Friday, September 02, 2022

True Conmen and the Truly Conned

Confidence game:  A swindle in which the victim is defrauded after his or her confidence has been won.  A confidence man...or, a "con man" he who does the swindling after convincing a victim to have confidence in the swindle is a legit plan which will benefit the victim, and trust in the swindler to deliver on the promise of the swindle.

Donald Trump is often described as a conman.  It's a common theme of Dan Trabue...among many...regarding the character of Trump.  Yet, after six years, Dan has yet to describe what the con is, how Trump will profit from it and how his supporters will be scammed.  He hasn't even come close to trying...anymore than anyone else has...but he persists with this empty charge.  The reality, however, is that support for a second Trump term in office is not a matter of being fooled, but one of acknowledging how well he improved things in the United States over his predecessor(s).  80% of the population enjoying tax breaks, unemployment the lowest it's been since the early 1960's (meaning more people earning in support of themselves and their families), better jobs that are more than temporary, part-time or government jobs as during Obama's time, a reduction in illegal immigrant invasion, a stronger military, withdrawal from nonsensical treaties and agreements which weren't serving us well at all, and more.  If all this was part of a con, then what's the end game?  Simply another four years in office taking crap from people?  Where's the con?  How does it work?  If it's so obvious, why can't I see it and why can't Trump-haters explain it?  

Because there is no con.  It's just another empty accusation lefties need to perpetuate for lack of a better plan, a better alternative to Trump and the lack of an excuse for why their Chosen One was such a failure and why the current clown and administration is even worse.

But to be crystal clear with what is so obvious to honest people of even average intelligence who truly pay attention, there is a con that has successfully conned the buffoonish progs.  Indeed, there are many into which the progs have bought that "useful idiots" doesn't begin to describe how low their intelligence truly is.  

The most obvious and easiest con to identify is the laughable notion that Biden was the better choice for president in 2020.  This was blatantly obvious from the beginning, and the reality is that there really wasn't anyone among the Dem hopefuls...with the possible exception of Tulsi Gabbard...who would have better served the nation than did Donald Trump throughout his four years as president.  That anyone could have actually believed he wasn't the better choice proves the rank stupidity and...for the purposes of this post...gullibility of the lunatic leftist voter.  We didn't need to suffer as we have since Biden's inauguration in January of '21 to know that he would reverse the beneficial progress our nation made since the end of Obama's time in office until that fateful day.  Biden has always been a moron, and one can't find a speech of his which truly suggests otherwise.  He's the liar Trump-haters pretend Trump is on top of that.  I've been wanting to do a series of posts presenting evidence of just what a stain on the nation he is as president, but I've had a hard time deciding how to proceed with an almost daily manifestation from him of his stupidity and incompetence.  But millions actually believe he was the better choice, and a way too large percentage of those assholes believe we're still better off than if we had a second Trump term in office.  How stupid must one be to actually believe such a clearly false notion? 

From there, there's no shortage of insanity about which lefties actually believe.  All it takes is for some Dem it the moron Biden, or any of the other stalwarts of stupidity among the political utter some crap, and the left buys in lock, stock and barrel.  It's as if they want to be conned, so unmistakable is the lunacy the leftists seek to impose on the nation.

We can begin with "climate change" and all the crap which goes with it.  The very notion that we're responsible for some coming doomsday of environmental catastrophe is a fantasy the left lives as if a reality.  We've had pollution and environmental issues throughout our nation's history from the industrial age to not so long ago.  But since "Iron Eyes Cody" (actually born Espera de Corti — an Italian-American) cried his sad Indian tear in 1971, the nation has improved its methods which led to less polluted waters and streams, cleaner air, cleaner coal and yet the environmental wackos continued to lie about our situation until we've come to have a child named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was unbelievably elected to the US House of Representatives to tell us we're twelve years from doom if we don't redistribute money to a "Green New Deal".  The bullshit proposals and recommendations have resulted in all manner of disaster unrelated to the weather, but a direct result of leftist environmental policies.  Farmers around the world are protesting their inability to grow crops, rolling blackouts and grid failures are more commonplace, Europeans are shutting off street lights and traffic lights to conserve a dwindling supply of energy and many of them are beholden to the Russia they regard as monsters for its attacks on the corrupt Ukraine for the fuel they can't get anywhere else.  The left are the truly conned.

Then of course there's the "more than two genders" crap fest.  This is something the most absurd of them believe know..."experts".  These "experts" have no legitimate science which proves their premise, but just enough so that they can pretend they are knowledgeable on a topic every average person can see is ludicrous as well as detrimental with those who struggle with delusions about their "gender identity".  It's another of those inventions which result in suffering of people who deserve better from those who dare call themselves or others refer to as "experts".  The left are truly conned.

Moving along, there's also the laughably absurd notion of "existential threats" to the nation.  "Climate change" is just one of them.  There are others, one of which is the dire threat of "white supremacy".  Now, I've met quite a few people in my life who are prejudiced against those of other races.  Some of them are black.  The most recent case of a white guy who readily admitted to being prejudiced against black people is a dude who has no problem with them in a general sense, but prefers not to mingle.  That's about as harsh as his bias goes.  He has no problem working with them if he has to, but simply would rather just spend his life among "his own kind".  He's not militant about it in the least.  I knew another guy about ten to fifteen years ago who claims he doesn't find black women attractive...and I know he bedded and incredibly sketchy looking white chick after having met her mere hours before in the dive bar we frequented after bowling night.   I listed several black female celebs I personally regard as smokin' hot, and he insists they do nothing for him.  Only Halle Berry has any attraction to him, and that slightly because of her white mother.  In any case, my point here is that I've never met anyone who believes we should drive out the black man or is eager to begin any kind of race war.  To the extent that white supremacist groups might exist, the federal law enforcement stats number them in the tens of thousands at most.  Not the type of numbers which qualifies as any serious threat to anyone.  I'd wager there are far more white people who would oppose them then join them.  The left are truly conned.

