Friday, June 14, 2024

Giving Up On The Evil Ones

Sometimes my blog post titles come after I write the post.  Other times, the title is what springs to mind and the post follows.   In this case, the title was compelled by one thing and then another came up over which the title is equally appropriate.  I'm going to try to blend them, and if it turns out the post weighs too heavily in one direction over the other, I'll do a "Part II".

Over at the Blog of Lies, otherwise known as "Through These Woods" (aka "A Pained Shallow Visit"), Dan Trabue posted the following offering just prior to the verdict from the latest sham trial of rank political persecution:

It was a short post, basically two sentences, which illustrate Dan's grave dishonesty.  They are as follows with my response to them:

"IF the verdict is Not Guilty, I will be disappointed, but I won't be in the streets protesting and calling it a sham."

Why should he, given a "not guilty" verdict would have affirmed it was the sham trial it truly was?

" IF, on the other hand, he's found guilty, you can count on anger and protests from Trump and his allies."

This wouldn't surprise honest people, because there was no legitimacy in this proceeding, just as there hasn't been in the other trials against Trump.  All four are examples of political persecution, at least two of which were prosecuted by likely affirmative action rogues who campaigned on putting Trump in jail.  Right there, you have two people who in their corrupt hearts and minds consider Trump guilty before they even investigate him. 

Americans, by and large, and even among the lunatic left, are infused through what remains of a culture in which justice means something, and legal abuse provokes great outrage.   What we're seeing in these trials are manifestations of evil by evil people.  How can it be otherwise given the many overt abuses so apparent to even legal experts who voted for Hillary Clinton?  Even one of CNN's legal experts firmly stated this particular trial presided over by the rogue, Trump-hating judge Merchan, is unConstitutional!  Now, when a scumbag like Dan Trabue wants to put a fine point on his accusation of moral corruption on the part of Trump, what does he do?  He cites "conservative" pundits, like George Will.  Will he back off his celebration of this verdict because of leftist legal eagles roundly criticizing this trial for its many procedural errors?   Of course not.  Dan's morally bankrupt, steeped in his hatred of Trump, know...embrace grace!

Here's where the other provocation for this post comes in:

Dan's evil.  That's my conclusion based on the Christ's teaching of knowing a bad tree by its fruit.  Dan's into bad fruits.   In the comments following this laughable post, he mentioned trying to submit a comment to Stan, who rejected him as Stan routinely does because Dan's a puke.  He desperately needs to get as many others to hate Trump as he does, and Stan wouldn't go for it, even though Stan's opinion of Trump really isn't much better.  Neither of them will ever support Trump, though it isn't out of the question that Stan might support a particular policy or two of Trump's.  They both, however, regard themselves as in good standing with God for rejecting Trump at the ballot booth, despite his great record as president the first time, versus the clear and obvious degradation of our nation since the 2020 election was stolen, allowing Biden to continue "fundamentally transforming" our nation into a raging if that likelihood wasn't a guarantee.

But Stan's only tainted by evil.  He agrees with Scripture which affirms man's nature leans toward sin, so it's not an outrageous thing to say about anyone.  But that's not the point to which I refer here.  I believe that the best of men can make really bad choices in good faith, and doing so is the result of evil influence.  God works in mysterious ways, it is said, and so does the Father of Lies.  Look again at the consequences of rejecting Trump and how all those who rejected him as president foolishly focused on his personal life as opposed to his political platform (2016) and then his political track record (2020&24).   That focus resulted in the suffering we endure today.  Yet most of those who did so believed they were doing good, acting to please God, but the dangers were not hidden, they were not without being forewarned.  In the end it's worse than I imagined it could be even while knowing it will be bad.  How could it not be?  It's freakin' Joe Biden and even his old boss warned, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." 

But I don't want to go off anymore on Stan.  He's a good man and a great source for info and insight on Scripture.  If you want a dumbfuck to explain Scripture, that's what Dan and his diaper stain feo are for.  Stan's just dead wrong beyond argument about not voting for Trump.  Severely so.

Getting back to the trial, I mentioned it being a sham and referred to it as akin to the show trials of Stalin, Mao and Hussein.  Dan protested that comparison by suggesting that because the trials are happening here, they're automatically honest, just and pure as the driven snow.  Only an evil asshole would dare suggest such an obvious lie.  The Innocence Project has worked to see many falsely convicted people released from prison and have their convictions overturned.  Would Dan suggest that all these people were truly guilty simply because they were tried in American courts with honest and impartial judges and juries?  I doubt it.  Indeed, he'd be more likely to say just the opposite about these convictions, regardless of whether or not the judges and juries acted in good faith.

But it's Donald Trump who was convicted, so it must be true.  Those courts couldn't possibly be corrupt, despite the many legal experts who found fault ran rife throughout.

I can't pretend any longer.  I don't feel I'm obliged in any way to act as if evil isn't at work in some and deeply ingrained in Dan, the Democrat Party, Hamas and a host of others. 

Some have difficulty in using the word "evil" and applying it to actions and/or the people who commit them.  But to refuse to acknowledge it makes it that much harder to combat it.  Failure to combat it serves no one, and puts many at risk.  The culture of our nation has degraded far too much, and is likely beyond hope.  We may be closer to the End Times than we'd like to consider, but one thing is certain:  complacency in the face of obvious evil hurries it along.  I don't believe we're to hurry it along.   Scripture does not describe it as especially enjoyable, and I'd like to think it's at least a half-dozen generations away at least. 

