The turnout for the funeral of the murdered NYC cop, and the sad and passionate lament of the cop's wife is an egregious indictment of the state of our society. The constant attacks on police by leftist activists and politicians has made the safety of the innocent and law-abiding more tenuous than I've ever seen it. The enemy of the people...the lefty media...mocks accurate reports of how bad it truly is, and we see examples on a daily basis, this remarkably well-attended funeral but one of them.
---This cop and his partner are two of at least half-a-dozen cops shot in the last two weeks across this decaying nation.
---While Mayor Lori Lightfoot concerns her dumbass with moronic Covid restrictions ("Show me your papers, old man"), denying people their God-given right to do business and to patronize businesses as they see fit, Chicago is breaking records for murder. Small children have been the victim of about eight of them in recent months, like Melissa Ortega, 8, who took two in the head while she and her mother tried to flee the gunfire from a 16 yr old Latin Kings punk who was on probation (rather than rotting in jail) for THREE armed car-jackings in the past year. Last September, 4 yr old Mychal "M.J." Moultry Jr. was killed when shots tore through a front window of his home. SAY THEIR NAMES, YOU DEM SUPPORTING ASSHOLES!!!!
---While we're on the subject, cities are reporting a stiff increase in car jackings.
---Thanks to funding by Lord of Evil George Soros, we now have District Attorneys who are refusing to prosecute punks and thugs who victimize people and businesses.
---Lefty mayors and city councils have "reformed" bail policy by doing away with it, or lowering bail so much as to allow assholes to continue roaming the streets and attacking citizens.
---These same assholes allow people to steal up to $950 worth of other people's stuff without anything more than a misdemeanor arrest, if they're arrested at all, and generally aren't bothering to prosecute when they do.
---And of course, no list of criminality allowed by Dems would be complete without mentioning the now millions who cross our borders, get a free bus, cab or plane ride to the destination of their choice, so long as it isn't Wilmington, Delaware or the Hamptons. Many of these invaders have criminal records, have been deported at least once before, bring drugs to traffic and girls, too, and are violent gang-members or known terrorists.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Don't forget the rioting and looting in the summer of 2020! But make no mistake: THIS IS WHAT COMES FROM VOTING DEMOCRAT! Democrat policy has put us all at risk in a variety of ways, but this post is a focus on crime...which can kill you.
So what to do? Well, I was pleased to see a video of a jewelry store owner defending against a couple smash and grab assholes by confronting them and then pulling out his handgun. There have been two or three stories of a citizen shooting assholes who try to jack their cars...some with videos. There's nothing more gratifying than seeing a criminal get what he asked for in not so many words. (Well, seeing them turn to Christ would be better, but I'm referring to what should happen to those in the act of committing crimes.) Some would call this "vigilantism". But it's not. A vigilante goes out to track down criminals as a cop would. These people are merely defending themselves as is their God-given right.
We need to oppose all district attorneys, mayors, legislators and even police chiefs who allow criminals to run amuck in our communities, and have them removed for office...and possibly sued or indicted. REfunding police is essential. REinstate qualified immunity. Support cops who fire on criminals and ignore the lamentations of the morons who failed to raise them properly when they had the chance. Eliminate failed gun control laws which have done absolutely nothing to reduce crime, but have made hapless victims of too many law-abiding citizens. Increase penalties and bail requirements. REinstitute stop-an-frisk and broken windows policies. Re-incarcerate all violent thugs released from jails due to covid or overcrowding. Mock and belittle morons whose efforts and activism for police and prison reform has resulted in the increase in crime we're suffering today and who have exploited the deaths of thugs by cops who were arresting or detaining them as if they were innocent angels minding their own business. The race hustlers who did that are evil bastards who should be held responsible for every riot they're racist, cop-hating rhetoric has incited.
And most of all, make crime hurt the criminals who perpetuate it. Punishments should be severe. They must be made afraid to live a life of crime, to strut around as proud members of some animal street gang or organized crime outfit.
We need an America which is safe for Americans and I don't give a flying rat's ass for the suffering of those who seek to oppress and victimize the innocent.