When conservatives and the GOP (not necessarily the same thing) objected to activism leading up to the Roe v Wade decision, we began to hear the bleating of Democrats as they wailed and whined about a "War On Women". This false framing was meant to inflame the passions of stupid women and spineless men against Republicans, because that's a better tactic than appealing to intelligence that may not exist. (We conservatives really need to adopt this strategy and make it a weapon for good.)
Of course the reality is, as it always has been, that the unborn are human beings...people...persons...endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life. This is, as it always has been, the reason conservatives and moral people everywhere oppose abortion except to save the life of the mother in those almost non-existent cases where a pregnancy puts her life at risk...if the mother so chooses not to take that risk.
But today more than ever we see who it is who is waging this war one women. In every way, Democrats and other leftists are the true aggressors against women, their true oppressors. The worst part is, some of those waging this war are women, too. They exploit women in whatever manner best suits their extremist agenda without regard to the harm they force women to suffer. Let us count the ways:
1. "The Right To Choose"
Since I mentioned abortion already, I'll begin the list with it. As the subtitle suggests, the issue has been falsely framed as a woman's right to choose her medical decisions. But no one has ever sought to deny them this authority. However, what is being "chosen" is to kill a child. The many problems for women aborting have been presented many times in many ways at many different websites. These many problems...harm to their physical, mental and emotional health... are rejected and dismissed by the leftist and radical feminists (no friend to real women) as they market abortion as a tool for enhancing "self-determination". In reality, it leaves them more vulnerable to men who will take advantage of this "right" in their quest to use women for sexual purposes. The left defends it.
2. Pornography
This is marketed under the fraud of "free speech". Nonsense. There's no real "speech" that is protected under this ruse. No lesson taught, no cause championed, no political issue to address. It isn't a means to celebrate the beauty of the human (mostly female) body. It's simply a way to indulge sexual urges. And in order to satiate such urges, women are routinely victimized. All manner of perversion and deviancy is allowed and porn is a multi-billion dollar industry. Take women out of that equation, and the industry dies quickly (homosexual porn would not sustain it). What's more, women in porn, who laughingly are regarded by themselves and purveyors as "actresses", are nothing more than women prostituting themselves. Worse, too many are forced into the "business" for the enrichment of others. There is no moral aspect of pornography, and the left defends it.
3. Immigration
The horror of the current administration's moronic immigration policy is a distinct assault on women. By reversing Trump policy, human trafficking is made easier. Women and girls are the main victims of human trafficking and enslavement takes place within our borders as a result. Women and girls are forced into porn and prostitution (same thing, really) in order to enrich traffickers. Also, as Biden's erasing of our borders and invitation that we'll accept absolutely anyone for any reason with any issues that will do nothing but increase American problems and costs, women are subjecting themselves to all manner of threat by the cartels who force payment in order to "protect" their journey to our country, often raping them along the way. This doesn't even get to the many crimes against women perpetrated by illegal immigrants the left invites into our country with little to no vetting. And the left defends these immigration policies.
4. Gun control
While I am not one who believes guns are the ultimate answer to self-protection, they are one answer and have been instrumental in protecting innocent people since firearms were invented. Called "the Great Equalizer", handguns provide for weaker people a ready means to defend against stronger, more aggressive oppressors. This means that women can ward off assholes. But gun control makes that harder. A government against whom the 2nd Amendment was written to defend us believes itself possessed of the authority to disarm us. Women are most victimized by this world class idiocy and the left defends it.
5. Transgender "rights"
With the U.S House of Representatives passing the damnable "Equality Act", women are victimized by the left once again. Should this abomination pass the Senate and get signed by President Asterisk, women will effectively be thrown back to pre-historic times. They will be made subordinate to men, specifically mentally disordered men who think they're women. Catering to these men (as well as to women similarly afflicted) is not the way people of compassion help them. But putting that aside, the effects on women are monstrous. It took a long time for women to attain the level of equality they will now lose with the passage of this Act. Athletics in particular, women's facilities most tragically, employment at well will all be made "women optional". Women will risk greater injury with men competing against them in sports. They will lose jobs with men competing in positions meant for women. Look at what President Mumbles did with his nomination of Richard Levine for assistant HHS secretary. An actual woman could've been nominated, but as he did with all of his appointments, President Puppet nominated by identity politics rather than by qualification and merit. Leftist defend this.
