Sunday, June 16, 2024

PRIDE MONTH SPECTACULAR!! (Speaking of "Evil")

It's half-way through Perv Month and I thought I'd submit a few links in "celebration" of this particular manifestation of evil:

This first one features two stories, equally abhorrent.  The latter is, for me, local and as suggested, seems less likely than it would have been back home in Hellinois.  But the pervs seek to pervert wherever they can and no place is truly safe:

This next one features an incredible perv running against Nancy if Pelosi isn't bad enough.  Of course, as the article suggests, the true nature and severity of this dude's perversion isn't made known by the "journalists" highlighting him.  Of course not.  Even the left knows perversion is hard sell if presented honestly:

We can't do this right without listing the many ways "the community" suffers oppresions every day.  It's just awful:

This satirical presentation accurately illustrates their intentions for us all.  Taste the Rainbow!:

This last one could easily provide for a post all its own, given the many manifestations of perv promotion listed herein.  Are they after the kids?  Of course they are and anyone who tries to say otherwise is a lying Trabue:

As I do for other subjects, I have files in which I store information about this particularly heinous topic.  That means I could provide quite a large sample of articles which report on the move to further degrade our culture with this evil.  This will surely be sufficient for now.  May God have mercy on us for allowing this vile crap to proliferate.


Eternity Matters said...

I mentioned this on your other recent post, but it applies here as well. Those who affirm evils are evil themselves.

Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.(Romans 1:32, ESV)

Marshal Art said...

Dan not only gives approval to their behaviors, but he lauds them as wonderful and loving Christians.