In Joe Biden's recent speech of this past Thursday, he lied about the "fascism" of "MAGA Republicans" and how the GOP is intimidated by Trump and his supporters.  But the notion of GOP fascism is not new.  I have a close of the most intelligent lefties I've ever met...who has referred to GOP presidents...Bush 43 at the fascistic.  It's an old lie told by the left some have been conned into accepting as true.  These days, it's an absolute joke of a lie, given all that's been impose upon us by Dems since the advent of the Covid "crisis"...a con job all by itself.  A greater example of Democratic projection would be hard to find, but so many of their constituent voters are sold on the notion as if it's actually true.  The worst part of this con is the direct insult to 75 million American voters who supported Trump.  Never have we heard Donald Trump attack citizens in the manner so common to Joe Biden and frankly, Trump never did it at all  Biden has insulted and verbally assaulted citizens numerous times over the years.  Trump always punches up.  Biden's fascism now is clear, while his supporters and other Trump haters accuse the right of that sin.  The left are truly conned.  

These are just a few examples...manifestations... of how gullible and sheep-like the left truly is and has been for so long.  Indeed, it's the tip of the iceberg of confidence games the Dems play on their willing victims of voters.  This post could stretch for miles. 

I'm told it's bad form and unproductive to refer to political/ideological opponents as "stupid".  And yet...


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

As many people who hate Trump, including too many Republicans and RINOs, I think he'd lose again to whoever the Demokrats fielded.These people don't care about the country, they only hate Trump.

I'd rather see someone else with Trump's ideas be fielded as a Republican candidate. How about DeSantis?

Marshal Art said...

I would hope that, in light of all which has happened since Inauguration Day back in Jan '21, no self-respecting member of the GOP would fail to support Trump if the people again made him the nominee. Should Trump announce, I think it behooves all others who thought of running to step aside for Trump as if he was the incumbent he is after having his re-election stolen from him in '20. That's what I believe is the proper outcome. There would be nothing sweeter, and no other possibility of destroying the moral of the Dem party and their Trump/GOP hating voters to see Trump become president once again.

But I'm also cognizant of the climate as well as the lengths too many will go to prevent Trump from becoming president. As you say, too many hate Trump more than they love the nation and what we now suffer will likely continue even with a GOP president who isn't of the quality of a Trump or DeSantis. I don't believe DeSantis will run this time around, and I don't know who might who is willing to be the type of president either Trump or DeSantis would be. The heat will be great, and anyone short of Trump will take more heat than they otherwise would have were Trump never president. Despite what the Asshole-In-Chief claims to believe, and what his party also promotes, it is they who are the true existential threats to this nation. All which has happened since Jan 2021 has proven that to be true.

Eternity Matters said...

Trump kept his promises better than any politician in memory, so how is that a con?

The Left should have cheered how Trump didn't start wars as his predecessors did. It is so telling that they can't even give him credit for something like that. They are too hate-filled, and deep down I think they love wars.

Eternity Matters said...

The Leftist media, government, and voters actively coordinated the BLM rights, where many were killed and billions of dollars of damage incurred. But they gaslight us and pretend we're the extremists.

Just look at any polls. The vast majority of people oppose late-term abortions, but the Left supports them to the child's first breath. They are literally the extremists on that as well.

Marshal Art said...

Indeed, Neil. Trump's record of keeping campaign promises is pretty much unmatched in recent history. So if there's some kind of con related to those promises he kept, I can't figure out how it's supposed to work. As I said, a con usually results in profit for the conman and measurable loss for the conned. Where is either?

Marshal Art said...

Relocated from a different thread

Dan Trabue said...

I have many reasons I'm so very pro-immigrant and refugee. My family may literally have died out if we hadn't been allowed to escape religious persecution in France by coming to the Americas. They were a relatively wealthy family that escaped with almost nothing.

We should all remember that sort of thing.

But what do we do with a full third (ish, give or take, to greater and lesser degrees) of the nation that has bought into this madness? Biden's taking a nuanced and measured step in denouncing that part of the GOP that has gone all maga-like and bought into/been conned by Trump.

Fortunately, he won't be around in an election cycle or two - he can't be very healthy, no matter how much healthcare being a billionaire (ish) can buy.

September 6, 2022 at 11:57 AM

Marshal Art said...


My mother's parents were immigrants. Their situation doesn't justify what you want our nation to do with regard to anyone with a sob story who seeks to enter illegally. There's no justification for breaking our laws. Ancient Israel didn't tolerate ignoring the laws of the land. There's no conflict between supporting proper immigration according to our laws and common sense, versus ignoring both for selfish intentions. We are not obliged to allow absolutely everyone to come here. Our resources are limited and the intentions of every illegal are not clear and beneficial to our people. YOU need to remember that and stop pretending yours is the "Christian" and compassionate position, given all the serious harm which has befallen, not just our nation, but the illegals themselves thanks to leftist asshats who seek to posture as such.

There's no "madness" inherent in support for Trump or that which he espoused as president. The true madness is from assholes like you who hate him for no legitimate reason, and from your hate chose to support a true madman and hater of America in Joe Biden and his criminal Democrat party. Our nation is suffering greatly due to Trump-haters, who as I've described, are the truly conned by the true conmen. Biden's taken a most dishonest step in lying about "MAGA" Republicans and Trump...a far better man than Biden could ever hope to be. Fortunately, even his own party is trying to figure out how to rid themselves of him. Unfortunately, you assholes will replace him with another moron and should that moron prevail, our nation will decline to greater depths of despair, immorality and destruction. You're a horror promoting the horrible.