6. Radical feminism
One might think this is counter intuitive. The reality is that radical feminism has done great harm to women. I mean really, how does "manhole" hurt women? Why must the name of this thing be changed? What kind of moron thinks "mankind" does not include women and children as well? The radical feminist moron...that's who.
Radical feminism has served to erase the important differences between men and women in a false attempt to provide women equality. This nonsense has led to things like the disparagement of women who choose to be mothers and homemakers...as if those aren't important cultural endeavors. It has led to the devaluation of rape, by making everything rape. It has led to the stupidity of regarding as sexist the act of a man holding a door open for a woman. It has led to the conflict of women looking for recreational sex, which makes them victims of men looking for recreational sex. Women are then often faced with the problems associated with it, such as pregnancies and disease. It has led to the notion that women are weak and unable to overcome problems that come their way (both my mother, mother-in-law, wife and all three daughters---only two of which are conservative---would strongly disagree) and need some governmental help to get by. It has led to more effeminate men and a smaller pool of worthy men to marry when women guided by feminism decide they want to marry.
Real women rebuke radical feminists and don't believe they're at some great disadvantage they cannot overcome if they really want to achieve. For the women in my life, I don't even think the thought ever crosses their minds. But the left defends this crap.
7. Politics
This is a most egregious area of concern. Women are constantly exploited for political purposes by the left more than by anyone. This is what the left does with every group, pitting one group against the opposing party as if that group is not a concern of the opposing party. And women are among the most exploited. "The first woman" this, and "the first woman" that. Hillary got support in 2016 because of her sex. Biden picked many women for appointments just to cross off the "woman box" on his list of identity politics selections. Some will say the GOP does it as well. I would argue that the GOP are more prone to seeking out qualified people and then, if it seems politically profitable, pick from that list a woman. Look at Vice President Cackles (Hat tip Theodore Roosevelt Malloch). She was not chosen for any reason regarding merit. She wasn't even chosen because Americans actually wanted her. She was chosen because she's a woman (as well as a minority). That checked off the box. Now it's true, finding a woman of true substance and merit among the Democrats is a tough job, but in that case, there were plenty of moronic men among them from which to choose, any number of which are certainly more qualified and intelligent than this tramp. But the left defends these selections. "It's time", they say. That may be true...if one wants to stretch reason to its extreme...but to select a woman simply because she's a woman is an insult to women, just as selecting a black person just because the person is black is insulting to black people. Merit is everything. Superficial characteristics such as sex or race are nothing. That's true of the politics of business as well as the politics of government, but pandering is what the left does and what the left defends.
So as is so easily seen, if there's anyone waging a war on women, it's the left/progressive/Democrat Party...not the GOP or conservatives. I resisted the compulsion to go into great detail on any of these areas, and could likely have come up with more areas where Dems have shown their disregard. Most annoyingly deceitful is the criticism of the use of words like "whore" and "slut" in reference to women who are actually and demonstrably whores and sluts as some kind of insult to all of womanhood. Defending women's choice of provocative dress with the nonsensical "teach boys not to rape" is classic leftist bile. Suggesting women and girls be cognizant of their choices because they be putting themselves at risk by how they dress, where they go and with whom they spend their time is somehow patriarchal to the leftist. It's almost as if the leftist wants to see women suffer. But then, that's what one <i>does</i> want when waging war, and the left has been warring against women for a long time.
Below is a link to an article describing how the left cares so deeply for females. That's sarcasm. Allowing girls to subject themselves to irreversible surgical/chemical procedures shows a vile lack of disregard for their welfare.