Sunday, May 19, 2024

Great Googly Moogly!

 So there I was, just sittin' there, and I've begun my 70th year on God's green earth!  MAN!!

Gee!  When I put it like that, it's downright freaky!


Eternity Matters said...

Congratulations on your new personal best!

Marshal Art said...

LOL! That remains to be seen!

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I was sort of late getting on FB yesterday but I did see you had a birthday--same as my sister, who turned 65. So Happy Birthday, laddie. You young whipper-snapper! (I hit 72 on 4/27)

Looking forward to many more of your insightful blog posts.

Marshal Art said...

Thanks, Glenn! Send your sis a Happy Birthday for me.

Not that you're necessarily confused, but for any who might be, I completed 69 years yesterday. Thus, I'm now 69 years old, and into my 70th year. I'm not particularly pleased with either, but what can one do? At least I'm still here for whatever reason or purpose He has in mind. May I disappoint Him less.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

OH, 70th Year, DUH!!