Evil taints us all.  We are by nature predisposed to serve ourselves over the Lord.  We struggle with any number of temptations.  We may indeed succumb to a few while battling against others, and certainly while battling against evil which seems more and more ubiquitous in this day and age.  I'm not willing to give in to it.  I'm not willing to appease any of it.  And I'm not willing to ignore those who promote evil around us. 

I'll likely have more to say on this subject.  I've been struggling with just how to broach it, and have started this post over a few times.  Now, I've simply decided to post it as is without further editing.  Take it as you like.


Eternity Matters said...

Things like the Trump trial are a good litmus test to see if someone is malicious or not. Anyone not conceding what a sham it was is truly malicious.

Milo Pichardo said...

I believe Dan Trabue is a pedophile, even though I don't have any specific evidence to support my assertion. It is my right to believe that about him, and he thinks children should be allowed to watch drag queen story hour.

Marshal Art said...


Given the opinions of leftist legal scholars and analysts, it's pretty hard to believe that anyone believes Trump wasn't railroaded in any of his trials thus far. They changed laws in order to prosecute him (or attempt to) criminally and civilly, resulting in an outrageous awward to the woman who couldn't remember any details with the least bit of accuracy of this allegedly traumatic event. In the same book in which she accused Trump, she accused three or four others of having assaulted her in some way, and to date, I've heard nothing suggesting she's going after them in court. The shame of overstating the value of his property in order to get a loan is also a bullshit allegation, given how such things work and the fact that no one was unhappy with doing business with Trump, as he paid off his loans to the satisfaction of his lenders. This Bragg crap is just the latest evil act of injustice against him. Again, laws were ignored and twisted in order to bring the case to trial, which would never have been allowed by any honorable judge, including an honorable judge who doesn't like Trump.

But Trump-hating leftists/progressives/marxists (same things) including those of the fake Christian variety from Louisville KY, pretend all this was legit and a perfect example of Lady Justice being served. It's evil writ large and obvious for all to see.

Marshal Art said...


Welcome. I hope you're who you say you are, given the recent spate of false visitors.

I don't know that I'd call Dan a pedophile. He certainly does, however, defend them and pretend they do children no harm. He would defend his sorry ass by suggesting the queer men who dress up like caricatures of slutty broads have no negative impact on children by their mere presence, but evil like Dan's will say such things. He is a pervert, that's for sure. And pretends a man who likes hot babes is a so-called "pervert king" to deflect folks from his own perversions. A truly evil boy.

Eternity Matters said...

As Romans 1:32 notes, those who affirm perversions and other evils are evil themselves.

Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.(Romans 1:32, ESV)

Marshal Art said...


I agree. I've been cautioned in the past against labeling anyone as "evil", and also as "liar". But when evil is you say...and when lies, though corrected, continue to be perpetrated, it's not a judgement but a recognition of the obvious.

Craig said...

It's interesting that Dan, someone who often revels in his "righteous" anger, would deny others the right to be angry about what they perceive as an injustice.

His implication is that "anger" about the verdict (I suspect that he'd label any disagreement with the verdict as anger), automatically means that the anger will be acted upon in violent ways.

Yet strangely, there's been no violence. There's been some online comments that seem inappropriate, but no actual protests or violence.

I suspect that those who believe that the Trump verdict was wrong are going to protest. They are just not going to follow the left wing protest model. They're going to protest by attending Trump rallies, showing up at the polls and voting, by volunteering as poll workers and election judges, and by trying to encourage others to vote for Trump. So, while Dan might be sort of right, he's also totally wrong. He's incapable of believing that it's possible to channel one's anger in ways that don't involve burning, looting, rioting, destruction, and violently attacking innocent people and cops.

Marshal Art said...

As I think about it, the left doesn't need a verdict to go in any direction in order for them to riot, loot, destroy and assault others, often to the point of death. They didn't like the Rodney King verdict against the cops, so they rioted. They didn't even wait for any verdict against the cop in the Michael Brown case. And they didn't wait for any trial in the George Floyd trial of Officer Chauvin and the rest. They caused a stink when Bret Kavanaugh was nominated and screamed like hell when Trump was first elected back in 2016. We can go on and on citing other incidents of leftists acting violently, but what have the leftists got to accuse the right? Jan 6, where it is still an open question about what and who set off those who acted badly on that day. And given most people were still at the rally listening to Trump speak when the violence began, we can see it was indeed a mostly peaceful gathering.

Craig said...

Obviously the left doesn't need a verdict, although they do/did need an excuse.

The reality is that J6 was in no way comparable to any of the incidents you mention in any way. There was minimal damage done, and the protesters left of their own accord after a relatively short time.

The problem is that the left (Dan) need a bogyman to be afraid of. They blow a tiny group of people who talk more than they should (although protected speech), but actually do very little. Most of these folks seem to want to be left alone and are happy to be off the grid until something provokes them.

Marshal Art said...

You nailed it. I'd add what I've said before, in that the progressives exaggerate the sins of their betters, while minimizing the sins of their own...though you basically said the same thing in your last paragraph.