provide examples of other races paralleling this behavior.  (I would suggest that suppression of his work played at least a small roll in this challenge never being taken up, but who knows?)  

Flaherty's work was...and still is...important.  We can never resolve racial issues if we aren't completely honest about it, and that honesty includes admitting episodes documented so exhaustively by Flaherty.  I would expect that these episodes are abhorrent to many, if not most of the black community, yet they persist.  And part of the reason is the lack of light shining on it by race-hustlers and the media.  Again, if we're not honest...

I invite anyone to look him up, try to find his website if still available, and see if you can respond to his challenge with something actually verifiable.  In the meantime, I think it's too bad Colin Flaherty and his work aren't more widely known and appreciated. 

I expect to hear from the real racists upon the posting of this piece.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Demonic Desmond Tutu

The link above is the most recent posting at Dan's blog.  It's an homage to Desmond Tutu following his death.  As is his wont, Dan is keen to laud the lives of people in a manner which suggests sainthood.  Indeed, the title of the post is "Rest in Glory, Desmond Tutu".  It brings to mind thoughts of heavenly welcoming, perhaps sitting at God's right hand or something.  I did a little reading of some of the many articles praising the man for all his work to end apartheid in South Africa.  Work not defined in any way, but apparently it was essential to its downfall.  One gets the both the articles, but especially from Dan's worship of the man...apartheid would be ongoing today if not for old Des.  

Now, this isn't to say that I don't regard his work against that system as worthy of praise.  I'm just not clear on what he did exactly which justifies the degree of praise lavished upon him.  I'm not trying to be dismissive here.  I really would like to know and in at least one of the many comments of mine Dan deleted, I asked just that.  Was the BDS strategy his idea, or did he learn of it and then run with it?  That's OK.  To promote a good idea is something everyone should do.  To come up with it is of course more worthy of compliment, but again, I really don't know.  But if all he did was preach, teach and publicly speak out against apartheid there and abroad, that's without a doubt notable all by itself and also worthy of praise by all.  And even more so if by doing so he was putting himself or his liberty at risk.  Was he ever at risk?  Did he do time?  Was he beaten for speaking out?  Was the S. African government routinely stifling opposition speech at all?  Again...I ask because I do not know and as these questions concern Tutu, it would have been nice to have some of these things referenced in the many reports about his death.  If he was so essential to the ending of apartheid, one would think it should be easy enough to describe just how.  So far, zilch.

But at Dan's I was the first to post a comment, sometime prior to December 27, 2021 at 9:15 AM when he deleted it, saying, "Marshal, you will not attack Or attempt to demonize people who have just passed away on my blog. Shame on you."  I don't recall that I "attacked" or attempted to "demonize" the guy at all.  I don't recall exactly what I said, but thus Dan gets his wish.  He now demonizes me by deleting my comments and leaving the above admonishment in its place.  When his only other reader...his troll, it, he no doubt believed I said something horrible about the man.  

In any case, my comments simply questioned in how much glory might Toots rest after spending so much time lying about Israel and their struggles with the murderous Palestinians who constantly launch rockets and suicide attacks on the civilian population based on the false premise that they are oppressed by Israel.  It's a legit question and no small thing given just how egregious the lie is.  To attempt to compare Israel to apartheid S. Africa is appalling given there is no comparison one can justly make.  

So as I sought to defend myself and my wonderment, Dan insisted I provide something to support my explain what Tutu said that was false, wrong or in any way improper.  I did so.  Dan deleted those responses on the flimsy excuse regarding the bias of my sources.  I tried to explain to the low intellect fake that bias shouldn't be his concern, but only whether or not what is reported is true or not.  Then we get the old "out of context" crap.  But what's out of context about calling Israel "oppressors" or "occupiers" or "an apartheid state"?  How does anyone get the wrong idea about Tutu's position about Israel when such words and phrases are used to label them?   

So true to form, Dan eventually responded with biased sources of his own, because his sources, those he supports are always just and truthful in what they say and are beyond reproach.  He cited:

 Human Rights Watch  (note the word "experts".  Dan's down with "experts" always)

Amnesty International

The United Nations

Yesh Din

The Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa

I was unable to find anything about this outfit that wasn't from their own website, but Dan posted some quote of theirs which is just more of the same attempt to frame Israel as unjust occupiers and oppressors.  Given who is running the show in S. Africa since the end of apartheid, I wouldn't put too much stock anything from there without something reviewing their work as objective outsiders.  

In any case, as one can see if one chooses to read the few out of many articles I selected for this post, Dan's sources have their own serious biases and their positions are decidedly anti-Israel/pro-Pallie.   Outfits like NGO Monitor and CAMERA describe how these organizations fail in their reports indicting Israel.  Like Dan himself, they're way too often ignorant of the complex situation between the two peoples (I can't call "Palestine" a nation, because it isn't one), and too simple-minded in their superficial understanding.  When a people have in their charter the goal of annihilating Israel, it's hard to take pity on them when they suffer the consequences of moving toward that goal with rockets and suicide bombers and other murderous activities.  It's been said that if the Pallies laid down their arms, there would be peace in the land, but if Israel laid down their arms, they'd be destroyed.  It's also been said that peace will only come when the Pallies love their children more than they hate Israel.  

And all the tropes employed by these many NGOs and lefties in general to disparage Israel for daring to protect its people were echoed routinely in the words of Desmond Tutu.  I can't see that a guy like him, who traveled the world to tell it about the suffering of South Africans has no way of educating himself on the truth of the situation in the Middle East.  Thus, he was intentionally lying out of some misplaced regard for murderers.  Or he was really stupid.  Is it enough to deny him "Rest in Glory"?  I think he'll be in the back row somewhere if he wasn't any worse than his irrational enabling of the Pallies makes him.  

Of course, I never did get to his enabling of sexual immorality.